2011-48 City Centre CPUD Amendment RESOLUTION 2011-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE SHOPPES AT CITY CENTRE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO REVISE THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, through the enactment of Ordinance No. 2010-22 on December 9, 2010 ("PUD Ordinance"), the Village Council approved the Shoppes at City Centre Commercial Planned Unit Development ("PUD"); and WHEREAS, Section 8 of the PUD Ordinance provides that the Village Council may approve minor modifications to the PUD by resolution without the necessity of review by the Planning Commission, advertisement or public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Property Owner, CF02 Palm Beach III, is requesting a modification to the approved Landscape Plan referenced in the PUD Ordinance to replace 49 oak trees within the eastern portion of the parking lot with 37 palm trees and 13 oak trees (34 palm trees to be located within the eastern parking lot and the remaining trees to be distributed throughout the site); and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the request meets the definition of a minor amendment to the PUD and that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. As authorized by Section 8 of Ordinance No. 2010-22, the Village Council hereby approves a minor modification to the Shoppes at City Centre Planned Unit Development and amends the approved Landscape Plan in accordance with the Tree Removal/Relocation Plan prepared by Urban Design Kilday Studios, dated July 8, 2011, consisting of four(4) pages (LA-1 through LA-4). Section 3. To the extent not expressly modified herein, all other elements of the approved Landscape Plan shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED9 AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2011. n \\ I Fpps ('Village Seal) 40 t / • YOlaZ4.93 \ N 7/1,e 4/( . VILLAGE CLERK LEGEND 0 OAK TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TO BE RELOCATED ON aTE urban design ki I clay Urban Planning & Dsslpn Landscape Architecture Communication Graphics 7aauttetttytwa AL Azzaaa IllathYr RfIM ! 4aWM411a ! I.WM4M1 ........... m :L m di 0 LL a G� O Mo E O V R �V > �Z E I 00 ow co > I NORTH • 20' 40' 80' YWmd-- bale V. W.O. LA-1 Sheet 7 of 4 WILSON -. . LEGEND 0 OAK TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TO BE RELOCATED ON aTE urban design ki I clay Urban Planning & Dsslpn Landscape Architecture Communication Graphics 7aauttetttytwa AL Azzaaa IllathYr RfIM ! 4aWM411a ! I.WM4M1 ........... m :L m di 0 LL a G� O Mo E O V R �V > �Z E I 00 ow co > I NORTH • 20' 40' 80' YWmd-- bale V. W.O. LA-1 Sheet 7 of 4 -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - urban __ - - -� _ ELLISON WILSON R AD ki I da — — — — - — - - -- f STUDIOS) PLANT SCHEDULE I I I , I m I � ti — ✓ • 1 I m E, — I v _ m rm O � ee v_ _ ' I` — — _ _ — � L m ® � I I S � I , Urban Planning n rc & Design L nCA T= Communication GmDhlcs IYYb�I nn c w— I s V I J n •� P, .. III r �f — i I 'I p I ON 10 —OrwnXwcosxuCa— a11��AIS.YS1d CxR 2 s wig —CO UGIFI —JI m 13) r Mnsr�afLw FFiFm arils iE wrwTlorv�� I I ae s 1zGr�vw000xvrvcxosaanuFZE� s _ _ l I FUTURE d µO TEED ONNTloxt REnlGVx - I 1a V GN( /GUERCUSVIfx31NINN 7EXPANSION I .. ",500 SQ FT /�. I -J �rxerournra F„c Iw; . = � / 1 RETAIL u=.RT rwc ,11 cnee�aurneTro/sexu �. 19.040 SO FT � I vm 10 M-1—M-114-11081— a� ANCHORTENANT "B" ANCHORTENANT "A" II (AND SUPPORT) 25,000 SO FT i „ I ".� I wa s FmcrnlC anu. /woovciu elruxGeTnlxFwcnTeUl ,.swr m B I 8 O 25,839 SO FT TAIL "B'� H I I rGraEVwcco leUSnxal "' EXISNN. �7. 97O FT a uxosGnae. rn.l ' In cl.waw: xx Z NGrNNFaT SIGN p9 US HIGHWAY #1 I II 0 .1a LL G1 v L d }' G Va a M L y o � Z �o y O R a v I > L 0 In Sheet 2 of 4 . ... ...... Typical Canopy Tree, Large or Exotic Palm Tree with Root Barrier Typical Small Tree or Palm Tree with Root Barrier ROOT BARRIER DETAIL .I.. IRREGULAR & MULTI-STEM TREE .I.. a— TYPICAL PALM TREE PLANTING ara. LARGE SHRUB PLANTING F=� .&T + + + .. . . . .. . + + SHRUB AND GROUND COVER LAYOUT GROUND COVERS AND ROOTED CUTTINGS N- 5....TTTL9 PLANTING BED EDGE N— MULCH RING IN SOD .13. TREE PLANTING (2-4" CALIPER) ala. urban deugn sfuC310 Urban Planning& Design Landscape AmhIlm-turs Communication Graphic —0aftCIW- a— 1-1 211,111111.11011 F.MAKIIIII a-fta Wbee.wl�e� orb weY 0 LL IL 0 Z r0 vs 0 C 0 0 = as > CL Sheet 9 of 4 PART I-GENERAL Codrador deli ranearoh plane ad rI na; , , apsucbs to delormY pMnst loaaorh d LdMm and obdmcd s bdae aoi - me hg work Contractor std obinn «ensue ehst d nscrrrry 1 I harm, been patted b the Ownerfor work an the Owner's g w Nee «n any atlemt easements pdorb comets M 0 ofwork AnahneaI The 8psdiptlad am sn npatlim par -the CoereaL Then dpec■cneons aro at grddebea by which to Contraloft work rid be )dp & Nakmnplance wth epsdlae,hn wS be dawn for roj on of work by et Omer and ands for rartpobtlon otter' pros, «aaher avdsble HMans: Pins we s par dti Conked. Any disaspandea between Pins and Cantrad Doaarahts dot be ropabd I xWldey b the Owner. Ganars Caad■om OeneMl Pmvisbre Nee Oontrac, kdudkhg esnsd and SpecW Co MDM apply b to work of alit section Gaaerak The work aaasists of he dal d labor, nrtarllb apple ces, trareparWpau, so, to aonplb all' ' work as dhovwh onto dMwknps an kmkmded In the plant lot and n Amen tpedld. Vllork she I I I nrrktmhres and watarkp of d pintknp areas MW m ea of d Ism seas d ti Cabs - urd fns aaoeptsce by Owner. me" 9 The Cordracbr dot pmsondy odnrnkt the project de sal Idy aoqukt hknrsa with d dad sds9 mhdtlotr n ardor eel no mirralardlarhdnp my aHerwrrdd sins ad b As d— Ma «era b to,dent d tha work b ba dons, and ■awls, n odarb advls and eaqu mat hnralf with d preau0,r b be tarn n ode b sued k" b peroors «pnopmly danoeer. Tee C,Waabh bid she rood t i N uhI nn I d the p *d de. No additional mnpanseon wE be grstsd, aOer et bid is awantsd, do b a y w=uml -tear I which may be seoutmed n tt emsc tion err rrrkterrr , of any parlion -the wank Any daaepmc1 onr I I, «double ss lo nee d d be mmmbobd b at Owner, n writ st the ama dad bid, who wS maice sy InbnpMbtionhs he', necessary. GLIALJTY ASSIRtANIet Cods, & Standards: The Contractor she be mspar"la ter;look; ms irnCrompe In mhnpbb aooaderes with d applabb robs, ordnrhoem,, and hews. Any me IINaeah nude b oordann with dakf oodw imm a and adnrhosn, star" bld Is ,wads L dell bs aarpinbd at the Cadradoft expanse at no oddbrW rot& the Owns". Codrecfoft Caawm The Cahtra, , rid have his labor eon aatroted and directed by an arperlarrosd Im mw wait varasd In alaralrd prrhtlrp Procedures. Meer; bkmeprkhb sal ooardhatorh with,", Palo mi swvbn n at Job sen n arderb seats khslahtlorh Mpkly. and mMally. &gwrinbndm* The Cokacor dal provlAe a aahupelmt 8upmnbnde t on ore Jkde at d linen, who she be sty aulhorlaed an ee Conkacora aged an at Canbanbrm, Ram,poe - i fyr Thar., I ', stet be eeksly natporrbie fort he work Wd *W aoopWCS by ore Owner. The Cahbarter dal pmobc d n1 1 sal work eg" MuV from any amuse and std pravlde and makteth d nsoenary guards ter t o prolacl , d the public. He stet be held ronpotrbb f, hl rheamnom, n ee prone, a dfM work Probagon ofExbft Sinckase M sdatnp bum %?M was, war. ffarYnS ep1ping,stab6l�td rid bpobrrdd car s� CarW�sclor « Owner. The Owner may . at his dlae I have eany I s ropaksd by dhms ad subsequently costs ba ',clnr00 b at Contractor. Pmbcftn d 6dstiq PkM Msrb The Omhtrwlor rid be raepasbis forms unsu horsed cuff err carps b trees ordnbs edYkhp a otnmwls, cased by carafes ,per 9 d squipme stoclgII of nrlenlld dc. This old I clue, oanpadloth by dbbS «parlbp krids 9e drfp lone rimy loss. «spip dal, p*w of any from. No gasoline, or other deleterious she bets burred. Tko UbcL deepekL «rk apsskly steeped so do &ey am rnronepared waft wbhty rid be replaced stet cost forte Cartraclor of One ffhrhdtsd Dollars ($100) per aver nch an an awaltkh- web which addle an adowW Wavy (20) p>,t Per inch over four (4) kclhes afpar n toed ad ;tad kp*h ed Bergen Cabardd Ue r eemaed ark (6) l A, aI , e ground level for son up b oralI I I four (4) kwon abovo aroud loud trssioverfou (4) krlhn � sal trusNS (12) n PART 2 - PRODLICM LANDSCAPE DEVELOP■Df r MAMMALS: Mafmble Sanpba of nh - — se lifted below dell be mforribd for epProwl, an the de or as otenwls debnndhsd by the Ownm: Upon approval dsehpfs deteery of nrbrisl mn bo*L MATERIALS SAMPLES FortEaer are (1) slerdmd beglvarley Mulch one (1) cubic lad Toped are (1)a>blaY«d Plan& one (1) d each varey «pholograp s of metered apedrnarh matsntal Warr WarrnecesoMforplardkpandmakd nerastdbedselrldory quafr lo asiel an adequdf grow& d pbnb and and net wnlakn hwnft nahasl «menmads efrrree dehYnerWl b pisrds. Water nestkp ad above efohdP shd be obftkW on the sus from at Own«, a avaieblo, end do Conbador she be keep, -"" b mdd wmrpmnsuts fw b tm by Fos fade. home, apdnNed, dm end will be mop, lams ford aaeb a sodebd with water use. M a mh wart r not avdabb st the ate, the Conked, dal pmdit such setldadOry waterftam eancas ague de at no 'a* cost to the Owner. Fu Mm The fobwnW fmtEm and be uwd n d typed d pbrdW ehcapt pans end lawn areas. GrrwrrfmtEaer dell be a aanplets In 0 ar t that be ualbnm In wmponit' dy and free bw b Thl fmtEaw ohd be delivered b the ds n the moA u apered contskhms, each bsaNhp the mwidect rarls st, I - -rhI of ansyab, and std meat tha olowntl mqukemwb: as Provided by Lsew ten (10) Paramt Khop m bur (4) lekaee Photphons. twelve (12) prmemd Pdastnal or owner approved equal and ncnde trace afinenb The faSmms will be applied at the bbwhp Mies: PLANT 82E 10512 1 Wet. IM b. 3 gal. 113 b. 7 -15 gal. 112 b. 11141' DSH 1 bBX ad. IF and MW 1.5 bLM, cal. 