10-14-1958 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ON OCTOBER 14~ 1958 Present: Richard E. Rossi Mayor ' Jay H. Whitey Vice-Mayor John A. Schwencke~ Councilman C. Robert Burns Village Attorney Albin R. Olson Village Manager and Clerk Absent: Charles A. Cunningham Councilman Herbert A. Rossi Councilman Mayor Ross called the meeting to order and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Ross requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Uillage Coun cil held September 23~ 1958. On motion of Councilman Schwencke~ seconded by Vice-Mayor Whitey all members voting ayes the minutes were approved as read. Mayor Ross requested the Clerk read a proclamation of the Mayor proclaiming Friday October 24~ 1958 as United Nations Day and urging the citizens of the municipality to observe this day in such a way as to help create a better understanding of the problems aims and achievements of the United Nations. On motion of Vice-Mayor Whitey Seconded by Mayor Rossi all members voting ayes the following report of the Village Treasurer was approved: TREASURER'S REPORT October 14~ 1958 CASH ON HANDS September 23rd 1958 ADD::- Permi{s 982.15 ' Occupational License 300.00 Beverage License 25.00 Dog License 2.00 Riviera Beach Bank (Loan 50 DEDUCT: Disbursements September 23~ 1958 -October 14~ 1958 BALANCES October l4~ 1958 ~ 2182.26 6,309.15 $ 8,491.41 2,949.27 5,542.14 On motion of Councilman Schwencke~ seconded by Vice-Mayor White' all members voting ayes proposed Resolution ~t`48 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA CHANGING THE DESIGNATION • OF A CERTAIN STREET OR THOROUGHFARE WITHIN THE VILLAGE. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Schwencke~ seconded by Vice-Mayor Whitey all members voting ' ayes Resolution #49 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACHa FLORIDA APPOINTING ALLEN T. GAY TO THE PALM BEACH COUNTY RESOURCES DEVELOPEMENT BOARD. was adopted. On motion of Vice-Mayor Whitey seconded by Councilman Schwencke~ proposed Ordinance #36 ' entitled: AN OBDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTYi FLORIDA GRANTING TO THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY A CORPORATION ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS A FRANCHISE TO USE THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE ~~ LJ Minutes October 1~F, 195$ Page ~2 VILL4GE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, F10R THE PQRPOSE OF ERECTING, CONSTRUCTING, MASNTAINII+7G AND OPERATING LIl4ES OF TELEPHONE AND TF:TFf.RAPA q',~F]pN AyD ~, was placed on second reading and read by title only. Gn motion of Councilman Sehwencke, seconded by Vice-Mayor White, a71 members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #36 entitled: ' AN ORDIlVAIvCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTII PAIN? REACH, PAT,M BEACH COUNTY, FTARIDA, GRANTING TO THE SOUTHERN BELL '~'T~'F"•Pw~NE AMID TELEGRAPH COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE Ta USE THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE PUt2POSE OF ERECTING, CONSTRUCTIPiG, MA TNTATN~G AND OPERATING LINES OF TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH THEREON AND THER~~ER. was enacted. On motion of Vice-Mayor White, seconded by Councilman Schwencke, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance X38 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PATS! BEACH, PAL."2 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR TIH; CLEARING AND CLEANING OF AL'L BRUSH AND WEEDS, DEAD AND DYING TREES, STiPrIl'S, ROOTS, OBNOXIOUS GROWTH, PAIMETi'OS, FSLTH, GARBAGE, TRASH AND DEBRIS FROM ALT, INIl7ROVID OR UNIMI'ROVID PROPERTY, LYING WITFIIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE; PROVIDING THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID WORK SHALL BE CONDUCTID AND PROVIDING THAT THE i~rr,T.ar_H: SHALL CONTRACT FOR SUCH WORK AND CHARGE THE COST OF SAME ~ THE PROPERTY AFFECTID '~~ti". was placed on first reading and read in full. ' On motion of Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Vice-Mayer White, ell members voting aye, proposed Ordinance X37 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE TTrT.Tacs;: COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, GRANTING AN EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO GREEN'S FUEL OF FLORIDA CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, ~ SELL, OPERATE, NtA2NTAIN AND DISTRIBUTE GAS IN'THE V'r_LI,AGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH; SETTING r"t~RTH CONDITIONS AND PRIVICNGES ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT, Il®~T`r'~FS AGAINST DAMAGE; PROVIDING FOR RATES AND CHARGES; FI7{IIdG PRIVILEGE TAX; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR THE Pik?CBASE OF UTILITIES BY THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; AND FOR oTHEa P~POSES. was placed on first reading and read in full. A general discussion of the provisions of proposed Crdinance #37 followed the reading of the ordinance. Mr. 0. M. Miley, representing Green's Fuel Company, was present in the audience and replied to questions asked by Council members and the public concerning the operation of his company inNorth Palm Beach. On motion of Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Vice-Mayor White, s11 members voting aye, the list of accounts payable was approved for payment. ' The Village Manager distributed to the Council the Statistical Data Report for the month ending September 30, 1958• There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Schwenke, seconded by Vice-Mayer White, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. to meet at 8:00 p.m., October 28, 1958, at 'ehe North Palm Beach Country Club. Village Clerk • Minutes October 14, 1958 Page ~3 C~ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Florida Cities Bus Company 32.80 Charles M. Bowman 21.00 Alan Dudden 27-•75 Bennett Brothers 51.80 Singer Shores I~,y Camp 7.35.00 Knights of Columbus Council 79.52 Liilliam D. Adeimy, Inc. 1,072.80 Phillips Petsolevm Company 215.16 Addressograph-Mu7.tigraph Corporation 8.1+6 Halsey-Griffith 109.26 Gentry Brothers 57-•09 BiL1s Signs 7.5.50 WestingYwuse Electric 8.26 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc. 31+•55 Riviera Feed Store 10.08 U. S. Con3erence of Msyors 2.00 Boykin Printing Company 2 7• Th~psons Hardware x•73 Lako Plating Company 30.00 Nsillins Limber Company 22.13 International City Managers Assoc. 21.•25 Pa3m Beach Typewriter Compar;y 5.50 National ety Engineers 79.78 iyle Signs, Inc. 63.76 Phillips Petroletivn Company 323.66 Kalah Genie Compaa~r 6.1tE $ 2,706.23 i- u