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2007-088 Lakeside Park Sidewalk & Parking Lot Agreement
• RESOLUTION 2007-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A CONTRACT AWARD TO CHARLES S. WHITESIDE, INC. TO PROCEED WITH THE LAKESIDE PARK PATHWAYS AND PARKING LOT REPAVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE SAME; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village wishes to proceed with its repaving of Lakeside Park's pathways and parking lot and WHEREAS, Village Administration recommends that the contract be awarded to Charles S. Whiteside, Inc. by piggy backing the existing Palm Beach County Contract #2007052, Annual Pathway and Minor Construction; and WHEREAS, the amount of this contract shall not exceed $33,343.30, with funding from Account #08023-49006 (FIND Grant); and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village. • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section I . The foregoing recitals aze ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section2. The Village Council hereby approves the contract with Charles S. Whiteside, lnc. for the repaving of pathways and parking lot at Lakeside Park and authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the contract on behalf of the Village. Section 3. The wst ofthis contract shall be funded utilizing budged fiQCds tiom Account #08023-4900b. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS lath DAY OF (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK p.2 AGREEMENT FOR LAKESIAE PARK REPAVING PROJECT This Agreement is made as of the day of,.,~D~~2007, by and between the VILLAGE GF NORTH PALM BEACH, 501 US Highway 1, North Palm $each, Palm Beach County, Florida, 33408, a Florida municipal corporation ("VILLAGE"), and CHARLF..S S. WHITESIDE, CNC, 250 Truck and Trailer Way, West Palm Beach, FL 33413- 1605, aFlorida corporation, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR, whose Federal LD. is RECITALS WHEREAS, the VILLAGE is in need of a contractor to fulfill the VILLAGE'S Lakeside Park pazking lot and pathway repaving; and WHEREAS, Palm Beach County, through its competitive selection process, awarded County Contract No. 2007052 to the CONTRACTOR for the County's annual pathway and minor construction requirements; and WHEREAS, the VII.LAGE requested and the CONTRACTOR provided a proposal for the VILLAGE'S pathway and pazking lot requirements based on the pricing under County Contract No. 2007052; and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE desires to accept CONTRACTOR`S proposal by piggy- backing County Contract No. 2007052 including all terms, conditions and pricing therein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which aze hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The parties agree that the recitals set forth above are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by reference. 2. County Contract. County Contract No. 2007052 with the CONTRACTOR, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", dated January 9, 2007, is hereby expressly made a part of this Agreement as fully as if set forth at length herein. 3. CONTRACTOR'S Proposal. In accordance with the terms and conditions in County Contract No. 2007052, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all goods and sen~ices as skated in its proposal to the VILLAGE. The CONTRACTOR'S proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and is hereby expressly made a part of this Agreement as fully as if set forth at length herein. The goods and services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be commenced subsequent to the execution and approval of this Agreement by the VILLAGE and upon written notice from the VILLAGE to proceed. 4. Conflict of Terms and Conditions. Conflicts behveen documents shall be resolved in the following order ofprecedence: p.3 a. This Agreement b. Exhibit "A" (County Contract No. 2007052) c. Exhibit "13" (CONTRACTOR'S proposal). d. Exhibit "C" {Scope of Work) 5. Compensation to CONTRACTOR. Payments by the VILLAGE to the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of compensation stated in the CONTRACTOR'S proposal. CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to the VILLAGE for review and approval by the VILLAGE'S representative, indicating that goods and services have been provided and rendered in conformity with this Agreement and then will be sent to the Finance Department t.'or payment. CONTRACTOR will invoice the VILLAGE in advance for each payment period. Invoices will normally be paid within thirty (30) days following the VILLAGE representative's approval. CONTRACTOR waives consequenfia] or incidental damages for claims, disputes or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Agreement. In order for both parties herein to close their books and records, CONTRACTOR will cleazly state "final invoice" on the CONTRACTOR'S fiuaUlast billing to the VILLAGE. This certiSes that all goods and services have been properly perfoaned and all charges have been invoiced to the VILLAGE. Since this account will thereupon be closed, any and other further charges if not properly included in this final invoice are waived by the CONTRACTOR. The VILLAGE will not be liable for any invoice from the CONTRACTOR submitted thirty (30) days after the provision of all goods and services. 6. Period and Renewals. This Agreement shall be for the term as indicated on the County Contract No. 2007052. Extensions or renewals to said County Contract or any modi£cation including new products, terms, or price changes to the County Contract shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR to the VILLAGE for approval. In the event said County Contract expires and no new contract is let by the County, VILLAGE reserves the right, upon written agreement with CONTRACTOR to renew this Agreement under the same terms and conditions for an additional period of one (I) yeaz. 7, Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement all insurance required under the County Contract No. 2007052 with the VILLAGE named as an additional insured. 