06-28-1995 VC B WS-MTO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana r DATE: June 29, 1995 RE: Budget Workshop-Wednesday, June 2.8, 1995 The Village Council convened in budget workshop at 7:00 p.m. with all Council members present for the purpose of reviewing the Country Club budget. The following members of the Country Club Administrative Board present: Leonard Pellegren, Chairman, Margaret Barzee, Jerry Nolan, Henry Gorman and Arnold Hess. The following staff were present: John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent, Alan Sayer, Country Club Manager, John Scott, Co-head Golf Pro, Dennis Kelly, Village Manager and Shaukat Khan, Finance Director. Also present were contract vendors Buddy Goeltz, Tennis and Richard Cavanah, Pool The following represents action taken by the Village Council: Discussion regarding Village Manager's budget message and recommendations relative to the Country Cl»b Manager's position. General consensus of the Council was to address the .status of the position of Country Club Manager and the CCAB to provide alternatives to managing the Country Club. GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE: Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut is to revise the Goals and Objectives stated on page 182 of the draft budget. ACCOUNT NO.: ACCOUNT TITLE: FROM: TO: L8045-11210 Regular Pay $205,467. $201,467. (change Job Code Number 8045-104 and 8045-110 under the annual salary 95-96 found on page 185 from $19, 694 to $17, 694) L8045-33190 Professional Services $10,000. $1,600. ,._. Mayor & Village Council Country Club Budget Workshop (,Tune 28, 19?~) June 29, 1995 Page 2 ACCOUNT NO.: ACCOUNT TITLE: FROM: TO: L8045-34310 Electricity $24,000. $26,000. L8045-34683 R & M Golf Course -0- $11,000. L8045-35280' Gas, Oil & Lubricants $11,207. $12,000. L8045-66210 Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent is to provide additional backup for the fuel island/above ground tanks and the pesticide storage/mixing facility and the estimated cost of replacing the cart barn. L8045-66490 Utility Vehicle $14,000. -0- L8045-66410 Automotive -0- $14,000. L8045-66490 Machinery & Equipment $60,765. $32,265. (number approved changed from two to one for triplex mower) GOLF SHOP: Council requested CCAB to provide additional review and recommendation regarding the reorganization of the Golf Pro positions. L8046-66210 Construction & Major Renovation $15,000. -0- GOLF CARTS: L8047-34310 Electricity $8,500. $9,700. DRIVING RANGE: L8048-34310 Electricity $2,532. $3,200. TENNIS: „_. L8050-34310 Electricity $5,855. $6,855. L8050-34620 R & M Building & Grounds $1,800. -0- ^. Mayor & Village Council Country Club Budget Workshop (June 28, 1995) June 29, 1995 Page 3 ACCOUNT NO.: ACCOUNT TITLE: FROM: TO: L8050-34680 R & M Streets, Roads 7 Paths $500. -0- L8050-35214 Building Maintenance Supplies $200. $2,600. L8050-35215 Furniture Maintenance Supplies $600. -0- L8050-66210 Construction and Major Renovation $80,000. Hold (lighting system for tennis courts) POOL: L8051-35217 Machinery & Equipment Supplies -0- $5,000. ""' (thermal blankets) L8051-66490 Machinery & Equipment $4,000. -0- (thermal blankets) This memorandum represents in essence the minutes of the Village Council budget workshop; There being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The attached expense chart represents changes to all the line items affected by changes in the line items listed above. DWK: sh cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB '!996 BUDGET -VILLAGE COUNCIL REVIEW avenues 2,504,819_ I octanes tics. No. Acc. Tltle 1,$045-11210 Regular Pay 203,467 [.8045-11210 FICA X2,746 L8045-122!0 Pemion - Gert9 Employees 069 L804S-12320 Lifer l~utmx 1,114 L804S-12410 Wodcecs'Compemation ::: X8,415 1.8045-33190 Professional Services 10,000 L8043-34310 Eledrictty '24.000 1.8045-34610 R Bt M Automotive. * 300 L8045-34620 R ~ M Building dt (3rounda : 6,000 L804SJ4640 R & M Irrigatoot- 12.000 [-804334630 R ~ M Machinery dti Equip. 30,000 L8045-34683 R dt M Golf Course 0 1,8043-33214 BuildingMalrtt. Supplies; ;:?; 0 1.8045-33216 Irrigation Supplies 0 [.8045.332!7 MAdvao dt Equiprnan<3uppl+ea 0 L804S 33218 Auto Parts Supplies:,pf > 0 L8043-35280 Gas, Oil 6b Uibcicaats 11,207 1.8043.66410 Automotive 0 [,8045.66490 Machinery dt Egtripmeot 60,765 Sob Total Gott Course Mahn.: GolfShoP~ _,.,. ....a:. L804634620 R & M Building & GroundsN._.,>: ,;; .,, 800 L8046-35214 Building Mab:G Suppliei'~ ' 0 r 1.8046.66210 Constr. 8t Major Renovation 13,000 Sub Total Dolt Shop: ' t;oKCarq: ~ I , 1.8047.34310 Elacricity ' 8,500 1.804734630 R & M Madtinay do Equlptuoat 2,000 . I.804735217 Machinery Et Equip. 3uppti~ 0 lhivia;Rim=e: i 1.8048-34310 Electricdy ; 2,532 L804834620 R It M Bldg. Bt Grousrds i 300 1.$048-34630 R Bt M Machinery dt F.gttip. ; .1.000 L804835214 Bldg. Main(. Supplies - 4 SM833217 T Machinery dr Equip. supplies 0 . ToW Dr = Raa=e: Sab . . y`, Tennis L8030-34310 Electricity I.8030-34620 R dt M Building dk Grounds -_._ I.8050-34640. R dt M Irrigation Sys. ~,.,,~ „ , „.~ L803034630 - R dt M Mschinery dk Equip. L8030-34680 R dt M Streets, Rds. 6t Paths 1,8030-33214 Bldg. Maitd. Supplies L80S0 33213 FuraiUue Mainz. Supplies _ _ i-803033216; Imgptrm 8upptleac,'Q;CSFF ~x (,,s. ~ ~ ; '. L8030.33217 . Machinery dt Equip.`Suppltes ";4~' r : -: i Serb Total Tetuels: ~~ ~ i i`.'~ ` ' L84S 134620 R dt M Buildutg dt Cirotutda ' ~ '' ,.~. I:803134630 >~,. '-R dt M MsChiiyay ds ItqulR~x"r'~~. L1s031332t4 ~~ . 81d& ~~-~~pp~~~ w,tti.~. '~ ~ ..,.i 1,803133217 Madurrocy dt Equip. Supplies j 1.8031{16490 Machirtcry Qt EgWpmart ~ W P l S b T oo u o To 1A1,467 22.440 29,609 1,096 18,155 1,600 26,000 0 0 0 0 11,000 6,000 12,000 30,000 300 12,000 14,000 32,265 (4,000) (306) (~) (18) (260) (8,400) 2,~ro (~) (6.000) (12.000) (30.000) 11,000 6,000 12,000 30,000 500 793 14,000 (28.500) 0 (800) 800 800 0 (15,000) 9.700 1,200 0 (2,000) 2,000 2.000 3,200 668 0 (300) 0 (1,000) 300 300 1,000 1,000 5,855 6,835 1,800 0 1,000 0 1,100 0 300 0 200 2.600 600 0 0 1,000 0. ,.. - 1,100 1,000 - _ - (1.800) (1,000) (1.100) (300) 2,400 (600) 1,000 1,100 1,500 0 (1,500) ,.1,000 r...0.,.,,,;,~ (1,000) 0 .,~cu 1;500," 1,500 0 5,000 5,000 4,000 0 (4,000) • I Tote! Changes In Eacpenaea: Revlaed ~ltpenses: Revenues Lena Revised Expettsea: To Auto Parts Supplies To Building Mamt. Supplioa To Irrigation Supplies To Machino & Equipment Supplies 14,000 to Automotive (14,(31) To Building Maim. Supplies (13,000) To Mach a; Etluip. Supplies 1,200 To Bldg. Main(. Supplies To Ma~:i~y & Equip. Sti!ppliea 668 ~, y ; , . ''., i ., t} .. ToB1dg. Maitrt. Supplies -~- ---- _-- r~ ,'-. To Irrigatiaa Supplica To MafiixrY ~ ~R ~:PPhes ~, To Bldg. Maio(. Supplies I.:, ~',. son 4~.: _. To Bldg. Mang. Supplies To Maehinay tt Equip. Supplies ~ f ~ ~ , t r i' ~t ;,~~5~~ a ~ + ~ t To Machirrary dt Equip. Supplrea f''~ (F~ t'~ ~'~~;,,' T' ~ Y er r i~-~ ~yg' i' ! w i~'._At~~~ Y f _~` ,~ ~,a.t plfj` p~ •; ~•'~ `,~• ~