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2005-2006 FY Budget
VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH r ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005 - 2006 ORDINANCE N0.20-2005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE ATTACHED ANNUAL BUDGETS, INCLUDING THE COUNTRY CLUB ENTERPRISE FUND, REVIEWED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL AT THE MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 7, 2005, AND AS REVISED AND APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL, AS THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH'S APPROVED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 2005, TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 (D.ATES INCLUSIVE), ALLOCATING, APPROPRIATING, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND FOR THE PURPOSES AS STATED IN SAID BUDGET, EXCEPTING CERTAIN APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES REQUIRING FURTHER VILLAGE COUNCIL ACTION AND/OR AUTHORIZATION; AUTHORIZING BUDGETARY CONTROL BY DEPARTMENTAL FUND TOTAL FOR ALL APPROPRIATIONS EXCEPT FOR AMOUNTS ALLOCATED FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A COMPREHENSIVE PAY PLAN REFLECTING BUDGETED EMPLOYMENT POSITIONS AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO MAKE TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS TO BUDGETED POSITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF GOVERNMENTAL FUND(S) FOR RECEIPT OF MONIES BY GIFT, GRANT, OR OTHERWISE, WHEN THE SAME CONTAINS AS A CONDITION OF ACCEPTANCE, A LIMITATION OR RESTRICTION REGARDING THE USE OR EXPENDITURE OF THE SAME AND THE MANAGEMENT AND DISBURSEMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SUSPENSION OF THE OMNIBUS APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION CONTAINED HEREIN BY VILLAGE COUNCIL RESOLUTION; PROVIDING THAT THE BUDGET HEREBY ADOPTED MAY BE ADJUSTED OR MODIFIED BY SUBSEQUENT RESOLUTION OF THIS VILLAGE COUNCIL SO LONG AS SUCH ADJUSTMENT OR MODIFICATION SHALL NOT RESULT IN A VARIATION OF THE TOTAL BUDGET, PROVIDING THAT IN THE EVENT A VARIATION FROM THE TOTAL BUDGET IS OR BECOMES NECESSARY, THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE AMENDED ONLY BY A SUBSEQUENT ORDINANCE CONSISTENT WITH FLORIDA STATUTES, THE CHARTER AND CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE AUTHORIZATION TO LAPSE ALL ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2005, AND AUTHORIZATION TO RE-APPROPRIATE ALL UNEXPENDED CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS, INCLUDING LAPSED CAPITAL OUTLAY ENCUMBRANCES, IN THE 2005/06 BUDGET YEAR PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the tentative 2005/06 Annual Budget, reviewed by the Village Council on September 7, 2005, of said budget being attached hereto and made a part hereof as specifically as if set forth at length here at and as revised on September 21, 2005, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as the Village of North Palm Beach's final budget for 2005/06 fiscal year. Section 2. Amounts allocated in said budget for expenditure effective October 1, 2005 are authorized in accordance with the purposes as set forth in said budget except that no funds shall be deemed authorized for expenditure in those instances where specific and additional Village Council action and authorization is required as provided in the Village of North Palm Beach Charter, as well as other applicable law. That this budget shall appropriate an expenditure of funds for scheduled repayments of debt financing as required by Village loan agreements. Section 3. That the 2005/06 Annual Budget establishes, except as otherwise provided in Section 5 hereof below, limitations on expenditures by department total within fund. Said limitation meaning that the total sum allocated to each department for operating expenses may not be increased or decreased without specific authorization by a duly enacted Resolution and/or Ordinance effecting such amendment or transfer. However, specific activity amounts may be exceeded so long as excesses exist in other activities within said department budget. Appropriations shall not be transferred in amounts over $5,000 without the approval of the Village Council. Appropriations of $5,000 or less shall not be transferred without the approval of the Village Manager; however, nothing is intended to permit the Village Manager to violate the intent of the approved budget. Section 4. That amounts allocated to Capital Outlay items are specific authorizations and may be expended only for capital project and capital purchase purposes. The amount allocated for Capital Outlay may not be exceeded or increased without specific Village Council authorization, the same being by a duly enacted Resolution andior Ordinance effecting such amendment or transfer. Section 5. In the event that an authorized position is vacant and monies are available within a department's salary appropriation to fund a temporary appointment to vacant position, the Village Manager may appoint a temporary employee for a period not to exceed 90 days, to fill said vacant position. Said temporary appointment may be renewable for an additional 90-day period and may only be made for the period pending the filling of the authorized position by a permanent employee. The pay for a temporary employee shall be within the pay scale of an approved Village Pay Plan position. Section 6. That when the Village of North Palm Beach receives monies from any source, be it private or governmental, by Grant, Gift, or otherwise, to which there is attached as a condition of acceptance, any limitation regarding the use or expenditure of the monies received, the funds so received need not be shown in the Annual Budget nor shall said budget be subject to amendment or expenditure as a result of the receipt of said monies, but said monies shall only be disbursed and applied toward the purposes for which the said funds were received. To ensure the integrity of the Operating Budget, and the integrity of the monies received by the Village under Grants or Gifts, all monies received as contemplated above must, upon receipt, be segregated and accounted for based upon accepted contemporary Florida Municipal Accounting Principles and where appropriate, placed into separate and individual Governmental Fund accounts from which any money drawn may only be disbursed and applied within the limitations placed upon the Gift or Grant as aforesaid. 2 Section 7. That the Omnibus Appropriation and Expenditure Authorization as contained in Section 3 hereof may be temporarily or permanently suspended by Resolution of the Village Council if at any time it appears that the projected revenue supporting the above-described budget is below anticipated levels or maybe temporarily or permanently suspended by Resolution of the Village Council for any other reason or purpose deemed proper by the Village. Section 8. Upon the passage and adoption of the 2005!06 fiscal year budget for the Village of North Palm Beach, the Village Manager determines that Department Total or a Capital Outlay will exceed its original appropriation, is hereby authorized and directed to prepare such Resolutions as may be necessary and proper to administratively and publicly adjust or modify any adjustments to the Budget hereby adopted so long as such adjustment or modification shall not result in a variation of the total budget appropriation adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, as provided by General or Special Law. Section 9. In the event of a variation from the total budget appropriation is or becomes necessary, such variations shall only become legally effective upon the adoption of an amending Ordinance consistent with Florida Statues, the Charter and the Code of Ordinances of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 10. That all outstanding encumbrances for non-capital (i.e. operating) expenditures at September 30, 2005 shall lapse at that time; and, that all outstanding encumbrances for Capital Expenditures as at September 30, 2005 shall lapse at that time; and, that all unexpended Capital Expenditure encumbrances may be added to the corresponding approved 2005/06 available budget balances and be simultaneously re-appropriated for capital expenditures, as previously approved in the 2004/05 fiscal year. Section 11. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances ui conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section l2. This Ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 2005. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005, AND THIS 21st DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. ,-~ ~ ~ (VILLAGE SEAL) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLE 3 ORDINANCE 19-2005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AD VALOREM TAX OPERATING MILEAGE LEVY RATE AT 6.8000 MILLS FOR THE 2005 TAX YEAR REPRESENTING AN INCREASE OF 6.99 % FROM THE PRIOR YEAR'S ROLLED BACK RATE, AND ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AD VALOREM TAX DEBT SERVICE MILEAGE LEVY RATE AT 0.0000 MILLS FOR THE 2005 TAX YEAR; FOR A TOTAL VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 2005 TAX YEAR AD VALOREM TAX MILEAGE LEVY RATE OF 6.8000 MILLS FOR ALL PURPOSES OR $6.8000 PER THOUSAND DOLLARS OF TAXABLE ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village Council and the Village Administration of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, have reviewed the 2005!06 Fiscal Year budget for the various operating departments of the Village and the means of financing said budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby establish and adopt the Village of North Palm Beach Ad Valorem Tax Operating Millage Levy Rate of 6.8000 Mills for the 2005 tax year, and does further hereby establish and adopt the Village of North Palm Beach Ad Valorem Tax Debt Service Millage Levy Rate at 0.0000 Mills for the 2005 Tax year, for a total Village of North Palm Beach 2005 tax year Ad Valorem Tax Millage Levy Rate of 6.8000 Mills for all purposes or $6.8000 per thousand dollars of taxable assessed property value. This millage rate reflects an increase of 6.99 % from the prior year's rolled back rate. Section 2. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3: That this Ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 2005. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005, AND THIS 21st DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. f ~ ~ (VILLAGE SEAL) C MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK General Fund Budget FY 2005-2006 Beginning Council Contingency $ 75,745 Current Discussion and Council Budgetary Discussion Items: Proposed Consensus Revised Impact Revenues: GF-3 * Adjust for Final Taxable Value 11,036,492 55,215 11,091,707 Estimated taxable value used in proposed budget (~1.F59,859,990) \dual linal la ~ahl~ gal u~ (SL6GZ9~9.73Y) GF-3 ~~~i~~ ~ ilA ~ZillC lei 6.~) (~1l)llt ~ ~ _(I~) ~ _i(I] ~\_~~)ii) ~ (I!)i 3--~ ~ ~ (li_(I\ ~ ) Expenses: Personnel: GF-11 * HR Specialist Position 56,298 accepted 56,298 GF-7 * Pay Raises for Council 45,882 (10,361) 35,521 * Change Assistant Village Manger position to HR Manager (cr # z~) 109,519 (19,629) 89,890 GF-17 * IT Position return from Indep. Contractor to Staff 90,000 9,081 99,081 * COLA -Increase from 3% VS. 3.5% Use April 'OS All Urban Consumers Index A 0.5%increase would cost $55,000 55,000 * Performance Merit Range = 0-4% accepted * Salary Adjustment for Recreation Director (+1 Grade to #34) 135,922 4,532 140,454 * Village Clerk Pay Grade (+1 Grade to #33) (38,623) Operating GF-61 * Planning & Comm. Development Consulting Fees 15,000 (15,000) - GF-61 * Remove Addition To Designated Unappropriated Fund Balance 100,000 (100,000) - IS-3 * SERMA Cost Incr. - W/Comp, Property & Gen Liability Insur. 976,554 11,859 988,413 (28% increase vs. 15% budgeted) 103,141 Capital. GF-44 * 3/4 Ton Truck Public Services (downsize to 1/2 ton) 18,000 (1,500) 16,500 * Pool transfer from Country Club - 195,745 195,745 postponement of pool deck resurfacing, painting, fencing & pool blankets 132,100 (132,100) - GF-53 * FRDAP Grant Match 200,000 (200,000) - * Discuss Marina Storage Leasing Revisions /fiscal yr. accepted * Library Gift Account Discussion - GF-45 * Gas Tanks: Location & Cost 152,000 (50,000) 102,000 GF-41 * Lighthouse bridge ---LOAN FINANCED 150,000 - 150,000 GF-53 * Osborne Park Building ---LOAN FINANCED 200,000 - 200,000 GF-53 * Osborne Park Parking Lot Assistance 35,000 - 35,000 187,855 Net Budgetary Impact: I-i`)_?`) Ending Council Contingency $ 225,038 UNC~ GANGES C4 Club Cpuntry $ 23?,059 uaget 2005_200' S4,sss B Budgetary CODUCiI I Discussion and Revised Net Income Current Budgeted ontingency osed Consensus Council C prop Budgeted 000) 108,000 Chan e: (12, Consensus 120 000 ~e@ ~Ghedtlle gesident, Daily Yla9) CC ~ ~ pd~uSt o a Tier mem~esship ~NIe e _ Exten5lonProposal 3 enu Change t ~tltract R 0 fee to be supp°rted by ~ Reduction in F CC-17 esident Card ~ Establish R Membership I Resrdent cards Swipe) of ~ Regrure al wire use ~ sactions req. .without use ~Cepted Credit Card „discount" trap discount q.62) ~ Regrure that Card - nO (63, Membership l Re51dent ID ~~de # 2$) osition t ' ~ 35,000 of card Glub Director p _ - 1 far ~ 1SGt1SS Salary leUe fOr Resident fees ersonal instruction) ~5 000 195 ~ q5 ~ U i~ i GC-~ 8 D % discount dice and p 195 4~5 l.- A12~2~0 ES ,t romotional rates, nlero~a" ~ tablish 15 S Card swipe system ~ CC-~ ~ es „special ~p (exclud P rchase -New and (gecreation) ntenance ~ Capital Pu eneral F Couse Mai cc-2o G to show Golf ~ pool transfer to CC-15 ~ CIC Grg~ization Chart CC-$ reporting to Administration uncil Continge"cy~Netlncome Ending Co General Fund Budget FY 2005-2006 Proposed Budget -Council Contingency ~ 75,745 Discussion and Council Budgetary Discussion Items - _ Consensus Revised Impact Revenues: GF-3 Interest Income -Estimate increased based on expected earnings 75.000 GF-3 Roll Tai Ratc from 6.~> mils... to 6.8 mils (I ~8_~~6) I OJ7~_~>~~ (8 ~_~~6) Expenses: Personnel: * COLA -Increase from 3.5%to 3.7% (Uses Wage Earner & Clerical Workers.... rather than All Urban Consumers... Index) 17,000 (17,000) Operating: IS-3 * Revised SERMA W/Comp, Property & Gen Liability Insur. (11,859) (28% increase vs. 15%budgeted) I I,g59 Net Budgetary Impact: (88,597) Ending Council Contingency $ 136,441 COUNCIL BUDGET CHANGES Country Club Budget FY 2005-2006 Budgeted Net Income (Cash) $ 237,059 Proposed Budget -Council Contingency 54,858 u Current Discussion and Council Budgetary Proposed Changes - Proposed Consensus Revised Impact Eliminate 2 p/t positions in maintenance & Tennis and replace with 1 f/t grounds maintenance position 18,790 Increased Cost Estimate for POS system -replace two Club p/c's (Club Director & Golf Pro) 3,600 * COLA -Increase from 3.5%to 3.7% 10,000 (Uses Wage Earner & Clerical Workers.... rather than All Urban Consumers... Index) (32,390) Ending Council Contingency + Net Income $ 379,810 areas. Budget Village Departmental among ositions recommended in the responsibilities moment tie organization charts reflect all staf trig p budget and Benefits Plan for each Dep crate tab within this THE VILLAGE BEACS Comprehensive pay ORTH PALM rehensive Pay Plan is included under sep changes N m Beach, FL Comp e artments reflect a detailedtdi staffing °f t etr 501 U.S. Hwy 1, North Pal docwnent). Village D p improvemen , ~ .FAX (561) 848-3344 rp ram Telephone. (561) 841-3380 goals, operational service, p g ective area. and capital expenditures within each resp e budget process beement team This document seeksdto help our Vil ag ain an op officials, our Administrative mana en exchange meaningful to electe Ding efforts to matnt Village July 1, 2005 and to our residents. Qng ortance of understanding hOWeffort to Ma or and Village Council art of our continuing lace le y of information reflect the imp Administration plans to p The Honorab lm Beach resources are received ~ d tike Vil age Village of North Pa give access to all c ae webstte Northpalm Beach, Florida 33408 this budget document on the Vil ab gE; Fiscal Year 2005/06 osed Budget Bud et Goals ed collaboratively with assistance Village Manager's Prop ~ `,~,as develop The Proposed budg Village supen'tsion and staff Tast candbour etnt e Mayor and Council, from a wide array of to consider p Village staff, effort allowed the Administrat a~nership with our ro rams, To Honorable Villag In p roved service, p g 'th ou this Recommended 2 d et do ument ractices & procedures. d for new or imp leased to share wl y This bu b p oafs We are p e of North palm Beach. e residents for the opportunities were identhis review, the Administratve hancdedegera Budget for the Villag to serve our Villag a Village During and projects. Village team members to deve op ro ects are reflects a plan of action et allocates resources amonb Many of these p J fiscal year. The budg discussions with ear. this narrative - in a upcoming them with financial res The pe°form nG o °f and projects for the Gomtng Y following summary departments providing e improvement. table immediately hi blights Villag summarized in a and an "operating g ro ects and Dal of continuing ort an ambitious list of ro ecf' summary erating plans, p J g onsibilities supp all focused on `capital p J artmental op artment's budget Department duties and resp eneral operations... Tans, The details of all Dep ective Dep ectives, projects and g be found in each resp roach, the Village obJ esidents. This document identifies broad p improvements may et reparation app uality service to Villager idelines that will continue Using a collaborative budg f pus between high q onsibilities and financial gu narrative. balanced operational resp Administration maintained a onsibilities. our Village's improvement in the coming ye~~ _ ' endl resident service and fiscal resp rocess, our staff team make this a user fn y the budget planning p levels of munictpal Bud et Format source of In setting goals during our many Gases, the rovides a common et reflects In all The Administration t~ dget eps o s. The budg resources. t. ser maintained an awarenessfn racial ctng rit on services that are budget documen different a service with Village hest prio y aful information for many ht responsibilities outlined tnTh. s Administration has placed the big meaninb cement and oversig charts). i Structure (orgaruzat1en Village manab erating and oversight department organizational 6nment of op managerial structure reflects assib COUnGll tilii~ enditures allow the ed or unforeseen lanned c ho cee np he event of prolong of while p c ounce and ss and communicate the imp and these in discussion ditions supervision rovide con • h a commitmenttop phasic centers economic r disco training, of employee monito ice, cost a e Closely staff s gerv the significant o of ~,e Vi]1 g ents - wtt pur Budgetary ~ for ~5 to b our resid Village noting Her . ce counting Oo benefits) most valued Y efficient man d d benefits ~ ,l ,oo,o nd per forman and d re an tion an o0o salary an effective a oals~. Infrastructu cornpensa ~ll>900, ~cturc an d onthe following g public Spaces, budget" Inf~'~tr GeneralFur' ooh public Spaces' intain Neighborhood and 1VIa nit Appearance eighborh fitment to and funding °f 1. Commu Y Services all Village Village Facilities rove afety Mpint~in N ects our cOmm including and aintain and Imp public S et refl 2. M dMaintain ice Focus amongst F~ilities budg maintenanc effectiveneS cial The proposed infrastructure To better align building erv ~ Enhance an F roan Resident S and Improve our comir'unity facilities. all custodial a division in ~ promote a onsibility arks ce, ices nc of ~ acility m~?c ~nan a Facility Serv e parks is employees e Fiscal Resp buildings ~ into of Villag Villag efficie Y been P Maintenance better oversee the 5 Maintain ce has Department. roving Stability d et Objectives are inaintenan ices Director to while imp the public Sere Recreation areas also leading annual bug Dint, iced by our public artnient is financial viewp betng super' hig~_visibility e park. e areas at Anchora Bud et pb' ectiives our Village sFrom a this Year these rental 1 listing °f ~ bullets. amain increased needs of pur Recrand ~ o~g Park A genera the followtn~ have once a~ This is an increase °f at our marina for Anchorage enhanced erg' values accountability. reflected to roperty values 200) ents ecific funding plans include nary e roP and taxable P valued as °f tan noting Villag P ents and sp, coming Year. landscapinga Villages $~g 990 ~ o ver last Year ~ ed on this valuation, the i~proo em 40 000 to the lightink s rnarinalstor ur _ to ~1a659~ 036,209 or IS.4 he Past ~ ~~ea~s)~ $veloped~. x,.999 in>Is areas exceed ~ aYs dock assessme This Par ustments in fut $1,43$ 6p%+ overt havebeen d walkw monitoring rate adj ~ lanned in lulillage Rate to security ~ b rental tied and betn~ P have increased et Objectives improved tenant helped Y b dg the Village Operating a Designated, errs will be recomr°en following Huai improvem errs are also ~ Redo ~.2~ mils) and n'aintainang of the an Improvem document. of the fdow„ from developing e ual to l0 osed X18 years.. renal leasing 5205,000 and conhnua~on a Dal f or d Balance ~ million of the PTOP the V>llage s laps include ~ Establish g rovenient P rogram totaling hborhood riat~ budget taPProx. ~3. Village imp of neig Unapprop maintains Neighborhood overlay P . assistance tanning for a General Fun ent. annual street are also p budget). budget considers and d Tepla imelY and Villages far contract repair We bark loan) to million annual aintenance an t 0 000 Village. b a -~_yr. ital m is replaced in a another ~8 ~ bout the financed Y hthouse bridge Ensure that the 6h cap alks throng 150,000 ~ our Ltg ' ctuTe throw inert maintain high sidew of air to admimstratlon infrast~ ~e equip to achieve and ce and rep ices Villa investment ainte OT ublic Sere that allowing staff non- major pur P ~ Ensure needed pe~orm periodic m t fashion service. for all ounts b the D i~ consisten uality and rovides all arc' recommended Y levels of ~ budget tha while adding sin ropriated balanced enditures Hated Unapp ~ Maintain acapital exp to the Desig d balance recurring to "build up ropriated Fun rated UnaPP e financial stability . annually The Desig eter of Villag target le viewed as abarom _,.,,td be of the scheduled replacement ck laps for ~ndem-load tru also p W e als° ck with another new Veers). Administration e tru t]ie past few ~ needed for this The d ~arbag over shell as d rant funding ~le_loa ~ ck purchases c d bulky garbage an ossible g a since other trn leasing of a out p Federal sources. ~s;,nilar ~ large an continued ediately to seek state and comn1end the contractua~kup of ort the Village ss per week. imin County, of the re staff with the p 5-day will begin re from ent to assist will supp all homes e backdoor bridge expendim mayor refurbishm z ba„k These efforts s from of our Villag include a also financedbY a Y ~ ents. debris d debri . cost costs of Village laps 000 t rovem arbage an direct County rates a area p a site pickup ld be noted that the the annual Village fa°ility p . totaling ~~00' arkin~ im il. wilding X35 000 for p It sh° is substantial -about 1 m C tial y for residen Parkb to appum am°unt of service v,,eekly ad Osborne rovi~n ghas also pl ~ th if ick-uP 5 million -r° f°r twice- also p e maxim but waste p totals s v,,hile ~l' X400 Y ~ in the County 1oa11) artm funds a funding rant solid avast run less than T included Council The Parks Dee rant guaranteed mends not ~ e Park ttlie g e ND recom ossibly FLAP, Recreation g rant is chorag ,to~,poo). presently ice and ~ inistration ear about p F~~ g ents at An ect of ~ side sere The Adm in Y nnual ~200,000~ The improvem total ~TO~ drainage curb- e rate. the com g through a millag over ice costs o b e funds - fohborhood storm fuel fee will supp°~ Vi]lag for neig Villages valorem , discussion waste ser`' waste assessment received 1~o to Y of the of our deliberation and olid A solid reduce its ad be matched fanning ent Village s must services is p 85,000, replacem 000 and repaving funding our filar to the County's)' to substantially rate more public totaling for X152, ent (sim palm Beach e ad valorem ents stem assessor h the Villag areas. improvem fuel dispensing sy 000 ould allow Nort snaking orated County lot for