8. Warranty/Guaranty. Unless a longer period is stated in the County Contract No. 2007052, CONTRACTOR warrants that its goods and services provided under this Contract will be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year following delivery and completion of those goods and services. 9. 1VIiscellaneous Provisions. A. Failure of a party to enforce or exercise any of its right(s) under this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of that parties' right to enforce or exercise said right(s) at any time llrereafter. ..r .. . ... ........... p.4 B. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the Agreement will be held in Palm Beach County. No remedy herein conferred upon any pally is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any pally of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. C. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall he enfllled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs and all expenses (including taxes) even if not taxable as court awarded costs (including, without linutation, all such fees, costs and expenses incident to appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. D. if any term or provision of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, to remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such terms or provision, to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected, and every other term and provision of this Agreement shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law_ E. All notices required ut this Agreement shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and sent to the addresses appearing on the first page of ibis Agreement. F. The V[LLAGE and the CONTRACTOR agree that this Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and that there are no promises or understandings other than those stated herein. None of the provisions, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement may be added to, modified, superseded or otlerwise altered, except by written instrument executed by the parties hereto. Any provision of this Agreement which is of a continuing nature or imposes an obligation which extends beyond the term of this Agreement shall survive its expiration or earlier termination. iTI#E REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKI .rcN v-..., .........a p.~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR hereto have made and executed this Agreement for Annual Sidewalk Repair as of the day and yeaz first above written. INC. JOHN M. EVERETT VILLAGE O$', NORTH PALM BEACH BY: DR. DWARD ATTEST: . _~ ~~,8.~',;.,a„s '„' Qi _ ' MF~:I ~~`~"'°"VIliLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY VILLAGE, ATTORNEY ~ R2007~ 0013 JAN 0 9 2001 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA f PROJECT NAME: ANNUAL PATHWAY & MINOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT' N0. i 1 2007052 Cover • 56 J471-7696 561 471-9351 PHONE NUMBER FACSIMILE NUMBER 59-196$075. 1~T~,S~~M.IT~ED: :AUGUST Z2, 2006 Federal Tax ID# FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF: ANNi~AL_P~~A>'~;~i~'MINC~R CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PALM ~BCN ?I~:11~TY PROJECT N0. 2007052 T0: THE BOARD OF COUNTY We, the undersigned, hereby decl undersigned, are interested in this propo with any person, firm, or corporation, a Contract Documents, and that we have .n the source of supply of materials, and_ equipment, materials and services, fully ~ only and that we will fully Complete ~II-n the requirements under them of the fit' following unit prices, to wit: .P-1 COUNTY, FLORIDA: ~r persons, f rm or Corporation, other than the ~d that this proposal is made without collusion fly and to our full satisfaction examined the ~tion of the iocat~on of the proposed work and ~to furnish and pay for all necessary labor, :the quantities shown herein are approximate rccord~nce with the Contract Documents and time Gmit specified in this proposal for the ~~. ~JV' V ~`.'s. PROJECT NAME: ANNUAL PATHWAY AND MINOR CONS7RUCTf9MCON.T`RACT ITEM ~ ~.~ C!UAHTITY~ UNITS UNIT PRICE TOTAL 'ALL REM'PRICES~ " ~ , ES";, - S ° NDIEAFED"OTN£RWISE - AS '@l0- 1 CLEARING 8 GRU881N6 ~ ~ , 100 - AC 5175.00 517,500.00 2 STUMP REMOVAL ~100~ EA 3'175.00 -517,500.00 3 TREE REMOVAL ~ "' '~- 200,. EA - 5100.00 520,000.00 4 TREE RELOCATION :~.~'~, _ t00~. - -. -EA _ 5100.00 f10,000.00 5 MAIL BOXES (RESET - -. 1.,000 ~ EA~ 56.00 SS,OOD.OO 6 7 8 REMOVE EXISTING AS HALT (EVIL DEPTH) r REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT, 1i5'OR-L SS (MILLING) SEE ~~T,E ~ EXCAVATION "' - ~ - F ~'-'_.•"-- ..9,000" --.3,000 '9,000, ~ - 'SV SY CY 52.00 f4,00 58.50 f16,000.00 512.000.00 f76,500.00 9 EMBANKMENT- ~ - - ~: 7;000 "CV ~ 59.00 f63,000.00 10 12" TYPE C STABILIZATION ~ ~ '-~ ' 5,000 ~ SX ~ ~ 52.75 513,750.00 11 4" BASE (INCL. PRI COAT) ~ _ 55;000 - SY f11.00 5605,000.00 12 6" BASE (INCL. PRIME COAT) ~ _ 3,000 SV 512.00 536,000.00 13 8" BASE (INCL. PRIME COAT) _ ' . :3,500. SV .516.00 549,000.00 14 12" BASE (INCL. PRIME COAT) ~ ` `3;500 SY ~ 575.00 (52,500.00 15 ' FINISH EXISTING ROCK BASE (INCL. PRIME COAT;: - ~.9,p00 . SY f3.7S 533,750.00 16 ACSC TYPE S•1 (1 1l4°) ~ ~ 40,000 ~~_ SY =6.00 5240,000.00 17 ACSC TYPE S-1 (2') ~ - [•40,000. - SY 59.00 f360,000.00 18 ACSC TYPES (<20 TONS ORDERS) ~ - - ~0 TN 5200:00 (100,000.00 19 ACSC TYPE 5.(2050 TON DERS), ~ , ~ t,000 'TN 5750.00 57 SO,OOD.00 20 ACSC TVPES(51•IOOTON ORDERS)- ~ ~ . 2,500. TN 5715.00 f287,500.00 21 ACSC TYPE S p100 TAN.ORD RS) - - ~ j 2,500. TN ~ f115.00 5287,500.00 22 ACSC TYPE 5-III (1 1/4') (INCL. TACK COAT) :c55;000 SY f7-95 5437;250.00 23 ASPHALT DRIV WAY,(1112')(INCL6'BASE ,.:500. SY 525.00 512,500.00 24 SPEED HUMPS %'`r - -~, 500 ~SY f35.00 517,500.00 25 4"CONCRETEPATHWAY-50 SV OR GREAYER r.~=~ -;1Z;500~ SY (42.00 f735,000.00 26 27 6' CONCRETE PATHWAV¢OR~[3RIVEWAY) 351SY;pFI$.(6Et _ ~ CAST CONCRETE TRUNCATED DOMES6 - ~,~?,i^ r _ , ~. 2,300 ~ " 7,000 SY :-, NSF , f60:00 ~ 525.00 f138,000.00 - 825,000.00 28 CAST-IN-PLACE ANDIOR-SURFACE~APALIED TAC:T)LE $k7Rf.A ;;(, „[ :• " : ~"4:000,, ~. 'SF 525.00 525,000.00 29 4' CONCRETE REMOVAL. - ^" ?;:~" - ". yt';000~ SY - 515.00 5765,000.00 30 6'CONCRETE REMOVAL ~. :1;500, , SV~ .