07-07-1997 VC B WS-M
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TO: Mayor & Village Council '
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag
DATE: July 8, 1997
RE: Budget Workshop Minutes of July 7, 1997
The following represents, in essence, the budget workshop minutes of the North Palm Beach
Village Council on Monday, July 7, 1997, convening at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were
present except Councilman. Larry Kelley who was absent due to illness. The. following staff .were
present: - Village Manager Dennis. Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Public Safety Director
. Bruce Sekeres, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, EMS Sergeant Jack Watrous; Admint. Lieut. Clay
,.., Walker, Volunteer Fire Fighter Chief Chris Gunn. The following changes to the.budgetwere
made or discussed:
• A0911-04600 from $111,500 TO $125,000 to increase anticipated revenues for transport
unit and EMS.
• Discussion concerning job description change request from EMS in regard to. Paramedic
Team Leader - no action; Council will review at a later date.
• Numerous reorganization issues were addressed by the Public Safety Director with
various handouts. No action; Council will address at a later date.
• Personnel .worksheet .(page 94), under annual salary column 97-98, the two vacant
positions are to be changed from $24,879 to $26,809.
• A6416-11210, Regular Salaries, from $187,201 to $191,061.
• Personnel worksheet (page 94) under the increment pay column, the first PSO vacant
position is to be changed from $2,000 to $3,000.
• Request made for a training schedule of the mandatory listing of participants required for
fire training. Fire Chief is to be provide this to the Village Council.
• All increment pay was to be moved into the base salary of each employee.
• Compare lease of uniforms with purchasing of uniforms to avoid dry cleaning costa This
involves Account A5812-33421, Laundry and Dry Cleaning, and Account A5812-35294,
Uniforms and Shoes.
• Council discussed the protective awning for the garage closure for the new fire truck. It
was the conclusion of Council for forward this to the July 24, 1997 Village Council
regular meeting agenda. The action to be considered is a budget transfer in the amount
of $2,530 to pay for installation of a temporary structure.
• Lengthy discussion regarding truck number 3; consensus .was to advertise in a reverse
bid format with an estimated value of $50,000 and solicit proposals from throughout the
state. In addition, the Fire Department will advertise in trade journals and the Florida
League of Cities Datagram announcing the availability of the truck for sale.
• Staff is to analyze date of employment and raises of four fire fighters to resolve the
question as to why there is a differential in their annual salaries.
`--~ • A5812-66490 from $4,400 to $5,600 for purpose of reinstating one water vacuum.
• On page 65 staff was instructed to spell out the abbreviated acronyms for DARE and
BAT under the goal section.
• Correct the personnel summary to reflect 37 full-time employees instead of 43.
• Page 67, under the objectives, include a justification for the Police Explorers.
• Consensus from Council to reverse the policy of requiring patrol officers to provide a
continuous presence of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, north of the bridge. Consensus
was for Chief to provide sufficient patrol activity throughout the entire Village, with his
determination as to how that is to be done.
• A5711-34670, from $7,810 to $7,725. From $485 for Office 97 software to -0-; add
$400 to the FCIC account increasing it from $ l , 525 to $1, 925 , for a total in the account
from $7,810 to $7,725.
• Page 71, Personnel worksheet, eliminate one PSO position (vacant position); job code
_. 5711-0136, from $26,809 to -0-, with accompanying fringe benefits being zeroed out.
A5711-11210, Regular pay, from $1,055,839 to $1,029,030.
• A5711-66415 from. $2,200 to -0-. Eliminate the Police Chief's secretary's computer.
• A5711-66410 from $48,000 to $24,000. Eliminate one patrol vehicle.
• On the personnel worksheet (page 70 and 72), under employee name Jane Lerner, under
the union non-union employees column, change her classification from U to N.
• Page 80, Capital Outlay worksheet, in the middle of the page is listed the logger recorder
and dispatch console, add asterisks to those two items to reflect the fact that they are
earmarked for the new building.
Consensus was to take Tuesday night off and meet Wednesday .night to discuss revenues, salaries
and set a tentative millage rate. Before adjourning, staff was instructed to provide a printout of
the chassis and packer body maintenance cost from Public Services Administration. The meeting
adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m.
DWK: sh
~, cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Bruce F. Sekeres, Public Safety Director
J.D. Armstrong, Fire Chief