07-25-1994 VC B WS-M~~U1LWcE,o~
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TO: Mayor & Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana r
DATE: July 26, 1994
The Village Council met in workshop session on Monday, July 25, 1994 at 7:00 P.Iv1. to review
the proposed General Fund budget for fiscal year 94-95. All members of Council were present;
staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Public Services Director Charles O'Meilia,
Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Village Clerk Kitty Kelly and Library Director Nancy Moore.
'... .The meeting convened at 7:00 P.tvt. The following represent the basic changes and discussion
developed by the Village Council as a consensus and this memorandum represents the minutes
of the above referenced meeting:
Village Clerk
Village Council
A4801-34010 Travel
A4801-34811 Employee Relations
A4801-35420 Membership & Dues
A4801-35430 Conference & Seminars
Village Attorney
A5105-33113 Labor Services
Debt Service
A8535-47315 Bank Loan Service Cost
Organization Chart
A7927-35111 Computer Supplies
A7927-66000 Capital
No changes
From $1,434 to $300
From $450 to $525
From $4,836 to $736
From $300 to -0-
No changes
From $6,000 to $8,000
From $2,325 to -0-
From Secretary to Administrative Secretary
From $500 to -0-
From $60, 875 to -0-
! -
~-- Mayor & Village Council
July 26, 1994
Page 2
A7927-66210 Construction & Major Renovat
A7927-66415 Computer Hardware & Soft.
General Fund Reserve
A5540-49915 Reserve-Raises & Benefits
Village Manager
A4902-34010 Travel
A4902-35430 Conference & Seminars
From -0- to $2,610
From -0- to $500
From $200,000 to $360,000
From $2,055 to $1,905
From $840 to $665
General Fund Revenues
A1200-02180 Local Gov't. 'h Cent Sales Tax From $600,000 to $650,000
A3714-09300 Bank Loan Proceeds From $350,000 to -0-
A4600-09100 Appropriated Fund Balance From $100,000 to $200,000
Tentative Milla eg Rate: Following lengthy discussion, the Council established a tentative millage
r,,, rate of 5.25 mills. This represents an increase of 9.83 % over the rollback rate of 4.78 mills. It
was consensus of the Council that this would be the tentative millage rate to be advertised for
the final draft of the FY 94-95 budget.
Country Club Budget
The Village Council instructed staff to increase $40,000 in L8070-49915-Reserve-Raises &
Benefits, from $28,500 to $68,500 for Salary Survey. In addition, the Appropriated Retained
Earnings in the Country Club account will increase as a result of this $40,000. Change L4600-
09100-Appropriated Retained Earnings from $40,000 to $80,000.
There being no other business to come before Council, the workshop adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
DWK: sh
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
~-- Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk
Nancy Moore, Library Director
Alan Sayer, Country .Club Manager
Country Club Administrative Board