--.,f2S.D0 537,500.00 31 32 33 MISC- ASPHALT 150 TON OR ~ ERS'(INCL TACK"COAL) _ ~ MISC: ASPHALT (5t-200'TON,ORDERS) INCG,.T,q~` ; ~T ' - ' # MISC. ASPHALT (>200 TONORDERS)~ INC : TACCK; ~. ~ £S}` : -:.2,000 ...2;000 ~ ,2:000 ~ TN.. 'TN` N ~. ~ 5115.00 - 3743.00 5113.00 .f230,000.00 (230,000.00 (230,000.00 34 CONCRETE TRAFFIC SEPARA OR TYPE IV i, a '~'~'S00: ~ SY f95.00 - 547,500.00 35 CONCRETE T F,IG SEPARATOR REMOVAi . -'. t~,500 SY ~ ~ 520,00 (30,000.00 36 37 CONCRETE CURB TYPE "D'~(SEE NOTES) , "~ CONCRETE CUR PE"D' MOVAL" ~-2(1,000 2;000'.: LF ~ lF . 515-.00 55.00 f300,000.00 510,000.00 36 CONCRETE CURBBGUTTER~TYPE:'E"~ : : - i'SpO~. ~ tF- f15-00 f7,500.00 39 CONCRETE CURB B~GUTTER?YP ?E"REMOVAL-: ~'.' ;.600; LF 55.00 (3,000.00 40 CONCRETE CURB 8 GUTTER TVPE'F':' _ : ,9,OD0 ~ LF f15.00 5735,000.00 41 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER TYPE °F' REMOVAL ',` 4,500 LF 55.00 f22,500.00 42 CONCRETE GRAVITY WALL + ~ .'~ 400 CY ~ 5270.00 f106,000.00 43 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY GU B (P,SC STANpARp) ~ -~ ' 700 LF ,573.00 $10,500.00 44 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY CURB.REMOVAL ` , ~., 500 LF - (5.00 (2,500.00 45 STEEL RETICULINE FRAME BGRATE(INSTAILED) ; 50.: ~. ~ EA 57,000.00 550.000.00 46 4° PVC PIPE SCHEDUlE.40):. ~ - ~ -200 LF (10.00 (3,600.00 47 6" PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40). ' `,~'~' - ~_200,~ CF ~ 520.00 54,000.00 48 10' PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40)~ ~ ~ 200 -' LF f25.00 55,000.00 49 15" RCP - 200 ~ ~ LF 550.00 510,000.00 50 18" RCP .300." ~ ~ lF '555.00 511,000.00 51 24'RCP ~ 'i .':~`_i -"200' LF 560.00 512,000.00 52 1 S" BCCMP ~ r ~~ 200 LF 550.00 510,000.00 53 18' BCCMP ,-.': ~~ „,+z; ': '„ . ~" 200 .lF, (55.00 (11,000.00 54 24° BCCMP : ' 200-~ LF SDO.DD (12,000.00 55 GUARDRAIL _ ,Z,;.`, ~ ~ ~~ 50' lF. .560.00 $3,000.00 56 : GEASSE'Ai18LY '.PE'" GUAR RAIL END ANC O ~ ~~ 15 -~.EA ~ ~ 51,500:D0 522,500.00 57 GUARDRAIL END.ANCH RAG .AS, 55;1 LY TY,P ;:-; ' %? ~15 .~EA~~ (2.100.00 31,500.00 58 GUARDRAIL END ANCHORAGE-AS$EG18LY TYP~`SRTi :': r 75 EA $2,900-00 531,500.00 59 GUARDRAIL ENO ANCHORAGE SEMBt TYPE,T(':~ - ~ 25 ~ -EA. -- (750-00 $98,750-00 ~~. - R' r r L"J t~ M r r r r r 0 PROJECT NAME: ANNUAL PATHWAY AND iA1i10R COMSTRCIC~IQ~1 CONTRACT PROJECT NUMBER: 2007052 ~ ~ ~-~ PROPOSAL iTFU QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE TOTAL 60 GUARDRAIL REMOVAL AND ©ISPOSAL ~ 1,500 LF 55.00 57,500.00 61 RESET GUARDRAIL 1,500 LF 55.00 57,500.00 62 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE B - 1,500 LF 125.00 537,500,00 63 SODDING (TO MATCH EXISTING) fSEF NOTES) T9,t300 SY 53.25 561,750.p0 64 SEEDING AND MULCHING - -4,200 SY 51.00 54,209.00 65 ADJUST VALVE BOX ~ - -' 250 EA 5300.00 575,000.00 68 REMOVE d RE-IN TALL WHEEL STOPS - ~ - 100 EA 525.00 52.500.00 67 THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARK~iG (Ai.(. Y,~iDTH {) 4)RS SE .HOT><S : 100 Sf 520.00 52,000.00 68 TRAFFIC PAINT (ALL WIDTHS b.GOLORS}.>:SE£ NOTE -" t00 5F 515,04 51,500.00 69 BID-BARRIER (t2" WIDE FURtVt51iE0'At1D INSTALLED , _, , - -'. 100. LF 58.50 5850.00 70 HID-BARRIER (19.5 WIDE) FURNISHE 'Pd~fD INSTALL D)" - 2,000 LF 58.73 517,500.00 71 STAMPED COLORED CONCRETE (5' THICK) 100 SY 575A0 57,500.00 72 PAVER BRICK ~ 100 SY 570.00 ;7,000-00 73 REMOVE PAVER BRICK 100 SY 530:00 53,000.00 74 RESET PAVER BRICK _ T00 SY 530.00 53,000.00 75 TOP SOIL (6' THICK) 350 SY ST.00 52,450.00 76 SANDBLASTING - 112 DAY 25 EA 5500.00 512,500.00 77 SANDBLASTING -FULL TOTAL 15 EA 51,090.00 ITS,^v00A0 - . - .TOTAL. BASE Bt "; ••,••••, ••••••• •••••••• 55.917,850.00 • • Denotes corrected figure T '~: n ~" ~~ `J PROJECT NAME: ANNUAL PATHWAY ANDAMINOR CONSTRUG'Ili~~~k7.~&AGT": PROJECT NUMBER:2007052 a`~1 PROPOSAL - _ ~ ~ ,. ITEM QUgNTIT:Y UNITS UNIT PRICE TOTAL . C TINGE ~~k.IYEtAS` :: ~: .. ~ 78 EMERGENCY RESPONSE,~LESS3HAM 6~NOUR$,; ':: ,, ,v 'c"'' 4 " - ~EA 32,500.00 570,000.00 79 EMERGENCY RESPONSE; 6 HOURS~T~ 24 H RS:.' - - B - EA (7,500.00 (12,000.00 BO EMERGENCY RESPONSE; 24'HOURS 70,72 ,S, : 12' ~ EA _ (1,000.00 512,000.00 67 VEGETATION RELOCATION (1NCCUDIN . ME0.T R0yG9 10' ~ HR f175.00 51,750.00 82 4'CONCRETE PATHWAY -.LESS THAN'`tO SY ~ - ~: 100 ~ SY 5225.00 522,500.00 83 , Y _ - 4' GONC ETE PATHWAY ~ 70 SY TO1:E$S tHAN;$0, ~ ..100 - S ~ $150.00 f15,000.00 84 6'CONCRE7E PATHWAY (QR DRIVEWAYY LE5$:E11A7<J~B5 ,,,. ,~: ~, 100 SY - .5235.00 (23,500.00 65 8' CONCRETE~PATHWAV (qR RIV.:, A'Y _,8 $Y-'F =;4.E _-, _, _. '~ $ ,_ +::.. `"100 8Y` f175.00 - 517,500.00 88 PUMPINGOR HAND PLACE ENT OF'CONC-RESE -'1` D/(Y• ~ '~~~• ~ ~. S .EA - 5900.00 54,500.00 B7 PUMPING'OR HAND PLACEMENT'OF<CON ETE~'_f;.D7T`1* , " .5 EA 51,100.00 55,500.00 86 PUMP MIX FOR CONC TE PUMPU.JG.:~, x ~ 70 CV: :550:00 f500.00 89 CONCRETE TRAF IC` E A 70R TYPEi ~.. 700 SY~, 596,00 59,500.00 90 CONCRET TRAFFIC . PARATQ TV,P ll - Y .100 ~SY (85.00 39,500.00 91 CONCRETE TRAFFIC:SEPARATQR":,,._. 18 ~_ ;:100 ~SY 595.00 59,500-00 92 CONCRETE TRAFFIC $ERARATOR~TY V ~~, `r, -.100 SY ~~~ 585.00 (9,500.00 93 CONCRETE CURB 8 GUTTER (9• -(PEG STANDARflI)'^ 50 LF , -,535-.OD f1,750.00 94 CONCRETE CURB 8 GUTTER (9° :RERAOwaL ';; °@ - ~.. 50" . ~ LF ,.. ~ a5.00 5250.00 95 CONCRETE FLU$H~HEAC£R, {PRO RN(yAR.U ~• 100 LF -' S3S.00 f3,500.00 96 CONCRETE HEADER CUF:B,REM01FilL~.: ~. '200 -. LF St0.00~ 52,000.00 97 CONCRETE VALL. Y GUTTER Y7AL - ~+ ;100 Lf .55:00 - 5500.00 98 CONCRETE MOUNTABLE GU ER;(P.. ~ ST ; .O ~' ~ ~~ _ -~ . 100:':. LF (35.00 f3,500-00 99 CONCRETE MOUNTABLE GUTTER; VAf: r MODIFY, REPAIR ANOIOR~REBUICD;: ~~ N~57iRUG71J „~~ 98-t0f:~~'; ~ 700 , '••«^ .~ iF ~•..^^ ~ 55.00 ••••«° 5500.00 •••••••••••••••• 100 CURB INLET TY E-1%fDOT,STANDARD ::?:~ r ':, Q; ..,EA ~. 54,200.00 ~ SB,d00.00 101 CURB INLETTYPE 2(f DOT" 7ANDARD) _ ~ -~2.~~"` EA. 51,800.00 59,200.00 102 CURB 9JCET TYPE 3,(FDO._,STANO ._D) "-,: , - ~. -'3~ EA.. 54,200:00 58,400.00 103 104 CURB INLETTYPE 4.(FDOT STAND . D) CURB INLE TYPE 5 (FDOT ST __ _ ) ,; '~, .; 2., -~2-~ ~ EA EA ;54,200.00 ~ 53,900:00 58,400.00 $7,600.D0 105 CURB INLET TYPE 6 (FOOT STAN ~ O , - 2~ ~ - EA - .54,700.00 58,200.00 106 CURB INLETTYPE7 (FDOT•STANDAR07 - -,2.. EA' f3,500.00 57,000.00 107 .._n CURB INLET.TYP -6(FDO ST, ARQ. . .',2 .EA 53,500.00 57,000.00 106 ADJUST EXISTINGIMAN LE QRi03LET ~ ~ ~.