07-02-1996 VC B WS-M ~IIT~~`~~ ~y 1I~Y~Y11 ~~y k ~ # 1 MEMORANDUM ~"~- TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana er DATE: July 3, 1996 RE: Budget Workshop Minutes of July 2, 1996 The following represents, in essence, the budget workshop minutes of the North Palm Beach Village Council of Tuesday, July 2, 1996, convening at 7:00 p.m. The following Council members were present: Mayor V. A. Marks, M.D., President Pro Tem Larry Kelley, Councilman Gail Vastola, and Councilman Charley O'Meilia. Vice Mayor Tom Valente was absent. The following individuals were present: Volunteer Fire Fighter Bill Carson, Volunteer Fire Fighter Chris Gunn, Sergeant Jack Watrous, Fire Chief J. D. Armstrong, Public Safety Director Bruce Sekeres, Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, and later in the meeting, Public Services Director Tom Hogarth. The Village Council reconvened their review with the Community Planning budget. The following items were discussed and/or changed: ITEM: FROM: TO: COMMUNITY PLANNING A5206-33122, Engineering/Planning-Village Hall $30,000 -0- A5206-33194, Comp Plan Amendment $20,000 $23,600 (see A5206-34910, Advertising, below) A5206-33197, Shoreline Protection-FIND $182,250 $61,250 (under the anticipated column) A5206-33199, Northlake Boulevard Redevelopment (under the 1996 anticipated coiumn) $10,000 $5,000 (under the 1997 final column) $10,000 $5,000 A5206-34910, Advertising $3,600 -0- PARK MAINTENANCE A8023-34627, R & M Marina $500 $18,000 (boat ramp retainer wall repairs) LAW ENFORCEMENT • Discussion ensued regarding budget reporting between three or four divisions within law enforcement, and specifically regarding the Gardner North Substation, the Emergency ,.~ Medical Service budget and the Transport Unit budget. Council debated whether or not to consolidate those three budgets into one and consensus was to keep them separate for at least one more year. The Mayor asked the Village Manager for his perspective regarding this issue and the Manager shared his explanation that under the Law Enforcement budget, Account No. A5711-33190, Professional Services, staff has recommended $10,000 for reorganization analysis of the entire Public Safety Department. Consensus on the Council was to keep the budgets as they were and to support the Manager's recommendation for the reorganization analysis. A5711-11400, Overtime Pay $50,000 $60,000 A5711-35280, Gas, Oil and Lubricants $29,250 $27,000 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES A6416-34010/35430/35440 (Travel, Training & Conference, on p. 98 under the employee name, scratch Medical Director and keep two Paramedics for CLINCON Seminar in Orlando) ` NORTH SUBSTATION • P. 100, include in the title of North Substation, preceding the word North, add the word Gardner; the budget division title will be Gardner North Substation. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. and will reconvene on Monday, July 8, 1996, and ,r-• start with the Library Department and other remaining departments. DWK: sh cc: Department Heads 2