X35' vation is millage rate - unincorp tanks ae Hall parking Club renO ect valorem acent Villag comparable ith adJ been for the Village s Coun~ er this large prO~ be w 'c Sc~fetJ' Se~icesl2 hour shifts has that will p~bh enditure ing year -how financing budget office to e and visibility Capital exP ed for the com loan this axntai~ k an realig of roved coverag orted the re- being plane l funded by baan amendmentl~°n subsequent Enh ce Ana Mears roe ding mp s also supp roving the separate Y Council as will resu when they are Thep This ha will be loan sed budget hig~Y successful in p cle patrol 1eap waterway bank-qualified Village bout the Village motorcY the Villages » considered bThis e s to this prop° of the . on of the Villages idling ent. vote our throng speeding and a docum addition) approved b 1 expenditures for the past pr ~ ti~nd f al owed amendments ~ d separatelyce and capita in its Enterpnse introducti of roadway curtailed monitoring This has burea rates. Past year ective conside d The maintena ~ reflected sep~ately atrol. det allow our Count Club boat p the Village? s crime clearance efts osed e Country ee staff from ent in our 12_hour sh roe Villag rovem new the p nd. n~unitJ' Appe~ran roadway substant5taff additions andreme in u ~ 'om tantial ice is to ate uroved~e~ ectiven at the p L F leve o erity Farm P of imp mends t rovernQnt of tw subs s ~ Imp feting 1 prose ng supp°~ the recom ositlon. ce an will be comp ear'. ~ d laps with the Police staT~ help to a new full-time p ~Aintenan e coming Y budget. the Administration lap ew top The Villag ects in the an p . ed 't n ake Blvd discussions that mamtaming the detective bureau, es ~8 A0 for purchase of ~ Northl indicate rovements can ecialistbe beautification pr°~ isors that their time Clerical sp et includ Road and ice superv imp The police budg ii' ub11c sere beautification roviding Village P of these roadway levels p laced ularly to staff reg appearance with existing d order and repall of our Village be accomplished v,,ork on meet aintained in g equip is n~ efficient flow their consistent and a -~adwaYs~ computers to allow patrol officers to perform work while in the emergency power are available. The Administration plans to field and "download" their work when returning to the station. implement Village-wide Local Area Network using Bellsouth's VPN as a backbone allowing all areas of the Village to The Village's Fire/Rescue operation is fully staffed and communicate through a common, central computer system. We operating well in accomplishing its mission and response times. also plan to implement a program to annually replace p/c Fire/Rescue has included $9,000 for the purchase of 2 case- computers and system printers that are in their 4th year of service hardened laptop computers for use by rescue personnel. Capital - allowing the Village to standardize the wide array of expenditures for the Village's north sub-station are being equipment and operating systems that are too frequently planned separately for the coming year. This large project will impacting Village operations. These technology improvements include separate bank-qualified loan financing that will be will allow all Village staff to better communicate together and considered and voted on independently by the Village Council. allow our Administration to develop more comprehensive approaches in researching information and sharing The Village Administration recommends Council discussion communications. regarding the possibility of funding Village Fire costs through an annual non-ad valorem assessment (similar to the County's The Administration has recommended and the Village Clerk has Fire service assessment). A Fire assessment fee would allow agreed, to collaboration in purchasing and implementing an North Palm Beach to reduce our ad valorem millage rate - optical records storage system during the coming fiscal year. making the Village ad valorem rate more comparable with This system will initially be implemented and used by the Clerk adj acent unincorporated areas. with plans to expand its use to other Village operating departments during the course of the next 2 years. Optical Promote a "Resident Service Focus" amongst all Village employees record storage systems are now widely used by governments The Administration's central focus will continue to center and meet all State record storage requirements. This would around Service to our residents. The proposed budget redirects allow the Village to plan atransition -over time -from "paper" staff and resources to accomplish goals that improve service to records to optically stored records. Optical storage permits our Residents: through enhancing our customer service areas, digital "look up" of any optical record "at will" through the daily assistance and improved training of our many Village staff convenience of a simple computer search. Optical storage members and by capital project improvements. The systems have become commonly used by many local Administration recommends adding a Human Resources governments and the cost is relatively modest ($18k) when Specialist position in the coming year's budget to help the considering the time savings and customer service Village and our Assistant Manager meet legal and improvements they offer. administrative responsibilities of Village H/R functions (hiring, interviews, backgrounds, disciplinary actions, accident investigations, The Village Administration is recommending transference of employee evaluations, promotions /transfers, health insurance renewals, our building, permitting, and business licensing functions to our general insurance renewal, union negotiations, staff recognition, supervisory Village Hall location. Our Village Hall location offers vastly and management training, and more). improved customer service areas and ample parking. The Village's LT. function will be re-located and centralized in Transferring our Village LT. function to the better secured and our Public Safety building where improved security, space and better equipped Public Safety building provides adequate room iv mends a merit scale of be cost of 0/). 4°I° Administration recom resulting in an average budget Village Hall based an performance ( total ~7) to ees r the building division's staff and files at °ur eekend ° o in the coming year fo nce activities will remain and wPublic tirement contribution leveln~o~a eeto 23 Imp y 'butions Code Complia Re total 73) will i to ee contra ore directly on evening location. and FPE staff ( ° ° while emp Y and Fire hedules. The Administratio~~en police (tota131 staff) Service office and f nu ~ a f sc ~~~p 5°~° from last yew's level of 1g l) modify g Retirement rates for a ear (up 5%from activities by in stronger bonds and coordination coming remain at 6%. o ° in the cominb Y also begin develop g efforts in the up will increase to 20 / ' Safety's 2417 patrol of 20 staff) to ee contributions remaining a a Code compliance and our Puobfi Publccy ear's rate of I5%) while emp Y to take advantage Tasty Z% year - level of only Village neighborhoods. s onsibility and jynpr°ve Financial Stability b 999 Debt Administration: a menu have been Maintain Fiscal Re P each existing Village in mileage rate will be 1oa e ofd7t27 n'ils• pll Village revenue bond and debuired by p y he General The Village s operat g ear s r et as req 1 Obligation debt. provided for in this budg a n1ents are reflected ro riate in our mils - a reduction of .27G~ ~~a rom last y loan agreement. Loan rep y budget reflects r Services area of our General Fund and as ap ank loan There is no outstanding ations reflect ~ e Fund. The budget delibe Club Enterpris ear qualified b of our Administration's costs, desired service Country and plans for 7-Y Much » between increasing Notably our recommendations ital expenditures reflected witlvn our judgment "trade-offs for capital items. of two major cap 000 to our financing improvements t does p Beds This v,,ill Proposed Budget as follows: budg Tan for an adFiund balan00~ proposed ro riated Genera General Fund Designated Unapp p ast year's accumulated which remains $150,000 add directly to our p of $2 ss3>g55) . Public Services - e Maintenance 200- balance ( ear. A o Lighthouse Bridg Renovation Unappropriated Fund unbudgeted in the coming o erating o Osborne gwldinb 35 untouched anGeneral Fund capi~l and p entirely table of is provided Total Loan Proceeds summary ro ram funding tanned to and capital p g of Village major renovations arublic benefits enhancements this budget message a .anent to their p Loan financing immediately following match the a er the loan t nn n rep and Benefits provided ov Personnel Staffin lens of the osed budget reflects recomm P an ~s e a pip o ~b i~, this The prop Comprehensive Pay Administration's The Pay plan reflects no net increase in t e budget docwi~ent). ositions... and a net reduction of 4 Village's total 171 full-time p Plan includes totaAl in October ositions. The PaY COL ) part-time p ce"ad ustmenmerit raises. The o rovide cost-of-living staff v 6.0 top for P and "paY erforman d et document ion 1° f Hall ended Bug collaborat this Recomm tireless ° f F inanc ~ aration °f without the assistance their input an The prep accomplished the notable for Tanning and continued have been and Council reflects departments want to thank the °nsible and elusion udget blic facility village taff . 1 meet and collaboration it p in a Bu,cl et Con ~ ecomn'ended P' ublic safetY~ pu This epartment s ort, encourage inistratj°n anager s R services p vial stability D sup cial adm finan continu Village s This M t to °ur resident earance and an effeCt'Ve, ed p fina e m conducting our rovemen nlunity aPp of °ur Villag ovideS necessary manner. imp ntenance' c°m he admin'stration th bug a h p reSSive m rom°tes imp°rt~'tly ~ e $ et p o maintain hlg d rOg et p ost alm each ° erating an budg annex. Nl North P Several p FY ZpOb fitted, ef$c1ent'n the vile g~ 13,~~~ residents• ed in the ectfullY subm urces for ~ are plann °ur V illage Resp resO ice to ro~ect highligh 11 improving budget level of sereven1ent p of c°ntm~ Y of these im r° In capita that suPpo~ fl'S gv~ce, focu In th a f Mowing pageS~ budg R on commends the following a Manager « eSiden tables using a are sh°wn budget re Bates,'~illag chi Fla' hlights rOposed Mark North palm Bea hig many the P 9 mils Village of sum ' 1 funding: to: 6.989 operationa Qperating millage rate uce the V illage to presenting the Red forward at Council's is looking d et eats dmimstn~tiaf this Proposed Bug d refinem The Village p' Conte ouncil discussions ~ during our and shops. C and tabulatedwill lead to substance July work will be tracked tember and final scheduled et e refinem the Proposed Bu be r meetings• Thes in Sep rate and to ~ e tem ublic hearings millage August d S p d et F ad valorem the required $ Council-approved tion °f a ear. naget for the c°n'~ng Y HIGHLIGHTS OF CAPITAL PLAN FY 2005-2006 DEPT AMOUNT Village Clerk • Conference Room Digital Projector & Screen $ 3,250 • Optical Records Storage System $ 18,000 Finance • Install Automated /Integrated Time Keeping System 60,560 Library • Books & Publications $ 55,000 • Audio Books, DVDs & CDs 13,000 • Computer Hardware & Software 15,000 • (2) A/C Condensing Units 14,000 97,000 Public Safety • (3) Patrol/Admin Vehicles 79,500 • (2) Undercover Vehicles 33,000 • (2) F/Rescue Hardened Laptop Computers 9,000 • (7) Patrol Laptop Computers 8,400 • (5) Defibrillators 10,500 • Surveilance Equipment & Installation 45,000 • Meeting Room Digital Projector & Screen 3,250 188,650 Public Services • Lighthouse Bridge -Major Maintenance 150,000 • Road Street Overlay -Asphalt 205,000 • Replace Fuel Tank & Dispensing System 102,000 • Tandem Axle Garbage Truck 133,000 • Storm Water Improvements (lstyr.) 85,000 • Repaving Of Village Hall Parking Lot 35,000 • Replace 3/4 Ton Utility Vehicle 26,000 • Remodel Of Customer Front Office 25,000 • Replace Sanitation Jitney Utility Vehicle 19,600 • Replace 3/4 Ton Truck (1/2 ton-revised) 16,500 • (8) Computers For Supervision, Code And Facilities 11,800 • Build Garage Loft & Supervisor Offices 16,000 824,900 Parks/Recreation • Re-Building Of Osborne Recreation Bldg 200,000 • FRDAP Grant Match - • Pool Renovation - • Paving Partnership Osborne Parking Lot 35,000 • New Field /Park Front End Loader 29,000 • (3) Field Lightning Detection Devices 21,000 • Anchorage /Lakeside Playground Equipment 10,000 295,000 Highlights Of Proposed 2005/06 Capital Plan $ 1,487,360 vii OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS FY 2005-2006 DEPT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Village Clerk/Council/Attorney • Adjust Elected Official Salaries 3/06 $ - •Election Expenses 17,800 • Advisory Board Appreciation Dinner 8,000 $ 25,800 Village Manager • Add New HR Specialist Position 56,601 • Annexation Consulting Costs 35,000 • Transfer OUT -Village IT Services (To Finance) (90,000) 1,601 Finance • Transfer IN -Village IT Services (from Mgr. & Public Safety) 172,372 • Implement Village-wide Intranet Data. Network 19,000 • Conversion to Bi-Weekly Payroll 2,000 193,372 Library • OCLC Cataloging Database & Support 3,255 Public Safety • Transfer OUT -Village IT Services (to Finance) (82,372) • Police-Training & Education Courses 26,950 • Fire-R & M Machinery & Equipment 13,880 (41,542) Public Services • Consolidation of Village Building Maintenance R&M costs 147,957 • R & M Sidewalk Replacement 85,000 • Addition of (1) Full-Time Permit & Licensing Technician 48,374 • Addition of (1) Full-Time Building Inspector I 75,729 • Tandem Axle Trucks-Tires & Tubes 17,000 • NPDES Permitting & Supplies 15,000 • Renovation of (2) Jitneys 6,000 395,060 Parks/Recreation • Camp Programs Expense/offset with revenue $68,000 60,000 • Travel Ticket Purchases/offset with revenue $53,000 53,000 • Heritage Weekend (50th Anniversary)/offset with revenue $30,000 50,000 • R & M Marina/Storage-Lighting, Landscaping,Security, Facilities 40,000 • Sports Leagues Expense/offset with revenue $40,000 38,000 • Playground Supplies 17,800 • Refreshments & Supplies/offset with revenue $11,000 10,450 • Recreation Events Expense/offset with revenue $6,000 6,000 275,250 Other • Annual Debt Service Expense 1,073,888 • All departments Utilities increase (est. 5%) 15,960 • All departments Fuel cost Increase (est $1.80 per gallon) 26,220 • Addition To Village Designated Unappropriated Fund Balance - • Group Health Transition 85,000 • Village Manager Contingency 25,000 • Council Contingency 142,118 $ 1,368,186 Highlights of Proposed 2005/06 Operating Costs $ 2,220,982 viii VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005 - 2006 General Fund Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach Village Council Village Clerk 3 FT Village Attorney Village Manager 4 FT Finance 7 FT (+2 FT) Public Services 54 FT (+1 FT) 3 PT Public Safety 66 FT 14 PT (-1 PT) 24 Volunteers Library 7 FT (-1 FT) 8 PT (+1 PT) Summary: Change: 156 FT (+4 FT) Recreation 15 FT (+2 FT) 56 PT (+10 PT) 31 PT (+10 PT) 64 IC 641C 24 Volunteers G F-2 GENERAL FUND Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 ADOPTED 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual REVENUE Taxes - Ad-Valorem Taxes $ 10,774,955 $ 9,931,797 $ 8,451,784 $ 6,365,000 Utility Service Taxes 1,954,788 1,760,000 1,830,339 1,755,154 Franchise Fees 804,736 811,000 861,708 890,285 Sales & Use Taxes 310,572 $ 13,845,051 265,000 295,993 282,384 Licenses & Permits 1,050,100 690,020 712,185 721,485 Intergovernmental 1,210,600 2,074,795 1,350,102 1,245,311 Charges for Services 1,348,757 675,980 727,118 618,693 Fines & Forfeitures 99,323 84,300 87,209 88,047 Investment Income 115,000 25,000 45,315 54,554 Non-Revenue (Loans) 350,000 149,600 12,439 403,000 Miscellaneous 19,569 7,000 152,699 125,404 TOTAL REVENUE 18,038,400 16,474,492 14,526,890 12,549,317 EXPENSE General Government -Village Council 120,441 132,862 100,152 98,144 Village Manager 483,668 437,250 356,465 356,050 Village Finance 687,356 489,605 441,841 379,654 Village Attorney 137,500 120,000 109,396 117,273 Village Clerk 265,565 1,694,529 255,069 217,822 185,057 Public Safety -Police 4,271,353 3,717,876 3,300,825 3,359,421 Fire Rescue 2,564,763 6,836,116 2,060,617 1,878,664 1,962,774 Public Services -Public Works (Streets & Grounds) 1,520,847 1,071,627 674,878 963,544 Sanitation 1,711,416 1,3 53,603 1,150,317 1,185,212 Facility Services 637,618 600,188 516,795 583,508 Development, Licensing & Code, Admin 938,779 579,006 504,372 475,828 Vehicle Maintenance 321,864 5,130,525 180,369 153,443 165,734 Leisure Serv. -Recreation 2,060,533 1,135,136 967,957 1,014,813 Library 681,799 2,742,333 685,803 643,241 570,042 Debt Other -Debt Serv. 1,073,888 1,019,200 995,765 1,078,572 Other 290,618 2,334,981 875,646 1,341,915 Non-Departmental $ 270,391 1,634,897 301,300 265,956 232,702 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 18,038,400 $ 16,474,492 $ 13,153,535 $ 14,070,243 GF-3 Village ~~unCl New I~itiativeS .Trent Year Aee°~ lishme~ts and °f life through C u uality een the Village's orts improving the V~age's q Mission Statement for a Public Safety substation close collaboration bets' 'The Council supp maintain a and Administrati°n) by urchase land Clerk, Attorney' es, prom°teS and To nurture and areas t North Contracting tO p funded by a three appointed uidance that encourag ensuring north °f the Intracoastal W aterway ro ect, d clear policy g pin Beach> providing SOS ' Village of North Farms R°~ Beautification p J improves the welfare °f the lace to live wider the sun." The prosperity • grant from Palm Beach Cowlty' pin Beach remau's "h1e best p Continued dredging of Village wate~'ays Council is identify, analyze, Service Levels NarratzVe °veTmnent the Board to e waterways Village g two-year terms. a Waterways branch °f city-Fide serving Establishment of le islative ess and publicize issues that a ffeet the Vil ag As the g Seats elected Tears. with Seats 2 and 4 addr Design for eOn1prised of five 5 elected v~ even ~ following the March Nicklaus Golf ular meeting and reement with Councilmen in Seats 1, 3 and first reg Vice May°r' an ag ears. At the a or, Established rovements elected in odd y tual golf course design imp laps for the 5-member Cowucil selects its M 5 needed to concep ,Committee tO developafiOn of .don, ~lla e Council meets °n eetmg °i'aa and fount Anniversary f the incorp elec The Vi g President Pro Tem. and holds additional n Established a 50th the 50th anniversary ° ~ursday of the month, I95b Village• Village's events celebrating 13, monitoring the the Village on August inittee conduct the business of the r meetings of s of local e Financial Audit Com attend monthly meeting Villag e financial statements COwlcilmen basis and also attend League of Established a Huai Villag changing Individual rotating Beach County resent the independent audit of an Ding, boards °n a the Palm Councilmen Tep Village Flail for an ong advisory encies including League °f avenue at Commissioners. provided governmental ag Beach County park orth Palm Beach on the PMa Arthur Beach State public art displays a of Anchorage Park for use as a dog park Cities ands ° f N and of C°umty a ement Area, the Villag Directors, the John D• Don Ecosystem Mang Established an are Cities Boyd of Lake Wow' Lag Issue Cie dNot~ ~°p, ea ~ • Council compensation levels in Board of Directors> Multi-Jurisdic~ k For , New Initiatives usted the Palm Beach County Corridor e budget last adJ that of officials in the Northlake Boulevard Z'lie Villag ensation is beta The A~inistration e Coastal Council. in its annual 1989. Present Council comp communities. Mutual Aid Consortiwri and th and objectives arable South-Florida ensation of the Mayor Village goals houtthe year comp ustment iii the annual comp GF-4 d rojects throug recommends adJ ear. ices an P The Council establishes e rates and service fees. et app ~ millag and Council in the coming y royal and evaluates sere budg ually establishes ta. The Council ann nt1Qnally Blanl~ Irate . a e deft This P ~ GF. Village Council Village of North Palm Beach Residents Edward M. Eissey Mayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor Robert F. Rennebaum President Pro Tem Charles O'Meilia Councilman Donald G. Noel Councilman Village Clerk Village Attorney Village Manager Operating Departments G F-6 VILLAGE COUNCIL Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regulary Pay $ 31,200 $ 31,200 $ 31,200 $ 31,200 Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 4,321 4,727 4,727 4,727 $ 35,521 $ 35,927 $ 35,927 $ 35,927 Operating Advisory Board Dinner 8,000 5,500 - 5,383 Accounting & Auditing 40,000 59,000 36,792 25,281 Other Operating Costs 36,920 32,435 27,433 31,553 84,920 96,935 64,225 62,217 Total Expenses $ 120,441 $ 132,862 $ 100,152 $ 98,144 GF-7 am lishmentS and t Yeas ACC p Curren e ofNorth tives the villag e -Manager N~ W jYt l ~lGG welcomed tO Village> s V illag e Manager was this transition the continual through an 004 a new Villag F ollovv h g he challenge of a «purpose and recognition In October 2 a~ or and Councned th°ug been uidelines m ost). Stat~meYit ort accountability e staff in provlding the M hat C StO1't n supp owers Villag ile carrying out Palm $eacelnb team has rvice under the g ed for~Vhom~atw ~tS and emp Beach wh working fish To provide clear directio > aides -North palm ma„agem Villa~gVehat good is accomp local that g The Manager fosters a roVement in fostering gaimeWOrk risk-Ming and u11p ice whfie X005 operational the citizens °f oals. fitful sere the FY lic services to Village Council g thong of serving our driven' government t customer focus ~ ices pub innovation, strengthening to be a primary on_go~g sere ent that nurpnes creativity, on a central g°~ and re-focus „This allows inltlatives that achieve all focused improving s continues note and do best. while relationship ~ eval that "~'e uality environm core values... neighborhO°dvillage continues ice areas service q employee budget. Tl1e hl h value sere resident unity. Officer that improve Comm ~ecutive toward essential 1 g e as the Chief E< ortunities widely ~py~atiVC contracttlal opp Vfilage costs• has been es Levels N e Council for. e Manager is to serv or reducing ce Service ion of the Villag onager is responsible tO il' inanity roadway app density e the Coin ~ ublic restr~nn'g Village e oa elation osifiv ~sua1 The ~nct Village M meet p in our Area p p o f the Village ~ The oals that see organization improvements our residents. and provides a p ects org~~1zational g the Villag t roj and guiding and Tl'e d appreciated by Village identity $each. goadwa~ p ninon, developing ral Pa's °f our North Palm. ride, recog herring choices> challengdevelap successful ~integ 5trengt ices foster Village °f sense of resident p rovide sere heat road~'a~'s an the Council can throughout the d romote a needs and p Agenda materals which arng «look°' North Palm prep solutions hOn' ice choices ublic satisfaction e for ices and programs rove p • opp°rtunities> and ake public sen' c serv v11p ublic imag ublic of Villag and «ownership ositive p ohcY decisions andmanagcment resent a p ~ enhancement ° ~zcd p ansion e ~ create an org that th effective manner to implement policies e has continued tO p d fanned ethe Villag meeting Enstuing efficient and the The Villag use an p to `<1pOk up onager is i continued lammed b5 occurs m an shared vision for througl resiof past agenda materials and of the Village M onager will Beach rovements are p allowing ip rocess 1 responsibility to help develop the Village M our information. access arclm fundament end, Council agenda p ves A the Council and To that and communicating on-line and easily approved by this to occur. of the citizens, backup materials Council in developing needs that allow minutes. allowing the meeting (I organization with the focusing on ents related anon Technology `will to work "vision. By and service refinem inanity ~ our V illage h'f ision. 