~ T0~ ~.~'EA 51,800.00 218,000.00 + ~;:? 709 MODIFY INLETB INSTALL.RE iCUL ~FRANIE & REPLACE`EXISTlN60R:C4NSTRUC,:~,., 5371 -.. `• #•,5 ~' z }0 ~ .°'n••• ~ EA .,•••••• 51,600.00' - •:•••••• 116,000.00 •••••••••••••••• 110 CATCH BASIN-TYPE C (f.DOT;S7AN0ARD) ? h f ' '..6' .EA - ~. 54,500.00 ~ f27,000.00 111 CURB INLET TYPE 1 (FpOT STAkgARD) - :,; . :.., 7 ~FJ~ , ~ 55,700:00 511,400.00 112 CURBINLET TV 2(FDOT 5TA , _, ) '~' `2' EJ1~ ,56,000.00 $12,000.00 113 CURB INLET PE 31 -DO ~ S AND., D) ' e`•~ .~' 2" EP: ;"55;700.00 f17,/00.00 114 CURB INLET TYPE'4-( DOS AND .,, ) ` i`• ~ ~ : 2 . ~ . 56;900.00 f71,800.00 115 CURB INLET TYPE 5 (FOOT STAND., _ 2 ~ - EA-. ~ $5,000.00 510,000.00 116 CURB INLETTYPE B (FOOT STPSI.DARD) a ~ 9' 4 „- ; ~~ 2 , ; ;EA 56,500.00 511,000.00 117 CURBINLET TV 7. (f DOT $TANOARp) _' i"`"i '_:2 .EA~- 56;500:00 573,000.00 118 CURB INLET TYPE B(FDOT STAND,. D) ' ;=~~ ~ ~.2. ~ EA .56.500.00 f13,000.00 119 MANHOLE TYPE P ~ ' ~.-~: S~ EA ~ 56,000-00 530,000.00 120 30' RCP ~ ~ 80 .~LF 5100.00 SB,000.DO 121 36' RCP ~ -~;? BO' - LF ~ 5125.00 f10,000.00 122 42' RCP " ' "40 ~ ~ LF $150.00 f6,D00.00 123 4B' RCP ~ ' T ? ' 40. ~. iF 5175.D0 57,000.00 124 15" CONCRETE MITERED'END SECTION ~ ~ 2. ' EA 51,500.00 53,000.00 125 18' CONCRETE MITERED ENO SECTI _. : - 2 `. EA $1;600.00 53,200.00 126 2d'CONCRETEMITERED~:END SEC.i-N ~" 2 EA 52,100.00 54,200.00 127 30' CONCRETE MITEREQ'EN65EGT10.. ~-~ % '~-. `, ~.. t ` .2 EA " 52.700.00 E5,400.00 128 36' CONCRETE MITE ED' ND;SECTIO_ - ~;~, 2. ~ ~ EA. f3,100.00 36,200.00 129 42' CONCRETE MITERED END~SECTION '~ 2 . 'EA ~ 53,600.00 57.200.00 130 48' CONCRETE MITERED END SECTION ~. 2 ~ EA ~. 54,100.00 58,200.00 131 30' BCCMP - ~~ B9 ~,. LF ~ $900.00 $8,000.00 132 36'BCCMP -'.-80 _LF - 5125.00 570,000:00 133 42' BCCMP ~ -(~ ~ ~ 40 Lf 950.00 58,000.00 134 48' BCCMP ~ , ~ AO LF 5775.00 (7,000.00 135 15' BCCMP MITERED END SECTION. <" 2 EA $1,500.00 $3,000.00 A•4: -'.*; . - . Y 1 r r r r r M N ~~ ..~-J..' PROJECT NAME: ANNUAL PATHWAY AND MIr10R CONSTRUCTION £ON'[RACT PROJECT NUMBER: 2007052 PROPOSAL ~rcu QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE TOTAL 136 1 8' BCCMP MITERED END SECTION 2 EA ;1.600.00 f3,4o0.00 137 24" BCCMP MITERED END SECTION 2 EA 52,100.00 54,200.00 138 30" BCCMP MITERED ENO SECTION 2 EA S2,T00.00 55,400.00 139 36' BCCMP MITERED END SECTION 2 EA 53,100.00 58,200.00 140 42" BCCMP MITERED END SECTION - 2 EA 53,500.00 57,200.00 141 48' BCCMP MITERED ENO SECTION 2 EA 14,100.00 58,200.00 1a2 SAND CEMENT ENDwALL 10D CY 5825.00 564,500.00 1a3 MISC. CONCRETE (INCL. REINFORCING ST Lj ~ 250 CY 1550.D0 5137,500.00 144 FRENCH DRAIN (15' CMF'} ~, , ~ :; 80 LF S12S.00 510,000.00 145 FRENCH DRAIN (18' CMP) ~ ~ 80 LF 5135.00 510,800.00 146 FRENCH DRAIN (24' CMP) ~ 80 LF 5150.00 512,000.00 147 RCP FRENCH DRAIN (15' RCP) BO LF 5125.00 510,000.00 148 RCP FRENCH DRAIN (18' RCP) 80 LF ;135.00 510,800.00 149 RCP FRENCH DRAIN (24' RCP) 80 LF 5150.00 512,000.00 150 POLYDRAIN WROP 8 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT - 50 lF 5400.00 520,000.00 151 YARD DRAIN (INDEX 282) ~ 5 EA 53,000.00 515,000.00 152 SPECIAL GUARDRAIL POST 10 EA 59D0.00 59.000.00 153 ALUMINUM PIPE HANDRAIL (3 RA1Ly 150 lF 560.00 59,000.00 154 SAFETY PIPE RAIL (2") 125 LF 550.00 56,250.00 155 RELOCATE FIRE HYDRANT 1 EA 58,000.OD 56,000.00 156 PULL BOXES (BROOKS) ~ - 2 EA 1980.00 51,800.00 157 CONCRETE BARRIER WALL ~ 100 LF 1125.00 512,500,00 158 JACK S BORE IRRIGATION LINES ~ 100 LF 5125.00 512,500.00 159 INSTALL IRRIGATION LINES (COMPLETE) _ ~ ~ 200 LF S25A0 15,000.00 160 PROVIDE HOOKUP FOR IRRIGATION SYS I?M 5 EA 51,500.00 57,500.00 161 REPLACE SPRINKLER SYSTEM (GOMPIi<iEy : ' 1,500 LF 525.00 537,500.00 .. PAVEMENT TEXTURING: t7EAi1S 358-3b2 . •••••••• ••••••• •••••••• .••••••••••••••• 162 IMPRINT NEW IN5TALlAT ON 1,500 SY .565.00 597,500.00 X63 HEAT ~ IMPRINT EXISTING PAVEMf=NF - 1,200 SY 565.00 576,000.00 164 COLORED COATIN -STANDARD FORMULA , ~ 2, 00 SY 535A0 S94,SOO.DO 165 COLORED COATING -TRAFFIC FORMULA ~ - ~ 2,700 SY 545.00 5121,500.00 166 - " . - SEALER CONCRETE ` 2,7 DO SY 515.00 540,50D.00 - ~ .TFlTALC014'(ING$NIrYIT. fi15 .... ••••••• •••••..• 51,100,000.00 ~1 ~'. T_ 1 . K." ca A'« PROJECT NAME: ANNUAL PATHWAYANU MINORCQNSTitUCI'1ONLON7RACT ~. PROJECT NUMBER: 2007062 - r PROPOSAL ~~ ITEM ~ ~ QUANTITY UNITS UNR PRICE NOTES: 1. ITEM 1 -See Clearing. and Grubbing Spedfications fqi varmus p(oeeses requlred.under this hem. 2. ITEM 6 -Indudes elf equipment, labor, eta., fo'r complete [eatoval enfl~.disposaLDLexisting`aspha8 pavement matedal. Unit PACe shall be based upon, a 1' depm of miling: the coniract;pdce~for. fKemeve,ExisGng Asphatl(FUII Depth) will be adjusted in'/,' increments for milling oNer depths' 3. ITEM 7 -Indudes use of miPing machine, broom tractpn;!er{d o0' and honi the work site, all labor (orgduatmllling anQ:Uean up!a be based upon the square yardage areaof pavemenF,ak~uaaylm disposal al milled matedal shall bemnsidered madegtahrte ~e; a Less (Milling). 4. ITEM 15 - locudes all labor, equipment ant beserockmetedafs base prior to applica0an ofpnme Coal ~ ~~.: 5. ITEMS 31, 32 and 33 -Indudes surfaca.courses hwtioa'couis:9 6. ITEM 35 -Indudes removatot Dpse~material, or arty o1k separator area., 7. ITEM 36 - Conraete Curb Type'D' snail Include AtMleu 9. ITEMS 67 and 68 - Indudasall tabor, equipment mat®rlS~ lots and other areas. All 8ema, induding~padcmg sparredrj snows and messages. inany or all coloreshhll be mgasv 10. ITEMS 82 THROUGH 85 • These items. shaO lnGude all'm 8. ITEM 66 -Indudes au labor, aqupmenF a attachment, stockpiling and protecting wF attachment method. Fumishingand~instF damaged during removal a sbrage shall 11. ITEMS 86 AND 87 -These 8emsshall include a0 eduiprrie accessible by conventional concrete tnick.