11-09-1995 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1995 Present: ROLL CALL Tom Valente, Mayor V. A. Marks, M. D., Vice Mayor Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem Gail Vastola, Councilman Charles O'Meilia, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk Mayor Valente called the meeting to order at 9:00 p.m. All members of Council were ~- present. All members of staff were present. REGULATING CLOSING TIMES ON BUSINESSES Discussion was held concerning a recommendation of the Planning Commission on 10/10/95 that retail closing hours be approved at 11 p.m., excluding service stations, pharmacies, and food and beverage sales. It was noted during discussion that the Village should adjust the hours of operation in the C-3 zoning district for the Twin City Mall site as well, making it identical to Lake Park's ordinance. This item will be placed on the Workshop Session agenda of December 14, 1995. AMENDING C-3 ZONING DISTRICT -AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS Discussion took place concerning a recommendation of the Planning Commission on 10/11/95 to delete the requirement of automatic fire sprinklers from the C-3 zoning code. An ordinance will be prepared for the Regular Session agenda of December 14, 1995. LAND ACQUISITION EAST OF COMMUNITY CENTER _ Discussion was held concerning the Recreation Advisory Board's recommendation on 10/10/95 that Council direct staff to begin negotiations with Foundation Land on the acquisition of 3.1 acres east of the Community Center. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of December 14, 1995. Minutes of Workshop Session held Thursday, November 9, 1995 INSTALLATION OF FIELD AT ANCHORAGE PARK Discussion was held concerning the Recreation Advisory Board's recommendation on 10/10/95 to install aPonytail/Button League field west of the Recreation building at Anchorage Park. During discussion, Mayor Valente told the Council that the Girls Softball organization would like to have a tournament next June to be called the Village of North Palm Beach Invitational. Both the field installation at Anchorage Park and the request for the softball tournament will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of December 14, 1995. JOB CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY INCREASE -ACCOUNTING CLERK II Discussion was held concerning the rewriting of the job classification for Accounting Clerk II to reflect greater responsibilities and accompanying salary increase. The Council requested the new job description be submitted prior to the next meeting. This item will ._ be placed on the Regular Session agenda of December 14, 1995. CONTRACT EXTENSION -FLORIDA HIGHWAY PRODUCTS Discussion was held concerning the extension of street resurfacing contract with Florida Highway Products for an additional six months to allow other municipalities' use of our bid costs. This item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of December 14, 1995, pending review by the Village Attorney. LAND ACQUISITION -PUBLIC SAFETY SITE. Continued discussion was held concerning possible land acquisition for a new Public Safety site. Public Safety Director Bruce Sekeres told the Village Council that Public Safety's first choice would be the corner lot(s) at Ebbtide and U. S. One. The consensus of Council was to direct staff to address in depth the first four properties on the list, i.e. Lakeview Building, and Lots "B", "C" and "D" on U. S. One across the street from the Village Hall, and to get the best prices, in writing, for each property prior to the next meeting. The property immediately south of DeCesares Restaurant may be considered once it is determined if there is a 99-year lease on it. This issue will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of December 14, 1995. 2 Minutes of Workshop Session "" held Thursday, November 9, 1995 EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT -COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Council discussed a proposal submitted by Land Research Management (LRM) in the amount of $20,000 for preparation of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the Village's Comprehensive Plan, as required by state law. This item will be placed on the Special Meeting agenda of November 20, 1995. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. ~~~~ ..•• K thleen F. Kelly, CMC, Villa Jerk 3