03-28-1996 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1996 Present: V. A. Marks, M. D., Mayor Tom Valente, Vice Mayor Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem Gail Vastola, Councilman Charles O'Meilia, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Marks called the meeting to order at 7:59 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. '~ STANDARD BUILDING CODES Discussion was held concerning a proposed ordinance adopting the Standard Building Code, the Standard Gas Code, the Standard Mechanical Code, and the Standard Plumbing Code, 1994 Editions, and amendments thereto. This ordinance will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. IMPACT FEES -BURNS ROAD/NORTH PALM BEACH Discussion concerning proposed earmarking of road impact fees for the widening of Burns Road in Palm Beach Gardens was postponed to a future workshop agenda, pending additional information requested from the County and Palm Beach Gardens. Staff was directed to continue their efforts to schedule meetings with the appropriate city officials from Palm Beach Gardens. BUDGET MEETING SCHEDULE Discussion took place regarding the tentative budget workshop schedule. Consensus of Council was to change the date the budget will be sent to Council for review from 6/17 to 6/14. workshops were added for July 1st, July 2nd and July 3rd, eliminating the date of 7/15. Wrap up Session and setting the tentative millage is rescheduled for July 10th. Minutes of Workshop Session ,~.~ Held Thursday, March 28, 1996 BUDGET TRANSFER -SPECIAL LEGAL SERVICES Discussion was held concerning a budget transfer request in the amount of $10,000 from Council Contingency (A5540-49911) to Special Legal Services (A51 05-331 1 2) to cover deficit in account created by unexpected legal work. During discussion, staff was directed to adjust the budget transfer by transferring funds from the Country Club budget to cover portion of legal services resulting from Country Club matters. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. DRAFT CONTRACT FOR SERVICES - MCCREARY CORPORATION During discussion concerning a proposed draft contract with McCreary Corporation for administrative and claim services relating to health and life insurance benefits, and replacing the FIRMA Employee Benefits contract, Village Attorney George Baldwin was directed to review the draft and clarify language contained therein. Mr. Baldwin further opined that any rights or liabilities approved under the FIRMA contract should not '''"' automatically follow under this contract, and therefore should not be backdated to July 1995 as proposed, nor could payments be made for anything incurred in a prior budget year. This item will be placed on another workshop agenda on 4/11/96 for further discussion. PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR COMMUNITY CENTER ATHLETIC FIELD EXPANSION The Council discussed preliminary plans for the expansion of the Community Center property. The Council suggested changing the location of the restrooms, adding an area for storage of athletic equipment, and elimination of the driveway as shown on the drawings. The drawings will be returned to the designer for reworking and development of more detailed plans. BID AWARD FOR BALLFIELD GROOMER Discussion took place concerning award of bid to Pifer, Inc., Jupiter, Florida, in the amount of $7,290.00 from A8023-66490 (Machinery & Equipment) for the purchase of a Cushman Groom Master for maintenance and preparation of clay surfaces on Village ballfields. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. 2 Minutes of Workshop Session ,.-~ Held Thursday, March 28, 1996 BID AWARD FOR PAVEMENT RESURFACING Discussion was held concerning award of bid to Florida Highway Products, Inc., Lakeland, Florida, in the amount of $1.375 per square yard; funds to be expended from A7321- 34681 (R&M-Street Resurfacing) for resurfacing of certain Village streets. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. RECESS The Village Council recessed at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened at 9:10 p.m. ARCHITECT'S AGREEMENT -CONCESSION STAND AND HERB WATT BUILDING Discussion was held concerning an agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and Palm Beach Design Group for architectural services for a concession stand at Osborne Park and a new Herb Watt building on Anchorage Drive. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. FUTURE ANNEXATIONS Discussion was held concerning four annexation areas, as follows: 1) involuntary annexation of enclave area north of McLaren Road on west side of U. S. One; 2) voluntary annexation of six single family homes on east end of Canal Road at the Intercoastal Waterway; 3) voluntary annexation of two-acre parcel immediately north of the Milling Marina on the Intercoastal Waterway; and 4) annexation of street right-of-way of McLaren Road from U. S. One to its west limit and Carolinda Road from U. S. One to the east right-of-way line of Ellison Wilson Road. These annexations were forwarded to the Planning Commission for recommendation. REZONING OF 10313 PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD Members of the Church of the Palm Beaches addressed the Village Council regarding their application for rezoning of a 1.2 acre of land from R-1 to R-2, located at 10313 Prosperity Farms Road, between Pepperwood North and Pepperwood South. The Council withheld discussing the issue until it comes before them at a Regular Meeting and subsequent Public Hearing to afford all interested parties an equal opportunity to speak to the issue. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. 3 Minutes of Workshop Session ~-. Held Thursday, March 28, 1996 REZONING OF SANCTUARY COVE PHASE II An application for rezoning of 28.95 acres located at corner of Prosperity Farms Road and Monet Road from R-2 to R-3 (formerly Sanctuary Bay) for development of Sanctuary Cove Phase II was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996, at which time discussion will take place. SANCTUARY COVE PHASE II -PUD APPLICATION Discussion was held concerning application for a proposed Planned Unit Development known as Sanctuary Cove Phase II, comprised of 232 rental apartments in two and three story buildings on 28.95 acres of land located at the corner of Prosperity Farms Road and Monet Road. The developer was asked to provide an overlay of a tree survey, showing specifically the Oak trees and Palm trees. Floor plans drawn to scale were also requested. The Council requested that appraisal be done on the property prior to the '''~ next meeting. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. MILLINGS CAY AT HARBOR POINT MARINA -PUD MINOR MODIFICATION Discussion was held concerning a request for a minor modification of Millings Cay Parcel "D" of Harbor Point Marina Planned Unit Development to change setbacks for fence and pool on lots 13 and 17. This request was sent to the Planning Commission for recommendation at its April 2nd meeting. This will return to the Council on the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996, along with the Planning Commission recommendation. SAS VENDING SETTLEMENT Discussion was held concerning a proposed settlement between the Village of North Palm Beach and SAS Vending. During discussion, the Council directed staff to prepare a budget transfer from Country Club Contingency to Special Legal Services. This issue will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of April 11, 1996. The Village Council will hold a Public Hearing on the matter on April 11, 1996 prior to its Regular Session. 4 Minutes of Workshop Session ,.-. Held Thursday, March 28, 1996 VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Dennis Kelly gave a brief status report on various employee grievances. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ~~~~ athleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Jerk 5