(a&sumed~ci2':id to the per square yard pncefor 4' and6"dancrets"+terir;i-; 12. ITEM 88 -This item represents a surcharge to the peisgr special admixNres, etc. required Por pumping cpriuete.unk 13. ITEM 158 -.Indudes all costs associated vdN mslasa4lora' outside the roadway Shoulder to a median:~ AlFlabgr,arid:p Item. snt as:required, Vanspwtatlon of equipment to Rory dtsppsaldfmilled material. Payment shall 72ratrortot'aieas td bemi8ed, dean-up and ~ard',yrtydce.Eor Remove, Existing ASphall 1%' rd,.'; level; IlghHy grade and compact the existing rode rcmiscellenflousasphalt as required. ble for plan8ng which may be located inNeualfic udxngf :: ~' __. lof wlieeY~st~S and-re+Data other methods of 16=1asiatl$tfon uRwheal stops Dy an acceptable 1d7or;attachmprit'tleviees wlilkh have been 8k; item:i' 4Nnfah~tlE install pavement marking in~parking agyrsTOp:bars, handicapped symbols, diredtionai I fibltis;is' For payment under These items. rid equlpmenL ~Id[ad firpiacerttenf of kxmaete in areas not ~4b'y`Darid~u~Txy ~PUmping,and shell be in addition ac-0';a~d'fi`oncrele Items b cover costs for d 67 .' underpevemanl a@ner hetween.medians or from I,rig;cbatma9gii opthe area, are~indtlantal to this 1a. ITEM 159 -Indudes the cost for insta8adon ofall Imgationllnes4the~t,Naathosa-doveretl underItem:158; Jadc and Bore Irrigation Lines. All laDa aiidmatgnals,~indudmg`r9stbrahop bf:p>q.eiearb(e mddentatfo:BrFS ltern. ~ r. r ' 15. ITEM 160 - Thls Item intludes aNmsts assocated with It0oklrfglF+e RrdRrgserlinstallalxm ByStem:b a shurce of water as directed by Ina Engineer.. Possible hookup scenarios may mdeWa, butso4besa~tded to, wnnedioa to an :existing irdgatlon system melennp to a Potable watacline orinsfalhng a~W/mP and assoCwtBtTpump~housa, power supply, etc., for obtaining water hom an adjacent water twdy. .. 16. ITEM 161 -Indudes the cost of labor, as weltas all paRS, such as Dips heads and fitOrige: TOTAL f M • ANNUAL PATHWAY & MINOR CONSTRUCTIC-~1 CONTRACT BID N0. 2007052 _ TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID: 55,917,$50.00 (In Figures) ., NOTES: - 1. This contract shall be awarded for.twelv~=°mor~hs~~and shall commence with the date when the contract is executed by the Board of County Cvmrimi~~ior~ers. r 2. Palm Beach County reserves the right tQ increase or. decrease the total quantities as necessary to meet actual requirements. * PLEASE AFFIX SI~I~~~ THERE INDICATED (FAILURE TO DO SO SHALk Bi~;C/~Q~-~'FOR iiZ~JECTION Ofi= YOUR BID) M M r M r r J r NAME OF FIRM: 7~. (S~gn. ane Date) ~/'d "s~~L?(,L ~ .~:: - . John M. Everett (Prtrn SlgnaOoryS Nam~j . ADDRESS: 250 Truck and Trailer Way CITY, STATE AND ZIP: West Palm Beach; 'y~l'o~id°~' 33~+.1~ 1685 TELEPHONE: (561) 471-7696 _ STATE LICENSE # CG 0008567 _ , COUNTY LICENSE # 86-ao9oz CIZY LICENSE # n~ a LICENSE TYPE: General Contractor - _ _ CONTRACT STATE OF FL ;RSSA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) R2 O O 7 ,,;; Q Q 13 This Contract, made this _ day oBAN 0 9 ~f1ilA.D, 20_, by and between PALM BEACH COUNTY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, (hereinafter called the County), and CHARLES S. WHITESIDE, INC., of WEST PALM BEACH, FL, and (his) (its) (their) heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns, (hereinafter called the Contractor): WTTNESSETH: The Contractor agrees with the County, for the consideration herein mentioned at his, its or their own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all necessary labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, services, state workmen's compensation and unemployment compensation taxes incurred in the pertormance of the contract, for the: ANNUAL PATHWAY & MINOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. PALM BEACH COUNTY PRO]ECT NO 2007052 IN THE AMOUNTS specified in task orders which may be issued by the County under Section #23 and the other terms of the Contract Documents. The County is not required to issue any task orders hereunder. The maximum value of orders issued under this Contract shall not, in any case, exceed SIX MILLION FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($6,470,000) (except as may be increased according to Section #40 of the Contract Specifications). The Contract Documents relative hereto are made a part of this agreement as completely as if set forth herein to the satisfaction of the County or its duly authorized representative. The Contractor further agrees for the consideration herein mentioned to commence the work with adequate forces and equipment within seventy-two (~) hours of the task order being issued for a specific project. After commencement of the work, it shall be properly dispatched toward completion, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and shall be fully complete within the time limit specified. It is understood and agreed that the time limit for completion of said work is the essence of the contract and should the Contractor fail to complete the work within the time limit, it is agreed that for such calendar day that any work provided for in these Contract Documents shall remain incomplete after the time limit, it is agreed that for such calendar day that any work provided for in these Contract Documents shall remain incomplete after the time limit has expired, including any official extension of the time limit; the sum per day given in the contained schedules shall be deducted from monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages and added expense for supervision. The Contractor shall take into account all contingent work which has to be done by other parties arising from any cause whatsoever, and shall not plead his want of knowledge of such contingent work as an excuse for delay in his work, or for its non-performance. C-1 i r I IN WTTNES5 WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be executed and sealed the day and year first written above. ~ O O ~ n R ~. u i ATTEST: SHARON R. BOCK, Clerk By. Deputy r r ^ Cp~n~ BFq~y _CI)UNT Y APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY 1 -LINTY ATTORNEY ATTEST -C~~ ~ ~ .s TITLE (CORPORATE SEAL) ^ r BAH ~ 9 2001 PALM BEACH COUNTY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Addle L. Greene Chairperson APPROVED AS TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ~~ ENGINEERING Charles S. Whiteside, Inc. (Corporate Name) d Florida M. Everett signatory's name} It'S President (Print title) C-2 • PUBLYC CONSTRUCTION BOND BOND NUMBER: 3902471 BOND AMOUNT: 5100,000 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $6,470,000 CONTRACTOR'S NAME: CHARLES S. WHITESIDE. INC CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS: 