06-21-1994 VC B WS-M~~.111LACpo~
TO: Mayor & Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag
DATE: June 22, 1994
The Village Council met in workshop session on Tuesday, June 21, 1994 at 7:00 P.1vI. with the
Country Club Administrative Board to review the proposed budget for FY 94-95. All members
of the Village Council were present and the following members of the Country Club
Administrative Board were present: Chuck Weston, Chairman; Emery Newell, Vice Chairman;
Lucia Traugott, Leonard Pellegren and Dick Voss. Absent from the Country Club
Administrative Board were Frank Shone and Arnold Hess. Staff present were Village Manager
Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Country Club Manager Alan Sayer, Business
Office Manager Sheila Dewberry and Co-golf Pro John Scott. The meeting convened at
7:00 P.Ivt. The following represents basic changes and discussion developed by the Village
Council as a consensus:
^ Discussion regarding tree trimming behind Mr. Bob Gibson's residence. Country Club
Manager to obtain quotes on removal of trees, as opposed to cost of trimming trees.
^ Village Manager to verify part-time staff vs. full-time staff in the golf cart budget and
determine if job descriptions call for cartmen and rangers functioning as cashiers and
determine if there is a conflict with the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
^ Lengthy discussion ensued regarding operation of food and beverage/Country Club
restaurant. Consensus was reached to provide lunch service and eliminate banquets as a
service offered by the Country Club restaurant. Country Club Manager, in concert with
Country Club Administrative Board, will revise the food and beverage budget to reflect
the elimination of the chef's position and other ancillary cost as a result of changing the
policy eliminating banquet catering services.
Country Club Administration
L8056-33220 Administration-Village: From $59,000 to $73,600.
Clubhouse Grounds No change.
~-- Mayor & Village Council
June 22, 1994
Page 2 ~ .
Insurance No change.
Debt Service No change.
Country Club Reserve No change.
This memorandum represents the minutes of the Village Council budget workshop; there being
no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
DWK: sh
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Country Club Administrative Board
Alan G. Sayer, Country Club Manager
Sheila Dewberry, Bus. Office Manager