'his continue rogram our coin Wing artlment super' routine Village's "resident service es p changing needs of office Finance Dep a e Manager encourag is reallg coordination o f two flill- Vill g ever- The Managers under the ace with the lacing them the use he Village to keep p efforts by p oversight acc°untab~ty continuing t better matters. Rather than GF- allow for training operational cross- time I.T. staff, the proposed budget recommends the vacant Information Systems Manager position be eliminated. This staff reduction will allow resources to be used for specific project improvements and strategic oversight of the Village's LT. improvements by competent contracting firms focused on improving our "end-user" I.T. service. The Manager's office also strongly recommends adding anew Human Resources Specialist position. This position is needed to handle the daily administration of the Village's 250+-member workforce including employee vacancy solicitation /hiring, staff promotions /transfers, background checks, performance appraisals, staff's benefit administration and disciplinary actions. This position will allow our Assistant Manager much needed time to address responsibilities for improving our Village's Personnel Policies, address collective bargaining issues and negotiations, annual administration of Village health/dental, life and disability insurance, annual renewal of the Village general liability/workers compensation coverage, administration and timely investigation of liability claims against the Village, employee accident investigations, and to establish training programs that teach administrative requirements, procedures, duties and responsibilities to our Village supervisory and management staff. The Manager's Office has budgeted $35,000 for annexation assistance during the coming fiscal year. The annexation of surrounding unincorporated areas would only be considered if mutually beneficial to both unincorporated property owners and the Village. The focus of Village annexation initiatives would therefore include improved services for all parties and a "cost neutral" effect to property owners and the Village. The Manager's Office will continue to operate in an effective, efficient and professionally responsible fashion following the goal-setting support and policy direction of the Village Council. GF- 9 Vi I lage Manager Village Manager 1 FT Infnrma4inn S~,~tPn-,~ nnnr 0 FT (-1 FT) "'1 Assistant Village Manager - H/R 0 FT (-1 FT) H/R Manager 1 FT (+1 FT) Executive Secretary 1 FT H/R Specialist 1 FT (+1 FT) Summary: Change: 4 FT GF-10 VILLAGE MANAGER Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 260,302 $ 268,738 $ 241,936 $ 228,103 Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 137,463 109,257 84,142 72,527 $ 397,765 377,995 326,079 300,630 Operating Operating Costs 68,645 45,105 17,690 32,236 Materials & Supplies 6,050 6,050 4,676 6,943 Utilities 7,708 8,100 8,021 9,425 82,403 59,255 30,387 48,604 Captial Computer Hardware & Software 3,500 - - 6,416 Office Equipment - - - 400 3,500 - - 6,816 Total Expenses $ 483,668 $ 437,250 $ 356,465 $ 356,050 GF- ll orth Palm Beach 2006-200 The Village of N Capital Plan T Zoos-2oo6 DEPAgT1VIEN Totat cost CURRENT YEAR ~0, Each Totat east 0 Qtti Each ENT 0 ~EPART~ 2,000 0 Total Cost 1 2,000 1,500 Each Life C?tJ' Village Managar 1 1,00 g s00 ~ 2005 0 Hagar a'~~t,~'tid~~`L'7" Inventory as of M Y Village M 0 0 ."ompater Hardware & Software LaF Top Computer Color Laser Printer ~N~GER TOTAL'~LA~E GF-12 nt1Qnally Blanl~ Irate . a e deft This P ~ GF-~ of the Finance ises all areas roviding and Superv this include eme11t, debt oversee~l~ Departnent. ies. Director ology Investment manag The Finance Techn cash cial d h~ formation financial policy ~ of finan slate t fanan jna developing roug nCe an uidance d ensure adeq h the ht, g e monitoring an that integrity th uard the oversig melt and th olicies that safeg manag . als° enforces P d effectively financial statemen al controls ,Ihe Director d ~tgtem~nt rn fisc~ solvency ~ con~Ols. the various Mi,~si~n adequate in~ are efficiently ~ condition by er intern maintahi that they financial Council procedures, and distributing analyses, strong out maintenance °f prop repaying financial To establish alid and ensure villages carry with t1~e for p uarterly stan~rd assets Sufficient to responsible e oversees q blisheS V ihage s help inainta>n the are citizens village tracks levels ~,at r°viding The Director is o f the Vlllag ~ financial tren of ewe capital allocated, to revenue ort staff in p e to expect. cial reports and d large maintaining ce indicator trackg for vehicles a1~ d develops and goals and to supp have coin finan fiscal operatioi' levels that they an cing etc) an priorities ices perform roGedures for finan rOVement, ment. appropriate sere °p schedules, secures Capital Imp ,debt pay department crating p leases, timer ev~1s Narra~V~ larg enditures ~e~g~~ . andfacili~ting ,overseeing est Supp° assistance to payment Villages financial Zhe exp omtoring Director by s~rvi~~n ce Department is the d residents. form Finance erational an e's inis~ation, procedures assists the ~e FI d the Villag the adm ccounting , ° erations. administrative, °p ,relate tO Finance issues ~e Director of A da , t°"dati p ~nctions~. provid>ng elected ofricials angrily ~e Each year, the Finance Departments ~ _ following ement' onsibihties pnm de osits. for the manag ~ resp Village finances. direct p is resp°nsible of the Village's Department s 1 checks and Village vendors and orting °f ~ a~ roll fund balances, Division and monitors all p J 5000 ps ~enV1lages Accounting control an000 p eekly over - Villages e analyzes over 10- rocesseS records, ent also p momto ent, invests t e ayes the aces, departm Depai-tivent et docuin and prep • Prep Sactions nancial controls The ~ S annual budg rants Wigs financial trap ~ fnnancial reports fi d proper account suppliers. on Vhlage g rehensive ~I Village s Village internal Village Comp prepares various roves all acy an arcs die rep°~ ~ the prep balances' _ including the CAFR has received ent • onitors and mIp leteness; legitim cash The Villages ~e Governor • M z comp accurately in excess reports om enditures and ' e orting Verifies accuracy ~ e exp timely cial R p • for a1 is remitte olicies de osit Villageial R p° C~ ~ Finaa~ ast l~ yeas. 1 Villag d Financ ~GFOA) for recording direr p chievement In e Ives the that payment rocureinent p including Certificate of A Association C balance g Ensures ithvillage p loyees pfficers carryover , to meet . functions e emp Finance nated accordance aroll-related ~ Villag nated Iari lding °f a desig t financial cush~ IJndesig all p y checks d fill importan Fund d • processes Ge ofpayroll uate and 'I'lie Gene^al is unused d the issuan The creation deq s 0, 20p4 85~ • an Village financial hardship ~ e tember ' of $2,$83, GF- 14 at 5 p maining at a level unexpected Fund palance _ t7napa ep d nthisproposedbudget unbu g e Dcpa~ment plans to achieve the coming Year file Financ In the oals and objectives: rly automated its all payroll following g and quarte subm improving monthly orts and Continue cial monitoringe s budget~Y process uarterly pension statements Budget and management finan V illag of Village' s Reconciles q Annual eats to and performance • the Villages Continue improvem reports and prep~es . controls ting and rove procedures, effo~s Imp rove Village cash receip Coordinates • ance measures follows'. anon Techn° og~d imp perform X006 are as Inform monitor an CAFR z es for F~' 2005 internal controls Document, d title char g contracting . Awarbds f ~ talki g better use the The personnel an public Safety and grant accounting GFGA n T' Village s elimination of the I. I T . staff from Nlaintarn the rojects by • manual reconciliations requirements transfer of onmaJ T ed to Reduce aced financial system Teporting GASB The °T I. p be renam • lementing of the Villages osition to duties of Village s autom and imp GFDA and osition. g stems p monitoring editor General, e employees & Mae Manager of Accounting y reflect the Continue b the State A time • ccounting to more accurately • recommended Y ayroll for all VillagmplOVee In Th Bi ~Veekl~ p Keep g Director of A lenient a automating Time- • Imp a system f °r through gym) this position ~ Initiatives lenient Mums payroll sy ar1~ New Imp electronically area network • Aecom lishments ance meastue5~ attendance kith our existing e on wide all of its perform ects (communicating IS 2004 upgrad Current Year s ecial prO~ a able and meeting °unt of P lenient M~ accounts p Y for the year m addition a signific~'t an' • Imp houtthe Village effective rocedures Du ance has accomplished throng more efficient and including p. Fm not Teported" • Implement rocedureentsmore effectively. including "incurred but accounts receivable disbursem corrected Village 0.04 CA~~ managing receipts and overlooked in 9-3 Director and Identified and ~ enses l8-year Finance R health e."P of an identificatio tae d ~BN ~ retirement nland allowing Transitioned the cond_in-coin rnistration. enent. • vegan the Village s uncial adm their wifi~ new manug rovements of have been replaced tint process for mare nnp ositions cane remrbursem tw° senior p FEMA s hurri damages' insurance Completing , hurricane and retiree health • than 51.2 million in e employee Villag lans to address Transition tints an July l ~ 2005 . • improvem developed p nunicated and larls~ orts and accuracy Identified, G v filage s retireme1~p ancial rep challenges tO automated arable accruals. roved quarterly ,roll and accounts p financial system GF- 15 Imp er for Village s through inltiatian of per stir`' • Installed new comp Finance Director of Finance 1 FT r 1 FT Director of Accounting Administrative Assistant 1 FT IT Sys. Coordinator 1 FT (+1 FT) Accountant 1 FT Accounting Technician III 1 FT Info Systems Mgr 1 FT (+1 FT) Summary: Change: FT = 7 (+2 FT) PT=O GF-16 FINANCE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 363,008 ~ 297,857 ~ 306,561 ~ 242,226 Overtime Pay 6,000 10,560 5,895 7,069 Benefits 196,091 124,938 95,320 91,778 $ 565,099 433,355 407,776 341,073 Operating Operating Costs 44,090 39,350 24,704 21,576 Materials & Supplies 6,300 6,000 5,434 5,584 Utilities 3,409 4,300 3,927 4,805 53,799 49,650 34,065 31,965 Captial Computer Hardware & Software 68,458 68,458 6,600 - 6,616 Total Expenses $ 687,356 $ 489,605 $ 441,841 $ 379,654 GF-17 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT 2005-2006 2006-2007 t GL' Inventory as of May 2005 Life Qty Each Total Cost DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware & Software Server 1 4,600 4,600 0 0 Computer 2 1,000 2,000 Finance 1 1,500 1,500 0 Signature Chip-MIJNIS 0 Finance 1 399 399 0 Electric Binder 0 Finance 1 699 699 0 Laser Color Printer 0 Finance 1 1,500 1,500 0 Scanner 0 Finance 3 600 1,800 0 KRONOS Time Clock (Software and 3 Time Clocks) 0 Finance 1 60,560 60,560 0 MIJNIS On-Site Biweekly Payroll Setup 0 Finance 1 1,500 1,500 0 MIJNIS WebEx Training 0 Finance 1 500 500 0 TOTAL FINANCE 6,600 68,458 0 GF-18 nt1Qnally Blanl~ Irate . a e deft This P ~ GF-~ 'page Attorney V1 d representation to the Mission Statemen legal ad~a o advise and assist ~e and timely ective, e Admi~stration, To provide sound, eff ld Villag legal ma~crs. Village Council ~ Board regarding Code E~arcement and Village arya~tve ~lrncil Tepares service Levels N Village official duties; P the er represents to the>r oth A~orney gaining contracts ~'d The Village of law P, a reements, litiga~on~ serves Administration in makes, resolutions, g conducts e Attorne~'~s office is and reviews ordinan matters;fie Villag advises on statutory Board. ents; Enforcemento f Brant and Baldwin locum Code counsel to the ide law firm contracted to the outs GF-20 AGE A~~GgNE 00~"Z~~b 2002 Actual VILL Y ear Z ~tual o ted Budget Fiscal zoo3 A Ad p 200- Budget Adopted ~ 88,839 6'i X04 14,951 85,000 ~ 18345 1,484 ~ 000 20, 23348 11'1,2'l3 8,500 1s>ooo 109396 120,000 11~ ,2'13 ~ 2Q,ooo Operating ~ Fee ~ ~an~ey Leg 30,000 13~?SQO $ 109396 Village Ae ~15en71ees ~ 120,000 Special L g 137 ~~pp Labor Services ~ Total Expenses GF-21 nt1Qnally Blanl~ Irate . a e deft This P ~ GF 2 ackets" e' s new resident ` p bute the Villag pffice, and employee prep~e ~'d distri paths of e Clerk Administers and records Villag residents and staff eme~t in and preservmClerk pao ide notary services to Village M~s5i~~ ~tG~t t record g Tlie ¦ e Council bti Boards. ordinances, Villag Advisory lishme~ts Code To serve the Council and its notices, ces, the advertises ordinan year Accom ort to the Administration an and codification of ~ creation °f a proceedings °e ords, files euy'r'ent h the Clerks was ensure Village elections. administrative supp d throng . board database processes, roclama~ons~ administers enhan and p Clerical and was d member tenns resolutions e contracts and Enforcement Board A Council advisarY Board Villag Code cases. ointments,boar attests to letters and office b the Clerk to track app database for aration of notification e Clerk's ~y~rative also created Y the prep the Villag es, issued evels N until, residents, an se~~ce L e Village ~ and to ~cilitate the 2004 calendar Year Board cas office se orthpalmBeach. During Code Enforcement liens, released 15 The Village Clerks e of N d Administrative reports. ents for 145 filed 14 propel' ,fhe Clerk also e Villag Clerk, handled docum 41,000. employees of ~ Village r lien cert>fic~aes~nes totaling ' lla e Clerk, u ~ meeting 7 g Council resolutions . Dep ~ agenda 470 propel d collected The Vi g Council Code liens an cil ordinances and Assistant: Village processed'6 COQ and distribute ~s with Village . Prepare roclamat1p1 ~ ork outlure5, m~lutes, p prdinances New Iy~itiative s office will cil meeting ent of and Village Clerk's of Calm ed to vertisem ReSOhitions' year the availability develop Ensure all legal ~ prdinances, coming - rovide ill be agendas, In the staff top This process eeting and distribute ents materials. of Council m e Clerk . Execute Contract attaclim Admini,mk oto backup archival The Villag ent ( agenda osting and ~ web-site. acquire Agreem ondenCe timely p ~e Tillages to select, ith Council corre5p viclude e Administration that will allow Assistw backup and mutes with Villag e system ¦ e elections administratian storag e records. Boyd will also collaborate tical records Villag Administer all V illag Enforcement and recording and implement a new op Bible for Code filing d electronic retrieval o ReSpon aring~ distributing ns lien certifications and permanent storage an includin notpcep, minutes, orders, hearing for public record releases as the Villages Gentr~a ua ersight of TeCOrds Function training GF-23 ¦ requests and ensO5 Lion for all Village retention and disp Village Clerk Village Clerk 1 FT Deputy Village Clerk 1 FT Administrative Assistant 1 FT Summary: Change FT=3 PT=O G F-24 VILLAGE CLERK Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 133,911 $ 170,253 $ 158,589 $ 124,259 Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 70,883 64,840 50,194 46,563 $ 204,795 235,093 208,783 170,822 Operating Election Expense (not prey. tracked) 17,800 - - - Operating Costs 10,855 10,756 4,426 5,406 Materials & Supplies 3,650 2,770 2,272 3,027 Utilities 2,520 2,400 1,892 1,859 34,825 15,926 8,589 10,291 Captial Computer Hardware & Software 22,695 3,500 - 3,720 Furniture & Fixtures 3,250 550 450 223 25,945 4,050 450 3,943 Total Expenses $ 265,565 ~ 255,069 ~ 217,822 ~ 185,057 GF-25 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT 2005-2006 2006-2007 Inventory as of May 2005 Life Qty Each Total Cost DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware & Software Updating Admin. Assistant's Computer 0 Village Clerk 1 1,315 1,315 0 New Computer equipment for digital recordings in Conference Room 0 Village Clerk 1 1,930 1,930 0 Clerk's Index Software Update 0 Village Clerk 1 1,000 1,000 0 High Quantity Scanner 0 Village Clerk 1 450 450 0 Lap Top Computer 1 2,000 2,000 Village Clerk 0 0 0 0 Color Laser Printer 1 1,500 1,500 Village Clerk 0 0 0 0 Optical Records Storage System 0 Village Clerk 1 18,000 18,000 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware & Software 3,500 22,695 0 B. Furniture & Fixtures File Credenza 1 550 550 0 0 Presentation equipment for CR; $2500 projector; $750 screen 0 Village Clerk 1 3,250 3,250 0 Sub Total Furniture & Fixtures 550 3,250 0 TOTAL VILLAGE CLERK 4,050 25,945 0 GF-26 The Village's cost for the 2006. Y X316,650. Fy 2005 - is approximatel mobile be implemented duV~ to 800 Mhz migration from ortable radios and nd rogram'ning costs are included in ich includes the cost on a obpe and p wh data term~nahs~ Installatio Law Enforcement the total figure quoted above. services by ent is also seeking to enhance security of public safety artm Community Center 1Vliss~on Statement uality nit and by The Public Safety Dep Club, Marina and Technology now To provide the highest q hts and human dig work in Country community to at the Village's eillance monitoringh designated radio maintaining respect for individual rim e .t of life within the our members and uah y through remote camera sup remote sites throug . of imp tiles the "monitoring ublic Safety personnel to T esmon tonng empo~'~'ering roving q with the goal end partnership $each. frequencies thus alerting rather than after the fact. Division and Village of North palm h the Communications s stem is to its as incidentslished cthroug abilities. This Y ay~y~c~tive services law is decamp . ital video time-laps cap ervice Levels N roviding Public Safety include provides dig a subsidiary provider of BehlSout . e has been p Services The Villag 1956 public Safety The Law currently available from residents since aency medical services sworn law rovide safe fire and emeTb of thirty one t<vo of enforcement, consists ersonnel ( ~ is s~ et ob~eGtives for the Division is 1° lied through Division communications p aide one full T~'a This is accomp Enforcement officers, nine One of the priman' residents. of the motoring one public safety Village education enforcement as Records Clerks), streets for cle traffic units which serve clerical personnel. traffic enforcement ed its motorcy cle units' art time during aggressive redep Y The motorcy time and two p anization public. The Division has week coverage and motor ent reorg irector s a an Assistant D providing seven day is the enforcement of traffic aws Law Enforcement Divi be'~ g hired, created and responsibility he ire being rimary n. In addition to these d ~soacharged with T new D os~tion p aat~o Fy 2004105 with a watch Commander p ned to patrol duties are a pointed, vehicle crasohf cerstassig being p being organized. staffing remaining patrol teams minimum traffic enforcement. on this year is traffic focused lished ve was made to twelve hour shifts wit a aw enforcement coverage Division haoods. This has been accomp A mo One issue that the hbor affic hotline for the use of ur residen s uirement to provide better 1 req concerns in the local neig rovide us w th statistical e MpSCC (Municipal Public 6h implementing a tr throub trailer that can p .fives r of th veral years. a s eed awareness evaluate the need for increased traf is NetiV jytttta membe ast se and p, is used to The Village has been a Consortium) for the p 800 Mhz data. This data munications • n~ and evaluating an llow for ment in any given area within the Vil age• Safety Com has been exphori b ill a enforce 2004): Enforcement Initiatives The Consortium The system decided upon both voice 3,107 unications system. the transfer of stem will Citations Issued: GOn'm between agencies and I Arrests'. 41 erability The move tO this sy from D U. interop ent to move away and data m a secure environment. overnm rovide GF- 27 er ency organizations and tO decided satisfy the mandates of the federa g has been V~ communication for em g ncations system that it will y The comm ood possibility for interoperabilit ~ and there is a g ,roon by the Consortium Lake Worth, the Intracoastal Marine Patrol Villa e bordering to ed to police Due to the g a Marine Unit is dep Y Qr~-anima ~ is responsible for the overall Waterway and inland waters, marine crimes. ersonnel. The Director the boating public and to investigate any The Directord erformance oof all Division p Village operation an P ular basis with the Village Manager, ublic safety related _ ;'rime Prevention is responsible for the communicates on a reg Coynynunit Policin One specially trained Public Safety Officer, DepartTnent Heads and Councilmen on all p oaram, residential and business security surveys, matters. the Police Explorer pr b ro rams. irector is responsible for ovTheeAsgsistant and all other community based p g The Assistant D pro rams supervision of all law enforcement related active ies 'ble for many administrative functions ~pmmunity g Director is also respons ' lading performing the duties of the Director in his a Bence. ram returned to the me Explorer Pro~r'am loner prog tlvs past year, the Police Exp yes of 14 to ' trative Coordinator is responsib~~antr Director.t The During ram is for individuals between thefacets of law The Admmis the Director and Assi urchasing and Village. This prog aired by a roll, p anticipants are introduced to the more s work hand m duties Teq er-forms duties related to p Y Commission 18. The p Coordinator also p and Training enforcement and emergency services. The Exp ' al the ublic safety officers and as ted tom rd p° p unity Justice Standards eo le who Cnmm hand with p loner requirements. hilosophy• The program is direc onsible for overseeing policing p are resp a an interest in the field of law ore beinge ac pt d into the lieutenants) erformmb have uirements bef Watch Commanders ( eants as well asp must meet certain req artier ants. the Alpha and Bravo Shift Berg program. The program currently has nine p p administrative duties. to work two Police Reserve Prc~~n adult individuals v`vhO nforcement Division Patrol Division red to This program Y art of the Law E ublic safety officers assig serving their communit asp licants are processed as if The Patrol Division con~f four p ur teams assign is safety et Department. App t officers. Upon shifts with a minimum coverage of the Public Saf Y must attend an each o ro they were to be hired as full-time law enforcemen Auxiliary team. The minimum staffing lv de the neces ary rocessing, they officers per shift for each day t p successful completion of the p ur da cademy and pass a state exam to become Ge asledCt of their jobs per 24 ho Y A Officers. They assist full time officers in every ro ects such as the vesti ations Unit eant and three and affer assistance during special Villag p J Criminal In th crimes parade and 4 of July festivities. We currently have The Criminal Investigations Unit a°ed to n estiga e bo Heritage Day rimanily assign ices. detectives who are p five Reserve Off against property and persons. GF- 28 conducted approxitnateiy Iw ~e division the vehicle. ~ p04 • hoot etchings in meetings throug eetin s revention roblems may be prevention M cts crlnle. p what p e This is an usineSS policinglCrime survey The (,'rime p~eventtO~ facer condo discuss bat cram sr`Home and B mumty security par trained to learn and er com ~ solutions to Sure e business business. the communa ays to help one an°th finding into Secur ur specially trained Com or htmg, involved, hborhoods © free residential and a residence lag all parties neig to s stems, to organize attend in ers a break-in alarm y becoming a occurring an between helps ~e~~e Offsen the chance of door locks, revent open dialogue ram also , ~p meetings les on that may help p This prog s ~prQximate~ , will pand othe sareas 200• issue5• roue officer during Crime W arch g ing, s were candueted and landscap wing the past year hborhood victim. Ten s~urtieY an affidavit g. all ne1g allows ruing eet~n s attends This m ss owners to srg a ent, thereby g After Associatior2 M safety the Village their Pr`Q a buslne ise5~ Nei hborhQOd public s held in concerning Tres ass rogram allows officers to act as an ~he preem expense, The Director of meeting ut on issues municate relevant s le to vacate th home0vmer assoctol provide inp . • to com Tin p ublic safeTye~uest peop at public ens for p ner installs, pity the Division cons the authority to ow invisible locations. that the comma allows them signed, the on the premises munitY affidavit is No Trespass s1gs sfound there are community bay to the com the worded• erson(~ Lur•rentlY ~ anon l;y 2006 specifically advise p It in arrest. inform Fy 2005 REND pfficers must resu FY 2005 safety may YEAREND YE GpAL leave the area this pr`Qg"am• YEAREND failure to inVQlved in ACTV AL eleven prope~•t1es theft. Upon GOAL 2010 ainst au ° easures NIA T pro ~am a ~ license, C•A used fight back