• JULY 20, 2011
Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
William L. Manuel, President Pro Tem
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
James Titcomb, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staffwere present, except the Village Attorney. Former Village Manager Jimmy Knight,
Finance Director Samia Janjua, Community Development Director Chuck Huff and Information
Technology Director Michael Applegate were present. The purpose of the meeting was to review the
FY 2012 General Fund Budget. Printed copies ofthe FY 2012 Proposed Budget were distributed.
• FY 2010 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance was $10,443,099, an increase of
$384,883 over FY 2009
• total department expenses were at 68.12% on 6/30/11
• preliminary financials indicated revenues exceed expenses by $3,838,244 on 6/30/11
• market value of Village investment portfolio was $8,227,937 on 6/30/11, a $57,526
appreciation (accrued and received interest and realized and unrealized gains) during FY 2011
• FY 2011 total ad valorem taxes were $10,760,409; budgeted ad valorem revenue was
$10,222,389 (Village is statutorily limited to budgeting 95% oftotal ad valorem)
• $10,078,619.82 or 98.59% of the total ad valorem revenue budgeted has been collected -
$143,769 below the targeted amount, with tax distribution #11 pending
• $209,329 total remaining- contingency (Manager contingency of $36,420 and Council
contingency of $172,908)
• FY 2011 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance estimated at $9,651,136 after
deducting $791,963 appropriated for street signs, Community Development software, and
Southwest Neighborhood sidewalks and streetlights project (SW project funds have been
appropriated but not spent)
• Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance represents $55.13% of the total FY 2011 Budget
• Reserved, Designated Fund Balance estimated to total $637,671 on 9/30/11
• developer contributions available for use total $385,000; final payment of $175,000 from
developers of the Domani project due in February 2012
Discussion took place regarding $100,000 designated for the Small Business Grant Program.
Mr. Knight will verify whether the funds rollover automatically to the next fiscal year or require
Council action to re-appropriate. Regarding the Reserved, Designated Fund Balance, Mr. Knight
• explained restrictions on the use of certain monies, such as those in the Public Safety Department.
Discussion took place regarding the appropriate amount of funds to maintain in the Unreserved,
Undesignated Fund Balance.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held July 20, 2011 Page 2 of 3
• Mr. Knight reviewed a list of assumptions used in preparing the Country Club Budget and
General Fund Budget, which included projected costs for utilities and employee benefits, as well
as the estimated decrease in the taxable value of properties in the Village. Mr. Knight noted a
new, recurring expense for the Village's share of the cost to fund the Palm Beach County Office
of the Inspector General.
• $18,628 expense for new Inspector General cost allocation (based on 2009 total contracts)
• FY 2012 revenues total $17,889,216
• ad valorem taxes = $10,261,828 or 57.36% of the budget
• combined estimates of all other revenue sources = $7,627,388 or 42.6% of the budget
• total gross taxable value decreased to $1,495,282,994, afurther reduction of $48,025,426
or 3.1 % in taxable value, a loss of $318,105 in ad valorem revenue
• between 1998 and 2012, the assessed valuation of property was highest in 2008; the
assessed valuation of property in FY 2012 has fallen to the 2005 level
Discussion took place regarding other revenue sources, such as implementing a separate garbage
collection fee. Mr. Knight reminded Council that the process of assessing a garbage collection
fee must be started a year in advance; this would require Council action prior to January 2012, in
order to be effective in FY 2013. Mr. Knight reported the annual operating cost for sanitation
services is $1,489,546. Mr. Knight provided a comparison the service fee for garbage collection
in other municipalities. Mr. Knight advised that if the Village charged a flat fee for garbage services,
the monthly average would be $21.19 for asingle-family home and $7.97 for multi-family. It was
noted that implementing a garbage collection fee would allow a reduction in the millage rate.
Mr. Knight provided. a comparison of the current millage rate (6.9723 mils) in North Palm Beach
with that of neighboring .communities. It was requested that staff provide data on the fees other
municipalities charge in addition to their ad valorem tax levy. Mr. Knight noted that of the total
property taxes paid by Village residents; only 31 ¢ of every dollar goes to North Palm Beach.
Mr. Knight reviewed millage rate options for FY 2012. Discussion ensued on how the increase
in construction values is determined. Mr. Knight explained the Certificate of Taxable Value
issued by the PBC Property Appraiser reflects values as of January 1 st of the current calendar year.
• FY 2012 budget is proposed at the rolled back rate of 7.2240 mils
• each .10 mil = $142,052
Mr. Knight reviewed responsibilities and reporting relationships in the Public Safety
Department. Mr. Knight recommended reorganizing the Fire Rescue Department to provide for
organizational hierarchy, and reclassifying the position of Public Safety Director to Chief of Police.
• 138 full-time employees and 69 part-time employees
• • 1 full-time Permit & Licensing Tech position eliminated (position has been vacant/unfiuided)
• reclassify Director of Public Safety position to Chief of Police
• delete 1 full-time Fire Rescue Admin. Lieutenant position; add 1 full-time Captain position
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held July 20, 2011 Page 3 of 3
• Discussion was held on the following issues: current economic conditions, Village and employee
contributions to the pension plans, percentage scale currently used for merit increases and how it
is applied, changing the percentage scale/merit pool for pay-for-performance increases,
budgetary impact of merit pay, and employee considerations. Council consensus was to hold
further discussion on these issues in the next six months.. Mr. Titcomb suggested that Council
consider these matters in conjunction with a review of its pay and classification plan.
• personnel costs comprise 73.70% of the budget
• 6.87% increase ($94,860) in employee health insurance anticipated in FY 2012
• zero cost-of-living adjustment
• zero - 5% employee merit increase (budgeted at 3.75%) or step advancement (per CBA)
• 20.03% required Village contribution to Police and Fire Pension Plan and 2% employee
contribution from date of hire
• 19.57% required Village contribution to General Employees Pension Plan and 6% employee
contribution from date of hire
• 15% defined contribution pension plan mandatory for all newly hired non-union
eligible general employees and non-certified PBA-union eligible employees
Discussion took place regarding replacing the air conditioning chillers at Village Hall and Public
Safety. Discussion ensued on the Capital Improvement Plan.
Regarding costs for SERMA (Southeast Risk Management Association) Mr. Knight noted the
Village previously participated in the SERMA pool, resulting in an annual assessment until the
last participant has satisfied any outstanding claims.
Mr. Knight recommended Council expend $226,441 to increase funding of the General Employees
Pension Plan; however, he noted it is an optional catch-up provision, at Council's discretion.
• $17,889,216 combined total expenses
• $13,185,216 personnel costs or 73.70% of the budget
• $3,995,010 operating costs or 22.33% of the budget
• $258,932 in total capital outlay costs can be reduced by $45,000 if playground equipment
is purchased using developer contributions (designated reserves)
• zero debt service -Village is debt free
• $178,893 Council contingency; $44,724 Manager contingency; $223,617 total contingency
or 1.25% of the overall budget
• $392,639 non-departmental expenses (property/general liability insurance, SERMA)
• $226,441 General Employees Pension Plan Reserve
• consensus to create a Captain position in the Fire Rescue Department
• consensus for a tentative millage rate of 7.2240 mils (FY2012 rolled back rate)
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk