07-09-1997 VC B WS-M.iu~ar,
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TO: Mayor & Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manage
DATE: July 10, 1997
RE: Budget Workshop Minutes of July 9, 1997
The following represents, in essence, the budget workshop minutes of the North Palm Beach
Village Council on Wednesday, July 9, 1997, convening at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were
present, with the Village Manager Dennis Kelly and the Finance Director Shaukat Khan in
attendance. The following changes to the budget were made or discussed:
• Golf Course Maintenance: Require atrade-in number to be inserted in the less trade
column of the Golf Course Maintenance Capital Outlay budget.
• Community Planning (page 60): A5206-33194, Comp Plan Amendments, from $10,000
to $20,000 for. purposes of completing the EAR Comp Plan Based Amendments.
• Staff instructed to develop Request for Council Action to redesignate $20,000 in the
1996-97 budget from EAR Comp Plan Based Amendments to Special Study for Zoning
in Progress Moratorium north of Parker Bridge; in addition, staff is to develop an RCA
for transferring $10,000 into the FY 96-97 budget for purposes of updating the
Comprehensive Plan reflecting the annexation of the Southwest Neighborhood.
• A0300-00500, Franchise -Cable TV, from $76,000 to $85,000.
• A0400-00100, Utility Tax -Electric, from $830,000 to $660,000.
• A0400-00200, Utility Tax -Telecommunications, from $250,000 to $195,000.
• A0400-00800, Utility Tax -Propane Gas, from $37,000 to $29,000.
• A3100-08210, Interest Income -Loan Proceeds, from -0- to $98,000.
• A1200-02941, Reimbursement Gas Tank Leak, from -0- to $275,000.
• General Fund Highlights (page 11) -Revenues, change the second bullet titled Increased
Telecommunication Tax from 5% to 7% to "from 5% to 6%" ($35,000).
• General Fund Highlights (page 11) -Revenues, under the third bullet, change Increase
Utility Tax from 7% to 10% to `from 7% to 8%" ($85,000).
• A5711-11210, Regular Pay, eliminate Dispatcher position in the amount of $26,000, plus
fringe benefit.
• Personnel Worksheet (page 70), Records Clerk, employee name vacant. Change annual
salary from $20,629 to $19,926.
• Staff to obtain clarification regarding Record Clerk position, Job Code 5711-0114, Carol
Bastian, as to accuracy of salary and/or range.
• A7020-66410, Automotive -Packer Truck replacement, from $65,000 to $65,000.
Council decided to keep the packer truck in the budget and not change the dollar amount.
• A5519-66410, Automotive -Jitney, from $12,000 to $12,000. Council decided to keep
the jitney in the budget and not change the dollar amount.
• A5003-11230, Certification Pay, from $1,500 to -0-. Staff directed to develop a policy
on certification pay for post employment training/certifications.
• Council accepted second option to adjust Fire fighters/Paramedic salaries (memo to
Kelly from Sekeres dated May 28, 1997). Fire fighters starting salary will be $27,440.
They also will receive $1,000 for EMT and $2,000 for Paramedic Certification.
Paramedic starting salary will remain at $28,440 and they will receive $1,000 for Fire
• Staff directed to obtain cost for storm shutters for the Community Center to be budgeted
out of the FY 96-97 budget.
GEP~TERAL FUND RESERVE (in the budget back-up (page 153)
• A5540-49915, Raises and Benefits, from $250,000 to $150,000. 2% COLA at an
estimated $50,000 per percentage point, plus $50,000 for anticipated Public Safety
increases from FY 95-96 carry-over.
• A5540-49916, Accrued Benefits, from $100,000 to $80,000, for purposes of reflecting
actual sick leave .reimbursement cost. $55,000 instead of $75,000.
• A5540-49918, Safety and Attendance Awards, from $20,000 to $14,000, for purposes
of reflecting elimination of Safety and Attendance Awards from non-union personnel.
• A5540-49925, Performance Raise, from $60,000 to $45,000, to reflect the following:
Pay for Performance budget percent increase = 3%; based on $15,000 per percentage
point x the 3 % _ $45,000. The Pay for Performance distribution of funds is as follows:
4 % =Outstanding
2 % =Exceeded Expectations
0 % =Meets Expectations
• Council directed the staff to adjust the Country Club budget accordingly for COLA,
Performance raise, etc. , consistent with General Fund budget.
• Staff directed to develop scenarios of ad valorem tax revenues, per the following:
Anticipated tax revenue at 5.06 mills
Anticipated tax revenue at 6.25 mills
Anticipated tax revenue at 5.50 mills
Council agreed to meet on Monday, July 14, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. They stood adjourned at
approximately 9:55 p.m.
DWK: sh
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Bruce F. Sekeres, Public Safety Director
.~, Sheila Dewberry, Country Club Administrator
Tom Hogarth, Public Services Director