g and drivers ormanee M reduce the amount NIA tom public saf .bat A P ut°T program is vehicle owners~p e er is The C.A~ roof of authorizing vehicle if ~n a quarterly baslaries by 5~~° 10°l0 with p ens form on their NZ and burg N I A registration ins a cons a traffic stop of 1.p0 A, of residential e h1e VCR ner si ~ conduct ilcreas N I A the vehicle ° ve a right tO een the hOU rear window' ainual basis o to ha betty laced on the At On an 10 to pfficers erased rogram• ~jGe rate by 20% bung ° G.A T • sticker is p . anon in the p le enrolled in clear enforcement the vehicle A Yellow articip ~ p0 peap traffic of traffic NIA A•M~ afety pfficers of p h aggressive amount NIA 5'.00 raximately - Throug reduce the is. publi esthere are apP uarterly bas notifying tam and educatlo So fo on a q the py'esent accidents b5 the CAT ~ragram vehicle e of the vehicle, theft initiative ~tchm an anti-auto ions P officers in VIN ram is etched into var will assist laced on This prog her is s andlor p GF- Z~ doors. Tlv len identification nom and be stO vehicle pads all windows thaam m Y also help deter e the VIN such as vehicle parts obsen' steal identifying This prog erpetrator may of to vehicle. the p choose n another thefts in general bout the vehicle and and auto ed throug _.,,Mhers display Public Safety Director of Public Safety 1 FT Assistant Director Public Safety 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Law Enforcement Fire Rescue rd. 0 FT -1 FTj Emergency Disp. I 6 FT Records Clerk 2 FT Division s ~ Emergency Disp. II 1 FT Division Criminal Investigations Fire Chief 1 FT Asst. Fire Chief 1 FT Sergeant 1 FT Clerical Specialist 1 PT P-BeTPolice Officer 2 FT Volunteer Firefighters 19 PSO/Tri-Cert. 1 FT Clerical Patrol Division: FIRE/RESCUE Shifts: Specialist 1 FT (-1 PT) +1 FT Lieutenants 2 FT Team Leaders 3 FT Sergeants 4 FT Firefighter/Medics 13 FT p~ Police Officer 13 FT Paramedic 1 FT PSO/Fire 2 FT Firefighter/EMTs 4 FT PSO/Tri-Cert. 1 FT Special Operations Summary: Change FT = 66 Public Safety School Crossing PT = 14 (-1 PT) Aide 1 FT Guards 13 PT Reserve/Volunteers 5 Volunteers = 24 Police Officer 2 FT Police Officer 1 FT GF-30 POLICE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 2,245,694 $ 2,056,640 $ 1,959,210 $ 1,790,715 Overtime Pay 168,791 156,695 201,032 199,786 Special Pay 27,987 30,460 35,692 20,758 Benefits 1,213,369 851,939 662,795 687,740 $ 3,655,841 3,095,734 2,858,728 2,698,999 Operating Operating Costs 162,822 155,272 117,580 190,785 Materials & Supplies 95,951 108,696 87,232 103,736 Repairs & Maintenance 52,873 57,440 48,461 53,973 Utilities 102,697 94,134 103,942 86,645 414,343 415,542 357,215 435,139 Capital Automotive 120,000 164,200 49,737 139,833 Audio, Visual, & Comm. Sys. 51,357 12,000 31,182 7,097 Computer Hardware & Software 29,812 9,000 - 57,110 Machinery & Equipment - 21,400 3,962 - Other - - - 21,244 201,169 206,600 84,882 225,283 Total Expenses $ 4,271,353 $ 3,717,876 $ 3,300,825 $ 3,359,421 GF-31 reor anizatson of the Fire and EMS Divisions romotion of the EMS Manager to ~ The merger and g eseue into Fire Rescue, and the p ssistant Fire Chief has moved forward seamless y ~ without Fire R a from four to five, ression, A ire su Mission Statement the minimum daily staffnb y Increasing as been challenging but has increased service a superior level of service is the areas of e. 1 o g al services that ensures the h rkin environment To provide emergency med ersonne , uests of the Villag adding p fire prevention and to the Village residents and created a safer w alth, safety and welfare of all residents and g ersonnel. he for our P els Na~'~'ative effect of eliminate Cy 2004: Kelly Days has had theroving employee morale. ,Ser'vice Lev y Implemen~ng Performance measures for vs _ goal of 5.0 the mandatory FLSA overtime and imp Fire onse time was 4:20 minutes - average) rovide vera e resp the 8-min. county e outing a contract between to Village to p 9 A g of this minutes (which is well below We are currently n g Anticipating approval s for all prope~~es along the Rescue, Palm Beach Gardens FireaR~ cue a ith the Countywide re-fire plan common disp dated the p automatic ald and we will be in compliance w To assist ~ ~spectors up mid-2005, U.S. 1 corridor. contract by o ears ahead of schedu and general anent record creation bi-annual Level of Fire S fessionals dwitdh P rchase of 2 "case-hardened" Training: EMTs have completed the fire/rescue pro 1 aramedics and n all productivity the Diva cios ofcS9mmen s pu d through the Community 000. I ~ ~ p a rogram coordinate ear. In addltio la top computers at a traininb p ted in addition to the College and successfully recertified this y ro ram has been ad ap d Wednesday is duty been recertified in Advanc d Basia Trauma p ~ n_house traimng p g Monday ift fire paramedics have A new, i Every is duty sh Pediatric Advanced Llfe Support an Support, re lar recertification t Every Tuesday and Thursday to coincide with the Life Suppo~~ er firefighter; ~ th ~ shgft medical training• is designed to keep hours averaged 78 hours p ses leading • n .The Tuesday session is held in the evening 2. Fire traln~ng clas trasnl g This additional trainingfional Serv~Ce to the ersonnel attending an officer and to provide excep number of our P s o erator, instructor and comp y volunteer firefighter teffnciency inspector, apparatu P our personnel at top certification. community. h sical d New Initiatives chance to self evaluate their p erfor~n lishments an wives our personnel a rovements are needed to p ~u~rent Y~a~' Aeeorn This b ersonal imp rove work force fitness the Department's future is the condition and determine if p force driving The staffing level. It is our intent to not only 'n'p uries. biggest Service Standard at top but to also reduc job related inj The single, Level of Fire through training Countywide es and initiatives. GF- 32 reduirements have lead to a number of c ang be compl~e ~~OUt mention of ear 2004 can stem and our No review of Calendar y both • cane season. With both Franblemsdw th commumca~OneS The the hum ut to the test. Pro fining needed Chang personnel were p la ed a role in determ internal and external, p but losing domestic water was an unapt ro tided held up well, Our volunteers p building onded admirably. rovements ersonnelwr~ h all we have learned and the imp problem. Our p ear. 1600 hours of sv~lwill only be better prepared in the coming y we are making, FY2006 Fy2005 FY2005 Fy2004 year-End year-End Year-End Goal Year-End Goal Projected Actual eastt yes 4.20 4.0 peYformance 1V1 4 5 minute S.0 maintain a 4.34 To achieve and h o erational 460 530 average response time throug p 360 readiness drills. eCtions and 200 To increase thb 15 /o l fire insp 11 ~ re-fire laps y NlA N/A To reduce the numbe o~ ~ ough employee Comp. claims by 40 safe awareness and fitness. GF- 33 FIRE RESCUE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 1,375,684 $ 1,151,831 $ 1,098,213 $ 899,535 Overtime Pay 111,748 97,685 125,219 147,733 Special Pay 24,720 24,810 20,699 10,690 Benefits 801,213 485,367 379,685 357,978 $ 2,313,365 1,759,693 1,623,817 1,415,936 Operating Operating Costs 102,530 109,802 79,001 109,900 Materials & Supplies 80,129 63,960 54,689 55,193 Repairs & Maintenance 24,676 23,350 10,958 15,816 Utilities 2,592 11,512 9,045 10,077 209,928 208,624 153,693 190,986 Capital Automotive - 86,500 56,232 302,931 Audio, Visual, & Comm. Sys. - - 12,316 12,000 Computer Hardware & Software 9,000 - 2,030 17,377 Machinery & Equipment 21,970 - 30,577 9,333 Other 10,500 5,800 - 14,212 41,470 92,300 101,155 355,852 Total Expenses $ 2,564,763 $ 2,060,617 $ 1,878,664 $ 1,962,774 GF-34 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT 2005-2006 2006-2007 Public S~cfety A. Automotive Inventory as of February 2004 Life Qty Each Tofa1 Cosf DEPARTMENT Qty Each Tofa1 Cosf Qty Each Tofa1 Cosf Patrol/AdminVehicles 04(2),'03(~,'Ol(2),'00(1),'99(1),'97(1) 3yrs 4 28,000 112,000 Police 3 26,500 79,500 4 26,500 106,000 Undercover Vehicles 2001(2),1997(2) 3yrs 3 15,000 45,000 Police 2 16,500 33,000 3 15,000 45,000 Replacement Boat Engines 2 3,600 7,200 Police 2 3,750 7,500 0 0 K9 Vehicles (1) 3yrs 0 0 1 26,500 26,500 Radar Trailer (1) 5 yrs 0 0 1 12,500 12,500 Fiie Chiefs Cai 2003 (1) YUKON 8 yrs ~ 39;999 3999 0 0 0 0 0 Support Truck 1987(1) purchased used in 1998 15 yrs 0 0 1 200,000 200,000 Quintuplet Fire Apparatus 1996(1); financed---debt service 20 yrs 1 56,500 56,500 0 0 0 Sub Total Automotive 250,700 120,000 390,000 B. Machinery & Equipment In-Car Video Systems 3 6,000 18,000 0 0 Tactical Ballistic Vests 2 1,700 3,400 0 0 45 Minute SCBA Cylinder 0 Fire/Rescue 6 1,120 6,720 0 60 Minute SCBA Cylinder 0 Fire/Rescue 2 1,225 2,450 0 5" Fire Hose w/ Storz Couplings 0 Fire/Rescue 5 1,000 5,000 0 Hydraulic Rescue Equipment Power Unit 0 Fire/Rescue 1 7,800 7,800 0 Sub Total Machinery & Equipment 21,400 21,970 0 C. Computer Hardware & Software Computer Workstations 5 1,400 7,000 0 0 Computer Server 0 Public Safety Bldg 1 5,000 5,000 0 Color Laser Printer 0 Public Safety Bldg 1 2,000 2,000 0 Computer Aided Dispatch Upgrade 0 Public Safety Bldg 1 4,662 4,662 0 Wireless Networking Equipment 0 Public Safety Bldg 1 3,000 3,000 0 Laptop Computer with docking station 0 Police 1 2,000 2,000 0 Laptop Computers 0 Police 7 1,200 8,400 0 USA Software Eforms Software 0 Police 1 3,000 3,000 0 Mark-N-Gard VIN Etching System 0 Police 1 1,750 1,750 0 Mil. Spec Hardened Portable Computer 0 Fire Rescue 2 4,500 9,000 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware & Software 7,000 38,812 0 D. Audio, Tlisual & Comm. System Logging Recorder with Playback 1 12,000 12,000 0 0 Digital Camera Package, Fuji Fine Pix S3 0 Police 1 3,107 3,107 0 Ceiling Mounted LCD Projector 0 Public Safety Bldg 1 2,500 2,500 0 Ceiling Mounted Motorized Screen 0 Public Safety Bldg 1 750 750 0 CCI Remote Security Surveillance Camera & Video System SO yrs 0 Police 1 45,000 45,000 0 Sub Total Audio, Visual & Comm System 12,000 51,357 0 E. Capital Extendo Bed Vehicle Equipment Carrier 1 5,800 5,800 0 0 -Defibrillator 2001(4) 5yrs 0 Fire Rescue 5 2,100 10,500 0 Sub Total Capital 5,800 10,500 0 PUBLIC SAFETY TOTAL 296,900 242,639 390,000 GF-35 Building Inspector I -full time aCtlYleClt -full time blie SCPVICCS ~C , permit Clerk ast several months, the Vilanned ?u ilia e As discussed with Council over t e P e or increase in . r our V g ~ n inspection areas have consistentbleen no hang above p Mission Statement ossible fo Buildi g ast 2 years. Yet there has rovide the best service p artment has levels for the p Our Mission is top The Public Services Dep Ge of et this demand. This has caused an inexorable chal enge Residents and Community. erforman staffing to me its expected level of customer service, Ample funding from building reorganized divisions to maintain and enhance the P live m the Division meeting roductivity. se two new positions. in the most effective and cost eff~he bes'pl °e to0ur re orting~ automation and p to fully fund the job duties us g to make this P ermit and inspection fees are avositiolns will be paid for entirely by P department strives on continuing The cost of these 2 p under the sun. license fees. Service Levels Narratives ervised by the is Services Department is divided into two divisions ~~d~:l~nCe nce has historically been sup The Publ artment Director: ~e Code Complia nder the oversight of the Dep . n Code Villab Official of the Building / Develop a d~ ~ hesPast u Code Building discussions reg g Develo mentBuildin~/Licen~oning, Licensing, Deputy enerally woYl~ng o permits, Inspections, The Administration has h le cf°11/timegCode officer (g a sing ~,o intermittent partltime staff. Public Works Sanitation, Streets Maintenance, practice of usingsupplemented by ortunities to the o Facility Maintenance, Monda~r -Friday) es as well as opP resent challeng rovements in and Fleet Maintenance. Current staffing p consistency, illa~e. The Administration has~dersighaa d dtraining, ~ 1 be V b roductivity, terms of reporting, p p o e onsiveness. An examination of current Code sta ing w De artment Director /General Administration ublic. ths. r rovides professional and technical This will allow the The Department Direct p e Administration and th p and resp the coming mon and supe~'isory artment, Villag ement, purchasing, conducted during oversight to Depralizes Department manag ment of possible recommendations for sta~mg t Directors will This area cent Villa e Administration's develop e and reporting in the g improvements. Meanwhile our respective Dep rmanc r Code collaboration between Public Services and perfo ~ close begin forginb organizational team. liance Division public Safety. / Licensing /Code Comp ervzc . Development / Budd"'g Villa e's general encompasses the g Public Works ervised Develo ment Buildin adnd Business Licensin Lice b he P has h and Business Licensing areas ~ n Ana ublic Works area istorically been sup The Development, Buil g T The Division Zoning, permits, Inspections and Business ervised maintenance areas. of Planning, as have been historically sup ted blic Works Manager with help from an administra ive These Development are ro ec by a Pu areas. ~ pector. To meet current and p J by a Deputy Building et reflects recommendations assistant workload demands, the proposed budg for two additional positions: GF- 36 no older s are nov`' AG e system older gv A majority of Villag lacement °f money ide. e to rep will save village-v`' we plan to contin~ lacement plan acts of broken than ~ years. ear and heduce the costs and imp coming Y the repair' systems in ~ bills in monthly ever ~Y responsible for facilities eeding repairs all building nee Division is f village building systems n consolidated The Division F`aciti Nla~n~~nan~aintena Division has budget. the Osbonne anitorial services o Maintenance The F acilric a d j Maintenanc acility odeling of The F acility is into its F facilities at maintena M accoun building remew bathroom Along & involved in coon of n approval. including e gall will be closely and constru budg additional • Villag afety~ Stand Building Council's etau cha of the building • public ~ s & Church Concession gecreatio park sub]ect to are planning,tO p e park Osborne coon we in the maintenance • l,ibrary~ Villag facilities new constru assist us Buildings at compound Country Club of village- with bber to • ices floor sera • public ser`'echanical assistancethe maintenance budget are. ck. floors. for the upcomingll year-old tru A(C andM responsible for rojects lace an modate The Division is also office Capital itemslp trucktO rep e facility to acco ahts. iture~ dpe5 minor on 1 utility staff owned streetli~ bles Earn _ pne ices storag ision. cts and assem intenance bli T Depa~ment Super`' . with increased reventive nresponsible for _Enclosel'u village The Division constru building p and is all SAC work areas fo vlill benefit the performs all uipment vings~ maintains the rovements t cost sa remodeling electrical eq The Division responsible for These rmp and sigmfican mechanical and ~e buildings' It is also productivity villa arbage collection - cleaning tl for the buildings of allbuildings• backdoor g times wk. uipme and repan) the Janitorial rovideand bulk trash items ~- Fridays eq aiming d out of ~uni~ Division p Monday - appearance ~ than was promote the team~'~'ork and The Sanitation vegetation village's level of fans wk curbside wk. The nd expensive ear a Gusto Through ivision p times clingon seavice is a unique a Sanitation s art ent~ lacing recy nicipalities. vehicle In May oft he parks Dep o her custodial sari f 5 we out rep d curbside nding n'u fuel cost, illage s ~ build g a an week sanitati to surrou rises in of capital osiU©n will save positron to of the v cleanln~ this p 5-day-a- compered d the cost supervision • n services. service When ed by substantia~s ~ roposmg a it responsio ilitiThe elimination of rnishl g a~ nel inlun been imp Administration is p to meet ositl without dim has also erson maintains our oneY osition ce costs, p ear the area) that d this vacant p ount of n' It is maintenan the coming y e also recommen enable am its irriga~on technician p equipment. In eted residential W trucks consid d supervision. cing costs. ck. Tandem is also transferring ht an with C~ounds program (Ln ~ e red ~ tandem axle tnl thus er oversig itself The pilot ice whi ~ht ticket ~ also The Dwision Ce for bets align osition. collection sere ck with nd over~'e1~ W e ar Maintenan this position tO user of p the repair older tnl costs. to Groundso riate for re the primary e to assist in replacin he number of landfilla ~ dowering more appr p they a will contmu reduce t roductivity CJF_ 3~ ce since ivision staff p Maintenan improving Maintenance D anon motors. the Building of irrig responsibl C Systems and maintenance been rade ITV A ear the Division has to upg This pastern of a program designed construction and major renovation priorities "clam The Streets Ida is budget include: additional for the this y air catch-basin structure that has een reement for use of an ment's repair and seeking a contractual ag our equip nizes the Dint. „ rovide service during lace Southwind Drive- Rep sed i e and or j stem running shell truck to p natural disaster. The Division recog sinking due to the collap p p drain sy cost of staff s v`'°rkp Repair the storm who are experiencing in the event of act and rising The Division will Hummingbird WaY- rivate substantial service imp ensation claims. ractices and hold o residential condominiums idents in their p orkman's Comp between tw injuries and W train and promote safety p problems with sink holes affecting continue to discuss, bout the year. e that floods. parking areas. laced safety programs for staff throug . haven Drive- This is the first area in the Vil ag Fair drain pipe is too small and will be rep Ground The existing storm erates within two functional areas: with a new, larger-diameter pipe acts, deterioration and Streets Maintenance Divisian Ge The Grounds Maintenance Due to the imp is the Division has The Division is oP e trimming, tree lacement - tree roo weeding, hedg ublic . Sidewalk Rep e sidewalks by Maintenance ns blerfors mowmg,a ral maintenance of p damage of Villag air work as needed.. area is respo a lantings and gene The general area fertilizinb, P Village Hall and the Public budgeted funds for outside rep halt Overlay - 6hthawk Way trimming, I osition in Robin Way to Nib adways, the Public Safety B ridation Technician pvision for Continue the Annualestrrees sp ro ound. The g planned for next y bird W ay transferred into this Di to Ibis W ay and Humming Services comp e Engineer's review of the Facility Maintenance is being The Grounds Maintenance Kittyha~'k WaY 6e -Per the Villag airs have been ht and accountability • ositions to maintain the 9 ~ Lighthouse Bridb bridge, rep better oversig staff p Farms Rd. re ort on this n its existing annual FDOT p ineer will prepare recommendations area will realig leted on Prosperity The Eng airs and artment also plans to enhance Village recommended. that may assist in T i s ecifications for these remedial maintenance r additional medians thahe dep e comp •lla e buildings, rant money ear. annuals at V g and P available g in the coming Y lanting beautification by P any assist in locating entranceways and medians in late fall. paying for this maintenance. "non growing , onsible for arts, performs re ayes streets for the Division procures p The Streets Maintenance area This area p potholes, repairs and Fleet MaintenanceMaintenance ture of the Villag ~ atches p the The Fleet enc repairs and maintains records infrastruc ram, P maintains emerg Y e's annual overlay PTOg laces traffic signs, •n and routine maintenance, The Division ensueVels recomm nded Villag repairs or rep DES permitti g e vehicles. replaces sidewalks, for all Villag drainage system and handles NP and eq p This Village vehicle fleet / rm ui went are m f cture ds•at or a oVe d 8I pieces of Village sto reporting requirements. by equipment manu e uipment consists of 91 ent (mowers, etc.) s an q off-road and small equipm GF- 38 ' arities for the prop°Sed budget include: Major Fleet renovation pre e artments to reduce air work in advance with ~ P Schedule rep roductivity • e tanks. These tanks down time and in underground fuel storag ~ the Village in lace existing to latest standards pu~in~' ' Rep raded tanks will also will be upg standards. N emergencies. The compliance with the 2009 EP tAo help during dispensing ore storage capacity onitoring, have n~ automated m will include State new fuel system will allow This protect record keeping and well fully address all from and fuel funding urchases Current Village diesel fuel p leted. contamination clean-up ro ect is comp clean-up issues. hen this p J e and office due pest damage for locals retail stations willoftaand de increased storag Rebuild maintenance will prove concerns This safety items. air lines and electric hose reels in t e necessary maintenance inventory . Install new overhead eratures. arage~ garage temp tires, maintenance g tire plugs . Install new fans to reduce the sumn~erarations: be used lan for hurricane p p that can fuel Monitor and p ui ment parts fix-a-flat additional autoleq p keep a close watch on find additional fuel sites for hout the year if not needed, related throng tracking storm storage levels a pumlake of rms for Village veh~cl and materials used. activities, equipn1ent used, GF- 39 Public Services Director of Public Services 1 FT Superintendent, Public Services 1 FT Deputy Building Official 1 FT Code Enforcement Officer I 1 FT Code Enforcement Officer II 2 PT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Building Const. Inspector II 1 FT Building Const. Inspector I 1 PT 1 FT (+1 FT) Accounting Technician II 1 FT Permit & Licensing Technician 2 FT (+1 FT) Facility Services Sanitation Street Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT Trades Mechanic II 1 FT Equipment Operator II 2 FT Supervisor 1 FT Trades Mechanic III 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT Apprentice Mech 1 FT Custodian 3 FT (-1 FT) Worker 15 FT Trades Mechanic II 1 FT Irrigation Tech II 1 FT Auto/ Equip. Mech. I 1 F Grounds Maint. Worker 1 FT Driver/Operator 6 FT Grounds Maint. Worker 1 FT Grounds Maint. Worker 5 FT Summary: Change: 54 FT (+1 FT) 3 PT GF-40 PUBLIC WORKS Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 458,033 $ 397,682 $ 372,355 $ 309,107 Overtime Pay 1,500 1,500 2,898 1,876 Benefits 327,464 176,945 141,528 132,960 $ 786,997 576,127 516,781 443,942 Operating Operating Costs 23,900 23,300 18,485 14,208 Materials & Supplies 90,600 85,200 55,650 64,945 Repairs & Maintenance 293,000 248,000 1,526 210,390 Utilities 80,850 77,000 82,436 76,636 488,350 433,500 158,097 366,179 Capital Automotive 0 62,000 - - ComputerHardware & Software 1,500 - - - Construction & Renovation 235,000 - - 149,441 Machinery & Equipment 9,000 - - 3,981 245,500 62,000 - 153,423 Total Expenses $ 1,520,847 $ 1,071,627 $ 674,878 $ 963,544 GF-41 SANITATION Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 679,759 $ 669,873 $ 666,849 $ 582,921 Overtime Pay 9,000 9,000 9,568 7,884 Benefits 582,457 302,730 251,744 245,016 $ 1,271,216 981,603 928,161 835,821 Operating Operating Costs 151,800 153,300 127,511 119,615 Materials & Supplies 124,300 89,700 87,698 101,359 Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 9,000 6,947 - 286,100 252,000 222,155 220,974 Capital Automotive 133,000 120,000 - 128,417 Computer Hardware & Software 1,500 - - - Machinery & Equipment 19,600 - - - 154,100 120,000 - 128,417 Total Expenses $ 1,711,416 $ 1,353,603 $ 1,150,317 $ 1,185,212 GF-42 FACILITY SERVICES Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 248,541 $ 287,139 $ 289,672 $ 244,258 Overtime Pay 6,000 6,000 5,138 4,000 Benefits 147,720 125,170 103,922 107,760 $ 402,261 418,309 398,732 356,018 Operating Operating Costs 23,750 3,750 2,762 3,392 Materials & Supplies 11,800 9,280 8,608 9,100 Repairs & Maintenance 165,707 168,849 106,693 212,374 201,257 181,879 118,063 224,867 Capital Automotive 26,000 - - - Computer Hardware & Software 1,500 - - - Machinery & Equipment 6,600 - - 2,624 34,100 - - 2,624 Total Expenses $ 637,618 $ 600,188 $ 516,795 $ 583,508 GF-43 DEVELOPMENT, LICENSING & CODE, AND ADMIN Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 513,414 $ 378,513 $ 346,131 $ 314,447 