APRIL 28, 2011
• Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
William L. Manuel, President Pro Tem
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal,Village Clerk
Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 9:07 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staff were present. Item 2.c was moved forward on the agenda at this time.
Continued discussion was held concerning the capital project to install sidewalks and streetlights
within the Southwest Neighborhood using funding from undesignated reserves.
Mr. Knight gave a recap of previous meetings and discussion on this issue. Mr. Knight advised
the estimated project cost (before any landscaping removal/relocation) would be $385,000,
including design, engineering, FPL infrastructure, and all related installation construction costs.
Removal and relocation of obstacle trees is estimated at $21,550; Mr. Knight recommended this
be included in the project, which brings the estimated total cost to $406,550. Mr. Knight
reported on a Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) grant for pedestrian walkways.
Mr. Knight stated this reimbursable grant provides up to$750,000 with no matching funds required.
Discussion ensued on questions and concerns mentioned at the 3/31/11 Town Hall meeting.
Mr. Knight explained the proposal to remove and relocate trees and discussed the swale tree
program. Mr. Knight discussed parking options, and explained how water meters, driveway
aprons, and irrigation systems would be addressed. Mr. Knight expressed the hope that the
project would increase property values as that benefits all residents and the Village as a whole.
Installation of sewer lines was discussed; Mr. Knight explained this would be very expensive and
a significant cost to the residents. It was suggested that Council consider installing only curbing and
sidewalks. Mr.Knight stated that due to drainage issues,this would make the project cost prohibitive.
Council discussed swale trees and the issue of clear zones, wherein nothing is planted closer to
the road than six feet. Mr. Rubin will review the matter further. It was requested that Mr. Knight
try to define project costs further, such as obtaining an analysis of the cost to lay sewer pipe now
for a future connection project.
• By consensus, this item will come back for further discussion before a determination is made
regarding issuance of an Invitation to Bid (ITB) or Request for Proposals (RFP), and pending
additional research requested by Council.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held April 28,2011 Page 2 of 2
Discussion took place concerning a proposed code amendment to regulate the use of portable
storage containers (PODS) and roll-off dumpsters in all zoning districts. Mr. Knight related that
the Village has received numerous complaints regarding abandoned construction projects with
portable storage containers or roll-off dumpsters left on the property for an extended time.
Mr. Knight noted that by establishing guidelines, the Village would be able to enforce
requirements on the size, quantity, length of time, and placement on the property, which would
decrease the adverse impact to surrounding residential and commercial communities. Mr. Knight
reported the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on 4/12/11 and approved the proposed
amendments with one condition pertaining to multi-family residential properties with different unit
A concern was raised regarding new construction, which would likely last longer than 180 or 210
days. Suggestions to address this issue included allowing use of portable storage containers and
roll-off dumpsters for a longer time during new construction by providing different removal
deadlines pertaining to renovation or new construction, requiring submittal of a construction
schedule, or allowing multiple extensions at a minimal fee. Mr. Rubin will revise the proposed
ordinance to provide for multiple extensions, at a minimal fee to cover administrative costs,
subject to approval/revocation.
This item was moved forward to the next Regular Session agenda.
Discussion was held regarding a proposed code amendment decreasing the minimum size for
commercial planned unit developments to one acre, clarifying requirements, and providing for
industrial planned unit developments.
Mr. Knight noted this issue was previously considered at the 12/10/09 Workshop Session as part
of the "Implementation Guidelines of a Village Comprehensive Economic Development Plan."
Mr. Knight explained the first proposed amendment reduces the size of a commercial planned
unit development(CPUD) from two and one-half acres to one acre. Mr. Knight noted the Village is
largely built-out, with few parcels that would qualify for a CPUD at two and one-half acres.
Additionally, the proposed ordinance would clarify application procedures and provide for
industrial planned unit development within the newly annexed light industrial area.
This item was moved forward to the next Regular Session agenda.
With no further business to come before the Council,the meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village lerk