07-08-1991 VC B WS-M~~. r~,,,.~ ~ ,. ~. ~~ . ~~~ .~ "•; M E M O R A N D U M VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH T0: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag RE: Budget Workshop Minutes - Monday, July 8, 1991 DATE: July 9, 1991 The following represents the North Palm Beach Village Council's workshop session discussing the Country Club budget. Mayor Jerry Gardner convened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. All Council members, Village Manager, Finance Director, other staff and Mr. Dick Voss, Vice Chairman of the Country Club Administrative Board, were present. Also present were Board members Mr. Frank Shone and Mrs. Lucia Traugott. ,The following items were discussed with the following changes: 1. Received opening comments from Mayor Jerry Gardner,.- accompanied by a memo from him dated July 8, 1991 (copy attached as a part of these minutes). 2. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the creation of a Country Club Administrator with a final consensus by the Council to create the position of Country Club Administrator. 3. The next point of discussion was Country Club revenues with the following changes agreed to by consensus: a. Line Item L2100-05233-User Fee Change from $75,000 to $0. b. All tennis revenues were placed on hold pending further discussion and explanation regarding Country Club Administrative Board estimates of revenues. Mayor & Village Council July 9, 1991 Page 2 c. Line Item L3200-07200-Golf - Lease C o u n c i l began discussion on this item; however, did not complete discussion by 10:00 p.m. curfew and will discuss this item on Tuesday, July 9, 1991 and will continue with Line Item L3253-08100-Food and Beverage - Lease. Discussion ended at this point with a 10:00 p.m. adjournment. This memorandum will represent and serve as the minutes of the above stated Village Council workshop for the FY 91-92 budget. DWK:sh Attachment cc: Department Heads ~~, k R ~~~~ COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS Jerry Gardner, Mayor July 8, 1991 Let me congratulate the Country Club Administrative Board on the many hours they have devoted this year to getting organized and to preparing the budget. I was prepared to rubber-stamp any balanced budget submitted by the CCAB, but since they have not .done so by virtue of its request for a $247,000 loan, I feel free to critique and make suggested modifications to the submitted budget. For a number of years the Country Club has operated without a manager. There has not been, nor is there now, a person who is '"'~' taking full responsibility for the day to day operation of the golf course, swimming pool and tennis. The Village Manager's responsibilities to the Village preclude his spending much time with the daily problems of the Country Club. It is folly to think that the CCAB, diligent as it may be, can operate a golf course by committee. It is my understanding that most CCAB members indicated they wanted a manager. Therefore, I propose the following: Hire a full-time experienced manager to be paid for as follows: $15,500 Cost allocation for services provided by Village Manager 8,800 Cost allocation for services provided by Public Services 28,000 Elimination of golf pro position $52,300 Available for manager In reviewing the golf pro's duties, I see no area of expertise that _, cannot be handled by a manager. If some qualified individual cares to operate the pro shop and to give lessons, we can give that some consideration. s Country Club Budget Recommendations (Continued Jerry Gardner, Mayor July 8, 1991 As to capital improvements, I am ambivalent about some items and negative about some. TENNIS: Four (4) new soft courts $80,000 to accommodate four (4) new resident family memberships and seven (7) resident single memberships for a total increase including non-residents of $8,860 per year for an expenditure of $80,000. This will hardly pay for the amortization, let alone the principal. 52$ of the tennis club members are non-residents. POOL: The pool is a similar situation. 63~ of the total membership is non-resident. 44$ of the total membership is non-resident Juniors and Masters. I believe the diving tower, for $18,000, can be postponed for another year. If the Country Club Administrative Board recommendations for Capital Improvements can be reduced to $150,000, I will recommend that $70,000 be encumbered for these projects from the 1990-91 Country Club Contingency Fund to be used in 1991-92 and that Council lend to the Country Club $80,000 at 7$ interest declining balance payable over five years. These are the major issues I wish to address. Other than these, I find very little to differ with the recommendations of the Country Club Administrative Board. JG:sh