05-10-1960 VC REG-M MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD MAY 10, 1960 ' Present: Walter E. Thomas, Mayor William Young, Uice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Emery J. Newell, Councilman John Farrell, for Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Vi7.7.age Manager and Clerk ' k 8 :00 p.m. and requested the Cler Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at call the roll. Mayor Thomas requested tke Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held April 12, 1960. The mimites were approved as read. • The treasurer submitted the following report: TREASCRERiS REPORT May 10, 19 0 General Cigarette Fund Tax Fund CASH ON HAND, April 12, 1960 $ 8,392.81 $ 3,671.93 ADD: Permits 1,664.95 Occupational Licenses 1,010.00 Taxes 452.20 Boat Key 1.00 Cigarette Fund 2,000.00 2,112.31 Examination Fee 50.00 Dog Licenses 1.00 ' Individual License 6.00 5,185.7$ 13,577.96 5,784.24 DEDUCT: Disbursements April 12, - May 10, 1960 11,57n.48 2,000.00 BALANCE, May 1.0, 1960 $ 2,007.48 $ 3.784.24 The Clerk read a request from tdze Town of Lake Park requesting permission to locate a sign on U. S. Highway #1 within the village directing through traffic to AlA along Northlake Boulevard. On motion of Vice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Aie]lo, all members voting aye, this permission was granted. Vice-Mayor Young made note of the fact a new • commission had been elacted in Lake Park an3 expressed the desire and need for a feeling iti t th t es. e wo commun ween of friendly cooperation be On motion of Uice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Hahn, a71 members voting aye, proposed Resolution #80 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE PILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE PILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, COMMENDING AND E%TEND]1SG THE APPRECIATION OF THE VILLAGE TO HERBERT A. ROSS, RICHARD E. ROSS, JAY H. WHITE, JOHN A. SCHWENCKE AND CHARLES A. CUNNINGHAM FiIR SERVICES RENDERID TO THE COMMUNITY. was adopted. On motion of Uice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Newell, a71 members voting aye, proposed Resolution #81 entitled ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE 4ILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC. was adopted. ~~ Minutes May 10, 1960 Page #2 ' On motion of Councilman Newell, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution X83 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FTARIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE TO BORROW THE SUM OF FIFTEEN' THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000.00) IN ANTICIPATION OF RECEIPT OF TAXES ~ BE LEVIID FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1960. was adopted. A public hearing concerning the establishment of a bulkhead line on the east shore of Lake Worth was held. On motion of Vice-P'layor Young, seconded by Councilman Newell a71 members voting aye, the Village Attorney was requested to prepare an ordinance adopting a bullrhead line £or the area as discussed at the hearing. At the request of the residents of Jaybird Way the matter of changing the street name was discussed. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Newell, a71 members voting aye, the Village Attorney was requested to prepare an appropriate reso-__ lution changing Jaybird Way to Westwind Lane. A public hearing pertaining to certain amendments to the zoning ordinance which was postponed from the previous meeting was held. In view of the fact the owner of the land involved requested the matter be held in abeyance the public hearing was cancelled. On motion of Vice-Mayor Young, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, the list of accounts payable was approved for payment. There being no further busis±ess to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. C.'z .~. ' Village Clerk ACCOUNTS PAYABLE n ~J i Kelsey City Landscaping Company $ 500.00 Mullins Lumber Company 101.56 Park Center 168.89 Florida Photo Offset Campany 10.10 Royal Palm Ice Company 12.60 Sherwin Wi1.7 i_ams Paint 17.18 Battery Manufacturing Company 16.90 E. C. Peters, Inc. 36.00 Capco 18.00 Dolan General Tire Company 76.92 Sewell Hardware Company 21.1~1i Florida Printing Company '71..50 American La France Company 336.10 Florida Electric Company 26.l~0 Halsey and Griffith 7.1+5.58 Palm Beach County 63.00 George Charles -Sand 15.00 Nowlin Flower Store 7,5.00 Rubin Construction Company 1,8114.93 Nissen Trampoline Company 81.90 Flury and Crouch 300.00 Slims Auto Repair 6.85 Bills Signs 88.00 Rinker Materials 15.