'Palen SpwlaP by Laaeo shall be 12, 2-14. or Ownm-approved squat aomplela wfth mdmxwbtmhb and be applied to all pond at k -bldon at a rate of 1 b. per Inch dtnck caliper «own, approved equal. Apply Leew 24511 (ahh 0% ken) or owner approved equal b d lawn ease at a rats of 50 be per 12,000 square lad. Note: Apply fmlEaens to pant boom not led structures. Kew ferSmerd off d pewees aree. Malde Mrtah metro' and be Grade A dlredded Euteypk- mulch and applied at a depth deems (3) kadea. Plad specs arc she rid edam to apse k N I on the drewirgs, of pleb shall meet or exceed all mfNnum tpedkdt,- AO nursery elodk shd be In a=rdwm with Grades and Mw&LVs ibrMomy Pleb rtes edlrn pubMled beat Florlde DepaMhart d AgramlWM end C,suner Smvbed. M pbnb shd be Flalda Grads No. t «batter as deb mnktd by the Florida Division of Pre Industry. At plantkp.11168 maiarbl std be hadmtd df and rod pnned du ft production. Trees for planting In rows shat be unSam In etas and shape. AN material std be su*d to approval by the Owner. Whore any requkernmhb ant atr'a, trans the Plat UeL the plants tracahsd rid be normal for the varier. Plants std be peed prior to delivery only upon the approval -the Owns". PLANT M Pled neesure ants rid be per Florida Grades ad Srdads, latest edition. Sod: Sod std be neasured an the barb d sgrdre bdage Contrador std be roeponsb1, for ooverapa dad square tbotape aim. an pom ehereb eh Wqp of nWarrls rid be the nesporhs"Sy of the Contractor. PLANT 968PECTWN: Plants shall be subJsd b' g i c", rh ad approval st et place d gnowlh, «upon delivery to the ds, as dskrmked by the Owner, for quality, ems, and varey; such approval shd not khpstret e4M b khepecfion and rejection at et due durtp progress d at work a after oom;1,11, m ter sea ad mxion d bar «Mots. kdmt I I or k*ub& Rejected Web aid be Mmoved nnedaby from to Meat no our b the Owner. Notice nequednW I , 'Ion shall be slcmtt ed n wrung by at Cwkad, at Pest ant (1) weak prior to dab. PhoogMWhs d'mschW nadatae dell be provided b the Owner se a raviev d Wed quality far the, plant' g x " n prbr b ddvwy b de. Dispulasragwift1he grades of plants shall be gove ntd by the Gmdas and Standards 'Nonce nslence Cases «Vkhlebns', ad •Rwffrna Corwlebb• (p. vl d tha Gmalw and Standards) ONOW AND HAIDURk Probe roots or burs of plants at d emn from sun. dynW winds, wrier anal fee" as Mea.wY urd p- -- n Pant nrtsrs o d be adequby paahed b prevent bneaksps ad dyke out durnp -tarot Balltd and BubPped Pbmb (BO dal be rip with *M trend bd d ed d adldut ebs to encompass at fbmhe ad non woody mob d the ; lards. No plea nhovad with a bur dal be;luted "the lad b asd-d err broken Plante bdsd and bdbpped ar , , I I sr gram rid not be hided by atsrrs. Pkobdbn d pdma (Nappkdb) Ocy a mnkem df orh I rid be r moved from the amn dthe palm limes b bdlab wvtq and hw ClarTrhnk (CT) std be n dpeebd Mar the ntalmm other true loam removed. M pale rid be bwoed per the dent. 13oeavd, ekes pica she ba done uftp enmarns ere b avoid damps b Men tha use dootecld slack l pamGb 'a indicated an 9e Pre Lid and Schedule, the I k n sores of bd del be equal to the apecIf forts nod longer ere of nursery grown dock of the sons