07-19-1999 VC B WS-M~~ 9;, ~~µe`~~i ~ ~~~~~ Office of the Village Manager DENNIS W. KELLY (561) 848-3476 Fax: (561) 848-3344 E-mail: villnpb~evcom.net Date: July 20, 1999 .~,... To: Mayor & Village Council From: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag r RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 19,1999 The Village of NORTH PALM BEACH SO1 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 The Village Council met in workshop session on Monday, July 19, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. to review the proposed Country Club budget for FY 99-00. All Council members were present; Country Club Advisory Board members present were: Chairman Arnold Hess, members Paul Lambrakis, Bob Below and Patti Unruh; staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith, Country Club Administrator Ron Albert, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut, Co-head Pro John Scott, Assistant Golf Pro John Smith. The Council entered into budget workshop discussions starting with the Golf Cart budget (Account No. L8047) and made the following changes (see attachment): The Council ended their discussion regarding the Country Club budget and there being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at 10:00 p.m.; they will start with General Fund, Public Safety Department, on Tuesday, July 20, 1999 in workshop session at 7:00 p.m. DWK:sh Attachment cc: Country Club Advisory Boazd Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent MEMORANDUM VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-19-99) Dept. Account No. Name Remarks From: CARTS L8047-34420 Rental -Equipment Add back covers as an attachment to the golf carts $67,740.00 S r!G RANGE L8048 Under the major changes bullet, change the cost of replacing the mats $3,250.00 from: L8048 Under the Performance Data for Driving Range Proceeds for the $130,000.00 $1 projected amount for 1999-2000, change the amount from: L8048-35120 Golf Supplies Reduce the number of mats. $13,500.00 $ L8048 On page 189 of the budget, change the title of Driving Range Attendant to Assistant Pro un page 199 under the Objectives fhe thins bullet, strike the we and, wherein the bullet should read, "hire qualified, reliable and personable staff. " un page 791 under the Objectives the first bullet, strike the word continually, wherein the objective should read, "upgrade and maintain the tennis facility..." L8050-33440 Exterminating New line item $0.00 ----- un page zo9 under the Personnel Summary, strike the work other, wherein the title should read Executive. L8056 On page 209 under the objectives, strike the first and third bullets and amend the second bullet by striking the words ensure that staffis, changing the word provided to provide and following the word provide, insert the word staff, wherein the objective should read, "provide staff the training and materials needed to provide ggality service. " To: " @1of4 .-- .................. rvame Remarks ~ L8053 On page 206 under Major Changes, the second line wherein it reads CAGE lease the restaurant facilities, strike the words, "new innovative and crieafive"wherein the line should now read, "/ease the restaurant facilities to a r~sstau-anteur. L8053-33440 Exterminating $0.00 $1,980. Liability CRY CLUB L8070-49915 Reserve-Raises & Benefits The Council opted not to increase the $15,600 for the 97-98 and the 98- IVE 99 sala ad'ustments, rY 1 per the Finance Director's recommendation. The recommendation was to increase the $15,600 by $35,000 to cover those years. RY CLUB Council discussed extensively changing revenues and fee structures for the various categories of uses at the Country Club. The individual UES line items cannot be calculated this evening until such time as staff has had a chance to update the fee schedule based on the Council's directive and then calculate those fees against the anticipated usage. Once that is accomplished, then the Finance Department can adjust the various line items to reflect the increase in revenues. The Finance Director received direction from the Council to balance the Country Club budget once those revenues have been calculated. PROPOSED RATES 8 FEE SCHEDULE COURSE ~rship: Resident Family Single Fee: Resident-November 18 Holes 8 December 9 Holes Jan-April 18 Holes 9 Holes May-October 18 Holes 9 Holes 99-2000 From: $1,470.00 $860.00 $18.00 $11.00 $22.00 $13.00 $14.00 $8.00 $1,54 $9C $1 $1 $2 $1 $1: ~e 2 of 4 Hof 4 TENNIS Resident Family From: To: Resident Single $346.50 $380.00 Resident Junior $266.20 $293. Non-Res. Family 555.00 $55.0 Non-Res. Single $463.00 $510.0 Non-Res. Junior $346.50 $380.0 Summer Mem. Resident Family 582.75 $82.75 May 1-Sept 30 Resident Single 5150.00 $165.0 Non-Res. Family 5100.00 $110.0 Non-Res. Single $180.00 $198.0 Daily Fees Res. Adult 8 Guest Mem. 5120.00 $132.0 Non-resident 56.00 $7.0 Juniors 59.00 $10. $3.00 $3.00 he Village Council completed their scheduled budget review and proceeded into a discussion re ardin a t g g res aurant minimum assessment. The consensus of the Co not do an assessment this year, but to study the matter and plan on developing a restaurant minimum for next e uncil was to y ar. 1 ! ~ of 4