11-12-1956 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF MEETING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF - THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD ON THE 12th DAY OF NOVET'IBER, 1956 The regular meeting of the Village Council of °The Village of North ' Palm Beach, Florida" was held in the North Palm Beach Country Clubhouse, in such ii'illage at 3 Otclock P.M., on the 12th day of November, 1956. ~ ~: ~ ~ x The following Councilmen were present and answered the Ro11 Call: ROLL CALL JAY H. WHITE MAYOR C.A. CUNNINGHAM JOHN A. SCHWENCKE x ~ ~ # ~- ABSENTEES Mayor Cunningham reported that Councilman John A. Mac Arthur and Vice- - Mayor Richard E. Ross are both out of the state at the present time. • ~ ~ ~= # ~ QUORUM It appeared a quorum was present, whereupon, by acclamation, Mayor PRESENT Cunningham assumed the Chairmanship of the meeting and he asked Robert C. _ Tufford, VILLAGE CLERK, to take the minutes of the meeting, Tom' # ~ X '3a' - MINUTES The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting were dispensed with _ by unanimous approval of the Council, yr x ae ~ ~- NEW Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Councilman White moved that Ordinance BUSINESS #6 (See ORD. BK. 1, page ;~.0 } entitled: _ ORD #6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH FIRST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUILDING CODE, A PLUMBING -_ READING CODE, AND AN ELECTRICAL CODE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE ___ VIOLATION THEREOF; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, - be placed on First reading and read in full. Upon Roll Call, all Councilmen - _ present voted aye, and ordinance #6 was read in full, - T ~ ~: ~ x Motion was made by Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Mayor Cunningham that Mr. Burns, Village Attorney, draw up a formal resolution appointing _ -E Mr. L.E. Dickerson as Building, Electrical and Plumbing Inspector for the Village of North Pa]m Beach, Florida, at a salary of $l~00.00 per month. ' Upon Roll Call, all Councilmen present voted aye, and the motion was duly adopted Frank Smith, representing a delegation of property holders, expressed to the Council, their interest in becoming annexed to "The Village of North - =_ ' Palm Beach, Florida" __ Mr. Burns, Village attorney, explained this could be done within a radius of two miles and after some discussion it was agreed no action would be taken concerning this matter pending Further information from both sides, • # # ~ ~: ~ - ~r-~--~'e^'~^~^v-'~~- es"^o33~38~7 a~va'~:xg-w '~.-J'vcc '~ ''' 3jQ~o~ 6u F-s~'s ae-eca s-sz.~e-var • MINUTES OF MEETING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDg HELD ON THE 12th DAY OF NOVII~IBER, 1956. (CONTINUEn) RES,p,~ ~ Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Schwencke~ moved the adoption of Resolution ~~ (See RES. BK. ~l~ page ~) entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE CCUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH3 FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING ^tHE ESTABLISHMENT ' OF A BANK ACCOUNT FOR SAID VILLAGE~TrdITH RIVIERA BEACH BANK. Upon Roll Ca11~ all Councilmen present voted aye, and Resolution was adopted, ~ ~ ~ F There being no Further business, the meeting was ad3ourned to 3 otclock • P.M, Monday9 November 26th, 1956, to meet at the North Palm Beach Country Club- house, ~~ e ~~~~ Village Clerk C~ 0