varier. CONTAB GROWN STOCK M aatsYer grown nebrlsi rid per Fnrds 0radn ad 8wderdd. rbst eolon, MATERIALS UST: Oue tiles nsoowy to commpirlr to work ah the Drawingr rid be Mired. Gutsily adtlnhafs have bean made ardiy, kd at Over aseurnhen no liability for ariaoer or anora M dkrhmrbrs Nall be the mnnun soceplable rims. Should a dwaspency oaar I , , , n the bidden We oS oral the plant lot quantity, the Unincape Anlnted and Owner did be noM for cetNaaon pdor to the sub le" d bids. PART 3 - EXECUTION FOR GRADNG Fire- - unde ei or s rid o st d a nsl leld - air; d awned ln - seMahae bamug grad by ," - Rough grade, stet be set V" below and grades. The Coeracbr rid fins grads the lawn sal pisnikp areas b bang at rough t of ad ardfor mulch dqML This Cortrabr shell Arm grads by hand � w lh d egWpnent necessary, Yhdnmdr , a graft bador wBh trardend loader for p o d o d ore ad w it hn to PLANTWO PROCEDURES: Clwhkhg UP' I g The C, for rid dean up work sal wnoualkp amen d e mbbleh «abJoetlanahls mutter. AI mats". a, 1 1 ad fade mate'stet be roncved man ore srboe rid ptfnikp bade. Than mWrrl rid not be mired with ee mail. Shedd to Conkacor tkal such ad aorhd fors bmnea& the ad which will In any way tivsnsly aged to Wart growth, he nhd inrknedisey and t b the all 9 d9e Owner. Failure b do so I dro plrtkp std rocks the aonsdvs nenu a the rasp, - % Nee Cmhk.dor. The work rill be 000rdnm, , with other trades to prevent ooM' Coordinate the We 9 with et nlpseon work b eras avateblW of wdm ad proper kcatloth of to II h bans sal pbnb. M a dead not oaar urd std Is 1009& kr19 a1 1 At plaekhg rid be by op ea daqudtsat hmer or ssurad ebnk sr pockets around the roots. Pdorb p g s ",rh dtroe pus, awes, to location of d efdtlal cables, d aonduin, d d■y vet. d Imn s ad soppy tea. w set prove► preau tar may ;slant sdbstng Mb or any whoa krkprovenveft Properly rhr.. . and M tram, pits rid be moovatsd to eke and depth an down an the drawirgn, and bmditd� Mk; wt n pd I Mrsknbefas Test d tree s � to msmun� p� No allowance will be ter plants do to n Tress still be sal Web ad held n g M, urd1lit plmdkp m blurs hen been auYhad kto glom,. Tale d rhweewy precmN,s b avoid damage b buldinps and bulding ancturo whin khsts■rng bses. bead and select pre rnsI is bd- pleb aro dap at Misery «growkp ells. Centeno b horlamral practices as used In at bade. Plants act be protected upon ar" at the ate by lain emomouOAly wM, - sal propmly nd... urd Wwsd Pies dell not roman urprobded for • period exaedkhW krerdy4am► (u) hours. At d tithes worinsnBt nhstrodn customary n good hoNains pMCbs stet be struisd Tnaa and comb rid lam, met - Itill and at such a level &d der 11" 1 1 ee Want rod bat wS stand tw (2) l - above Wade. Each Wet dal be set n ee emir dthe pt Sat amnia dell be tha ughly tsrmPed ar,rd the bur and ast be estbd by water after -1 1 g Do not eover fop dice with sal niMm M rope. wkss, s Wwft meth dc.. she ba rsrnovsd fiom et fop 1/3 d the rod bur, but no burlap and be pried Gam u dernesk No ay id hde burlap Is abwed on any plod mr' I I Syntiallo burlap b ureooePbble ter mdbab Trsea stet be platted do ohs the top -the rod bd Is r above *W Weds. Part Each Me del be paned, at the Onneft dracbm to pnesmve