Overtime Pay 2,500 1,500 823 1,138 Benefits 285,915 143,343 114,837 112,282 $ 801,829 523,356 461,790 427,868 Operating Operating Costs 52,750 23,650 10,227 15,762 Materials & Supplies 14,200 14,000 12,190 10,974 Repairs & Maintenance 3,000 2,000 2,257 - Utilities 19,500 16,000 16,620 17,504 89,450 55,650 41,294 44,241 Capital Automotive 16,500 - - - Computer Hardware & Software 6,000 - 1,287 3,720 Construction & Renovation 25,000 - - - 47,500 - 1,287 3,720 Total Expenses $ 938,779 $ 579,006 $ 504,372 $ 475,828 GF-44 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 109,126 $ 99,199 $ 94,970 $ 92,816 Overtime Pay 1,000 1,000 786 1,000 Benefits 68,708 43,995 36,455 43,773 $ 178,834 144,194 132,210 137,589 Operating Operating Costs 2,500 2,400 1,965 1,526 Materials & Supplies 12,000 10,175 8,122 9,402 Utilities 6,930 6,600 7,761 7,167 21,430 19,175 17,848 18,095 Cap Construction & Renovation 118,000 - - 1,893 Machinery & Equipment 3,600 17,000 3,385 8,157 121,600 17,000 3,385 10,050 Total Expenses $ 321,864 $ 180,369 $ 153,443 $ 165,734 GF-45 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT 200s-2006 2006-2007 Pr~filic S6TViC6S A. Automotive Inventory as of May 2005 Life Qty Each Total Cost DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost 3/4 Ton Truck (1/2 ton) 1999(1), 2002(1) 7yrs 0 0 0 Code 1 16,500 16,500 1 21,000 21,000 Garbage Trucks 9~(1),~9s(1),X99(1),~00(1),~01(1),~02(1),~oa(1) 7yrs 1 120,000 120,000 Sanitation 1 133,000 133,000 1 133,000 133,000 Lightning Loader 2003(1) (requesting2na truck) 7yrs 0 0 0 Sanitation 1 0 0 0 0 Dump Truck 1989(1) l0 yrs 1 62,000 62,000 0 0 0 0 3/4 Ton Utility Vehicle 199a(1),1999(1),2002(1) 7yrs 0 0 0 Facility 1 26,000 26,000 1 26,000 26,000 Sub TotalAutomotive 182,000 175,500 180,000 B. Machinery & Equipment Sanitation Utility Vehicle 199~(1),1999(2),2oo1(a),2oo3(1) 4 yrs 0 0 0 Sanitation 1 19,600 19,600 0 0 Concrete Mixer loyrs 0 0 0 Streets 1 3,500 3,500 0 0 Rotary Mower s yrs 0 0 0 Streets 1 5,500 5,500 0 0 Forklift, Fans & Reels (1) 1o yrs T i=x-999 i~-999 Fleet 1 3,600 3,600 0 0 Floor Scrubber s yrs 0 0 0 Facility 1 6,600 6,600 0 0 Sub Total Machinery & Equipment 17,000 38,800 0 C. Storm Water Improvements Firetree Canal 2syrs 0 0 0 0 1 150,000 150,000 905 Dogwood 2syrs 0 0 0 0 1 12,000 12,000 917 Dogwood 25yrs 0 0 0 0 1 12,000 12,000 320 Southwind Drive 2syrs 0 0 0 Streets 1 15,000 15,000 0 0 727 Hummingbird Way 2syrs 0 0 0 Streets 1 40,000 40,000 0 0 Fairhaven Drive 2syrs 0 0 0 Streets 1 30,000 30,000 0 0 Sub Total Storm Water Improvements 0 85,000 174,000 D. Fleet Garage Fuel Tank Replacement 2oyrs 0 0 0 Fleet 1 102,000 102,000 0 0 Office & Loft Renovation 0 0 0 Fleet 1 16,000 16,000 0 0 Sub Total Fleet Garage 0 118,000 0 E. Village Hall Parking Lot loyrs 0 0 0 Village Hall 1 35,000 35,000 0 0 F. Road Overlay Asphalt loyrs 0 0 0 Streets 1 205,000 205,000 1 225,000 225,000 G. Front Office Remodel 1o yrs 0 0 0 Administration 1 25,000 25,000 0 0 H. Lighthouse Bridge 1o yrs 0 0 0 Streets 1 150,000 150,000 0 0 I. Computer Hardware & Software Computer (all departments) Building 3 1,500 4,500 Sanitation 1 1,500 1,500 Streets 1 1,500 1,500 Facility Services 1 1,500 1,500 Code 1 1,500 1,500 Gen Serv Village Hall 1 1,300 1,300 Sub Total Computer Hardware & Software 2 yrs 0 0 0 11,800 0 0 TOTAL PUBLICSERVICES 199,000 844,100 579,000 GF-46 nt1Qnally Blanl~ Irate . a e deft This P ~ GF-° Programming of activity, artment offers a wide variety Classes, ~Pti7leilt Parks Dep ortunity for all ages• endent ReCPe~tI0I1 ~ep The Recreation & 45+ indep workshops, and leisure °pp offered by ears are classes, lectures are clinics, rograms for youth 3 - 1 y Mission Statement family and individual workshops, artment also artment provides both contractors. Summer Cartment. The Recreation Dear. et of residents of al The Recreation Dep and organized conducted by the Dep hout the y ation programs and services to a wid t m staffed Tonal and recre wined parks sy Great offers an extensive list of travel trips throug m of special events ages through awell-mamt Village-run re ectru S ecial Events artment offers a wide sp Li hts by recreation professionals offering ro rams. well as _ onsored recreation p g The Recreation Deapr from July 4th firewor so alt eve tsi as competitive league sp throughout they offers Sea e Day, Dog Trolley. The Department also ecial to the Village like °aftsFesti a eritag park Resources 120Q Prosperity Farms Rd cages sand activities sp ose ball field, batting e Park Aftern°on and annual Arts and C Communit Center - multi-pure tot lot, full gymnasium, stag ortunities are offered including Features a fitness trail, S~ o~ ort league opp oor basketball courts nd basketball. Youth recreati~~ ~a y etbal an volleyball court, Adult recreational sp outh sport theatre, and three outd uetball softball, volleyball, a the Department. A 715 Prosperity Farms Rd. erated by anized non-profit groups. Osborne Park - u ose building, six three wall racq soccer are also op h local org tot lot, two batting Features amulti-p ~ activities are offered throug anizes and courts, two outdoor basketball courts, pr anization Involvement Little wo baseball fields. h palm Beach youth AthNorth Palm Bea h County cages and t e Dr• ark, two The Nort h the Beach Gardens b03 Anchorage tot lot, dog p Qes outh baseball throug Beach/palm Fast Anchora e Park - multi-purpose buildings, two ball field, two manab y ro ram. North palm Features two huffleboard courts, d storage League baseball p ~ation manages and operates the Girls NSA eights a lgg space ry tennis courts b ionic area, Girl's Softball Assoc sand volleyball courts, P pitch Softball program. ~e slips, andboatramp~ area, 3 ~ wet storab hthouse Drive. avilion, sand Revenues ionic p Lakeside Park East end of Lig and a tot lot. Activity Fees: t minars monies are shared 30°lo with the Vil age Features an outdoor basketbalela court, p program volleyball court, beachfron All classes and se Prosperi~' F arms Road two outdoor ro rams are batting cage Non Resident Fees Village facilities and p g St. Clare Church fields - ur ose fields, Features two multi-p p All non-resident users of fee of $15.40/Individual; sketball courts, tot lot and concession/restrooms. charged: _ A yearly ba ro6rams Classes and $25.00(Family xtra fee is charged for non residents which Partnershi s orts fields, batting cage u ose sp Sorts lea ues - An e St. Clare's Cathoh a eh the multi-p ~ in exchange for their routine varies per sport ed for non residents The Villag round The Village uses A higher rate is charg C1F_ 48 concession stand and playg terian Church. Facilit usa e - inaintenance. First presby ed arking at Osborne Park with the Church shar p Facility Usage Fees -rental fees of recreation buildings and fields • Providing a wide variety of activities and events throughout Arts and Crafts the year to celebrate the upcoming 50th Anniversary of the All monies collected for classes taught by a Village employee Village. Summer/Spring Camps The balance of all Camp revenues minus the expenses • Continue to develop improvement ideas for the Anchorage Heritage Day Marina and Storage facilities to better accommodate resident Sponsorships and ticket monies use, access and Park area appearance. 2004 - 2005 ~ Improve afternoon, weekend and holiday monitoring of Accomplishments Anchorage Marina and Storage through re-directing schedules of Osborne Park and p/t Recreation staff. • The Anchorage Park -Dog Park was opened by the Village this past year. ~ Consider holding a new "Sweet Hearts Ball" at the Community Center on Valentines Day. • The annual Heritage Day Celebration has blossomed into one of the Village's premier events creating a hometown ~ Complete the Osborne Park parking lot renovation and excitement that touches all age groups. entrance in conjunction with First Presbyterian Church. • The Department has been asked to oversee the management ~ Fund and complete renovation of Osborne Park Recreation and operation of the Anchorage Park Marina and Storage building facility. area. Plans are in the budget to begin upgrades at the facility. ~ Continue to maintain and upgrade all public Park facilities • The Department has been asked to oversee the management and equipment throughout the Village ensuring safety and and supervision of Village Parks Maintenance. focusing on resident enjoyment. • The Department has been a main liaison with First ~ Install an automated registration system allowing Recreation Presbyterian Church in their expansion of the shared parking users the convenience of paying with acredit/debit card and lot entrance at Osborne Park. registering online. 2005 - 2006 ~ Purchase and install 3 lightening warning systems at Objectives Community Center, Osborne and St. Clare's field facilities. • Apply for State FRDAP parks grants totaling $200,000 in 2005-06 for Anchorage Park to fund renovations while also seeking other federal, state or County grants (State requires 100% Village match). GF- 49 after same storage area ~tor~ge pctober 2006 ( the Village)• ~hoY.a~e L~1ar~na eriod starting next year - lishedbY An declining p been accomp 6e area e facility has been but the improvements have already nchorage storm, arina and Storag uate, e Improvements at the A The Anchorage Park M is considered adeq Tanning far Villag ' d a ion also recommends three considerations. The boat ramp with access sidewalks fte In p over recent years. sought imstrat s needs to be standardize The much the Adm wet slip docks throughout. reement, ,n and marinas floating the Village lease Ag tember 30 , ved, uniform to the north and south en ong backlog of 1 improving ms to end on Sep rentals. impro ht also be added and addressing a lease ter uarterly or monthly wet slips mig has a substantial 2 matching more revenues area also state of an area for d area -generating The dry storage parking been in a 3. consider creating idents. uah it too has lacking and ill rovide better controtla,ff ha work d waiting res even tho b li kiting Is reement w P a list of residents and g Recreations a reement waiting air. Nighttime secuntY ark area is unsightly. An improved lease ag erable craft. a revised lease g decline and disrep from the surrounding p_ roved fencing and uninsured or inop to develop ill begin using earance need Imp this unlicensed, e Attorney the visual app rundown and re-directed to with our Villag The Administration royal. become ersonnel will be Village these improvements. m rit ses after Council's consideration an app budget Year Storage lots have aterial. Parks p of these facilities reflecting ground-surface and secu Y the coming Year. these new lea maintain the use e's September 30 b area to help in to be implemented during s with the Villag ex enditures as part improvements beg Administration has Matching lease term etimes find it ents, the erways 1 consideration of both 1 customers also om . mediately a coming impTOVem allows annua genta Village Im To address these eriod. Both et rocess. ent to the nce foal plan with Council's Recrea~ o ear p of the natural budg p Therefore, the Administration our Village begins annual lease paYm coming discussed a co p usting rental rates over a Y difficult to remit an s each year for our Boards for adj adjustment until ro osing a the holiday lease renewal term ro_rated to Advisory any rate The Administration is P . p ear's following using a 9-month The current annual rate wool e p Boards oppose recommends e to manage annual to this area in comet rental renewals. Villag im rovements at these0~ ofampeas January _ onth term...allowing the ear. p rovements 0 rental rates. next plan to provide ~40~ e from our existin agree with the 9 m et - with no char both wet et rocess startin budg below rates in its annual budg p onthly rental users will allow list" of storage customers ~ allowing for "waiting uarterly or even m e Village's substantial s usting rental rates are subshnRecreation's a an area of a are residents by Th Indicate throng Creatinb defray the cost of turn-over d dry area) ~ is was confirmed Tanning continued e Village to better meet the needs of m slip an local area. Th th at higher rates to The Administration Is p 4.5 years. orary storage - levels in the aver the next ustments temp survey of area rental ratnchorage rental areas rental rate adj administration. improvements to the A coupled with aver time - to rovements should be more comp able - These imp The Administration Village rates to become e facilities. Qe local that allow a local storag ual to 75% of averab GF- SO those of surroundinb toward a target eq radually over a 4-year recommends working but doing this g dry j wet area rental rates.. The tables below reflect a conceptual comparison of the Village's A quick comparison of local average rental rates with our existing current rental rates and one (of many) possible 4-year plans for rate Village rental indicates the following: adjustment. Average Village Dry storage Dry storage $110.00/mo $ 33.90/mo. Wet Slip $300.00/mo $118.87/mo. Yearly Monthly Jan. 2005 (9-mo. lease) $406.80* $ 33.90 The Administration is planning for Council's consideration and 1st step Oct. 2006 $500.00 $70.00 approval of the 3 areas noted above in the coming year (improved 2nd step Oct. 2006-07 $750.00 $90.00 lease Agreement, matching lease terms to September 30th, and creating 3rd step Oct. 2007-08 $950.00 $105.00 areas for quarterly or monthly rentals). Consideration of a gradual 4th step Oct. 2008-09 $1200.00. $120.00 adjustment in Village rental rates starting next would coincide with improvements that will be accomplished in the coming year's wet SI1pS budget plan. Yearly Monthly Jan. 2005 (9-mo. lease) $1426.44* $118.87 1st step Oct. 2006 $1700.00 $175.00 2nd step Oct. 2006-07 $2500.00 $210.00 3rd step Oct. 2007-08 $2800.00 $250.00 4th step Oct. 2008-09 $3500.00 $325.00 GF- 51 Recreation Director of Recreation 1 FT Anchorage /Rec. Programs Pool Parks Maintenance Comm. Center and Osborne Supervisor Parks Maintenance 1 FT Rec. Programs Coord. 1 FT Crew Foreman 1 FT Supervisor Recreation 2 FT Supervisor Recreation 1 FT Irrigation Technician I 1 FT Recreation Assistants 4 PT Recreation Assistants 3 PT Pool Director 1 FT (+1 FT) Park Maintenance Tech 4 FT Camp Counselor 6 PT Youth Art Instructor 1 PT Pool Supervisor 1 FT (+1 FT) Grounds Maintenance Worker 1 FT Independent Contractors 19 IC Camp Counselor 4 PT Pool Lifeguard 12 PT (+12 PT) Parks Summer Staff 1 PT (-2 PT) Independent Cont. 45 IC Summary: Change: FT = 15 (+2 FT) PT = 31 (+10 PT) I C = 64 G F-52 RECREATION Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 754,342 $ 584,208 $ 548,263 $ 504,131 Overtime Pay 17,300 15,000 20,470 15,304 Benefits 389,063 225,648 178,377 177,013 $ 1,160,705 824,856 747,109 696,448 Operating Operating Costs 273,483 75,310 58,517 71,496 Materials & Supplies 109,840 53,850 46,604 55,823 Repairs & Maintenance 42,300 4,500 6,088 2,310 Utilities 159,705 111,000 108,138 104,579 585,328 244,660 219,347 234,208 Capital Automotive - 6,000 - 11,966 Computer Hardware & Software 10,000 - 2,000 - 11,284 Construction & Renovation 235,000 - 1,500 1,500 Furniture & Fixtures 6,500 2,820 - 2,557 Machinery & Equipment 32,000 28,700 - 42,576 Playground & Outside Equipment 31,000 26,100 - 14,274 Other 0 - - - 314,500 65,620 1,500 84,157 Total Expenses $ 2,060,533 $ 1,135,136 $ 967,957 $ 1,014,813 GF-53 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT 2005-2006 2006-2007 ECI'BC[t1t712 (Lt°jiS A. Automotive Inventory as of May 2005 Life Qty Each Tofa1 Cosf DEPARTMENT Qty Each Tofa1 Cosf Qty Each Tofa1 Cosf 3/4 Ton Truck 1999(1) 7yrs 0 0 0 0 0 1 21,000 21,000 Storage Trailer (T X 12') 1 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Automotive 6,000 0 21,000 B. Machinery & Equipment Reel Mower 1998(1),2002(1),2004 (1) 5 yrs 1 14,500 14,500 0 0 0 0 0 Rotary Mower 1998(1)2002(1) 5 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 1 8,000 8,000 Tractor /Front End Loader 10 yrs 0 0 1 29,000 29,000 0 2 A/C Units (Anchorage Modules) 2 5,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 Generator 1 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 Trash Cans 30 40 1,200 0 0 0 0 Projector for Presentations 0 0 1 3,000 3,000 0 Sub Total Machinery & Equipment 28,700 32,000 8,000 C. Construction Renovation of Osborne Recreation Bldg 0 0 1 200,E X00 200,000 0 0 0 Anchorage Park Renovation 0 0 0 0 0 1 3,OUgUU0 3,OUgUU0 (Matching FRDP Grant for Anchorage) 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 Osborne Park -Parking Lot 0 0 1 35,000 35,000 0 Sub Total Construction 0 235,000 3,003,600 D. COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE 2 yrs 2 1,000 2,000 1 10,000 10,000 0 0 E. Playground & Outside Equipment Playground Equipment 4 4,000 16,000 1 10,000 10,000 0 Lightning Detection Devices 10 yrs 0 0 3 7,000 21,000 0 Trash Cans 20 350 7,000 0 0 0 Backboards, Poles, Goals, Lakeside 2 800 1,600 0 0 0 Lightweight Player Benches 4 375 1,500 0 0 0 Sub Total Playgound & Outside Equipment 26,100 31,000 0 F. Furniture & Fixtures - Gym Mats 5 300 1,500 0 0 0 -Basketball Pole Guards 12 110 1,320 0 0 0 -Furniture for Anchorage Park 0 0 0 1 2,000 2,000 0 - New Heritage Banners 0 0 0 1 4,500 4,500 0 Sub Total Furniture & Fixtures 2,820 6,500 0 TOTAL RECREATION & PARKS 65,620 314,500 3,032,600 GF-54 nt1Qnally Blanl~ Irate . a e deft This P ~ GF-`_ Close O en g•,00 •m~ 10.00 a.m~ 6.00 m. AdultLibra 10.00 a.m~ _Thursda 5'.00 p.m• racy l~.oo Ljb s Monda and program & Saturda ices, rnent Frida Close tateme~t 1 enrich Sunda Open Mission ~ rovides materials, sere has a special roviding persona same) .m~ e public Library p all ages p e Library g•,00 The Villag of reading ibrary ~ 00 a m. residents of needs. Th love Children'sL 10~~ 600 p.m. for community .meeting educational encourage a 10.00 m' 5..00 •m~ ment, and their parents tO Monda _Thursda n1 enjoy I~.00 book, children and Friday & Saturda mission to • n may formats, including and learning Sunda n are scheduled and Adult - programs the winter ayygtive season hours rovides materials 1 visual and dunng ~1 ens N p audio- library ublic access ~~~tiice L ' ing hours based on ubhc 4~ hours The library online p vary en to the p odical, electrons for the children's three available for currently has are op Mays and p the year 1n addition to computers The Library Adult onSeptember - Children s en bout five uter resented areas. The seas August) T4~e hours per throng the adult hbran' ~ there are camp Microsoft Children winter June - months for adult library ~ computers, °nwhich the finals vs. - during the er season ~ uters in the et access term per week during the su ho rs per v`'eeklwinter, an comp ee Intern computer on has t~'`t° use•. Thr and onechildren' s library caters containing per we o en 41 blic research Library is p hours available por genealogy er. went work a ~ s open quite rs install ~ catlog~ and three com weeklsumm fined the cu 6 our Lrbr ry ear- Office the onlr exam ds enhancin made consistent y ed for children. Dir onor a d recomnlen our resew oftwaTe f or for the The Library would be it easier for cational s Director staff posits our Library areas (rnaking hours would edu r n from o en hours of d Children e expanded _ offering ~ year Events Nancy Moore - ou~a hie Olds as ou ew hours. Thep Adult an both the foil ~ sun y afternoons hours can be Lur ~en Retirement of M5 selection of round for understand and an Libraa -time staff - past 31 years and May 2005• residents to Saturdays change m Director in weekend residents. The full-time and p The revised Library include ice to our existing erasing costs. improved sere the Library's , annual °p scheduled with Library s causing no increase in hours as prop°sed as follows~~ GF- 5E the Library held 3 major "Friend's" group for treasure, February and March (diving with our Library programs in January, ardening)~ round-the-~'orld sailing, & Florida g onducted an author luncheon ~r ~°w th a check for ~Q~O C ~ " resented the The Friends p efforts s~ acquired through their fund raising kiting on the Library's 1 leted installation of improved Jig , » funding. Comp local donations and "Friend s floor -using stairs entry doors to the circulation Installed new the at the up com uter server to host the desk. purchase and'ra ed systems ftware AthenaTM~ Library's integ New Year Initiatives v,,eekends by evenings and on Expand Library hours to staff - no cost impact. • improved scheduling of Library crease annual purchase of audio-visual ebroush I~ocentreTM (a L' Athena system with Sag s Online remote access to our Library' ~ Update Libs a em allowing Web based Y Cata1og)• Windows 9s) at the circulation desk. Rep uters ( roviding online access to lace older 3 comp 4 terininals p et estimate of $7,50).. purchase a ewer with hue (budg ublic M card catalob catalogue computers to p the Athena allowing transfer of existing ublic access access Internet terminals. on p reservation software user time- . Install computer uters to eliminate confrontations caused Y comp limits. GF- 57 Library Director of Library 1 FT Librarian II 1 FT Library Assistant 1 PT (+1 PT) Children's Library Circulation Technical Services Librarian I 1 FT Librarian I 1 FT Library Assistant 1 FT Library Assistant 1 FT Librarian I 1 FT Library Assistant 1 PT Library Assistant 3 PT Library Assistant 1 PT Library Page 1 PT Library Page 1 PT Summary: Change: FT = 7 (-1 FT) PT = 8 (+1 PT) GF-58 LIBRARY Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 371,167 $ 402,056 $ 414,992 $ 334,243 Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 162,992 147,002 120,703 114,959 $ 534,159 549,058 535,695 449,202 Operating Operating Costs 12,130 9,718 5,444 10,076 Materials & Supplies 7,425 7,625 6,381 6,915 Repairs & Maintenance - 2,895 435 1,295 Utilities 31,085 27,700 30,774 29,249 50,640 47,938 43,035 47,535 Capital Audio Book Collection 5,000 5,000 3,836 2,870 Books, Publs & Library Mat'1 55,000 55,000 54,977 55,107 Computer Hardware & Software 15,000 3,500 - 8,170 Furniture & Fixtures - - - 2,180 Machinery & Equipment 14,000 18,307 - - Video Cassette 8,000 7,000 5,698 4,978 97,000 88,807 64,511 73,305 Total Expenses $ 681,799 $ 685,803 $ 643,241 $ 570,042 GF-59 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan CURRENT YEAR DEPARTMENT 2005-2006 2006-2007 sl .7")? Inventory as of May 2005 Life Qty Each Total Cost DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware & Software Dell XP Computer 4 899 3,596 Library 3 1,000 3,000 0 Dell Server 1 1,849 1,849 Library 0 0 Computer Monitor & UPS 4 300 1,200 Library 0 0 Laser Printer 2 350 700 Library 2 200 400 0 2004-05 Final Budget reduced; itemized detail not provided -3,845 Library 0 0 0 0 Software 0 Library 1 500 500 0 PC Reservation System 0 Library 1 1,800 1,800 0 Upgrade Athena to InfoCentre 0 Library 1 1,000 1,000 0 LCD Projector 0 Library 1 800 800 0 Computer server & 4 terminals (5 items) 0 Library 5 1,500 7,500 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware & Software 3,500 15,000 0 B. Machinery & Equipment Condensing Unit & Air Handler Unit 1 18,307 18,307 Library 0 0 Condensing Unit 0 Library 2 7,000 14,000 0 Sub Total Machinery & Equipment 18,307 14,000 0 C. Books & Publications Adult Fiction &Non-Fiction; Juvenile & Young Adult Serial Publications & Reference Material; Periodicals & Newspapers; Microfiche 1 55,000 55,000 Library 1 55,000 55,000 0 Sub Total Books & Publications 55,000 55,000 0 D. Audio Book & CD Collection Audio Books & CD's 1 5,000 5,000 Library 1 5,000 5,000 0 Sub Total Audio Book & CD Collection 5,000 5,000 0 E. Video Cassette & DVD Collection Video Cassettes & DVD's 1 7,000 7,000 Library 1 8,000 8,000 0 Sub Total Video Cassette & DVD Collection 7,000 8,000 0 TOTAL LIBRARY 88,807 97,000 0 GF-60 DEBT & OTHER Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Adopted 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Debt Service $ 1,073,888 $ 1,019,200 $ 995,765 $ 1,078,572 Other Planning & Comm Develop $ 38,500 53,500 30,916 22,822 Addition to Designated Balance 0 20,000 6,168 6,012 Council Contingency 142,118 62,131 2,000 9,500 Village Manager Contingency 25,000 10,000 - 23,100 Capital - 50,000 - - Benefits - 606,350 60,773 622,480 Group Health Transition 85,000 650,000 500,000 658,000 Other - 883,000 275,789 - 290,618 2,334,981 875,646 1,341,915 Non-departmental Operating Costs 190,426 257,200 218,902 201,798 Materials & Supplies 