02-14-1980 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1980 Present: W. H. Bra~m, Mayor Donald J. Kazimir, Vice Mayor Patsy B. Lave, President Pro Tem Dr. V. A. Marks, Councilman . Al Moore, Councilman Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk Mayor Brown called the Workshop Session to order at 9:00 p.m. All ROLL CALL members of the Council and Staff were present. A discussion was held concerning approval to purchase one (1) Radar Hand Gun, Kustom HR-12 3n the acmunt of $1,695 to be expended fran Account No. 21-521-64.40 (Camamications & Systems Equipment); placed on next Regular agenda 2-28-80. A discussion was held concerning contract between the Village of North Palm Beach and the Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services/Youth Services Program providing camnx-ity service work program site for children under court sanction; placed on next Regular agenda 2-28-80. A discussion was held concerning vandalism at the Cotntry Club, the vandals, uncollected damages and the State's failure to serve said Vandals in order to prosecute within the specified time. The Mayor will write a letter to the State Attorney and the Sheriff regarding this matter. A discussion was held concerning approval for emergency repair ' of 1975 International Truck (garbage packer) in the amount of $1,830.48 to be expended from Account No. 33-534-46.10 (R & M Automotive); placed on next Regular agenda 2-28-80. A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 345, a proposed ordinance prohibiting use of the NPBCC facilities during certain hours except those occupied by the restaurant lessee and parkis-g facilities for their patrons; placed on next Regular agenda 2-28- 0. APPROVAL FOR PURCHASEI RADAR HAbID GUN CONTRACT - VIIJAGE & DEPAR'IMENr OF HEALTH & REHABILITATIVE SERVICES/YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM VANDALISM AT COUNTRY CUJB APPROVAL FOR EMERGENCY REPAIR D REPAIR - 1975 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK II~tNATIONAL TRUCK BILL NO. 345 PROHIBITTING USE OF COUNTRY CLUB FACILITY DURING CERTAIN HOURS Councilman Marks asked that this item be placed on the agenda. A POSTING OF GAS brief discussion was held but no action was taken. PRICES & STATION Councilman Marks placed this item on the agenda and requested that UNIFORM ELECTION a letter should be written to the County Municipal League indicating DATES that the Village is in favor of a uniform date for all municipalities and the County of Palm Beach. Mayor Brown will attend the next Municipal League meeting. Village Attorney Gildan brought the Council up-to-date regarding the DUAL TAXATION SUIT status of the Dual Taxation suit. It was the consensus of Council that the Oakes Building referred to WINTER CLUB in Bill No. 345 be changed to 'Winter Club." There being no further business to come before the Cotmcil, the ADJWRAMENT meeting was ad3ourned at 9:22 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk WORKSHOP SESSION MIN[TiES -2- FEBRUARY 28, 1980 Councilman Moore requested that the Village Manager write a letter to John Orr regarding the status of Seacoast Utilities and whether they are still interested in a tri-city purchase. PRIM BEACH'GARDENS STATUS RE: PURCHASE OF SEA00AST UTILITIES There berg no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURN~1~]T meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk