09-23-1958 VC REG-MMIIdUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE . VSLIAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB oN ~ 23, 1958. Present: Jay H. White, Vice Mayor Herbert A. Ross, Councilman John A. Schwencke, Councilman Wallis E. Schulte, For C. Robert . Barns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Manager & Clerk Absent: Richard E. Ik>ss, Mayor Charles A. Cunningham, Councilman Vice-Mayor White called the meeting to order and requested the clerk call the roll. Vice-Mayor White requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the • Village Council held August 26, 1958. Cn motion o£ Councilman Rose, seconded by Council- man. Schwencke, e11 members voting aye, the minutes were approved as read.. On motion of Councilman 'Rosa, seconded by Councilman Schwenke, all members voting aye, the Following report of the Village Treasurer was approved: TREAu"DRER'S REPORT September 23, 1958 CASH ON HAND, August 26th, 1958 ~5~•67 ADD: Permits 1,859.10 Occupational License 5.50 Eeverage License 27.50 Dog License x+.00 Florida Power & Light 733.09 Pennsylvania Fire Snsuraace 11.76 Riviera Beech Back (loan) 5,000.00 8 1~+7. , 2 DEDUCT: Disbursements August 26th -September 23, 1958 ~ ~ U BAL9NCE, September 23rd, 1958 x,620.36 x,182.26 Gn motion of Councilman Sehwencke, entitled by Councilman Pass, all members voting aye, a prroposed resolution No. ~+7, A RESOLUTION OF THE Vrrsafcu• COUNCIL OF THE VILEAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FIAR7DA, ACCEPTING AN OFFER TO DIDICATE CERTAIl4 LAKES OR WATERWAYS WITSIP7 THE VSLLAGE was adopted. ~ motion of Cotimcilman Schwencke, seconded by Councilman Ross, s31 members voting aye, a proposed Ordinance #36 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VTTTA(:F'. OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDP., GRANTING TO THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND mFr~za~r COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SDCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE 'PO USE THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE VIISAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTIIQG, CONSTRUCTING, bSAINTAINING AND OPERATING LINES OF TELEPHONE AND mFr•~znrx THEREON AtID T'~IDER. was placed on First read3.ng and read. in Full. • Minutes Page der 23, 195$ Tue Village Manager distributed to the Council the Statistical Data Report Yor the month ending August 31, 1958. The Village Manager requested the Council consider the enactment of an ordinance requiring sidewalks be built fronting those vacant lots in Plat ~l located in blocks which are 80~ or more built up. ' The Village Attorney was requested. to,look into the matter and, iY feasible, to prepare such an ordinance Yor Council consideration. ~e VL11age Manager requested the Council consider the enactment of an or id. Hance requiring all vacant lands within the 4i11age be kept Yree from debris and trash and requiring those vacant lots located in built up areas be kept Yree Yran weeds exceed~g t°~relve inches high. The Village Attorney was requested to look into the matter and, if Yeasible, to prepare such an ordinance for Council consideration. Cha motion oY Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Councilman Ross, all members voting aye, the list oY accounts payable was approved Yor payment. There being no Yvrther business to come beYore the Council, on motion of Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Sehwencke, all members voting aye, the meeting e North Pal h was ad.,journed to meet at 8 p.m., October 14, 1958, at t m Beach Country Club. ' O Village Clerk ACCOUNTS PAYABLE J P. Carroll ~ i4• ~ DeweyTs Hardware 2•~- B. D. Cole, Inc. 176.54 National ~f'ety Engineers 151.42 Hi-Tide Tackle Shop x•50 Worsham Electric Canpas~y 466.70 Nations]. welding Products 3.50 Ratters OYYice Furniture 81.60 SheYYield Carburetor Service 13.64 • Donald. S. Lavigne, Inc. 47.91 sam R. (~iincey 6.00 Singer Shores Day Camp 420.00 Palm Beach County 15.90 Gentry Brothers 15.50 Sears Roebuck Company 32.58 Singer Shores Day Camp 44.00 ' Brockway, weber & Brockway Carver and ~*~++~~ 6.05 182.00 GulY Stream News 5.00 E. C. Peters, Inc. 11.40 ~ykin Printing 11.00 Thompson Hardware 1.2.27 Mechanics Overall Service, Inc. 11.25 JeYYlin Tile Sales 24.72 Sewe]1 Hardware Company Halsey-GrifYith 1.35 13.80 Lydia Cole 10.00 Arrow Electric Company 32.00 ~,iit+,a Lumber Company 38.40 $ 1,868.30