09-13-1960 VC REG-M MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF _ NORTH PALM BEACH HELD September 13, 1960 ' Present: Walter E. Thomas, Mayor William Young, Vice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Emery J. Newell, Councilman Albin R. Olson, Village Manager - and Clerk Absent: C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Thomas requested the Clerk read the minutes of a _ regular meeting of the Village Council held August 9, 1960. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer submitted the following report: TREASURER'S REPORT September 12, 1960 General Cigarette Fund Tax Fund CASH ON HAND, August 8, 1960 $1,416.80 $1,573.80 ADD: Permits 2,185.00 __ Occ. License 525.00 Dog License 10.00 _ Indv. License 4.00 Franchise, F.P.& L 6,238.03 Cig. Tax 1,550.00 1,281.14 ' Notes Payable 4,995.00 Misc. Income: Boat Area Fees 375.00 Tax Info. 6.00 - Acc. Report 2.00 15,890.03 _- $17,306.83 $2,855.04 DEDUCT: Disbursements 9,854.94 1.550.00 BALANCE: September 12, 1960 $ 7,451.89 $ 1,305.D4 The Village Clerk read a communication from Mr. Wallace S. Beatty requesting the village government arrange a meeting -- place for the North Palm Beach Bridge Club. • The Village Manager was instructed to advise the North Palm Beach Bridge Club that the village government does not- own or 'have available at this time a meeting space for groups - of this order, but that on acquiring the Village Hall in January 1961, space would probably be available. ' On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Vice-Mayor Young, alI members voting aye, proposed Resolution #91 entitled A RESOLUTION BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE UNITED STATES POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT TO ESTABLISH A BRANCH POST OFFICE FACILITY IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Newell, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #57 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 14 OF ORDINANCE N0. 7 OF SAID VILLAGE THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE AND CONSUMPIION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITHIN SAILS VILLAGE BY ADDING THERETO PROVISION FOR VE~~RtS LICENSE FEES FOR-"CLUB LICENSES" AS DEFINED BY s 561.20 (6) and 561.34 11 Florida Statutes, 1959. was placed on first reading and read in £ull. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Newell, all members voting aye, the rules were waived and pro- posed Ordinance #57 was placed on. second reading and read by title only. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Newell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #57 was enacted. On motion of Vice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Newell, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was instruct- ed to loan the bleacher seats to the Riviera Beach High School £or use during the football season with the understanding no liability would accrue to the village for such use. On motion of Vice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Newell, all members voting aye, the list of accounts payable was approved for payment. Robert C. Scott, President, North Palm Beach Civic Association, inquired of the Council concerning the present ' status of the Country Club and was advised the Council has under study the matter of obtaining a feasibility report concerning the Village purchase of the property. These being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Village Clerk 0 r ~ ~J L ~~ 0