•1-~2 R. D. Hi11 35.00 Worsham Electric Co. 1x50.00 Kelsey City Landscaping 300.00 ~° r n u ~ •~~~~° • r .. ~ THE PALM BEACH POST Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ................. r~............... Before the undersigned authority personally appeared.........£~.'.d' ~' StUmpf who oa oath says that he is....... Ed it or ................... of The Palm Beach Post, a daily newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the at- Notiee of Public xearirlg; taehed copy of advertisement, being a ........................_...... ...._......,..._......_._................... is the matter of..Suppleme,nting Ordinance No. 16 in the .................-'~~~'~-~~~~~-~-..Court, was published in said newspaper in the .............................................. Issues of .....................A~.rj;l...`~.~.1960..........,........__....._.......____......-......-_......._°-----.............. Affiant further says that the said Palm 8eaeh Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, end that the said newspaper has here- tofore been continuously published fn said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second d~ass mail matter at the post office in West-Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, fora period of one year' next preceding the first pub- lication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commis- sion or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. fQ~~ .......5•GIL.....~J. ......~ ................ - ~ ~~~~~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this.......¢j~..... day of.. Ap.X`.j,~..... A. D. 19 ..._60 !:..~ at Lar ~~ C:omn+~aiun laxpir~y 3X-cembc Sf. 1982 OE-NORTI3 PALIvI J R. OLSON, mager,_ _:_ _ _ _ t' r ~y.~~ • • • THE GULF STREAM NEWS E[ Rivlero Beach Press Published Weekly Rivtera Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared LawronceJ. Nunn, who on oath says that he is Editor of The Gulf Sfream News and Rtviera Beach prow, a weekly newspaper, published at Rtviera Beach in Palm Beach County, Floridap t-- he attachedcoRyof advertisement, t s Iished in said newspaper in they~ues of------- Affiant further says that the said Gulf Stroam News and Rtviera Beach Press is a newspaper published at Riv- iera Beach, palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaperhas heretoforo been continuouslypubl tahed in said palm Beach County, Florida, each week and has been enterod as second claa mail at the post office in Riviera Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further sayathathehasneitherpaidnorpromisedanypenon, firm orcorporationanydiscount, robateygommission or rofund for the purpose of aeeuring thi; advertisement for ybli- catian in the :aid newspapeS:~ ~~ Swo~ to and s,,~~u'b~'sc~jr~~ib~~ed~Q~foYe me this . . _ ~U----da ----r A.D. 19 ~ ~. rAy 'lanuary. CICE OF PUBLIC LL AFFECTED ~RTY ' DENiS OF THE~3CGE PALM BEACH, FIAt~]A, ERESTED PART~~ I mt w -p ase take notice that a d lic hevring wlll he held a[ 8:00 o'clock on Tuesday, the 10[h day' of May, a 1,gk9._ a[ [he Nort6_ Palm Beach goan[ry ~ iv- sold Village.for Ne purpose of pp emetuing OtdNance No. 16, of said _;ll~~ ntitled: "'A[J ORDINANCE OF ~E_. VIT.LAOB -GryOUNCQ.~-S.F: r['HE_ --GE-DF-NOR'Iif-'~lA ~EA.Ci~ -O$~ D~U~N~TFiE SVBF1 CE'YOMS W LAKE WORTH AND THE AL_W,STERS WITHIN THE TERRI- AIAL I.Vv1P'rS__~5'A7b 'VILLAGE: - fYJpJNG~4A THE ESTAHL75HMENT F EI1LK]{F~1f)-[.WE$ ~'IIT[Itd aUCH ATEPS: REGUI'.ATLNG DREDGING ANO OPERATIONS WfrH RESPECT AID BULKHEAD LWES: PROHIHn'- THE ER€CTYOF~OF CER'CAW UCTDRES BEYOND SAID BULKHEAD ~$: PRO WG FOR THE SUBMLS- NAF AEPLI 1015 PR10R TO THE ASENG FILLVJG_ OR """ AND FOR THE -T0 B__-_ C _ IO WITH~_ING FOR THE ~ORCEMENT bF 'fHE ~PT~I9TON5 6ADE5ANCE_XND P~OR PENAL- c'~S~iSR VIOUTIO--- THER Off"'.-Ey ~~ssFFaabb]lshing aTiulkM1Ud TNe for that per[ ~thLWHage not now covered by said ~dinence _No.__ 16; _(tLe_maps a[tithed said ordNanee, vlttiT~ Nos 1 antl 2, oLCayEr(n¢ the entire area --of The Ztil- such suppletttentaUOn to uke the ga~t~[eg~~~iti~f en amendmeod to su<fi ordinance. '@t[eclung thereto a new maP to belmown i`i~_~_3-gUtilkhesdM P No.3 s oo[ice /s g1Jen and ~d public acing will 6e field N accordance ft~Che¢er ST%2, Laws of Florida, ~oC~ and Uws amendatory aM supple- )_Sn wi~l Dlease 'goverti 'yEiu'selves accerdingly. ~" GE-OF_NORTH PALlL9EACH A1hiA R. Ok ~. ' ~ Vlllage Mn Gull Siream t{e~s April ];14,21 & 28, 1960