04-10-1980 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1980 1 1 Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, President Pro Tem Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman Thomas Yeager, Village Attorney Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk Absent: W. H. Brown, Councilman Mayor Marks called the Regular Session to order at 7:30 p.m. A11 members of the Council were present except Councilman Brown. President Pro Tem Valente gave the invocation and Vice Mayor Moore led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Minutes of Regular .Session held Thursday, March 27, 1980 stand as prepared. Mayor Marks was presented with a beautiful painting of the Palm Beach Winter Club by Mrs. Janet Lee, an art student of Victoria Bonneau, the Art In- structress at our.Recreation Department. Mayor Marks donated this painting to the Village of North Palm Beach at Council's Regular Meeting of April 10, 1980. Present at the meeting for this presentation to the Village were Stu Taber, Recreation Director, Mrs. Janet Lee and Victoria Bonneau. The Minutes of Recreation Advisory Board Meeting held March 11, 1980; and th.e Minutes of Library Advisory Board Meeting held March. 25, 1480 stand as prepared. Councilwoman Nolan moved that we accept the recom- mendation of the Recreation Advisory Board that since the conference room is reserved on the second Tuesday of each month for advisory board meetings, any other organization holding its meeting in this room should be advised that said group must vacate the room by 8:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Moore and all present voted aye. The Council took no action on .the Recreation Ad- visory Board's recommendation that the proposed recreation building (Valerie Delacorte Recreation Ha11) not be tied into any specific group; that it should be a general recreation building with accommodations for floor court and stage, since there was an item on the agenda concerning this athletic facility for the Village which Council would act upon tonight. ROLL CALL INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL_OF MINUTES PRESENTATION OF PAINTING TO THE VILLAGE BY MAYOR .A5AF:KS ACCEPTAY~~GE OF MINUTES REC. AD. BD. RECOMMENDATION ACCEPTED' NO ACTION ON REC. AD. BD.'S RECOMMENDATION Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, April 10, 1480. Page 2 Councilwoman Nolan moved that we accept the following LIBRARY AD. BD. recommendation of the Library Advisory Board: that RECOMMENDATION the Children's Library open at 1:00 p.m, during the ACCEPTED weekdays. The new hours would be: Monday-Thursday 1:00 p.m.-9.:00 p.m. - Friday 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. - Saturday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. These hours would be in effect during the school year. The motion was ' seconded by President Pro .Tem Valente and all present voted aye. Mr. Donald Detsch, Finance Directar, presented the FINANCE REPORT finance report for March, 1980. Mr. Ray Howland, Assistant Village Manager, pre- COUNTRY CLUB sented the country club report for February, 1980. REPORT Mayor Marks left the meeting at 8:05 p.m, and turned the gavel over to Vice Mayor Moore. On motion of Councilwoman Nolan, seconded by President BILL 348 Pro Tem Valente, all present .voting aye, Bi11 No. PLACED ON 1ST 348 entitled: READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 3-4 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, WHICH REGU~ LATES THE SALE, SERVICE AND CONSUMPTION OF IN- TOXICATING LIQUORS OR BEVERAGES, EXCEPT BEER, ALE AND WINE, BY CHANGING THE HOURS DURING WHICH SAID LIQUORS OR BEVERAGES MAY BE SOLD, SERVED OR CONSUMED ON SUNDAXS ' was placed on first reading and read by title alone. On motion of President Pro Tem Valente, seconded.by BILL 349 Councilwoman Nolan, all present voting aye, Bi11 PLACED ON 1ST No. 349 entitled: READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 25-79 AND 19-79 WHICH ORDINANCES CREATED A CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND PLACE ADDITIONAL CODES UNDER SUCH BOARD'S JURISDICTION, BY PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF ADDITIONAL OFFICERS OF SUCH BOARD, ASSIGNING THE VILLAGE