250 TRUCK AND TRAILER WAY WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33413-1605 CONTRACTOR°S PHONE: 561/471-7696 SURETY COMPANY: Ohio Casualty Insurance Company SURETY'S ADDRESS: 500 Winderley Place, #200 Maitland, FL 32751 OWNER'S NAME: PALM BEACH COUNTY OWNER'S ADDRESS: 301 N OLIVE AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33401 OWNER'S PHONE: 561/684-4070 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: VARIOUS, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION AND/OR RESURFACING OF PATHWAYS. PARKING AREAS, SPEED HUMPS MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORKS AND OTHER MINOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROJECT LOCATION: COUNTYWIDE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Annual Pathway & f~linor Construction Contract, Palm Beach County Project No. 2007052 r;~?,, t' TR I 'UtLIC CANS UCT N BOND _ _ BOND NUMBER: 3902471 BOND AMOUNT: 5100,000 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $6,470,000 CONTRACTOR'S NAME: CHARLES S. WHITESIDE, INC. CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS: 250 TRUCK AND TRAILER WAY WEST PALM BEA H FL 33413-1 05 Cc~NTRACTOR'S PHONE: X611471-7696 SURELY COMPANY: Ohio Casualty Insurance Company SURETY'S ADDRESS: _500 Wi nderl ey P1 ace, X1200 Maitland, FL 32751 OWNER'S NAME: PALM BEACH COUNTY OWNER'S ADDRESS: 301 N O IVE AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 OWNER'S PHONE: 561/684-4070 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: VARIOU IN L DING C NSTR N AND OR R / ESURFACING •F _ PATHWAYS, PARKING AREAS, SPEED HUMPS MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORKS AND OTHER MINOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROJECT LOCATION: COUNTYWIDE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Annual Pathway & minor Construction Contract; ~al~ Rn~~s, • County Project No. 2007052 _3sx i J PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION BOND This Bond is issued in favor of the County conditioned on the full and faithful performance of the Contract. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Contractor and Surety, are held and firmly bound unto: Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners 301 N. Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 as Obligee, herein called County, for the use and benefit of claimant as herein below defined, in the amount of One Hundred Thousand and 00/i00 Dollars ($100,000) for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated .200 ,entered into a contract with the County for: Project Name: Annual Pathway & Minor Construction Contract Project No.: 2007052 Project Description: Work as requested by participating Departments Project Location: Countywide in accordance with Design Criteria Drawings and Specifications prepared by: NAME OF ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL FIRM LOCATION OF FIRM PHONE FAX which contract is by reference made a part hereof in its entirety, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Principal: 1. Performs the contrail dated between Principal and County for the Annual Pathway & Minor Construction Contract, the contract being made a part of this bond by reference, at the times and in the manner prescribed in the contract; and 2. Promptly makes payments to all claimants, as defined in Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, supplying Principal with labor, materials, or supplies, used directly or indirectly by Principal in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract; and 3. Pays County all losses, damages (including liquidated damages), expenses, costs, and attorneys' fees, including appellate proceedings, that County sustains because of a default by Principal under the contract; and 4. Performs the guarantee of all work and materials furnished under the contract for the time specified in the contract, then this bond is void; otherwise it remains in full force. 5. Any changes in or under the contract documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the contract or the changes does not affect Surety's obligation under this bond and Surety waives notice of such changes. 6. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made in good faith hereunder, inclusive of the payment by Surety of construction liens which may be filed of record against said improvement, whether or not claim for the amount of such I~en be presented under and against the bond. 7. Principal and Surety expressly acknowledge that any and all provisions relating to consequential, delay and liquidated damages contained in the contract are expressly covered by and made a part of this Performance, Labor and Material Payment Bond. Principal and Surety acknowledge that any such provisions lire within their obligations and within the policy coverages and limitations of this instrument. 8. Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, as amended, together with all notice and time provisions contained therein, is incorporated herein, by reference, in its entirety. Any action instituted by a claiman~ under this bond for payment must be in accordance with the notice and time limitation provisions in Section 255.05(2), Florida Statutes. This instrument regardless of its form, shall be construed and deemed a statutory bond issued in accordance with Section 255.05, Florida Statutes. g. Any action brought under this instrument shall be brought in the state court of competent jurisdiction in Palm Beach County and not elsewhere. X57. Charles S. Whiteside, Inc. ^ Witness v~itne~'s~~ ~ :~ /,~ J __ 7itl Gerald J. Arch, Ati:orney-iii-Fact PCB-3 Ohio Casualty Insurance Company _ Surety (Seal) CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY _ T WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Y . No. 3&506 Know All Men by These Presents: That THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio Corporation, and WEST AMERICAN MSURANCE COMPA , ranted b Article Ill, Section 9 of the Code of Regulations and By-Laws of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company and en Indiana Corporation, pursuant to the authonly g Y Wut American Insurenm