11-08-1960 VC REG-M MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIF. OF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD November 8, 1960 Present: Walter E. Thomas, Mayor William Young, Vice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Councilman Frank J, Hahn, Councilman Emery J. Newell, Councilman Albin R. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk ' C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at 8:00 o~clock P.M, and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Thomas requested the Glerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held October 11, 1960, The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer submitted the following report: TREASURERS REPORT October 10, 1960 General Fund Cigarette Tax Fund CASH ON HAND, September 12, 1960 $ 7,1151.89 ~ 1,3G5.ot~ ADD: Permits ~ 1,983.80 Occ. License 577.50 Dog License 7,00 Lndv. License 11,00 Boat Dock Fees 150.00 Hoist Key Fees 70.00 Taxes 73.61 Tax Info. 1,00 Court Fines 20.00 Accident Reports 14,00 Street Markers 210.00 Cigarette Tax - - - 3,100.91 1,892.79 X10,552,80 X3,197.83 DEDUCT: Disbursements 8,379.86 - - - - BALANCE, October 10, 1960 ~ 2,172.911 $3,197.83 A letter of resignation from Mr, John A. Schwencke, Village Tax Assessor, was received by the Council and read by the Clerk. On motion of Vice-Mayor Young, seconded • by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the resignation was accepted with regret, ' Mayor Thomas expressed the appreciation of the Council to Mr, Schwencke arxi noted that he had served the Village as Tax Assessor since its incorporation four years ago. ' The Village Clerk read a letter received from North Palm Beach Properties, Inc., indicating that their offer of August 18, 1960, to sell to the Village Prosperity Harbor and its adjacent five-acre tract of land would be withdrawn on November 15, 1960. Mayor Thomas requested the Clerk to thank North Palm Beach Properties, Inc,, for its patience in this matter and, due to insufficient funds, the Village was unable to purchase the property at this time. On motion of Vice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members ' voting aye, proposed Resolution #911 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING ALBIN R. OLSON TO THE PALM BEACH COUNTY RESOURCES DEVESAPMENT BOARD was adopted, -1- ,~ .~ Aiayor Thomas called a public hearing concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, The Village Clerk was requested to outline the requested changes to the Zoning Ordinance following which a public discussior_ was held. ' On motion of Vice-Mayor Youngs seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, a request from Northlake Properties, Ire., that Lot 10, Block 38, Plat #3, be rezoned Prom R-3 Apartment Dwelling District to C1A, Limited Commercial District, in order to permit the operation of a nursery school and/or kindergarten on the subject .property was denied. On motion of Councilman Newell, seconded by Vice-Mayor Young, all members voting aye, a request from Northlake Properties, Inc., that the Zoning Ordinance be ' amended so as to permit a twenty-five {25) foot front yard set-back in the case of Lot 20, Block 36; Lots 6 through 10 inclusive; and Lots 15 and 16, all of Block 37; and Lots 1 through 6 inclusive, Block 38; all in Plat #3, was denied. Mayor Thomas appointed Councilman Newell and Council~ran Aiello a committee, to study the above denied requests, for the purpose of determining whether or not alternate locations and/or solutions should be recommended. On motion of Vice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance X58 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ~PALAf BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 20, BEING THE COMPRE- HENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VLTLAGE, BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE R-2 MULTIPLE FAATILY DWELLING DISTRICT AND RE-CLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS R-3 APAR'T'MENT DWELLING DISTRICT; BY AMENDING THE FLOOR AREA REGULATIONS FOR R-3 APARTMENT Dr+dELL- ~1G DISTRICTS; BY REPfiALIA1G THE GENERAL PROVISIOTdS OF SAID ORDINANCE WITH RESPECT TO YARD SPACE REQUIRE'M1STTS; BY DIRECTING THE VI7,LAGE CLERK TO BRING T'HE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UP ID DATE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAT, OF ORDINANCES 1N CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES was placed on ,first reading and read 'in full, ' On motion of Councilman Plewell, seconded by Vice-Afayor Young, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #S9 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COLTICII, OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACA, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AA4NDING ORDINANCE X25, THE SAME BEING THE PLAT ORDINANCE CF SAID VILLAGE, BY MODIFYING THE GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR FILING PLATS was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Vice-Mayor Young, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #60 entitled AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE DISTRIBUTION OF COAII9ERCIAL AND NCN-COMMERCIAL HANDBIIS.S; TO DEFINE TERMS; AND TG PROVII?E PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION ~' SUCH ORDINANCE • was tabled for further study. ' On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Vice:MaPor Young, all members voting aye, the list of accounts payable was approved for payment. The Council noted it had received much favorable comment on the manner in which Village Attorney Burns had handled the current suit in which the Village ' was involved with Bankersr Life and Casualty Compa~p, and expressed its compliments to Mr. Burns. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. u Vi age Clerk • -2- .~.. - 6 --~ _.^ -- ~ , ~ ~- THE PALM. BEACH POST published Every Weekday Florida West Pahn Beach, Palm Beach County, PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLARIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH a eared.....Ed•....~'. •--Std .. Before the undersiSned authority personally PP a dai13' of The Palm Beach Post, who oa oath says that he is ...~i d.~.~OP~°°°•---°"'-"-" newspaper Published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County. Florida; that the at- tached copy of advertisement, being a......~.11ba.j-0...~.O.~j.G6......._...,...___.--•--•W ^-~--: in the matter of ................._...-:.A~me~dmel=1~#~....~o..°Z~oni~i:~..._......___....,_.._.. [n the ............................._.____...---=~_.--.°.---Court, was Published ffi said newspaper is the ....._..__ 3.p. .~9s.4...._.....___.__.-._.__..._..._... issues of .........._...._..-_._ ~~'~... r... - ~ ublished at West A£fiant further says that the said Pa F orida, and that the said newspaper has here- palm Beach, in said Pahn Beach County, Florida, each weekday and tofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Has been entered as:secon Florida,for~a periodtof o e year next prec ding he first pub- said Palm Beach Covnty, of advertisement; and affiant further says that he .has lication of the attached copy erson,-firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commis- neither paid nor.promised any P tlils advertisement for publication in the said sion or refund far the_ purpose of securing newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed befor< ~~ ~"~ amend- . F o[ voce so D 9_ ,~ r re-. • - pa&~ ~~8 ach County, Florida. ^- Lv ?'nth day of Oclober~ - - ardPSlo 9the VillaSO Cauncll. _- LBSN R. OLSON - - Village pi<^.naRCP b.: Palm Sec eh Post-Times Octobcr_30. FJeo_ •_ _ _ _. - orarF Pubi1C. ~9tete of Piorimdbert 'k rge - - - 1 l9aY s+.. Gomndssion Expires Loo" _.- _, - -. - n