25,000 25,000 24,157 12,920 Utilities 18,165 17,300 22,875 17,983 Capital 36,300 1,300 - - Other $ 500 500 23 - 270,391 301,300 265,956 232,702 Total Expenses $ 1,634,897 $ 3,655,481 $ 2,137,367 $ 2,653,189 GF-61 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005 - 2006 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB Mission Statement Department Divisions The North Palm Beach Country Club (NPBCC) offers a variety of The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club is a quality recreational services to the community through four operating areas: facility providing leisure activities to customers through a combination • Golf Operations exemplary customer service and well maintained facilities. The North . Tennis Operations Palm Beach Country Club budget seeks to expand resident and non- . Pool Operations resident Membership through in comprehensive fashion using an . Food & Beverage /Meetings integrated combination of pricing, marketing and promotion innovations and service appearance improvements reflecting the high Gol~perations ideals of our Club's amenities, special functions and user age groups. The North Palm Beach Country Club golf course is a traditional 18- hole course that offers a true challenge for golfers of every caliber. The Service Levels Na~~ative golf facility includes a lighted driving range. Department Goals and Objectives The Club Golf operation is open seven days a week offering individual, In offering quality experiences to our guests, the following goals have group and clinic instruction from on-staff PGA Professionals. The been established: Club golf shop offers a variety of soft goods, golf accessories and clubs for sale. The Golf operations offer monthly tournaments for all levels ? Provide exemplary levels of customer service at all times. of skill and experience. Local league play is offered over the 20 week ? Maintain high levels of daily care to all facilities (golf summer season. operations, tennis, pool and club house). ? Offer innovative instruction and participation programs The upkeep and maintenance of the Golf course and grounds is handled focusing on Membership interests in social /recreational use of with a high level of care. Grounds maintenance includes the clubhouse, the Club. pool areas, tennis courts, driving range and golf course. ? Offer professional golf, tennis and swimming instruction to competitive Club members. During the coming 2005-06 year the Village has engaged Nicklaus ? Provide enjoyable Club House dining, lounge, meeting and Design to develop conceptual plans for re-design Golf Course and special event functions. refurbishment of the course irrigation system. The course redesign and irrigation refurbishment has not yet been formally presented or approved by the Village at July 2005. Subject to Village Council's future consideration and approval, this redesign and irrigation renovation would not begin until after Easter of 2006 with completion projected by October 2006. CC - l e S onsible for adding to the total and Bever a responsible for Food e contractor is rep food and bank loan The contractor ss The from The food and beverag~BCC, kitchens. and pool ected to come ~ and at the restaurant and wolf tennis, royal. eXperience clubhouse with the serves the e scale pTOJect is exp Fundin;~ coop future Council app ill be handled m~ntaining the works eratively Week with unding for this larg ' ub• ect to ent protect w embers a e division and special A~ ~sd yea F refurbishm Club m beter g tournaments, ho es to financing that ss also s Jcourse Club budget offered enhance munity offerin Th Administration p of this possible osed v,,ould be divisions tO and the cOm ust 245 ~ The expense endment to this prop renovation e reciprocity .membership ent monthly. b separate am ru ted by a course thron~h Villag dues current contractor by ATe tal rates ~m Y a be dss p at a near by Course (ual membership Special events/enterta'1 wlth the ice who n' y bership play and of ann negotiate an extension Seek more reasonab endor' s F &B sere orary mem artial ref Tans tO extension of the temp ossibly a p Administration p for this ~greetnent) or p closure. to market) the period °f our course comparison during activities and to our Club. ency) of programs erates Ini~a~ves ement Ag . es a wide variety ool op lishmen~s end New aency Nlanag due to A~ rovsd The heated p ccom A (Federal EmeTb for damages The Club Pool p of the community and six days a week Cur ~n~APplied for FEM 46,000 to meet the needs the summer months e swim tea on bursement in the amount °f Jeanne through events during include the Villag resm Frances and contractor a week rams water safety instructs ~ hurricane maintenance Seven days pool grog rental. last years rounds the off-season. swim ~ rivate party outside g during water aerobics and Grade ? Eliminated TO rams n availabl Northern County ersonnel resources Youth athletic p g masters trai Ting~adult. The facility Annu better utilizing p Adult and munication for ages 3 Y ool hosted the 3~ The pool continues to ~ Enplemented new ices fireless DSL lines for bettertsQns GO 6 000 ear the p 254 participants. Serv based upon Installed w software °p S of $1 This Y Meet with over munity 39+ years ~ cost says og Maine and Johns ? continue to research ne School Swim and classes and cThe pool is currently fanned to Univ. ni participation. issue that is p Repaired pool filtration lines from direct its resources tow teams continual maintenance college S°`'sn' stem demonstrate decks g is a ? Host 6ation sy old and th osed budget H°pkins Univers;ce old golf course irrib be repaired in the prop Available Year ~ Continue to Sen' irector ~ more tennis play Tru courts .Hired staff Tennis D olicy enablinb 10 lighted Har ction for individuals, reservation p Tee includes clinics, instru ? Created ne head golf professional off staff Club nd juniors are'. were resos~a ograms ? hired new better use g hoot the The tennis division ear the courts uns p throng round for adults a This Y The j well Reworked pt schedule to ice p activities. chlorinatar. ~ olicyen s Golf Associations classes and raded with a and clinics are "customer fist serv ~rliddle School ' W om amin group stem upg Sumssser camp a concession y Adopt a en s and the Benj the irrigation sY expectations. ossibility of host events for both Nl ues and are now meeting ating the p membership 5 Sumnser Golf Leag investig shop to enhance from the r~ Host attended. Staff is the pro Tevenue for merchandising led with lesson will bolster Golf Team CC - 2 agreement ~ coup rentals and vending Merchandisinb achine Services. ball m teaching professionals, division earssings~ ~ Renovation of pool locker roams uet roam Nicklaus ~ Replace carpeting in restaurantbanq reement with Conceptu~ Design Ag olf course and site. ? Negotiated Design Group for the renovation of the g or contracts: olf Ma COn~acts Club oversees these maJ Beach entered ears The North Palm Beach Coun th Village of North Palm BCC pool Nom''' Inii~atrVes ~-2 new oint of sale system in all Club yea range, Richard Cavanah - eration of the NP F&B, driving 1. ire in ~ Installation of a p tennis, into a 2 year contra h thet origp al contract will exp administration, pool, nize our customers intent to shop, The system also oversight. A1th°ug 6e Administration's maintenance), will allow staff to better recog it is the Villab chard Cavanah, at rovide better service. September 2005 o ne otiate an extension of th s contract with needs and thereby P nitoring of and control over the Club's The current cost to the Village is g for 2 more yea allows for close dailyeTations. ool 1l3 over the next 3 his request, 004 per year. cash and revenue op approximately ~34~ e of North Palm Beach entered into a ? Replacement of the solar blankets at th t e pool in check. The Villag 1 keep the cost of heatinb lace in the off 2 ~D~ Vic. - Inc. for food and b ~ ~ i al years will he p ina of the pool deck will take p contract 3 year contract with 1EDL, though the nested lete repay ~ + ears ago NPBCC Restaurant. 1EDL Inc, has req ~ COmp as needed and in service at the tember, ZQOS~ of the season. The deck was last resuref ue ment y ires in Sep ears. The terms maintenance q p contract exp more y Golf course reciation schedule. to extend its contract for 2 otiation. e entered roving "value" to members. under neg the Villag accordance with t haa~ptoward imp using 2-tier contract are currently of Florida - ? Focus Club's emp es to encourage Membership - maintenance of 80 golf re Club fe 3. Professional Golf Careement for use & The Village will go Structu into a ~ yew lease ag ires in April 2006. Village is Member /Non-member. ember and Non-member The contract exp The cost to the pricing: etitive in M carts. bid renewal of this contrac . Continue to remaa~e nmeases to daily players. pricing; shifting approximately $?5,000 peT year. novation of golf irrigation and Course re-dea~gdriving roved automated dispensing system ~ possible re ~ implement imp roving controls and service. staff costs while imp Nicklaus Design; range saving Complete golf course ref erbasproval for course's repo Tetens, ~ and Villag p obtain funding lacement and renovation of tees, g including irrigation rep fairways, cart Paths and landscaping. ~ ear's boards Future ProleCts (3- -~- ool solar blankets & ~ o s ghop facility ~ Finish replacement of p Tennis customer ~ P maintenance Plan and construct a new of golf course R going replacement and CC - 3 On b lanned or needed o erating equipment asp for Club p y Computer replacements administration divisions Adopted Adopted Golf 2004-2005 $ Change 2005-2006 Golf (continued) 2004-2005 $ Change 2005-2006 Membership Cart Rental Resident Family $1,717.00 83.00 $1,800.00 Member is xoles 18.00/Person - 18.00/Person single 1,045.00 52.00 1,097.00 9 xoles 10.00/Person - 10.00/Person Junior 100.00 - 100.00 Non-member is xoles 21.00/Person - 21.00/Person Non-resident Family 2,868.00 - 2,868.00 & Guests 9 xoles 13.00/Person - 13.00/Person Single 1,716.00 - 1,716.00 Junior 100.00 25.00 125.00 Walking Fee is xoles 5.00/Person - 5.00/Person Corporate 7,000.00 - 7,000.00 9 xoles 3.00/Person - 3.00/Person Greens Fee Handicap Service Member 9.50 0.50 10.00 Resident Non-member 25.00 - 25.00 Novemberl5th -December 31st 1s xoles 22.00 n/a Charity Cards 26.00/Person na 9 xoles 14.00 n/a League Play 14.00/Person 1.02 15.02/Person January 1st -April 16th 18 Holes 26.00 n/a 9 xoles 16.00 n/a Winter Special (After 1:OOpm) April 17th -October 31st is xoles 18.00 n/a November 15th - Apri116th 9 xoles 11.00 n/a Mon-Thur 39.99/Person 5.00 45.00/Person Junior (Year Round) 1s xoles 8.50 n/a Fr-Sun & 39.99/Person 8.00 48.00/Person 9 xoles 5.50 n/a Holidays Non-member Apri117th to May 15th (After 3:OOpm) November 15th -December 31st Mon-Thur n/a 39.99/Person Mon-Thur is xoles 41.00 - 41.00 Fr-Sun & n/a 39.99/Person 9 Holes 25.00 - 25.00 Holidays Fr-Sun & is xoles 41.00 5.00 46.00 Summer Special May 16th to Nov 14th Holidays 9 xoles 25.00 2.50 27.50 (Before 3:OOpm) January 1st- April 16th Mon-Thur 26.00/Person 4.00 30.00/Person Mon-Thur is xoles 46.00 8.00 54.00 Fr-Sun & 26.00/Person 9.00 35.00/Person 9 Holes 27.50 5.00 32.50 Holidays Fr-Sun & is xoles 46.00 18.00 64.00 (After 3:OOpm) Holidays 9 xoles 27.50 11.00 38.50 Mon-Thur 19.99/Person 2.00 22.00/Person April 17th -May 15th Fr-Sun & 19.99/Person 5.00 25.00/Person Mon-Thur. is xoles 41.00 - 41.00 Holidays 9 Holes 25.00 - 25.00 Driving Range: (varies w/Specials & Promotions) 3.00 - 3.00 Fr-Sun & is xoles 41.00 5.00 46.00 Warm-up bucket Holidays 9 xoles 25.00 2.50 27.50 Small bucket 5.00 - 5.00 Junior (Year Round) is xoles 11.00 0.50 11.50 Medium bucket 8.00 - 8.00 9 xoles 8.50 0.20 8.70 Large bucket 10.00 - 10.00 Guest of a member Bag Room Storage 100.00 - 100.00 November 15th -December 31st Mon-Thur is xoles 31.50 - 31.50 Special Events 9 Holes 19.50 - 19.50 Fr-Sun & 1s xoles 31.50 5.00 36.50 In Season Golf+ Prizes Golf+ Prizes Holidays 9 xoles 19.50 2.50 22.00 $60/Person + Prevailing weekend January 1st -April 16th $5/Person rate + $5/Person Mon-Thur. is xoles 35.50 7.50 43.00 9 xoles 22.00 4.00 26.00 No outside weekend tournaments Fr-Sun & 18 xoles 35.50 17.50 53.00 Holidays 9 xoles 22.00 10.00 32.00 Off Season April 17th - Maw Mon-Thur. 1s xoles n/a - 31.50 April 17th -November 14th 9 xoles n/a - 19.50 Golf+ Prizes Golf+ Prizes Fr-Sun & 1s xoles n/a - 36.50 $30/Person + Prevailing weekend Holidays 9 xoles n/a - 22.00 $5/Person rate + $5/Person CC 4 Adopted Tennis 2004-2005 $ Change 2005-2006 Membership (Annual) Resident * Family 440.00 13.00 453.00 * Single 340.00 10.00 350.00 Junior 55.00 30.00 85.00 Non-resident * Family 588.00 17.00 605.00 * Single 440.00 13.00 453.00 Junior 83.00 17.00 100.00 Summer Membership (May 1st -Sept. 30th) - Resident Family 173.00 - Single 115.00 - Non-resident Family 208.00 - Single 139.00 - Daily Fees Guest of Member 8.00 2.00 10.00 Non-Member 10.00 2.00 12.00 Juniors 3.00 2.00 5.00 Special Events Court + Prizes Court + Prizes Annually $10/Person $5/Person $10/Person $5/Person CC 5 Adopted POOL 2004-2005 $ Change 2005-2006 Membership (Annual) RESIDENT Family 419.00 419.00 Single 2c~ 1 .00 2c~ 1 .00 Junior 105.00 (5.00) 100.00 Masters 128.00 128.00 NON-RESIDENT Family 524.00 524.00 s;ngie 354.00 354.00 Junior 126.00 (1.00) 125.00 Masters 175.00 175.00 SUMMER M'BRSHIP (Memorial Day -Labor Davl RESIDENT Family 275.00 275.00 Single 190.00 190.00 Junior 75.00 75.00 NON-RESIDENT Family 357.00 375.00 s;ngie 23 8.00 23 8.00 Junior 90.00 90.00 DAILY FEES Adults (Resident) 4.00 112. Adults (Non-Member) 7.00 ~0.90~ 6, 10 Juniors (4-17 Yrs.) 3.00 0.05 3.05 Juniors (Under 3 Yrs.) 1.00 0.03 1.03 Summer Day Camp 3.00 0.05 3.05 College Training (Per Person) 7.00 7.00 POOL RENTAL Private parties - $1.50 per person minimum $200.00 200.00 200.00 + Lifeguard -per hour 15.00 1 5.00 SOCIAL RESIDENT -NON RESIDENT 100.00 0.00 100.00 CORPORATE 250.00 0.00 250.00 .nJNIOR 21.00 0.50 21.50 S~ICCial E~rnts Fee + Fee + Private Parties 1.50/person 1.50/person Lifeguard Lifeguard $15/guard/hr $15/guard/hr CC 6 Adopted 2004-2005 2005-2006 Special Events Gulf In Season Golf + Prizes Golf + Prizes November 15- April 16 Prevailing $60JPerson $SfPerson weekend rate $5lPerson No outside weekend tournaments Off Season Apri vember 14 Prevailing $30JPerson $SlPerson weekend rate $SfPerson Tennis Court+ Prizes Gourt + Prizes Annually ~ $10/Person $S1Person $10/Person $S, Person Puu~ Fee+ Lifeguard Fee+ Lifeguard Private $1.SOlPerson $15{guardlhr Parties $1.50/Person $15lguard/hr CC 7 Country Club Administration a or Director of C/C 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Accounting Technician I 1 PT Clerical Specialist 1 PT Golf Course Maintenance Golf Shop Tennis F & B Superintendent Golf Course 1 FT Supervisor Golf Course 1 FT Independent Greens Maintenance Tech 7 FT Tennis Director 1 FT (+1 FT) Pool Supervisor 0 FT(-1 FT) Contractor 1 IC ian 0 FT (-1 FT) Head Golf Pro 1 FT vttPn~ant 0 FT (-1 FT) Pool Lifeguard 0 PT(-12 PT) Auto/Equip/Mechanic II 1 FT Assistant Golf Pro 1 FT ProShop Attend. 4 PT Independent ~f. 0 IC -1 IC Contractor 0 IC (-1 IC) Part Time 3 PT Golf Attendant 1 FT ( ) Part Time 15 PT (-2 PT) Clubhouse Grounds Trades Mechanic II 1 FT Part Time 0 PT (-2 PT) Summary: Change: Grounds Maint Worker 1 FT (+1 FT) FT - 18 1 FT ) PT = 24 (-16 PT) Independent Contractor = 1 (-2 IC) CC-8 COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET Adopted Budget FY 2005-2006 2004 2003 2002 Golf Tennis F & B Admin Total Budget Actual Actual REVENUES Driving Range $ 250,000 - - - $ 250,000 $ 245,000 $ 225,253 $ 207,119 Membership 561,538 100,000 - - 661,538 815,756 697,804 788,770 Cart Rental 1,137,600 - - - 1,137,600 1,117,500 1,049,855 1,036,449 Greens Fees 390,000 - - - 390,000 303,750 267,772 242,371 Other 196,400 54,750 134,063 5,600 390,813 463,276 364,233 373,085 Total Revenues 2,535,538 154,750 134,063 5,600 2,829,951 2,945,282 2,604,917 2,647,793 EXPENSES Personnel 1,055,423 86,113 - 165,875 1,307,412 1,331,787 1,258,108 1,306,208 Materials & Supplies 268,850 10,550 400 4,300 284,100 275,535 249,793 263,389 Operating Costs 351,633 17,809 30,435 56,620 456,497 578,764 661,446 640,257 Debt Services - - - 104,000 104,000 104,000 17,002 23,228 Insurance /Other - - - 101,137 101,137 518,563 378,429 433,786 Capital 210,000 - - 38,600 248,600 136,633 7,904 10,015 Total Expenses 1,885,906 114,472 30,835 470,532 2,501,746 2,945,282 2,572,682 2,676,884 Operating Income 649,632 40,278 103,228 (464,932) 328,205 0 32,235 (29,091) 80% 10% 10% 100°/a Administrative Allocation (371,946) (46,493) (46,493) (464,932) NET INCOME $ 277,686 $ (6,216) $ 56,735 $ - $ 328,205 ~ - ~ 32,235 ~ (29,091) CG9 Country Club Golf Shop Golf Course Maintenance Golf Shop Superintendent Golf Course 1 FT Supervisor Golf Course 1 FT Greens Maintenance Tech 7 FT Head Golf Pro 1 FT Irri atio 0 FT (-1 FT) Assistant Golf Pro 1 FT Auto/Equip/Mechanic II 1 FT Golf Attendant 1 F Part Time 3 PT Part Time 15 PT (-2 PT) Clubhouse Grounds Trades Mechanic II 1 FT Part Time 0 PT (-2 PT) Grounds Maint Worker 1 FT (+1 FT) Summary: Change: FT = 15 PT = 18 (-4PT) IC = 0 cc-io GOLF Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 REVENUES FY 2005-06 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Driving Range $ 250,000 $ 245,000 $ 225,253 $ 207,119 Membership 561,538 666,956 579,564 653,392 Cart Rental 1,137,600 1,117,500 1,049,855 1,036,449 Greens Fees 390,000 303,750 267,772 242,371 Other 196,400 167,300 172,674 159,508 Total Revenue 2,535,538 2,500,506 2,295,118 2,298,839 EXPENSES Personnel -Pay $ 714,108 742,474 701,112 719,584 Overtime 18,200 18,000 17,868 16,500 Benefits 323,115 258,258 234,122 260,878 1,055,423 1,018,732 953,102 996,962 Materials & Supplies -Fertilizers 80,000 70,000 70,765 66,398 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 27,000 18,800 13,210 13,621 Golf/Golf Course Supplies 17,700 17,700 17,657 13,388 Irrigation Supplies 10,100 10,100 6,757 11,908 Machinery, Equip., & Office Supplies 45,600 43,300 34,203 44,027 Pesticides & Herbicides 43,000 40,000 39,177 31,676 Sand/Clay/Shell/Topsoil 19,950 17,225 14,307 14,317 Other 25,500 26,270 21,496 33,184 268,850 243,395 217,572 228,519 Operating Costs -Charge Card Fee 25,000 16,000 20,557 17,897 Equipment Rental 81,000 78,000 67,138 73,939 Golf Merchandise 78,000 75,000 75,021 71,907 Repairs & Maintenance 46,115 35,200 49,086 58,035 Utilities 91,210 87,402 86,895 80,507 Other 30,308 58,628 73,254 59,687 351,633 350,230 371,951 361,973 Capital -Machinery & Equipment 61,000 111,633 - - Construction & Major Renovation $ - - - 7,914 61,000 111,633 - 7,914 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,736,906 1,723,990 1,542,625 1,595,368 Operating Income 798,632 $ 776,516 $ 752,493 $ 703,471 Administrative Allocation (371,94 CGll NET INCOME $ 426,686 Country Club Tennis Tennis Tennis Director 1 FT (+1 FT) Coin 0 FT (-1 FT) Shop Attendant 4 PT Independent 0 (-1 IC) Summary: Change: FT = 1 PT=4 IC = 0 (-1 IC) cc-~2 TENNIS Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 FY 2005-06 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual REVENUE Membership $ 100,000 $ 78,000 $ 66,049 $ 72,237 Special Events 12,040 - 35 - Guest Fees 29,000 24,000 16,795 18,405 Other 13,710 6,500 6,732 3,046 Total Revenue 154,750 108,500 89,611 93,687 EXPENSES Personnel -Pay $ 66,130 50,329 47,990 45,890 Overtime - - - - Benefits 19,983 14,805 12,869 13,503 86,113 65,134 60,858 59,393 Material & Supplies -Bldg Maint. Sup. 2,000 1,500 2,944 1,471 Mach. & Equip. Supplies 3,000 1,500 2,878 2,858 Sand/Clay/Shell/Topsoil 3,000 2,500 1,747 2,126 Other 2,550 2,150 2,714 1,667 10,550 7,650 10,282 8,122 Oper. Costs -Tennis Merchandise 1,000 - - - Repairs & Maintenance 6,400 5,300 1,006 596 Utilities 9,375 8,850 9,600 10,093 Other $ 1,034 34,622 34,336 32,296 17,809 48,772 44,942 42,985 Captial - - 1,794 - TOTAL EXPENSES 114,472 121,556 117,876 110,500 Operating Income 40,278 ~ (13,056) ~ (28,265) ~ (16,812) Administrative Allocation (46,493) NET INCOME $ (6,216) CC-13 Country Club Poo I Pool Supervisor 0 FT (-1 FT) Pool Lifeguard 0 PT (-12 PT) Independent Contractor 0 IC (-1 IC) Summary: Change: FT = 0 (-1 FT) PT = 0 (-12 PT) IC = 0 (-1 IC) CG 14 POOL (Moved to General Fund) Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 FY 2005-06 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Revenue Membership $ - $ 70,800 $ 52,191 $ 63,141 Learn to Swim 0 4,000 3,995 3,147 Pool Rental 0 29,000 25,534 21,704 Daily Fees 0 40,000 36,536 37,565 Other 0 3,000 3,040 - Total Revenue 0 146,800 121,296 125,557 Expenses Personnel -Pay $ - 83,619 81,326 81,521 Overtime - - - - Benefits 0 20,354 18,269 19,335 0 103,973 99,595 100,856 Material & Supplies -Bldg Maint. Sup. 0 1,500 1,577 2,519 Mach. & Equip. Supplies 0 1,500 1,508 1,482 Chemicals 0 14,000 10,602 12,092 Other 0 2,940 2,991 2,962 0 19,940 16,678 19,055 Oper. Costs -Pool Manager Contract 0 34,008 34,008 32,004 Repairs & Maintenance 0 1,800 1,324 7,448 Utilities 0 41,100 51,039 35,255 Other 0 759 688 583 0 77,667 87,059 75,290 Capital -Construction & Major Renovation $ - 20,000 - - Machinery & Equipment - 0 - - 2,101 20,000 - 2,101 Total Expenses 0 221,580 203,331 197,302 Operating Income 0 $ (74,780) $ (82,035) $ (71,745) Administrative Allocation 0 Net Income (Loss) $ - CC-15 Country Club F&B F&B Independent Contractor 1 IC Summary: Change: FT =unknown PT =unknown IC = 1 cc-~6 F&B Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 FY 2005-06 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Revenue F & B Lease $ 108,000 $ 75,000 $ 62,321 $ 70,463 Other 26,063 10,000 24,130 29,946 Total Revenue 134,063 85,000 86,451 100,409 Expenses Materials & Supplies 400 400 11 419 Operating Costs Repairs & Maintenance $ 5,000 7,995 2,989 12,866 Public Events 2,400 2,400 1,520 450 Utilities 23,035 21,900 33,212 25,767 30,435 32,295 37,722 39,084 Capital - - 6,110 - Tota1 Expenses 30,835 32,695 43,842 39,503 Operating Income 103,228 $ 52,305 $ 42,608 $ 60,906 Administrative Allocation (46,493) Net Income $ 56,735 CC-17 Country Club Ad m i n istrati o n Administration ",~....;V..;..~~..