07-24-1991 VC B WS-M~`' _. 1~., r~ ~' M E M O RAN D U M VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH T0: Mayor & Village council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager RE: Budget Workshop Minutes - Wednesday, July 24, 1991 DATE: July 29, 1991 The following represents the North Palm Beach Village Council's workshop session discussing the Country Club budget (revised). Mayor Gardner convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present. In addition, The Village Manager, Finance Director, Country Club Administrative Secretary Sheila Dewberry, Country Club Administrative Board Chairman M. C. Love, CCAB members Dick Voss, Arnold Hess, Frank Shone, Jim Rusnak and Chuck Weston were also in attendance. The Village Council, along with staff and Country Club Administrative Board Chairman M. C. Love, spent the entire evening discussing the Country Club budget (revised) as presented by the Country Club Administrative Board. Based on the summary as of July 22, 1991 (CCAB Revised), the following changes were made: REVENUES: 1. L4100-09300 - Loan change from $175,600 to $165,000. EXPENSES: 1. L8045-66210 - Construction and Major Renovation Cart Paths change from $40,000 to $46,000. Mayor & Village Council July 29, 1991 Page 2 Administration: 2. L8056-33220 - Administration - Village change from $43,100 to $58,600 (Village Manager). 3. L8056-33220 - Administration - Village change from $58,600 to $50,600 (Public Services). Debt Service: 1. L8565-49160 - Payment Loan change from $47,370 to $40,000 (see attached schedule). Reserve Expenses: 1. L8070-49900 - Village Manager Contingency change from $5,000 to $0. 2. L8070-49910 - Country Club Contingency change from $75,000 to $65,264. (The following will be an integral part of the budget and placed as a footnote to the Country Club Contingency Account: In the event sufficient funds are available in Account L8070-49910 at the beginning of the fiscal year fourth quarter (July 1, 1992) to fund the NPBCC Pool diving tower improvements for $18,000 and the Pool underwater lights repair for $16,000, then said funds will be committed for these purposes. The lights will be a first priority and the tower will be a second priority.) Pool: 1. L8051-66210 - Construction and Major Renovation Diving Tower change from $18,000 to $0 (see note to Country Club Contingency - L8070-49910). 2. L8051-66210 - Construction and Major Renovation Underwater Lights change from $16,000 to $0 (see note to Country Club Contingency - L8070-49910). Mayor called for continuation of the budget workshops to Monday, '- July 29, 1991, and Tuesday, July 30, 1991, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. both nights for continuation of the budget workshops. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:50 p.m. Mayor & Village Council July 29, 1991 Page 3 This memorandum will represent and serve as the minutes of the above stated Village Council workshop of the FY 91-92 budget. DWK:sh Attachment cc: Department Heads CCAB VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH BACKUP BUDGET WORKSHEET BUDGET YEAR 1991 - 92 )EPT. #: L4100 DEPT: COUNTRY CLUB RESERVES 3BL4100 _ ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT TITLE DETAIL HEAD REQUEST CCAB RECOMMEND FINAL 09300 LOAN ----- NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB CAPITAL FINANCING FY 1991-92 CCAB COUNCIL REVISED WORKSHOP 7-22-91 7-24-91 CART PATHS $100,000 $ 40,000 $ 46,000 RANGE LIGHTS 20,000 30,000 30,000 TENNIS SOFT COURTS 80,000 80,000 80,000 POOL DIVING TOWER 18,000 0 0 POOL UNDERWATER LIGHTS 16,000 16,000 0 --------- -------- --------- 5UB TOTAL: $234,000 $166,000 $156,000 CONTINGENCY 5$: 11,700 8,300 7,800 MISC. EXPENSES: 1,300 1,300 1,200 --------- -------- --------- $247,000 $175,600 165,000 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE PRINCIPAL REQUIRED $247,000 $175,600 165,000 PERIOD 10 YEARS 10 YEARS 5 YEARS APPROX. INTEREST RATE 9$ 9$ 7$ YEARLY PAYMENTS (APPROX.) $ 38,500 $ 27,370 40,000 OPTIONS 1. BORROW FUNDS FROM GENERAL FUND 2. LOAN FROM BANK 3. ISSUE REVENUE BOND