08-22-1996 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION ~ OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1996 Present: Tom Valente, Vice Mayor Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem Gail Vastola, Councilman Charles O'Meilia, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk Absent: V. A. Marks, M. D., Mayor ROLL CALL Vice Mayor Valente called the meeting to order at 9:20 p.m. All members of Council were present except Mayor Marks, who was absent due to illness. All members of staff were present. BILL 840 - DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATIONS Discussion was held concerning Bill 840, a proposed ordinance amending Subsection L(1) of Section 45-36, General Provisions, of Article III of zoning code which changes the distance requirements between gasoline or oil filling stations or service stations. Attorney Dennis Koehler, representing Martin Steinhardt of MSS Petroleum, Inc., and James Exline of Urban Land Consulting, addressed the Council regarding their opposition to the proposed amendments permitting automobile service station as an additional use in the C-3 Regional Business District. Tim Monaghan, Town Attorney for the Town of Lake Park, was present to respond to Mr. Koehler's statements. Bill 840, along with accompanying Bills 841 and 842, were forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of September 12, 1996. CERTIFICATION OF EMS GRANT Discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution certifying that monies from the EMS grant will improve and expand emergency medical services in the Village of North Palm Beach and that the grant monies will not be used to supplant existing provider's ,.... EMS budget. This resolution will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of September 12, 1996. Minutes of Workshop Session held Thursday, August 22, 1996 CABLE TV FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Discussion was held concerning a cable television franchise agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and Adelphia Cable Company for the provision of cable television services in the Village. Ila Feld of Leibowitz & Associates, on behalf of the Village, reviewed the draft proposal. The consensus of Council was to have legal review of the contract to ensure compliance with the Village code, particularly any conflicts with the subdivision and franchise ordinances, and use of rights of way by utilities. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of September 12, 1996, pending revision, if necessary, and legal review. PROCEDURES FOR TWIN CITY MALL P.U.D. AMENDMENTS Due to approaching curfew, this item was brought forward for discussion at this time. Tim Monaghan was present to review the procedures for amending the Twin City Mall P.U.D. amendments, as proposed and defined by the attorneys for the Town of Lake Park and the Village of North Palm Beach, along with each town's Manager. During discussion, ~ clarification was made of Page 2, Section 8 to state that the developer may request reconsideration of the joint Planning Commissions ~ the joint Councils. These proposed procedures were forwarded to the Regular Session of September 12, 1996. ADJOURNMENT Having reached the 11 p.m. curfew, the meeting adjourned. L~~;~ athleen F. Kelly, CMC, Villa Clerk 2