~..r Director of C/C 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Accounting Technician I 1 PT Clerical Specialist 1 PT Summary: Change: FT = 2 PT = 2 IC = 0 cc-~g ADMIN Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 FY 2005-06 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Revenue Interest- SBA $ 3,000 $ 2,600 $ 3,450 $ 4,586 GC Billing-Finance Charges 1,000 1,000 1,316 1,824 Other 1,600 100,876 7,675 22,892 Total Revenue 5,600 104,476 12,441 29,301 Expenses Personnel -Pay $ 126,614 106,478 105,408 111,127 Overtime 1,000 1,000 1,315 - Benefits 38,262 36,470 37,830 37,870 165,875 143,948 144,553 148,997 Materials & Supplies 4,300 4,150 5,251 7,273 Operating Costs -Accounting & Auditing 5,000 6,000 4,463 6,013 Charge Card Fee 2,600 2,400 2,284 - Marketing 25,000 39,000 20,371 - Postage 6,500 6,500 5,804 6,234 Printing & Binding 2,500 2,000 1,522 1,730 Utilities 7,770 7,400 7,115 8,606 Other 7,250 6,500 78,215 98,343 56,620 69,800 119,773 120,926 Debt Service -First Union 600K) 80,000 80,000 16,667 22,059 Suntrust 100K) 24,000 24,000 335 1,169 104,000 104,000 17,002 23,228 Insurance /Other -Comp. General Liability 38,279 57,500 39,132 35,389 Reserves/Other - 398,205 336,885 393,113 Special Legal Services 5,000 5,000 2,411 5,284 Administrator's Contingency 3,000 3,000 - - GC Contingency $ 54,858 54,858 - - 101,137 518,563 378,429 433,786 Computer Hardware & Software 38,600 5,000 - - Total Expenses 470,532 845,461 665,007 734,211 Operating Income $ (464,932) (740,985) (652,566) (704,910) CC-19 The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Capital Plan 2005-2010 Country Club 5 YEAR CURRENT YEAR 2005-2006 2006-2007 A. Automotive Inventory as of February 2004 Life Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost 1) Pick-Up Truck 1999(1) 5 yrs ~ 999 999 1 20,000 20,000 0 0 Sub TotalAutomotive 17,000 20,000 0 B. Machiuery & Equipmeut 1) Lt. Duty Utility Vehicle 1994(1),1997(2),1998(1),1999(1) 6yrs 2 6,000 12,000 2 6,000 12,000 0 0 2) Heavy Duty Utility Vehicle 2000(1), 2001(1) 6yrs 0 0 1 12,000 12,000 1 12,000 12,000 3) Slope Mower 1997(1) 7 yrs 1 16,500 16,500 0 0 0 0 4) Triplex Mower 1997(1),1998(1),1999(1),00(1),02(2) 5yrs 2 15,250 30,500 1 16,000 16,000 0 0 ~ Tractor 1997(1),zooo(1),zool(1) to yrs 0 0 0 0 1 20,000 20,000 7) Rotary Mower 1994(1),1999(1) 6yrs ~ 0 0 1 17,000 17,000 7) 52" Rotary Mower 2005(1) 6yrs 1 6,633 6,633 0 0 0 0 0 8) 200 Gal. Sprayer 2002(1) 5 yrs 0 0 0 0 1 19,000 19,000 9) Topdresser 2002(1) 5 yrs 0 0 0 O 1 10,000 10,000 10) Trap Rake 1997(1) 4 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 11) Walking Greens Mower 1997(2),1999(2) 5 yrs 0 0 0 0 2 S,7S0 11,500 12) Turf Vacuum 1997(1) l0 yrs 0 0 0 0 1 13,000 13,000 13) Bed Knife Grinder 1985(1) 15 yrs ~ ~8 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Machiuery & Equipmeut 89,633 40,000 102,500 C. Improvemeuts Pool-Repair Filtration Retum Line 10 yrs 1 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 Parking Lot Repair & Resurfacing 10 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,600 Sub Totallmprovemeuts 20,000 0 3,600 D. Computer Hardware & Software Computer Head Golf Pro 5 yrs 0 O 1 1,000 1,000 0 0 POS System 7 yrs 0 0 1 38,600 38,600 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware & Software 0 39,600 0 TOTAL COUNTRY CLUB 126,633 99,600 106,100 CC-20 undo ~keYS' Cc~m ~ General Li~bilit ce coverage that nal Serylee F I~~ e meets all e coverag [rater mutates resources and ~1o aces costs for insu d accu e and nsure that Villag eneral liability, This fun Villag e includes g t~ ~ j~enta~ health protectthe assets ofd d insurance coverag ,fie mission of this fund Meal costs associated with legal Tequirements. > compensation. well as ac d allocates the It also accounts for ro erty and workers «Village-wide" ~~~ates resources an ~e Village onion of automobile, p p e for Village assets arld resources a 'This ~d a loyees paid by retirees p o rams and policies to ensure a safe e employees' and counted for ~ provide risk coverag and dental benefits for e epted to th safety Pr g Tra11Sactions are ~ and paymentsd $77 ectively). ith better trackll~g and enforce The village receipts 000 an 000 resp Village w d equ~ $27,000. rovide the enviroi~ent. Risk Management premiers x$21 d Dental benefits. eted for the m in this Fund in order top erases budg ool South Easte EMI) SER1VI.A an 85,000 has been Total revenues and el p al risk sharing p to ,ers Mu~~ ~c t coming man~ement of costs associated with Hea din the fund, $ belongs to the m'u' p e Village in the adl~nistered by Emp ~ tanned and budgete ast self-insurance I5% $115,000) to th million p of the Village s p Associatip11 ~SERMA lniums by pf the $1.7 claims EMI This past self-insuran in pr d total p cover "nun-OUt is increasing Ste) for ~geted to adnvnistered b} into a new, fully 5 06 budgetye~~ risk being Village entered 200_ - e the Village retains $nancial multi-pam' health/dental plan 2005. ~e coverag SIR of $125k) and ended June 30, 2005. A liability $225k (an .fie Village also retains tan effective July I> Under SERM between $100k -SIR of $25k). healthldentalp s~gle-party claims $225k (an 's coverage- claims between $200k - 775klu~derSERMA financial risk for all liability claims above $ IS 1 Internal Service -Health 2005-2006 Revenue: Adopted Village Manager A4902 12310 Health Insurance $ 35,296 Village Clerk A4904 12310 Health Insurance 18,341 Finance A5003 12310 Health Insurance 53,637 Facility Services A5519 12310 Health Insurance 40,627 Vehicle Maintenance A5522 12310 Health Insurance 24,846 Public Safety A57ll 12310 Health Insurance 340,436 Fire Rescue A5812 12310 Health Insurance 181,811 Public Services Admin A6018 12310 Health Insurance 10,450 Building A6019 12310 Health Insurance 60,142 Code Enforcement A6020 12310 Health Insurance 3,945 Sanitation A7020 12310 Health Insurance 194,128 Street Maintenance A7321 12310 Health Insurance 122,843 Library A7927 12310 Health Insurance 34,122 Park Maintenance A8023 12310 Health Insurance 64,087 Recreation A8028 12310 Health Insurance 32,736 Golf Course Maintenance L8045 12310 Health Insurance 58,968 Golf Shop L8046 12310 Health Insurance 24,846 Tennis L8050 12310 Health Insurance 3,945 Pool A8051 12310 Health Insurance 14,396 GC Admin L8056 12310 Health Insurance 14,396 Clubhouse Grounds L8059 12310 Health Insurance 20,900 Subtotal $ 1,354,897 Other Revenue Employee deduction receipts 219,224 Retiree receipts 76,845 Transfer in from General Fund -Tail Coverage & Run Out 85,000 Subtotal 381,069 Total Revenue 1,735,967 Expenses: Using employee information for plan choice Bid United Health -Net of employee portion & Retiree 1,354,897 Employee Portion 219,224 Retiree Portion 76,845 Other Expense -Tail Coverage & Run-out costs 85,000 Total Expenses $ 1,735,967 IS 2 Internal Service - W/Comp & General Liability 2005-2006 Revenue Adopted Council A4801 12410 Workers' Compensation $ 1,934 Village Manager A4902 12410 Workers' Compensation 16,126 Village Clerk A4904 12410 Workers' Compensation 8,293 Finance A5003 12410 Workers' Compensation 22,485 Facility Services A5519 12410 Workers' Compensation 24,993 Vehicle Maintenance A5522 12410 Workers' Compensation 7,814 Public Safety A5711 12410 Workers' Compensation 153,036 Fire Rescue A5812 12410 Workers' Compensation 160,227 Public Services Admin A6018 12410 Workers' Compensation 13,055 Building A6019 12410 Workers' Compensation 33,941 Code A6020 12410 Workers' Compensation 10,779 Sanitation A7020 12410 Workers' Compensation 163,828 Street Maintenance A7321 12410 Workers' Compensation 53,319 Library A7927 12410 Workers' Compensation 28,276 Park Maintenance A8023 12410 Workers' Compensation 26,968 Recreation A8028 12410 Workers' Compensation 37,961 Golf Course Maintenance L8045 12410 Workers' Compensation 16,898 Golf Shop L8046 12410 Workers' Compensation 11,716 Tennis L8050 12410 Workers' Compensation 2,824 Pool A8051 12410 Workers' Compensation 5,383 GC Admin L8056 12410 Workers' Compensation 7,850 Clubhouse Grounds L8059 12410 Workers' Compensation 2,344 Subtotal $ 810,049 Other Revenue L8062 34530 Insurance -Comp. General Liabilty 38,279 A5509 34560 Insurance -Package /General Liability $ 128,226 Subtotal 166,505 Total Revenue 976,554 Expenses Using prior year for expenses: SERMA Insurance premium 938,630 (28% increase from prior year) Risk Management, Deductible Costs & Uncovered Claims Expense 37,924 Total Expenses $ 976,554 IS 3 nt1Qnally Blanl~ Irate . a e deft This P ~ Is monthly employer and employee health/dental Provides for usted for emp y aid life insurance benefits at add orth Palm beach insurance contribu~o°ner p Villa e Of N provides levels term disability benefits or and Council to er aid long- aid short-tee disability TO: Honorable May . provides for emp y p the employer-p Cit Manager . Recommends halting ro ram for staff at FROM: Mark Bates, y program an annual "bonus p g Recommends implementing July 1, 2005 a rate to ee Deferred Compensation DATE: maximum p y villa e emp Y Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan ~ Recommends gro ram. lace of the current SUBJECT: Proposed - "matching' incentive p g 2005/2006 Grams. Recommends a Sick Lea Re m~u s men Proms p « "reflects all Vacation and Sick Leave ersonnel pay Plan) ~ a recommended p m rehensive Pay and Classification Plan ( r The roposed Pay Plan reflects the followlnb This Co p em loyment position classificatioa~ aea P proposed /authorized VeSI for all Village employees for the fis Y rang to ment classification changes. their related salary 2005. This Pay Plan also reflects emp Y starting October 1, arately negotiated in collective to ees unless sep Personnel Changes: to ment positions benefits provided to emp Y ro osed changes in Village emp Y bargaining agreements. plan reflects p P Involving no change in and make The pay eneral categ Plan annually ories: Title=yes ~ t w es f ~ osition Additions / Changes / D ~etions; and Other a ill review this Pay or all positions to in three g unused positions, etc.). Village managemen a rang ensation), p etitive market comp salary ranges, removing vac recommendations an the fin s resou~cesan relation to co Qet 1 operating Plan Ad'ustments u b maintain appropriate staf g orated into the conditions and the needs of our anos 1 is bl ing incorp The attached Pay Plan prop fiscal year beginning October Title Chan es Onl : Chan e Public Safety Officer Icer t t e t I PolOice Officer structure. et for the coming -g-- Manager'sProposed budg . Chan e Crime Prevention Off S stems title to Director of 1 2005, . Chan e Manager, Accounting Y Accounting pa Plan Recommendations This year's pay Plan includes: ensation ~e 6.0°1° pay increase in comp ustment) A total averab cost of living adj 1. Includes a3°~aOTa°e 3°lo performance based merit increases 2. Provides for g (0% -to- a ad~ustments be tied to individual Recommends employee merit p Y ~ pp _ 1 hirelpromotion date e reduce 4 grades) uard pIt pay rang ( Reclassif Pool Lifeg ranges - considers tip Cry new Golf Attendant p/t paY work duties differing paY rates based on Addition / Deletions I Chan es: o Guard p/t Position Chan es - opportunities Cry salary range for Schoo ~ Clerkng Ads ~ Cry salary range for Villag mit & Licensing Technician in Public Services ~ ~ (+1) Per Village's . Add +I gutldin Gonstructton Ins ector osition modification of the ecialist p pence recommends the Pension . Cry (+1~ Human Resources Sp delete (-1) The Administration ro osed unanimously by Adder . Club Director position / ~ General l FPE Pension Plan Changes include: back to +1 Country I Court and Pension Board. Reclassif (ni~nistrator Actuary ected annual "rate of return Club Ad Attendant plt in Tennis I ~e~ ~ ~ ~ Adjusts Plans actuarial exp "rate of Add (+1) Pr° Shop ° o Sum distributions at a 5 ~2~% Attendant position Delete (-1) p/t g ~ ' lerical Sp . Fixes calculation of Lump- monthly retirement d +I) C ecialist f/t in Public Safety, ~ ees to take Ad ( ecialist 1 full-time return", and Clerical Sp Assistant p/t / Dew (- ~ lump- ' ra . Provide tnments for emp °y anticipants choosing COLA benefits for p Add (+1~ Lib ry osition benefit paY Administrative Assistant Delete (1) contractor p o Halting lan participants. +1 Tennis Director / ~ endent sum payment for new p Cry ~ a roved) +l Indep (previo~~ pp stems Manager 1 ( ) L Village Pension contributions to an employer level of 1 Information SY Create salary Actuarial protections indicate thaaALl . Dew (- ~ ear by Contractor aff to er level of 2Q to in t e St positions in Parks / ~ should be increased this y ° D er 23°l° in the GenerallFPE Plan and to an emp elete (-2) Summer staff p/t ° ement employees: 23°lo Vtllage and 6I° PolicetFire Plan anal ~ ~a a be ow: range for Parks Summ Dew . Gene 1 Country Club Custodian p/t employee contribution. 23% Village and ri anon Technician I in Golf G urse Maintenanc FPE emp Y °~0 Dew ~ olf Shop to ees: Dew ("1~ ~ g /t ositions to ' - Zp% Village and Dew (-2~ GOIf Attendant p p Services employee contribution. 1 Custodian in Facility ~ F_ employees: Dew ~ not used or ~p% Village and 2°I° osition ( employee contribution. Othe~~es. a Technician I full-time p Pow employees: ~ Dew Accountinb budgeted) osition employee contribution. erator I p Dew Equipment Op osition ra Technician p « . Dew Grounds Sp Y osition « . Dew Golf Cod hanicnpop tion lan (independent pp _ 2 ~ Dew Golf C Instructor posttion from paY p ~ De~Swim e reduce 1 grade) contractors) rang ( Reclassif Camp Counselor plt pay 457 Pension Matching Program: Health Insurance: The Administration is recommending establishing a Village United Healthcare POS Plan /Employee partnership incentive for the Village's Deferred Employee Only Coverage - $ 0.00 per month Compensation program (457 Plan). This partnership incentive would Employee + Family Coverage - $131.25 per month provide a 50% "matching" contribution, to maximum of $60 per United Healthcare HMO Plan month, for every dollar employees contribute into their 457 Plan. Employee Only Coverage - $ 15.39 per month This tax-deferred contribution would allow employees to contribute Employee + Family Coverage- $178.64 per month $1,440 per year and receive a Village "match" of $720 (totaling the approximate level of an annual IRA contribution level). Dental Insurance: The Guardian Managed Care Plan Lump Sum Performance Bonus: Employee Only Coverage - $ 0.00 per month The Administration proposes an annual performance incentive bonus Employee + Family Coverage - $ 4.27 per month program for employees whose compensation exceeds the maximum The Guardian PPO Plan annual pay range. Annual performance review bonuses would be paid Employee Only Coverage - $ 7.79 per month lump-sum based upon Department Director written recommendation Employee + Family Coverage - $30.78 per month and documentation; subject to written approval of the Village The above employee rates are based upon a total monthly plan cost as Manager as follows: follows: Outstanding/Exemplary overall review performance - $1,200 Health Insurance: Successful/Above Average overall review performance $ 900 United Healthcare POS Plan (Current policy provides for employees at their pay range maximum to Employee Only Coverage - $ 315.69 per month receive the entire performance pay increase percentage as a lump sum). Employee + Family Coverage - $ 971.94 per month Health /Dental Insurance: United Healthcare HMO Plan The Village has recommended and implemented aHealth/Dental Employee Only Coverage - $ 331.08 per month program for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2005 that offers two plan Employee + Family Coverage - $1019.33 per month choices for single or family coverage. For single coverage, the lower Dental Insurance: cost plan is paid entirely by the Village. For family coverage, the The Guardian Managed Care Plan lower cost plan is paid 80% by the Village and the balance by the Employee Only Coverage - $ 13.09 per month employee. Employees choosing higher cost plan options will pay the Employee + Family Coverage - $ 34.43 per month cost difference from the lower cost alternative. Employee costs are as The Guardian PPO Plan follows: Employee Only Coverage - $ 20.88 per month Employee + Family Coverage - $ 60.94 per month RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends Council consideration and approval of the attached Resolution approving and adopting the Village's Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan above. PP - 3 shall take effect October 1, 2005. That this Resolution Village of North Sect ED by the Village Council of the , 2005. OPT of ~ UTION NO ~ PASSED an F~ da this ~ day RESOL CB~ OF palm Beach, GE COQ TIC VILLA FLORIDA A SOLUTION NORTH pAI~M BEACH M V~LAGE OF NORTH p AND MAYOR GE OF PAY TIC G TIC VII,LA ADOpTIl~ CONII'RE~NSIVE FISCAL BEACH PLAN TO SSIFICATION AMENDED FROM pA~AND CLA LISHING A AS 2005106 ATTEST 2005120~~ ~ BY EST FISC~ `BAR FOR 2005; PROVID~W TIME CLASSIFI CMG ON OCTOBER 1, OF A NE COMMIE ~ EST~LISHMEN PROVIDING FOR CLERK FOR PLAN ~D~G AN EFFECTIVE VILLAGE CLASS~ICATION pROV CO~LICTS> AND $each DAB. ~e of North Palm Villa; pa and Classification AS, the Village Council Co prehensive y and desires WI~~ to update its Village Manager, nizes the need of the 2005 recog on the recom aenndation ctober I, plan, based effective O BY T~ VILLAGE to implement the revised p RESOLVED BEACH TI~REFORE, BE LAGS OF NORTH PALM NOW, T~ VIL CO~CIL OF adopt the Village FLO~A~ does establish and plan, as That this Resolution and Classification herein as CompTehensiVe pay incorporated ofcN palm Beach hereto and encing on October I, time to time attached ere at, comn~ amended from at length h specifically as if set forth arts of Resolutions, Ordinances 2005. e are hereby esolutions, or p ith be and the sam That all R PP Sect~f Ordinances, in conflict herew the extent of such conflict. or pa repealed to 200512006 BEACH IMPLEMENTATION SECTION 2005. General VILLAGE OFHNOlR IVE PAY AND lemented October 1 Increase effective COIVIPRE The new pay Plan will be imp 3.0% cost of living to ee shall be CLASSIFICATION PLAN employees shall receive a 2005. The pay grade of each General Emp Y Bargaining October 1, increased as reflected in the abttached classification p ase wage increases only in accordance SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT unit employees shall receive areement. Qe of North with their collective bargaining ab rehensive Pay and Classification Plan for th°es bons including AY HATES p, Comp plan"), pertaining to all P otiated collective G P Palm Beach (the PaY SECTION 5. HIRIN aid upon be specified elsewhere in neg is hereby ob class shall be p those that may to ment contracts, a related aining agreements or individual ersede and replace the p Y The minimum rate established fora j bar 'll su t that the "New-Hired" rate in amounts aboveuta e g This document wi P aulations. excep established. employment, artment head submits a eq e's Personnel Rules and Reb be authorized if the dep roved by the Village provisions of the Villag minimum may ualifications of F pAy RANGES written justification and such action is aPP tional q CTION 2. DEVELOPMENT O Manager. Approval will be based °pohe a ed quate personnel at the SE ranges (grades) for each classification. the appointee or inability to emp Y The Pay Plan establisheTaPaes of pay have been determined with due minimum rate. for other classes, relative difficulty for INCREASE Such establishe ds aof pay g revailing rates of p Y regard to rang SECTION 6• except as Provided ositions in the class, p e and other responsibility °f P the financial position of the Villag ran es e of North Palm Beach, to ee similar positions, rades ( g ~ All employees of the Villag ons. Appendix A sets forth the g definition, the i b re shall be eligible for a meri ate cshall be defined as the ecanomic considerat Base pay is, Y . Base pay elsewhe ~ The anniversary d After the one year osition classification. anniversary date. resent position. with minimum and maTa~ forleach p ees entry date into his/her p a rate for the position classification. emp Y employees shall be eligible for a merit pay level within Pay g to osition, Plan provides for resent p may not exceed the maximum p Y to ees the Pay in that range. period in their p and shall be eligible at their annu nan-bargaining unit) emp Y as defined herein, For General ( and to specific pay level with increase, ear from that time forward. ae without reg ositions will anniversary date every Y our a pay rant , ran es for PBA and IAFF P ranges for FPE positions are shown Adjustments shown to salas ~ lace for these s may be granted such merit ocumentedrand demonstrated be subject to bargaining. es currently in P Employee based upon d 2003 rang aining. the employee's Supervisor e based on barg percent (0 - 4%) of salary, based on the October left to Chang 'bons and will be subj workplace pe~ormance as recommended by osi hector. All merit increases shallment b fortedre~ ew~ P artment D De art and Dep Human Resources) P to the t asp rior to discussion or delivery SECTION 3. APPLICAB]LITY rovided Village Manager ~ roval p e of North Palm Beach, excep ees of the Villag ance with this plan and the cons~ode~~ion and written ap All employ ensated in accord depending upon job emp Y PP - 5 elsewhere, shall be and non-exempt positions, exempt (salaried) classification. " this higher pay level unx~~ to "offset rang being used e osition in lower pay adjustments future paY ohcy Tegiured reductionto sam is contingent fully absorbed (past p Such merit increase Employees for any type of demot10n). are not automatic. evaluation. be eligible ,rgANSFERs Merit increases erformance will not CTION 9. osition with the same pay t of a satisfactory p but maY be SE to a p a} rate remains p receip for theipa aplan c ass fication, er shall loyee is transferred ast policy - p u °n aximum paY e 1Vlanag reaching them in their present Y The Villag In the event an emp will remain the same tp Brit increase bonus. al rovisions 1TeRate section). m n1 erformanc el of 3.5010. Contractu P grade, their rate of Pay nce withthe New H actor fora sump a ley CREASE eligible for a lu p the same or increased in _ ME pAZ' & MCi gIT ~ 6 unit employee merit increases. approve merit increases above PART TI in the bargainin;~ roposes an ~ION10, e as outlined will govern The Administration p v,,hose SEC hourly wag otherwise $0uus' ram for employees aid the unless m Sum performance Annual employees shall be P rade minimum b the Village Lu bonus pTOg range part-time the paY g and approved Y erformance incentive annual Pay based upon pay plan, at ent Director, annual p the maximum aid lump-sum entation; attached b the Departm ensation exceeds would be P docum mended Y comp bonuses mendation and or designee as recom na11y for work in performance review recom e Manager Manager. written Villag to ees (who mustbe schedule e a~ment Director royal of the ible for a merit ~ 5rwho leave D p to written app $1,200 Time em eli subje~ erformance - 900 permanent Part- weeks) shall be paw time employ than t6 or more evaluation. are not considered to follows: g~Exemplary overall review p erformance - ~ mo ei t of a satisfactory uently rehired, annually Outstandin Average overall review p rec p ment and are subsed ble for a merit increase SuccessfullAbove Village employ ice, and are eligi OTIONS new have continuous sere PROM laced in the their rehire date. eriod work for SECTION will be p based uP°n n a 12-month p more than and return employees not exceed to ees (schedlded duri tglie past season of a promotion, range not to during at the In the event base paY level that does ent aY Seasonal art-tim feho have worked for a merit increase range at a in their curr P changes t° a may be eligible loyinent ended due occupy ractice des less than weeks), rior emp who leave position's phase paY level they ast Village p management find coming season, when p 10°l0 of the aximuni staff and of the for the up season, Those employees rehired by the paY range e mi -point... that t?0~ recommendation ~ of the upcoming later be written er, an beginnin;~ and may exceed rang d anag direction. merit So fo °f the Upon the Village M / to Village operational of the season not eligible for a maXrr"u'n difficult to use)' royal by the anniversary the end to ees and written app existing the employment prior to emp y ~epa~men Director and months of their rior to are considered ne within two merit increase p the Village employee that is to may receive a romotion. increase upon their rehire date. y TIME eads. review da mended P EtCO~ENSATOR e artmentH annual of their recom e Manager or D p 1, f2) times implementation SECTION 11. OVERT e Villag one and one-half e is authorized by employees at 40) hours per MOTIONS laced in pvertim hourly of forty ~ TION g• DE to ee will be p e is paid to worked in exces~nt Head or the Village SEC emp y grade as helShe Overtim rate for all hours Departm time off for any demotion an osition ~ does not the hourly royal of the ensatory event of an involunta for the lower P the pay on prior app receive comp In the osition long as to ee shall week. Up employees maY PP - F the same relative p. classification, ademotion, the emp .y rade anageT hourly the previous voluntary osition g M enjoyed in 10010. Fora for the lower plevel -with more than osition decrease in the same relative 1? frozen' at their current be placed .t~o;r current pay OUS BENEFITSIINCENTIVES C'TIONIS• MISCELLANE General l compensatory time compensatory time bank overtime SE ension contribute ~ ~ r normal ~o of earnings hours in a Village p three percent ( to ees will ularly scheduled pension Contribntions 111 be twenty- ension emp Y . of the reg every hour for overtime employees w for Police 1 Fire p limitations of ed in excess 1,~2 hours for hours worked FPE union plan. work pe~Omi e and ension contributions robs The definition e pension at on one-half ( ~ s shall count as of count as Village P 20%) of ear' ective Villag work week and holiday Sick leave shall for hourly be twenty percent ( atch worked Annual leave overtime• time outlined m each resp e will m hours oSe of computing e Compensatory Unused earnings shall be as The Villag a using overlim 60) hours. tan based on sixty ~ of for the pure when comp than ination Contribution ensation p worked no more Compensation Comp to ee contribution time accrue to 45~ Deferred 457 Deferred shall be paid upon term ees shall employees dollar of emp Y X20 yr ~ empl ed compensatory time a General for every 60 m° rate of 50-cents limit of accru contribution Village contribution mends employment. ERGENCy pA~' re ularly _ up to