12-08-2005 VC REG-AVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA REGULAR SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. Edward Eissey [ ] David B. Norris [ ] Rob Rennebaum [ ] Charles O'Meilia [ ] Donald G. Noel [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Councilman Councilman Mark Bates [ ] George Baldwin [ ] Melissa Teal [ ] Village Manager Village Attorney Village Clerk 1. ROLL CALL 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. INVOCATION -MAYOR EISSEY PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -COUNCILMAN O'MEILIA AWARDS AND RECOGNITION a. Certificate of Appreciation -Erika Strasser APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Minutes of Special Session held 11/10/OS b. Minutes of Regular Session held 11/10/OS COUNCIL BUSINESS MATTERS A. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS B. DECLARATION OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS C. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND QUASI JUDICIAL MATTERS 1. BILL 1191 - 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CODE -BOATS. DOCKS AND WATERWAYS Consider a motion to approve first reading of Bill 1191, a proposed ordinance amending Chapter 5, Boats, Docks and Waterways, of the Code of Ordinances by adding a new Section 5-16 entitled "Mooring Limitations in Lagoons (Private Docks)"; and amending limitation on anchoring and mooring in prohibited area for vessels engaged in construction or dredging activity. ACTION 2. BILL 1192 - 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE REZONING LAND ADJACENT TO CAROLINDA DRIVE Consider a motion to approve first reading of Bill 1192, a proposed ordinance rezoning a parcel of land adjacent to Carolinda Drive from R-2 Multiple-Family Dwelling District to P-Public District, and providing the zoning district of P-Public District for 2 adjacent parcels. ACTION REGULAR SESSION AGENDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2005 3. BILL 1193 - 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING 2005-06 COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET TO ADJUST GOLF PLAY RATES Consider a motion to approve first reading of Bill 1193, a proposed ordinance amending the 2005-06 Country Club Budget to adjust rates for golf play from 12/26/05 - 12/31/05. ACTION D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Resolution: expressing opposition to Senate Bill 1504 known as the "Broadband Investment and Consumer Choice Act"; urging congressional representatives to refrain from support or co-sponsorship of S. 1504 and to vote in opposition to S. 1504 2. Resolution: authorizing and directing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Disaster Relief Funding Agreement with the Florida Dept. of Community Affairs to secure funds for eligible disaster relief activities necessitated as a result of Hurricane Wilma. E. OTHER VILLAGE BUSINESS MATTERS 1. RESOLUTION - REIMBURSEMENT OF GOLF COURSE FACILITY RENOVATION PROJECT COSTS (TABLED ON 11/10/05) Consider a motion to adopt a resolution establishing intent to reimburse certain costs associated with the golf course renovation project from proceeds of future bank loan financing. ACTION 2. RESOLUTION -DEDICATING AND NAMING PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX FOR JOHN S. ATWATER Consider a motion to adopt a resolution dedicating and naming the Public Safety Complex for Chief John S. Atwater. ACTION 3. RESOLUTION -ACCEPTING BID OF WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. FOR HURRICANE DEBRIS COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Consider a motion to adopt a resolution accepting the bid of Waste Management, Inc. for collection and disposal of hurricane debris, and approving Memorandum of Understanding with Waste Management, Inc.. ACTION 4. RESOLUTION -AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF VEHICLES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY Consider a motion to adopt a resolution approving and authorizing the purchase of 2 used vehicles for the Dept. of Public Safety. ACTION 2 REGULAR SESSION AGENDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2005 RESOLUTION -AUTHORIZING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE VILLAGE AND FEDERATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES Consider a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor, Manager and Village Clerk to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the Village and Federation of Public Employees. ACTION 6. RESOLUTION -CIVIL EMERGENCIES -EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION Consider a motion to adopt a resolution providing for compensation to employees during periods of civil emergency. ACTION F. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION MATTERS MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS a. RESOLUTION - ACCEPTING COMMUNITY/D PROPOSAL OF THE BUXTON COMPANY TO PROVIDE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS AND MARKETING SERVICES Consider a motion to adopt a resolution accepting the CommunitylD proposal of The Buxton Company to provide economic development analysis and marketing services. ACTION b. RESOLUTION -SUPPORTING PROPOSED HOME RULE LOCAL BILL Consider a motion to adopt a resolution supporting the enactment of general state legislation related to the requirement of dual referendum vote with regard to extension of countywide level of service standards for provision of municipal services within a municipality and supporting a proposed local bill regarding municipal home rule powers concerning use and funding of Palm Beach County Fire/Rescue Dispatch System. ACTION c. RESOLUTION -MOTION TO INTERVENE IN FIRE RESCUE DISPATCH LAWSUIT Consider a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing and directing the Village Attorney to file a Motion to Intervene in the lawsuit challenging the method of funding Palm Beach County Fire/Rescue Dispatch System. ACTION d. ANNUAL GLADES TRI-CITIES BARBECUE Discussion concerning Annual Glades Tri-Cities Barbecue and consideration ofsponsorship/donation request from City of Belle Glade. ACTION 3 REGULAR SESSION AGENDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2005 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS CONTINUED e. Village Time Capsule (verbal report) 2. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS a. General Pension Plan Summary Document (verbal report) b. Nicklaus Agreement Update c. Anchorage Park Marina 7. REPORTS (SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY BOARDS) a. Minutes of 50th Anniversary Committee meeting held 9/28/05 b. Minutes of Waterways Board meeting held 10/18/05 c. Minutes of Code Enforcement Board meeting held 11/7/05 8. ADJOURNMENT Next Ordinance 29-2005 Next Resolution 107-2005 If a person decides to appeal any decision by the Village Council with respect to any matter considered at the Village Council meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to based. This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. 4