Company, do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Gerald J. Arcb, Michsel A. Rolmn, James F- Murphy, JeRrcy L Legget or Susan Bohm o Ft t~uderdale Florida its nue end lawful agent (s) and att<% ~~ n t"nf any s nglek nstancetgEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND (S7,SOO,W0.00 DOLLARS, BONGS, UNDERTAKINGS, and RECOGNIZANCES, B excluding, however, any bond(A err undertaking(s) guaranteeing the payment pf note and interest thereon had been duly a aced and tknowledged by Nelregulerly a acted oRi errs o(th<Companiestat their admf risralvtofftecsaz fFairfae d aOhio, in their own proper persons ~ if they The authority granted hereunder supersedes any previous authority heretofore granted the above named attorney(s)-in-(att I In WITNESS WHEREOF, [he undersigned officer of the said The Ohio Cazualry Insurance Company and Wesl American Insurance Company has hertunto subscribed his name and affixed the Corporate Seel of each Company this IJth day of Mey. 2005. >~ SEAL '51 p J ~~~~ I y9EAL~~ \p. 777 NA r} 'coca.` ~, r~"~• Sam Lawrence, Assistant Secrcury STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF BUTLER lysvrence'A55sunlf Seta_n ry of THF.rOHIOSCASUALTYNNSURANICE COMPANY andhWEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,,to,me personalty tknownto be the individual and office descubed in, and who executed the precedmB inswment, and he acknowledgrA the cxecunon o(lhe same, and being by me duly swum depose and says, that he is the oB~rcr of the Companies aforesaid, and Nat Ne seals atTixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and the Said Corporate Seals and hu signawre az officer was duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the auNOriry and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hertunlo seI my hand and affixed my Official Sul et the City of Hamilton, State of Ohio, the day a~ year first above written. ~~uy ~ ~ - i ~~~ ICJ Notary Publ it wand for County of Buller, Stale of Ohio ~, nn~ M Commrssion ex ires Au cast 6, 2007. This power of attorney is granted under and by authority of Article III. Section 9 of the Code of Regulations end By-Laws of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company and West American Insurance Company, extracts from which read: Article III, Sechon 9. y ^'me t of Attomevs- n-Fact. The Chairman of Ne Board, the President, any Vice-President, the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporation shall be and is hereby vested wrth full power and authority to appoint attorneys-in-Sect for the puryosc of sign mg the name of the corporation es surety to, and to execute, attach the seal of the corporation to, acknowledge end dclivCOr norationellartnershiapl gmit d abili'Wwmo an oaotherrenti or other inswments of suretyship and policies ofinsurance to be given in favor of any individual, firm, p P P. ry D y n' or Ne o~cial representative therrnt, or to any county or stem, or any official board or boards of any county or state, or the United States of America err any agency thereof, or b any bthcr political subdivision thereof Thiz inswment is signed and sealed as authorized by Ne following «solulion adopted by the Boards o(Directors of the Companies on October ZI, 2004: RESOLVED, That Nc signature of any officer o(thc Company authorized under Article III, Seehon 9 of its Code of Regulations and By-laws and the Company seal may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or copy thereofissued on behalf of the Company to make, execute, seal end deliver for end on its behalf as surety any and all bonds, undertakings or Other written obligations in the nature thereof; to prescribe their respe<tve dunes antl Ne respective limits of their authority, and [o revoke any such appointment. Such signatures and seal ere hereby adopted by the Company az original signatures end seal and shall, with respect to any bond, undertaking or other written obligations in Ne nature thereof to which it is attached, be valid and binding upon the Company with the same Corcc and effect as (hough manually afCixcd. CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned Assistant $ecremry of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company end West American Insurance Company, do hereby comfy that the foregoing power of anomey, Ne referenced By-Laws of the Companies and the above resolution oFtheir Boards of Directors are true end correct copies end are m full force and effect on Nis date. M WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto zest my hand and the seals ofthe Companies this day of Un 10M!y,n '~~~~ (.f Q;~SEAL;°a \i SEAL s/ ~~~~ "r0U„' ~~'i~^`'/ Assistant Secretary s-4JBO JN9 M`- ~- r r r r NpV-16-2005 15 2'7 ACORDIA P.01 ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ,. °"'~""`°°"~"'' tlneltooe IROOUwI (561) 655fi500 cOMla West Palm Heach 01 South Ftagler Drtve, SuiUe 600 TNlS CERTIFICATE f3 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS Np RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED t]Y THE POLICIE5 BELOW. West Palm Beach, FL 33401.6914 r ~ INSURERS AFFORDING CpVERAGE p NAIC Chants s. Whtteaidv, Inc. IN>KJR~eA A~ Tnroconttnetlbl Ins _ _ 250 Truck dl Trailer Way INSUReR a Transportation Ina. Company Wvst P>Alm Beach, FL 33419-1603 ,N$LIRER r Continental Casualty _ NsuReR ~ FCCI InauranCe Company _ ItiBt,iRFP E GCYEHAOES r r r r r r THE POLICIES Or INSURANCE LISTED BEIOW HAVE BEEN IS9VED TO THE INSURED NAMED AlOVE FOR T}iE; ROLIC;Y PERIOD INDICATE.O. NOTWITH$TANDEUG ANY REOVIRFJ/ENR, TERM OR CONdT10N OF ANY CONTR/vCT OR On~R DOCUMENT WI'H RESPECT TO VYFMGH THIS CERTIFICATE MqY BE ISSUED OR MAr Pl:RraN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED OY THE POLICES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUG.;ECT TO ALL THE: TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANp CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE UMRS SHOwN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CWMS. _ . ...