a monthly recom BACK EM hislher g The Administration e and to use CALL work outside Insurance - Coverag ram ON 12• back to ens situation shall be Disability SECS to ee called rate if Term Disability Term Compensation pTOg An hourly emp Y emergency ar other urg or overtime Short Village's current Shoff Deferred to an re ular pay rate ( halting the the above scheduled hours due at the g reater. funds far e worked o hours, whichever is g these recommends paid for actual ~ mnum or tw DE ~°match" ~ The Administration ram -- eligible) or a m TS -HIGI~RPA~' GRA for hsuranGe - Disability Prag 13. ~'O~ ASSIGNN~N a pay Y Disability Long Term mends creating Long Term the Village's current ear. SECZ ION recom rade classifi ~a ageTf or e as the previous Y The Village administration 6her pay g Villag no change tO Village Life loyees whO ~'Ork in a bib whose renewal cost is the sam mends that the directed by t ade classification, the recom to a $200,000 General emp ee is authorized andhi her pay g rate for The Administration ed by gZS eneral employ work in a g times Ba m leve~al ow G orarily 5%~ above their base pay usted from 2- $0,000). designee to temp ercent ( Life Insurance am be adj maxima aid five p her pay grade classification. insurance pTOg uivalent to the ee compensation ee shall be p level eq of tt1e pe~oniiel Rules and employ worked in the hig added employ . to a uting the period of time 40 or maximum) before imP Death section ILITY ork reb lation5 e I,lfe & Accidental 000 cap currendy)• I4• BENEFIT ELIGIB scheduled to a e lists a loo, ends Villages ~rhis replacestlll langu SECTION e budgeted positions ( ation in the ~ recomn1 for particip disability Regulations - The Administration ees in full-tim ~ are eligible long-term ick leave leave reimbursement EmpIOY Incentive Award - vacation len1enting hours peT we ~ dental insurance, sick and mends imp rograms> ands Leave n1OTe health and these the current will provide fans' aid insurance P Tequirements of Sick lace the inistration recom pension p employer p life the eliminating Adn' cram. This program time according tO programs In their p • Award PTO g hours annual leave insurance, rams Incentive ei ht O month pe~Od. incentive PTOb a Sick Leave earn g 6 six- ro rams. er Week or ees with an incentive to continuous O ro rams in the planslp g 30 hours p in the employ leave within any sick vacation leave reunblirsement P scheduled to work less than anticipate term using loyees ( are not eligible top long- for not laces the sick and Part-time emp hours per year) dental insurance, and sick This progr~'r rep latioirs). rams, ~ el Rules andRegn less than 1,560 laps, health and personas Village's pension pemployer paid life insurance grog PP disability insurance, leave incentive pTOgrams~ on the cost of the class and the grade reimbursement amount depends revisions received. _ The Village offers an inistration recom'z1ends EAp) Services. The adm Certification incentive program tion Incentive - ram The new Certifications as Em loyQe Assistance through the Center for Family Certifiea Incentive grog ob related 'llaae p ssistance Program nseling and referral services and for ~ the VI b Employee A aid by the Village to the certification and approved by ram offers various cou ear p rogran1 will provide certia~ment head The grog sessions per y p the dep will be issued as folio aseducation Administration recommended by ion incentive pay and continuinb provides for two counseling Award - The employee ManageT~ Certlficat an examination Longevity ast part-time uiring Employee Villages p ten years of Certifications req no examination part-time after five and _ $1,000 education and ends eliminating the increases rovided by Section 10 uiring continuing recomn~ cram salary continuing longevity pTOb erformance merit increases p Certifications req with no in favor of p _ $1,000 examination service) ~ plan. Certification requiring an rehensive Pay _ $500 of this Comp eligible for the certification educatui number of certifications rorated ' 'dual. The certification 11 be tp e vV11 The maxim er endive a ment w1 rate, and p Y lus other incentiv uded inrthe base pay to ees whose base pay p kill be not be cle. Enip Y range maximum 6e maximum. For based on tae co pard pay c ranb to ee is of y ensation has r above tihe p y ' on the emp Y types p educate ineligible for certifi Qar newal or continuing to have the certification certification requirin;~ ropriate renewal and • ed to meet the app receiving the certification is pr mot d to requir EMT certificat renewed in order to Clotee receiving will be removed. In addition, if an en'P the EMT Certification pay a Paramedic position' to ees, the _ For General emp Y Benefit e and 80°l0 of ental Insurance le coverag Healthll) all costs above ae will pay full cost of theeloE~ployee5 shall pay any increased Villab coverag 6e including coverab to ee may choose to the lower-cost as nient of above Tans the emp Y the Village p Y expense of higher-cost healthidenta p select. ae' s Flexible Spending _ The Villa; set aside tax- g ending Account to voluntarily such as Flexible p employees the ability ersonal expenses Account provides for authorized p deferred compensation medical expenses. tuition refund The Village shall follow er semester for PP - $ program - benefit of $400 p Tuition Re~undovides a maximum raduate classes. The prob am that p 450 per semester for g undergraduate classes and $ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005 - 2006 Includes 3.7% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees` New position for FY 05-06 Budget International Association of Firefighters' Revised Salary Range for FY 05-06 Budget Police Benevolent Association~~~ Position not currently budgeted PBA -Lieutenants"'"" Salary Range Added for FY 05-06 Position eliminated in FY 05 - 06 Budget (Note: FPE Ranges subject to 9/05 raitifcation) (includes 2.1 % fo 10/1/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/05) ------------- FPE Union ------------------ Title Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum Golf Attendant (Carts/Starter) (PT) 6 13,520 16,880 20,484 Golf Attendant (Ranger,%Driving Range) (PT) 8 15,600 19,477 23,636 Library Page (Perm. PT) 10 17,872 22,313 27,078 Recreation Assistant (Perm. PT) Parks Summer Staff (PT) Pool Lifeguard (PT) Camp Counselor (PT) Golf Attendant (Golf Shop) (Perm. PT) 11 18,739 23,396 28,379 Pro Shop Attendant (Perm. PT) Youth Art Instructor (PT) Golf Attendant` 18,739 23,396 28,379 r 13 20,687 25,887 31,303 Custodian` 20,687 25,887 31,303 Clerical Specialist 14 21,771 27,186 32,927 Clerical Specialist (Perm. PT) n„i+r-,.+ nn,,,.h~.,,. ~oT~ 15 22,746 28,486 34,443 Grounds Maintenance Worker (Perm. PT) Grounds Maintenance Worker` 22,746 28,486 34,443 Accounting Technician I (Perm. PT) 16 23,937 29,895 36,177 Library Assistant (Perm. PT) A^^^ T°^"^~^~°^ 23,937 29,895 36,177 Greens Maintenance Technician` Irrigation Technician I* Library Assistant` Sanitation Worker` E -Denotes FLSA Exempt Positon PP-9 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005 - 2006 Includes 3.7% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees* New position for FY 05-06 Budget International Association of Firefighters' Revised Salary Range for FY 05-06 Budget Police Benevolent Association~~~ Position not currently budgeted PBA -Lieutenants"'"" Salary Range Added for FY 05-06 Position eliminated in FY 05 - 06 Budget (Note: FPE Ranges subject to 9/05 raitifcation) (includes 2.1 % fo 10/1/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/05) ------------- FPE Union ------------------ Title Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum Tennis Director 17 E 25,237 31,519 38,126 Records Clerk"* En o.,r n.,o.~r,,, i* 25,237 31,519 38,126 Parks Maintenance Technician* Trades Mechanic I (Perm. PT) 18 26,428 33,036 39,968 Assistant Golf Professional Apprentice Mechanic* 26,428 33,036 39,968 Permit & Licensing Technician* Public Safety Aide 19 27,728 34,660 42,242 Accounting Technician II* 27,728 34,660 42,242 Equipment Operator II* Irrigation Technician II* Pool Supervisor* Sanitation Driver; Operator* Administrative Assistant 20 29,137 36,394 44,408 Pool Director E Automotive; Equipment Mechanic I* 29,137 36,394 44,408 Code Enforcement Officer I* Crew Foreman* Emergency Dispatcher I"` 21 30,545 38,234 46,575 30,545 38,234 46,575 Trades Mechanic II* Code Enforcement Officer II (Perm. PT) 22 32,169 40,184 48,958 School Crossing Guard (PT) Human Resources Specialist Administrative Coordinator Accounting Technician III* 32,169 40,184 48,958 Automotive; Equipment Mechanic II* Supervisor, Recreation* E -Denotes FLSA Exempt Positon PP - 10 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005 - 2006 Includes 3.7% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees* New position for FY 05-06 Budget International Association of Firefighters' Revised Salary Range for FY 05-06 Budget Police Benevolent Association~~~ Position not currently budgeted PBA -Lieutenants"'"" Salary Range Added for FY 05-06 Position eliminated in FY 05 - 06 Budget (Note: FPE Ranges subject to 9/05 raitifcation) (includes 2.1 % fo 10/1/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/05) ------------- FPE Union ------------------ Title Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum Emergency Dispatcher II*** 23 33,685 42,134 51,340 Librarian I* 33,685 42,134 51,340 Trades Mechanic III* Building Construction Inspector I (Perm. PT) 24 35,418 44,191 53,940 Deputy Village Clerk Executive Secretary Supervisor, Golf Course Librarian II* 35,418 44,191 53,940 Building Construction Inspector I Accountant 25 37,152 46,467 56,648 Coordinator, Recreation Programs Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, Street Maintenance o„r~ o.o"o.,+,,., nrf,.o.** 26 38,992 48,741 59,464 Firefighter* Police Officer*" Supervisor, Sanitation Supervisor, Facility Services 27 40,942 51,124 63,472 Supervisor, Vehicle Maintenance Head Golf Professional E Paramedic* PSO i Firefighter*** Human Resources Manager E Building Construction Inspector II* 40,942 51,124 63,472 Director, Country Club 28 E 43,000 53,832 66,721 Firefighter /Paramedic** PSO /Paramedic"` PSO /Firefighter /Paramedic`** 29 45,167 56,430 69,971 E -Denotes FLSA Exempt Positon PP - 11 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005 - 2006 Includes 3.7% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees* New position for FY 05-06 Budget International Association of Firefighters' Revised Salary Range for FY 05-06 Budget Police Benevolent Association~~~ Position not currently budgeted PBA -Lieutenants"'"" Salary Range Added for FY 05-06 Position eliminated in FY 05 - 06 Budget (Note: FPE Ranges subject to 9/05 raitifcation) (includes 2.1 % fo 10/1/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/05) ------------- FPE Union ------------------ Title Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum Coordinator, IT Systems 30 E 47,441 59,355 73,545 Director of Accounting E Sergeant, Detective Bureau*** Sergeant, Public Safety*`* Team Leader** Deputy Building Official 31 E 49,824 62,280 77,227 n~~~~+~.,+~i~u-,,.,, nn-,.,~,.,,. 32 E 52,316 65,421 81,127 Manager, Information Systems E Superintendent, Golf Course E Director, Library 33 E 54,914 68,670 85,135 Village Clerk E Lieutenant, Public Safety**** E Superintendent, Public Services E Director, Recreation 34 E 57,623 72,029 90,765 Fire Chief 35 E 60,547 75,602 95,316 Assistant Fire Chief E Assistant Director, Public Safety 36 E 63,580 79,502 100,190 D r„ , ri ti 3~ E~ ~ 8 Director, Public Services 38 E 70,078 87,625 112,105 Director, Finance 39 E 73,653 91,958 117,736 Director, Public Safety 42 E 85,135 106,364 136,258 E -Denotes FLSA Exempt Positon PP - 12 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Expenditures -Budget Year 2005 - 2006 By Department General Government: 1,719,269 Debt & Other: 1,748,204 11.49% 6.54% Leisure Services: 2,632,582 9.38% Public Safety: 6,794,822 37.26% Public Services: 5,161,760 26.29% By Function Debt Service: 1,073,888 5.95% Capital: 1,847,642 Contingency: 158,651 10.23% 0.88% Personnel: 11,893,554 Operating: 3,082,902 65.87% 17.07% Total $18,056,637 AP-1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Revenues -Budget Year 2005 - 2006 Investment Income 0.2% Non-Revenue (Loans) Fines & Forfeitures 1.9% 0.6% Charges for Services D Taxes - Ad-Valorem Taxes Miscellaneous o 6.5 /o ~ 0.1 % Utility Service Taxes Intergovernmental 6 7% ~ ? Franchise Fees Licenses & Permits Sales & Use Taxes 5.8% ~ Licenses & Permits Sales & Use Taxes 1.7% ? Intergovernmental Franchise Fees ~ Charges for Services 4.5% Taxes - Ad-Valorem Taxes Fines & Forfeitures Utility Service Taxes 61.1 10.8% Investment Income Non-Revenue (Loans) Miscellaneous Total $18,056,637 AP-2 CH RTH PALS BEA pF N~ AX REVENUE VILLAGE YEAR ZpOS - 2pT increase BUBGET p VA?-~RE~ 2005-loos Decrease(-1 A over 2004-2005 LE VALVE & 2005-2006 NOT FINAL T ARAB PROpOSE~ 2004-2005 V.M~ 15.43°J° 2004-2005 FINAL 1,659,859,990 15,43°I° OSEO 1,659,859,990 V ,M.PROP 1>5~ 6,866,991 1,438,036,209 _3 ~3°I0 1,5? 6,866,991 036>20`~ 6 999 1,438, 1366,134,,99 6.999 11'12°~° 399 11,036,492 492 GROSS ASSESSED VALUE' UE tg5°~0~' 1,366>134> 0 ~.Z'1 11,036, Ag?-E V A?- 6.8 BUDGETARY TAX GE: 9>~31,'19'1 OPERATING M~LLA ~,289?14 ~.2~00 pROPOSEO D VALOREM TAX REVENUE A 6 X984 ESTIMATED illage Rate X005 • 2004 - 2005 M eRate for 2004 - ~ 6.9990 Back Millag ~ Esty~ated Roll ~ 6 = _3?3°1° e for 2005 - X00 osed Millag ate 11.12°f° ~ Prop X005 Millage R 2004 - ~ decrease ~°m 2005 Roll Back Rate ~rcrease over 2004 TABLE MILLpGE 1,5't ~ ,0~~ ~ ~gg,500 1.OONIIL ~ 394,250 .50 Iv~L = ~ 157 700 .25 IvLtL ~ .10 Iv1IL VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Millage Rates 1986 - 2006 7.50 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 7 270 ~ 7.00 - - i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i it 6.800 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 6.800 i 6.50 -----~----+----+----~----+----+----~-----~----+----+----~----+----+----~----+----+----~--- +----+---- 6.00 ~- r----r----~----r----r----r ----~- T----r----~- r----r----~----,----r----~----r----T---- i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 5.750 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 5 6 i s 5.800 i i 5.50 -----'----! ----! ----'-----'----! ----'-----'----! ----'-----'----! - ~---------!---------'-----'----! ---- N i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i _ ~ .250 ~ i i i i i i i i i 60 i i i i i i i i 5.00 -----~----+----+----~----+----+----~-----~- --+----+--------+----+----~----+----+----~----+----+---- i i i i i i i 4.900 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ i i ~ 4.650 i --- ----~-----~---- ----~r ----~---- ~,----r----~-----~---- ---- 4.50 -----,----,----,--- 4.SOe-,,----,-- -----~- i i i i ,At260 i i i i i i i i i i i i i it it i 4.250 i ~ 4.200 i i i i i i i i i i i i i 4.00 -----'----! -- -! ----'-----'----! ----'-----'----! ----'-----'----! ----! ----'----!----! ----'-----'----! ---- 3.670 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 3.50 -----~- --+----+----~----+----+----~-----~----+----+----~----+----+----~----+----+----~----+----+---- 3.442 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i .213 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 3.00 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fiscal Year Fiscal Millage Fiscal Millage Fiscal Millage Year Rate Year Rate Year Rate 1986 3.213 1993 4.650 2000 5.600 1987 3.442 1994 4.900 2001 5.750 1988 3.670 1995 5.250 2002 5.600 1989 4.250 1996 5.100 2003 5.800 1990 4.500 1997 5.060 2004 6.800 1991 4.200 1998 5.400 2005 7.270 1992 4.260 1999 5.600 2006 6.800 AP-4 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Property Assessed Valuations 1,700 1986 - 2006 ~ 1,s5s 1 600 ------~-----~------~-----~ -----~-----~ -----~-----~ -----~-----~ -----~-----~ -----~-----~ -----~-----~ -----~-----~ -----~-----~ ---- ~ 1,500 -----y-----'r----y-----r----~-----r----~-----r-----I-----r-----I-----t-----I-----t-----I-----t-----I-----t-----I---- +----- 1 400 -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _1,a~s8 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i f i 1,300 -----~-----~~----~-----~----~-----~----~-----~-----~~-----~-----~~-----+-----~~-----+-----~~-----+-----~~-----~-f ~,~gT---+----- 1,200 -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-----~~-----~------~,--1,13~,~'`_----~,-----~------ 1 100 -----J-----L----J-----~----J-----~----J-----L-----~-----L-----~-----+-----~-----+-----~-----+-----~~- ---+-----~-----+----- 1,000 -----~-----'~----~-----~----;-----~----;-----r-----I-----r-----I-----r-----I-----r-----I--soz r~- --~-----r-----I-----T----- c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 992 ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ •- 900 ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ------- ~''~-----~-----~-----~-----~----- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 764 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 800 -- 7tT7-- T2r,- ------734-+----+-----+~ -+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----- --- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ~ 597 ~ ~ ~ ~~~- ~ 674II .688 ' _ mnl~ W 717 ..- - - `~~-....._...:730 -. ~~_- _ _+-- -~'" i 804 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ------,---- G23-, -------- i i i _ ~-~- _...----~-- ~----- -----,I--761-,-----,,I----------,I----------,I----------,I----- 610 a.. 600 -----~-- ~----~-----~-----~-----~-----~-----+-----~-----+-----~-----+-----~-----+-----~-----+----- 500 ---5731 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 400 -----J-----~----J-----~----J-----~----J-----L-----~-----L-----~-----L-----~-----L-----~-----L-----~-----L-----~-----~----- 300 -----~-----'r----~-----r----~-----r----~-----r-----I-----r-----I-----r-----I-----r-----I-----r-----I-----r-----I-----fi----- 200 ------',-----',------',-----'------',-----'------',-----'------',-----'------',-----'------',-----'------',-----'------',-----'------',-----'------ 100 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fiscal Year Fiscal Assessed Fiscal Assessed Fiscal Assessed Year Valuation Year Valuation Year Valuation 1986 573,381,849 1993 706,674,968 2000 803,891,323 1987 597,345,504 1994 717,308,151 2001 901,813,310 1988 609,892,736 1995 724,672,458 2002 992,018,426 1989 622,176,312 1996 730,117,632 2003 1,137,570,526 1990 664,034,291 1997 733,539,288 2004 1,297,803,114 1991 673,570,383 1998 760,999,508 2005 1,438,036,209 1992 687,912,127 1999 763,517,430 2006 1,659,859,990 AP-5 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Expenditures as a Percent of Assessed Value 1993 - 2006 1.60% ~ 1.547% 1.40% ~ 1.279% 1.309% ~ 1.237% 1.193% ~ o > 1.20% ~ 1.074% 1.102% 1. /0 1.059% 1.084% 1.088% ~ 1.003% N 1.00% ~~0.930% 0.949% N d N Q 0.80%- O 0 0.60%- 0.40% 0.20% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Appropriation Assessed Value Percent 1993 6,571,256 706,674,968 0.930% 1994 6,803,799 717,308,151 0.949% 1995 7,266,881 724,672,458 1.003% 1996 7,838,450 730,117,632 1.074% 1997 8,086,964 733,539,288 1.102% 1998 8,808,841 760,999,508 1.158% 1999 9,765,452 763,517,430 1.279% 2000 9,948,036 803,891,323 1.237% 2001 13,947,270 901,813,310 1.547% 2002 12,986,918 992,018,426 1.309% 2003 13,565,749 1,137,570,526 1.193% 2004 13,741,933 1,297,803,114 1.059% 2005 15,591,492 1,438,036,209 1.084% 2006 18,056,637 1,659,859,990 1.088% AP-6 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Debt Service 1995 - 2006 1,350,000 1,250,000 $1 131 500 1,150,000 $1,073,888 1,050,000 $1,019,840 $1,019,200 950,000 $911,299 850,000 N ~ 750,000 N $668,660 $643,918 p 650,000 t ~ $545,00 550,000 450,000 $413,872 350,000 250,000 150,000 $88,693 $125 000 o 50,000 -~ ~ ~ 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fiscal Year AP-7 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND AD VALOREM TAX VS. BUDGET TABLE TAXABLE FISCAL ASSESSED VALUATION MILEAGE TOTAL PERCENT TOTAL PERCENT YEAR VALUE (95°~ofAssessed Value) RATE TAXES BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1973-1974 122,824,927 116,683,681 7.500 875,128 51.10% 1,712,568 20.41 1974-1975 131,122,316 124,566,200 7.560 941,720 48.77% 1,930,826 12.74% 1975-1976 150,992,603 143,442,973 7.000 1,004,101 44.13% 2,275,403 17.85% 1976-1977 161,751,147 153,663,590 7.285 1,119,439 42.85% 2,612,307 14.81 1977-1978 197,739,584 187,852,605 6.241 1,172,388 43.82% 2,675,514 2.42% 1978-1979 208,725,505 198,289,230 5.731 1,136,396 40.68% 2,793,369 4.40% 1979-1980 214,439,594 203,717,614 5.887 1,199,286 40.88% 2,933,470 5.02% 1980-1981 247,142,282 234,785,168 6.638 1,558,504 49.51% 3,147,929 7.31% 1981-1982 392,134,072 372,527,368 4.128 1,537,793 43.15% 3,563,970 13.22% 1982-1983 436,359,211 414,541,250 3.710 1,537,948 43.14% 3,565,039 0.03% 1983-1984 475,466,923 451,693,577 3.710 1,675,783 43.14% 3,884,354 8.96% 1984-1985 554,259,911 526,546,915 3.316 1,746,030 39.84% 4,382,737 12.83% 1985-1986 573,381,849 544,712,757 3.213 1,750,162 39.95% 4,381,273 -0.03% 1986-1987 597,345,504 567,478,229 3.422 1,941,910 38.69% 5,019,563 14.57% 1987-1988 609,892,736 579,398,099 3.670 2,126,391 37.01 % 5,744,689 14.45% 1988-1989 622,176,312 591,067,496 4.250 2,512,037 41.32% 6,079,610 5.83% 1989-1990 664,034,291 630,832,576 4.500 2,838,747 43.58% 6,513,493 7.14% 1990-1991 673,570,383 639,891,864 4.200 2,687,546 41.81 % 6,427,938 -1.31 1991-1992 687,912,127 653,516,521 4.260 2,783,980 43.24% 6,437,880 0.15% 1992-1993 706,674,968 671,341,220 4.650 3,121,737 47.51 % 6,571,256 2.07% 1993-1994 717,308,151 681,442,743 4.900 3,339,070 50.53% 6,608,096 0.56% 1994-1995 724,672,458 688,438,835 5.250 3,614,304 49.74% 7,266,881 9.97% 1995-1996 730,117,632 693,611,750 5.100 3,537,420 45.13% 7,838,450 7.87% 1996-1997 733,539,288 696,862,324 5.060 3,526,123 43.60% 8,086,964 3.17% 1997-1998 760,999,508 722,949,533 5.400 3,903,927 44.32% 8,808,841 8.93% 1998-1999 763,517,430 725,341,559 5.600 4,061,913 41.59% 9,765,452 10.86% 1999-2000 803,891,323 763,696,757 5.600 4,276,702 42.99% 9,948,036 1.87% 2000-2001 901,813,310 856,722,645 5.750 4,926,155 35.32% 13,947,270 40.20% 2001-2002 992,018,426 942,417,505 5.600 5,277,538 40.64% 12,986,918 -6.89% 2002-2003 1,137,570,526 1,080,692,000 5.800 6,268,014 45.00% 13,565,749 4.46% 2003-2004 1,297,803,114 1,232,912,958 6.800 8,383,808 61.00% 13,741,933 1.30% 2004-2005 1,438,036,209 1,366,134,399 7.270 9,931,797 63.70% 15,591,492 13.46% 2005-2006 1,659,859,990 1,576,866,991 6.999 11,036,492 61.12% 18,056,637 31.40% AP-8 GENERAL FUND REVENUE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2005-2006 ADOPTED 2004 Budget 2003 Actual 2002 Actual Taxes Ad Valorem Taxes $ 10,774,955 $ 9,931,797 $ 8,451,784 $ 6,365,000 Utility Service Taxes Gas 97,200 50,000 55,778 53,841 Water 244,644 80,000 121,839 0 Telephone 750,516 750,000 776,298 797,366 Electricity 862,428 880,000 876,424 903,946 1,954,788 1,760,000 1,830,339 1,755,154 Franchise Fees Water 188,428 170,000 184,894 178,209 Electricity 616,308 635,000 664,823 701,567 Other - 6,000 11,991 10, 509 804,736 811,000 861,708 890,285 Sales & Use Taxes Billing Fees 99,624 85,000 94,732 90,462 Local Option Gas Tax 210,948 180,000 201,261 191,922 310,572 265,000 295,993 282,384 Licenses & Permits Building Permits 800,000 450,000 489,405 474,695 Village Occup Licenses 250,000 240,000 221,409 211,852 Other 100 20 1,370 34,938 1,050,100 690,020 712,185 721,485 Intergovernmental 911-Sys Enhance Prog 11,700 52,140 66,491 55,160 Local Gov 1/2 Sales Tax 900,000 800,000 934,810 865,826 State Rev Share Proceeds 260,000 260,000 277,836 261,326 County Occup Licenses 20,000 30,000 26,246 31,861 Other 18,900 932,655 44,720 31,139 1,210,600 2,074,795 1,350,102 1,245,311 Charges for Services Village Clerk 3,640 3,640 6,234 2,185 Public Safety 223,331 206,590 236,625 200,438 Public Services 541,350 218,000 243,825 244,673 Recreation 573,836 241,400 233,229 164,542 Library 6,600 6,350 7,204 6,856 1,348,757 675,980 727,118 618,693 Fines & Forfeitures Public Safety 74,823 57,500 54,758 67,197 Public Services 23,500 19,000 20,386 9,082 Library 1,000 7,800 12,065 11,768 99,323 84,300 87,209 88,047 Other Investment Income 115,000 25,000 45,315 54,554 Non-Revenue (Loans) 350,000 149,600 12,439 403,000 Miscellaneous 19,569 7,000 152,699 125,404 484,569 181,600 210,454 582,958 Total Revenue $ 18,038,400 $ 16,474,492 $ 14,526,890 $ 12,549,317 AP_9