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07-16-1998 VC B WS-M
f ~ ~ ~e V MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana er DATE: July 17, 1998 RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 16, 1998 The Village Council met in workshop session on Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. to complete their review of the proposed Public Safety budget for fiscal year 98-99. In addition, the Council reviewed the Recreation Special Events Department, Village Clerk, Village Council, Village Attorney, and the Library Departments. All members of Council were present; the +~,, following staff were present: Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Duector Shaukat Khan, Public Safety Director Bruce Sekeres, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, Volunteer Fire Fighter President Anthony Giarrusso, and Volunteer Fire Fighter Chris Gunn. Other Department Heads present for their respective budgets were: Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director, Kitty Kelly,. Village Clerk, and Nancy Moore, Library Director. The following represent the basic changes and discussion developed by the Village Council as a consensus, and this memorandum represents, in essence, the minutes of the above referenced meeting: The Council discussed at length the category of Special Pay found on page 97 of the EMS budget under Account category A6416. Council instructed staff to reconcile the State Incentive contributions and to make the necessary corrections to• the Special Pay category. 'DEPARTMENT - PUBLIC SAFETY LAW ENFORCEMENT' ACCODNT NO. ~ NAl~ ~ R~IARRS ~ FROM ~ TO A5711-66490 PSC-EMS Council instructed staff to transfer the $50,000 -0- Znterlocal cost of the emergency generator system $40,000 -0- Agreement and the uninterrupted power supply 911 identified on page 79 from the General Reimbursement Fund budget to the Capital Projects Fund budget. A1200-02190 I 911-System Enhancement This item reflects the transfer of the $90,000 ($50 000 for the $226,000 $136,000 (Revenues) , generator system and $40,000 for the ups system to reflect a transfer to the Capital v Project Fund). Counc i 1 instructed staff to obtain estimates for cost of shutters for the tennis court building and the driving range building and include those costs in the line items of their respective budgets. DEPARTME1tiT - .LAW ENFORCEMEN'T' FIRE IPREVENTI©N ACCOUNT NO. NAM6 RBMAItRS pR~ TO A5812-34991 Volunteer Council expressed interest to find a $1,500 $2 500 Appreciation nice location for the dinner and , Dinner increase financial support. A5812-35145 Audio, visual Seven (7) voice and tone pagers/monitors -0- $3 150 Communication ~ $450 each. , Supplies Recreation Department: Lengthy discussion concerning sign change for the Public Safety building as Council discussed the sign at the Community Center. Staff instructed to collect samples and bring back for further reviewed by the Council. Discussion ensued concerning the development of a policy for post-employment certification incentives. Staff to develop a recommended policy for the agenda of August 13, 1998. DEPARTMENT' - RECREATION ACCOUNT NO. NA,~IE REMARKS FROM TO 028-35218 Auto Parts Supplies $2 000 $300 A8028-66410 Automotive $9,238 $18,475 DEPARTMENT - SPECIAL EVENTS ACCOUNT NO. NAME g~ RK~g ~~ TO A8229-34932 Public Events Designate contributionsfor the N/C N/C following Project Graduation activities: $500 to PB Gardens High School; $250 to Suncoast High School and $250 to Dwyer High School. DEPARTMENT - VILLAGE'CLERR ACCOUNT NO. NAMB REMARKS FROl4 TO A4904-66415 Computer In the event the Village does not adopt N/C N/C Hardware and the Information Systems Master Plan, the Software $7,800 recommended in the budget for implementation of that Phase I for the Village Clerk's office, the staff is to come back and insert a $2,000 replacement in lieu of the $7,800. A4904-35410 Books, Pubs. & $255 $130 Subs. DEPARTMENT - VILLAGE COUI3CIL- ACCODNT NO . NAMB R~1ARIGS FROM TO A4801- Travel, Page 20 - change the number of Council Training & members budgeted for attending the Conference Florida League of Cities Conference from 5 to 3. DEPARTMENT - LIBRARY Accovrrr No. N~ R~xxs FROM TO A7927- Page 163 -under major changes, the 4th bullet where it reads replace automatic front door, change to scratching the word replace and adding the word new wherein it reads: new automatic front door A7927-34110 Telephone $5,000 $6,000 A7927-34621 R&M Windows $100 $300 Mart tiuected to submit a budget transfer for this fiscal year (FY 97-98) for painting the exterior of the library in the amount of $7,500. VILLAGE ATTOR~~IEY: No Change. There being no other business to come before the Council, the workshop adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. DWK:sh cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Bruce F. Sekeres, Public Safety Director Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk Nancy Moore, Library" Director