----`-- - -- -- --- . POUC7EFFCe'nUETPOl1CYE1(MIATIO M ~ .. - -~--~~-- -DVCY NUYDER ~ uMIT6 GENER-L LIApRfTT I EACH OCCURRENt;~ ; 1,000, A X X cor~x,IeRCUU oENERAL LW91Lm 920890y6 8l15J2006 9N 512007 pRE1LII, ES oaven . s 100, .LAIM6 MADE L" ~ OCCVR NED EX/ (AnT oM pshan) f 6. PER WNAL i AOV INJURY f ~ ,ODD, cENERALAOOREDATE ~ 2,000,00 _ GQN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT AP/LIES PER' PRODUCTS • COIlA/OP AGC S Y,OOO,OO PCIMV X DRO~ LOC _ AllT CMIOEILE LIaa1LRY COIA~INED SWGLE LIMIT 1 000 DO B X 20920$8109 9/1512006 x115/2007 ~~ ~ali~o t , , ANY AUTO •• ALL uwNED AUTOS I eoo~L.v I+~uaY SCHEDULED AUr08 ~ ~ III Drpnl i X HIRED AUTOS I BODILY MJLMY X NpN•Owr.EDAUTOS (~AOtl~"II f ... ___ PROaERTY DAMAGE P dd + f w ~a ( v l) OA RAG! LY-i0.n'Y •yTO QNLY - EA ACCIDENT f ANY .IUTO OTHER TT1AN ~ ALL f AUrO ONtr~ AOG f ExCEfIlfUYSRE<<a LMIMLJTY EACH OCCURRENCE f i.DaO.OO C X OCCUR D ClA11r5 MADE 20920Ba093 8MS12006 9115/2D07 AGGREGATE f 7,000, i DfDuCTIeLf s ~ X RETENTION f 10.ODD -- f WOwAYR>f COYPENSAflON AND X STA L>_ OTH- D FJ,rLOrERr LLA6IL11'Y °ARTNER/DfECUTiVE R Y IROPRIETC 1001 WC06A33155 1/1/2006 1/112007 E.L EACH ACCIDENT s 1,000,0 i AN ~ OFFICEWMEMBER EXCIUOED9 F L DISEASE . EA EMPLD f 1,000,00 II yyMM tl/R71W Vrq~ SOECNL PAOvrtilOea6 Wlpr a L. DIaEA6E - /OLICY UMR ~.' i 1,000,00 OTNE71 I DElOraiT10M OF O/ERATgNE 1 LCILATIONE r vENCLFB ~ EIGID]IDN~ ADDED 0Y ENDORiEMEMT 1 iIEC7AL fROWlow ~ea attached pago. P>atm Beach County Engineering t# Public Works Dept- Englrr'eering Sfervleefc Dtvtslon 2300 N. Jog Rvad, 3rd Floor Wit Pnlm Beach, FL ]3471-2745 pcnslo zs Izoa~IOe- ..,. LNOUIb AM' Of THE ADOVE DEIGRIDtD /OLIC IEf 1E CANCELLED f14rORE T11E UIIYY YqN DATE THEAEDI, THE REV+NG UifU1tER wlLl ETIDEAYOR TO MAIL 30 oArs EY11(TTEN IgTICE TO THE CERTIFKATI; -IOLDER HAYED TO fNE LEFT, OUT FAdURf: TO DO !0 SHALL Y103E NO ODLIGATTON OA LMELRY OF Akr K1Mp UIOI+ YM/ IN~U/!!t ITS AGENTS OR -J 1DE8 • NOU-16-2006 15~2~ RCORDIR vnnnun n~„ v~.~~ ~~ v, !'CRIPTION OF OPERATIONS • Palm tleach County Englnaering L Publlc Nr1ea s, WI111e9ide, Ine. Works Dept Englneering servlcea Dlvlslon 4Truak!-Traller Way 2900 N. Jog Road, Srtl Flcor _ __~ e_._~ e~ ,aata~tcos West Palm Beach FL 35411.2745 iA Blanket Addltlonal Insured Endoresment G-17957-G (04198) on General tlabilfh aubaequent to written eontnet or agreement bt to completion of project and prior to lose, ~jects2097052 mJect Descdptlon: Annual Pathway & Idinor Conatruction Contract ekn Beach Counh Board of Caunh Commiaalonero, a polidesl aubdivlelon of the State or Florlde, Its otflcere, employees, and ~nt to written contract or agreeme nprlo~ to tromp otlon of lprojeet and p orr~No~ ndoraement 0-179671', (0819s) • I~ L fOTRL P.03 r-+o~+-LC;--ze06 is=2z acoKV ice ~ t'.02 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, ;he policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse:file of this form does not constitute a contrail between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does d affirmatively or neg'tivey Amend, extend or after the coverage afforded by the policies fisted thereon. - -- --- - C / G .G p.6 ~ ~~ 06/23/2007 06:16 561-4719351 CHARLES S WiFTESIDE PAGE 02 ~rop~sA1 Paae~. a~ P CHARLES S. WHITESIDE, INC. • . 250 ?RUCK & TRNLER WAY WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA 3341}1605 Jorge Santos 0611 471.7696 471.7699 Falc 471-9351 .o......... __-___ _._ 561 691-3440 ~il.tage of North Palm Beach 561 b rrnsc, JOe YYWE 643 Pxoaperity Farms Aoad Pazk3 .m. SrATE ,WarODOE JOa LpGTI Rozth Palm Beaeh, Florida 33408 _ Lakes 2007 Fax: 561 625-5869 WC _ IN'J,.bJ.WCrr1fI SOCtlIY:111by MCP.MMfl.4,!11p1' ' 150 C_Y ' - Excavation . .-- .. - -.-..--'----.----._-..-_. _...._..... _.-.. @ ---.....---- S 8.50 ~._------- -_SL, 275.00 699 S.Y. ° 4" Saes .--._. - _ --- -------~------ @ ------°--_.-._ _._1F.00_- 7,689.00 554 ---, S.Y. 1}" 5-ITI Asphalt - _ ~-- - ...------~- '----------- ------------ -----~----@ - -7.95 _ 4. 404: 30 150 --._ Tone 5 Asphalt Level/Overlay , ...--... - ....... _....... _.. - ....____.._... -ti...._._. @ ...._._..,.-_- 115.00 1), 250.00 22 Each : Asset Caratopa _ - - ---------.._--- - - @ ~-----..-. 25.00 -_-- SSO,DO 145 . L.F. Traffic Markings ~ _ --- ~~~ .---- -~-- ---._----.....-.-----.._.--_ -.._ @ 15.00 2,175.00 AHOVE PRICES IIa ACCORCAACE iILTH PALM BEACA COUNTY CONTRACT N0: 2007052. .. .. , ~t ~fIIpOBt hereby to lurnlsh material and labor- romplete In accordance with above specAications, for the sum o[: Three Thousand Three 1{undred Pvrty Three and 301/DO o ee naev ee mxowa: ethers 1$ 33.343`30 ~ I AI' TlMI4Y Ip W+yN,ltl m W tl !pKp1n6 N Wp,Y 10 Op COrzpymC F 1 NpYMin6ltrz msNMf eomiArtg m,WN,A DnW,es.4ya'YlNbn adMl.Yan lmnfloOrC Spfl[xCal4n, AUIhe12W hvgnng 6lra eon, aN oe egreeo qYy Igpn wmtm nluy,, ulo MHI oecome an mttfl cbNa w...a e0orv +n..vrzmnw. a egn,mer+. emm~ ~p'IaNN _ an WM nNna YRlfl,rp, of e9Pyc COypq our orxrq. Oayr 1C tany Rn. mnNCO BM nM n.Xe,flery mplr~, OYr r4TCR Am Mry Ca,NCe eY WCrnnMl Nae ~ GCMDnRSrtmn IAUnnoa WirM!'aWn by N :~CCt~81lCE Df ~TDpDSD~ -tn eaooYearices,soccmcadons aee cOnClietK am SifRis}pry ane ant ~ciebY aCCfa,QE. Mu am euumrieee m do me work as secNfied PaymCn[ w~ 6 d Sieretvre ~. . l C ma e es outlined a6oYc Oa,e a Aetaplana; Syyrure 'lsea> p.7 ~~ MEMORANDUM qp~~o Mark Hodgkins The Village of Parks & Recreation Duec[or NORTH PALM BEACH (56]) 841-3384 . FAX (561)844-1836 603 Anchorage Drive E-MAIL:mhodgkins(avitlage-npb.org North Palm Beach, Florida 3340ft Exhibit `~' ii~ y Scope of Work Lakeside Park Paving Project • The costs in Exhibit "C" Whiteside Proposal reflects the scope of work listed below: • The contractor is to over]ay entire north parking lot 140' X 68' (9,520SF) at a thickness oft'/.` • The contractor is to overlay entire driveway entrance 24' X 30' (720 SF) at a thickness oft%,` • The contractor is to overlay entire pathway system increasing the width from 5' to 8' ] 680' X 8' (13,440SF) at a thickness of 1 '/, `. A 4" rock base will be placed below the 3' of new path. • The contractor is to install a new pathway at the south end of the park 2] D' X 8' (],680 SF) at a thickness of 1 '/, with a 4" rock base. • All pathways will be brought up to level and at a 1 '/<" thickness as a minimum. • ABer the completion of the parking lot overlay, 22 new caz• stops will be installed and all traffic markings will be repainted. • The NPB Project Manager for this project is Streets Department Supervisor Jorge Santos