06-25-1996 VC B WS-M~~~_, ;~ ~ ~, ~ ~~~~ , .. {{ k ,, ~,I%nv~n>~ h ~~o~ .1 vl y h .`~.IN%J~~ lTj1lA'~'l~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Man er DATE: June 26, 1996 RE: Budget Workshop Minutes of June 25, 1996 The following represents, in essence, the budget workshop minutes of the North Palm Beach Village Council of Tuesday, June 25, 1996, convening at 7:00 p.m. The following Council members were present: Vice Mayor Tom Valente, Councilman Charley O'Meilia, and Councilman Gail Vastola. Councilman Larry Kelley arrived approximately three minutes past seven. Mayor V. A. Marks was absent. The following Country Club Administrative Board members were present: Vice Chairman Len Pellegren, Arnold Hess and Catherine Suddarth. Staff present were: Dennis Kelly, Village Manager; Shaukat Khan, Finance Director; Sheila Dewberry, Country Club Administrator. Tennis contract vendor Buddy Goeltz was also present. ~,,,,, The Village Council reconvened their review with the Clubhouse/Grounds of the Country Club Fund with no substantive changes; however, the following items were discussed: ITEM: FROM: TO: • Throughout the budget, staff was directed to modify language in the Goals and Objectives portions of each department; such verbiage as "continue to" in describing goals or objectives for the coming year should be deleted. • Village Manager updated Council on research of the hourly rate for part-time employees from $6.50 to $7.50. The issue is still on hold pending additional research. • L4600-09100 $164,000. $173,000 Staff directed to increase the Appropriated Retained Earnings line item to balance various changes made in the Country Club Fund. • Council agreed to revise the budget workshop schedule, changing Public Safety from Monday, July 1 to Tuesday, July 2 and moving Public Services from Tuesday, July 2 to Monday, July 1. In addition, Council agreed to review Revenues on Monday, July 1 at the beginning of their workshop session. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:50 p.m. and will reconvene on Monday, July 1, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. DWK: sh cc: Department Heads