02-27-1997 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1997 Present: V. A. Marks, M. D., Mayor Tom Valente, Vice Mayor Gail Vastola, Councilman Charles O'Meilia, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk Absent: Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem ROLL CALL ,!/"`~ Mayor Marks called the meeting to order at 9:00 p.m. All members of Council were present except President Pro Tem Kelley, who was absent due to illness. All members of staff were present. RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS Discussion on the proposed Personnel Rules and Regulations was postponed to the next workshop on March 13, 1997. REZONING S. W. NEIGHBORHOOD AND C-2 ZONING DISTRICT Discussion was held concerning the proposed rezoning in part of the S. W. Neighborhood. Consensus of Council was to stay with the Palm Beach County Land Use Plan, rezoning specified lots to new zoning district of C-C as indicated on the proposed map, and recommended changing the corner lot at the Oriental Grocery from C-1, as designated on the proposed zoning map, to C-C. The Council also requested that the Section B.1.(a) and (b) of the draft amendment have language inserted to determine a compliance date. Under Item C., Item 9, the height and setback restrictions need to be defined, in line with the restrictions previously established by the County. .-~ This will return to the next Workshop Session of March 13, 1997 for further discussion. V1lOR.h'S~/d~ Minutes of R~+a~ Session .~-- Held Thursday, February 27, 1997 ARCHITECT'S PRESENTATION -PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY Tim Hullihan of Gee & Jenson was present to discuss various architectural styles for the Public Safety facility. Consensus of Council was to move forward with the style referred to as North Palm Beach French Colonial in Mr. Hullihan's distributed workshop backup of February 27, 1997. REVISION OF VILLAGE MANAGER'S CONTRACT Discussion continued concerning revisions to the agreement between the Village and the Village Manager. It was requested that definition be given for "a balanced budget" in the Code of Ordinances and in the Manager's job description and agreement, or in the evaluation system, and that it should include "without using unappropriated funds to balance the budget". Also included in the discussion was clarification that evaluation would be based upon Goals and Objectives established in the prior year. Consensus was reached to add ~ language stating the goals and performance objectives will be defined annually prior to April 1st for the following budget year's evaluation. EVALUATION FORM -VILLAGE MANAGER Discussion took place concerning various Manager evaluation forms used by other cities. The Village Manager was directed to prepare another evaluation form for Council consideration, combining samples submitted from Councilman O'Meilia, Delray Beach, and Byron, Texas. REZONING OF ANNEXED ENCLAVE (MCCLAREN ROAD TO CAROLINDA ROAD) Discussion was held concerning rezoning of recently annexed enclave area along U. S. 1 from McClaren Road to Carolinda Road from R-2 zoning district to C-1 zoning district. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of March 13, 1997. GRANT AWARD -BEAUTIFUL PALM BEACHES Discussion was held concerning a budget transfer request in the amount of $6,600 from Council Contingency to A7321-35222 (Street Maintenance-Trees & Sod) to appropriate the balance of the Village's match for landscaping the medians along U. S. 1 north of the 2 yt/o~e,c'.sHb~ Minutes of aa- Session ~--~ Held Thursday, February 27, 1997 Parker Bridge, as required by "Beautiful Palm Beaches" grant award of $10,497. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of March 13, 1997. LABOR RELATIONS CONSULTANT AGREEMENT Discussion was held concerning renewal of Labor Relations Consultant Agreement with Patricia I. Taylor, P. I. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of March 13, 1997. EXPENDITURE FROM PUBLIC SAFETY FORFEITURE FUND -TRUCK REPAIR Discussion was held concerning request from Public Safety Department to refurbish a 1988 Ford pickup truck acquired through forfeiture proceedings in the amount of $1,480.00 from A5714-34610 (Police Forfeiture-R&M Auto). This was forwarded the Regular Session agenda of March 13, 1997. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ~~~~~ K thleen F. Kelly, CMC, Villag Clerk 3