ATTORNEY TO ACT AS COUNSEL TO SUCH BOARD, AND THE CODE INSPECTOR AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF TO PRESENT CASES BEFORE SUCH BOARD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE was placed on first reading and read by title alone. On motion of President Pro Tem Valente, seconded by RES. 17-~C Councilwoman Nolan, all present voting aye, proposed ADOPTED Resolution No. 17-80 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING DONALD D. DETSCH AS VILLAGE TREASURER AND VILLAGE TAX COLLECTOR, AND RATIFYING ALL ACTS AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY DONALD D. DETSCH'WHILE ACTING VILLAGE TREASURER AND VILLAGE TAX COLLECTOR WITHIN THE SCOPE OF HIS DUTIES AND WITHIN THE LAW was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 17-80. .._ 1 1 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, April 10, 1980 Page 3 The Village Manager read the letter to Mr. George T. Delacorte.concerning his offer to fund the con- struction of an athletic facility for the Village. A copy of this letter is attached to the minutes of this meeting. President Pro Tem Valente moved that we authorize the Mayor to-sign the letter to Mr. George T. Delacorte (accepting his offer). The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Nolan and all present voted aye. President Pro Tem Valente moved-that we transfer $3,788 from Account No. 61-519-99.11 (Council Contingency) as follows: $1,780 to Account No. 23-526-46.50 (R & M Machinery and .Equipment) and $2,008 to Account No. 23-526-11.20 EMS Salaries). The motion was .seconded by Councilwoman Nolan and all present voted aye. Councilwoman Nolan moved that we authorize the ex- penditure of $1,780 from Account No. 23-526-46.50 (R & M Machinery and Equipment) and $2,008 from Account No. 23-526-11.20 (EMS Salaries) for funding of anticipated additional paramedic expenses from the present date through .September 30, 1980. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Valente and all present voted aye. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. LETTER TO GEORGE DELACORTE MAYOR AUTHORIZEDI TO SIGN LETTER TO GEORGE DELACORTE INTER-OBJECT TRANSFER AUTHORIZATION FOR FUNDING - PARAMEDIC EXPENDITURES ADJOURNMENT Minutes recorded byc Dolores R. W,a\lker, Village Clerk . >. THE VILLAGE OF North Palm Beach VILLAGE HALL •501 U. S. HIGHWAY 7 NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA33408 •305-8483474 April 11, 1980 t`, ... Mr. George T. Delacorte 11556. Turtle Beacb Road Lost Tree Village North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Dear Mr. Delacorte: Pursuant to your discussions with Vice Mayor AI Moore on April 4, 1980, I am pleasea to accept, on behalf of the Village,-your offer to fund the crnLStructiar~ of an athletic facility for the Village. As discussed with Mr. Moore, your amtribution would enable the construction of . about 16,000 square feet of floor space. We would finance the total project of $640,000.00 over a"twro year period with the understanding tnat"the cost would be underwritten by the Delacorte Foundation; i.e., funding in the affaLmt of $200,000.00 i~n. the fall of 1980, $220,000.00 in 1981 and $220,000.00 in 1982. The estimated cost would be about $40.OO,per square foot. . Design ..and construction could begin as soon as our land option and funding arrange- menu are confirmed. We anticipate a groundbreaking for fine fall of 1980, with com- pletion within fifteen months. The staff-for the building would consist of three indiviaual-s working far oss Recrea-. . tion Departc>rtst in the area of recreation pmgra¢ming. Tn. addition, maintenance - :.wmuld be provided by an additional full-time individual in our Fublic Services De-- partment. At. today's prices, the operating budget will be between $60 and $80 -.- thousand aolLars per year. Finally, the building to be named the '~eLacorte Pavilion," in honor of Valerie Delacorte, would be open to the public for their use, free of charge. I look forward to meeting you and working with you on this project, and applaud your sense of ~(+*~m~tp spirit and willingness to bring to the c~ m~ty this much neecLd facility. - Si/nc/erely, U ~~'~~ V. A. Marks, M.D. - Mayor VAM:P3N:dw cc: Village Council