03-08-1960 VC REG-M MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COIINCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD AT THE NOItTEi PALM BEACH COUNTRY - CLUB MARCH 8, 1960 ' Present: Jay H. White, Mayor - Walter E. Thomas, Vice-Mayor William Young, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Manager aryl Clerk Absent: Charles A. Cnnningb~2, Councilman Ri.charci E. Ross, Councilman Mayor White called the meeting to order at 8:00 p:m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. • Mayor FA~ite requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held February 9, 1960. On motion of Vice-Mayor Thomas, seconded by Council- man Young, all members voting aye, the following report of the Treasurer was approved: TREASURERS REPORT March , 19 - General Cigarette Fund Tax Fund CASH ON HAND, February 8, 1960 $ 8,464.65 $ 5,727.08 ADD: Pezmits 1,5ZiZF.60 Occupational Licenses 2,067.50 Taxes 2,250.91 Court Fine 50.00 ' Dog Licenses 8.00 Boat Key 2.00 Code Book 5.50 Lot Clearing 20.00 So. Bell Franchise 231.01 Cig. Tax Transfer 3,500.00 Candidate Fees 70.00 Cig. Tax Fund - - - - -- - __ 3,~1-15.37 9, 7L19.52 $~ 18,27.11.17 $ 9,182.15 DEDUCT: Disbursements Feb. 8, 1960 - March 8, 1960 10,663.69 6,062.01 BALANCE, March 8, 1960 $ 7,550.!18 $ 3,120.1tl1 On motion of Vice-Mayor Thomas, seconded by Councilman Young, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #711 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VII,LAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMIIdT OF A BANK ACCOUNT FOR SAID VILLAGE, PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF CER~92N FUNDS AND PRESCRIBING A WITFIDRAWAL PROCEDURE 1`SiEREFOR. was adopted. On motion of Vice-Mayor Thomas, seconded by Councilman Young, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #75 entitled ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUPITY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING AN OFFER ~ DEDICATE CERTAIN LAGOONS AND WATER4dAYS WITHLN THE VILLAGE. was adopted. `J Minutes March 8, 1960 Page #2. On motion of Vice-Mayor Thorm.s, seconded by Councilman Young, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #76 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE 9ILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF I~RTH PALM BEACH PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBSTITUTING THE ELECTION CLERK NAMED ~ #73 OF SUCH VILLAGE L' was adopted. The matter of the renewal of the current village insurance policies was discussed in detail. In view of the fact that tho outside insurance underwriters had reviewed the village insurance policies and concluded the program was complete and competetive, the village manager was instructed to renew the policies with the present insurors. On motion of Vice Mayor Thomas, seconded by Councilman Young, all members voting aye, the list of accounts payable was approved for payment. The Village Manager distributed fine Statistical Data Report for February to the Council. fihe Village Manager reported that street lights were in process of being in- stalled in Plats #3 and #11 and the work would be completed by April ?5. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Young, seconded by Vice-Mayor Thomas, a]1 members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ~~Z ~.. Village Clerk ACCOUNTS PAYABLE n u Worsham Electric Company $1,250.00 University Secretarial Service 37.50 Woodyis Service Station 51+.63 S. H. Kress and Company 53.6l~ National Nurseries 10.00 Rubin Construction Company 1,030.50 Latham Construction Company 360.00 Rinker Materials Company 1,1y20.t~1. Dolan General Tire Company 136.t~0 Lee C. Shepherd 1,875.00