the nakrnal deMder dtha pre n on the mawnpa M soft wood «suWdr growth and mill ake «body damped I - A deli be nathmoved with a dean out At pnrhtp b be Per ANSI ASW (pat 1) Tree. SW" and otlwwoody plat nrlrW Was rrrthtsnsrhoe stsnhdand practices (pnnb* Ground aaw Parts std be wany speed In aoo,darce with live drewlig sal an kalbbd an the pint bL Tram, Saying ad bracing; std be the mWwmbfr of the Cwbacor n aoce , with the prndk g deM plans to Insure stab- oW nrirtsh plants In an qxw Poelon. IlsekkI I Vlltsd Combat: At lan iscole sons end be tom, of nut grew omPedo grow ad oetr nodes wssdn urd frel aoapWhom, oFwork.`Roun6W s d be applied to d plrufkh9 areas as needed. - dermhred oo-de by t e ownerfor weed oa I I 'R«ebr psansrpot «Oww gvmved equal, rid be applied 2 weeks air plrtkp Apply pa►bbal apscIf " Apply -ROOm m,' In d areas whets brpsda gran led amsged. Apply par nod Apply'Basagrsa' or 910 n d areas wlem mnillnan hms emerged Apply pw lard apaa0as1 ahf Contractor Is raapore6f to ro eve rocks and colors from pralkq pea ercouhbrsd duke Itrhdsoaps kW WtloM. PLANT MATEIMAL MAOffEMANCE M plrta sal pisnikhg nckaled uderei Ombsci dot be rod... by walmkrW cubes nW, ma I g, spraft sal d ode" apeMaons necessary b kru -a healthy mdMah by the Contractor had Fig AoaWarce by et Owner. GUARANTEE: 7M M sal satsbcloy aothelon rid pre msterW pbrtrd dal be Warranted of byteQrmdare(1)olraler year, andbrWkrrte -ind Soddft shall be puratarhbsd b produce s udbmh lawn risk; from et deb d Rdplaorrmarrr Any plat not banal n a hahBy m—' oorh9brh d the and -the gueraritas perbLahll be ronroved Dorn ed de ad repined n wan n wed w Mabalab most 10 orhar All rapla - e Is rid be plants red terns hind sal sae n spelled n et Pl rt List They dal be frdstrod putted sal mired as rPsdbdl urde►'PbenW.• at no addbnal Last b ale Orwher. The", del vbt the pMJwt sits perbdc* dung ore ens yaw um, pwW b eveksb mnkftrwm Praaeftm bent psfonned by the Owner, ad dal no* ore Owner In wd ft of maI i , , procedures or III, re which th-809 vb ft ad hedy pre growth. Sts Nsb rid be oonhducI a rrhkhknm data per morn& fora POW d twelve (12). Kid the data daaeplsroe with wrherh codmeton arc reporL INSPECTION AID ACCEPTANCE- Find tnp anon st the ed of the guarantee period rid be for ph, a g low sescft consbebn ad a other' d , work pwwrnti b ate contrea Any roploehee at eW Int rid be subject b the same ens (1) year persnlas (« as specified by ore owner l wrtna) I pkrhI with at lime of roprosnsnt and u dnp wl h to Lake .-." . and aoceplares Amon dmrrlied. SCHEDULE: Within 15 days der Note b Pnocee4 SUMS to the Owner a sale" strawkV t a folowt 0 A braaldown stet a"I' bd@Mo work by bilks. The sequence In which bald rid be par far, ed A' 1 11 1- d psosips damned comb n t Mlaba b lads;, lb sal HUM No m*blbn ter payment del be oaa , prerb recel t d act"duls. U_rban n sl O U Irchlbe m Ccanmunl, K, Graphic theLambe!cayn s whet Pon mence, FL=an anaallm wwwJisardommm eww MUMMeelomme— "are rar.rreyn.em a —Why mee■m—aa. r. erercad- ..er.a.ee. rr.r.ehr rr�ir�m�rwy,r� r.r. Pe�r,.rm er r enym. &bmne" nary—PAWN sea. =MV www�m L AW Vcc MaName y C O ■ems ■� memis LL 4W Cc Aaame w s. c CL co E d C Qe r 0� S Co 0 to .j z Sheet 4 of 4