07-13-1998 VC B WS-M ~~ u, ~ e`~ ~. ~~~~ MEMORANDUM ,`~.~ TO: Mayor & Village Council FROlY1: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Ma ger DATE: July 14, 1998 RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 13, 1998 The Village Council met in workshop session on Monday, July 13, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. to review the proposed Country Club budget for fiscal year 98-99. All members of Council were present; Country Club Administrative Board members present were: Chairman Leonard Pellegren, Arnold Hess, Robert Harshman, Paul Lambrakis and Debbie Svec. Staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Country Club Administrator Ron Albert, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut, and Pool Manager Dick Cavanah. The following represent the basic changes and discussion developed by the Village Council as a consensus, and this memorandum represents the minutes of the above referenced meeting: DEPARTMENT - GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT NO. NAME REMARKS FROIVt TO L8043 Personnel Summary Under the 1997-98 budget column, under the Personnel 9 Employees 10 Employees Page 307 Summary line on the full-time employees, change from: L8043-33190 Professional Services 512,000 -0- L8043-33433 Tree Removal -0- 512,000 L8043-33222 Trees & Sod 58,000 was moved to Clubhouse Grounds, L8039-33222. 512,300 54.500 L8045- Personnel Worksheet In the part-time line item, under the hourly rate 97-98 56.893 53.893 Page 310 (Detail) column, change the hourly rate from: L8043- General Note Staff instructed to develop a budget transfer in the amount of 53,300 from the FY 97-98 budget for an irrigation consultant to be placed on the next available regular agenda. L8043-66490 Machinery & Reference page 314, line items: walking, greens mowers, Equipment trailers and triplex mowers under the less trade cobtrnn are to be classified as junk. DEPARTMENT-- FOOD & BEVERAGE ACCOUNT NO. ~ NAMB ~ RSM3-RRS ~ FROM ~ TO L8053 ~ ~ No Change DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT NO. NAMB REMARKS FROM TO L8056- Revise goals to reflect increase the incentive for village resident to become a member. Under objectives, revise the second objective to read as follows: Work with Village officials and with the CCAB in implementing the Master Plan and Interior Decorator recommendations and coordinate suggestions for improvement. L8056-33220 Administration- $77,250 $67,500 Village L8056-66415 Computer Council to review the Information Hardware and Services Master Plan for the entire Software Village at one time to determine various costs for each department in a more comprehensive fashion. DSPARTMHNT- CLIIBHOUSB GROUNDS ACCOUN'P NO. NAME RID+IARKS PROM TO L8059- Under objectives, include hurricane shutters for installation at the clubhouse. L8059- Page 358, under major changes, change $64,000 $8,000 the estimated dollar amount for regrassing along U.S. 1 from: L8059-35222 Trees & Sod This reflects the transfer of the $8,000 $7,500 $9,100 from the regrassing of J.S. 1 that was identified in the Golf Course Maintenance portion of the budget DFsPARTMFs21T = INSIIRANGB I ACCOUNT NO HAMS Rfi1KARRS FROM TO L8062 ~ ~ No Change DEPARTMEN'!' - DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT NO. NAME RBMARKS FROM TO L8565 No change .'~~ DEPARTMENT -COUNTRY CLUB RESERVE ACCOUNT NO. NAME REMARKS FRObI TO L8070.33112 Special Legal 55,000 51,000 Services L8070~d9915 Reserve-Raises and ~g~800 TBI) Benents Miscellaneous Issues: Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut to develop a landscaping plan for the tree row on the driving range, along U.S. Highway 1. There being no other business to come before Council, the workshop adjourned at approximately 9:55 p.m. '`WK: sh ~: Country Club Administrative Board Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk ...~