08-03-1993 VC B WS-MM E _M O. R A ND_ _U_M
TO: Mayor & Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag '
DATE: August 4, 1993
This memorandum serves as the minutes of the budget workshop session of the Village Council of the
Village of North Palm Beach for Tuesday, August 3, 1993. Mayor V. A. Marks convened the meeting at
5:30 p.m. All Council members were present; also present were the Village Manager, Recreation Director,
Public Safety Director, Public Services Director, Library Director and Village Clerk. Absent and excused
for vacation was the Finance Director.
Discussion ensued regarding a prospective three percent (3%) across-the-board cut for the purpose of
reducing and/or eliminating the $200,000.00 fund balance from the FY 93-94 draft budget. Following
discussion of options regarding hiring freezes, looking at discretionary cuts, avoiding additional tax
increases, etc., the consensus of Council was to do the following:
^ Keep the draft 93-94 budget as was determined at the conclusion of the July 26, 1993
workshop (i.e. without the 3% cuts).
^ Do not use or transfer funds from the Unappropriated Fund Balance without approval by
the Village Council.
^ Place on the next available Council agenda the issue of implementing a hiring freeze to take
effect immediately.
The Council discussed an administrative matter of organizing a tour of the Solid Waste Authority and
decided on looking at dates toward the end of August or some time during the month of September.
,_„ There being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at approximately 6:25
cc: Department Heads