07-26-1999 VC B WS-M~(
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Office of the Village Manager
(561) 848-3476 Faz: (561) 848-3344
E-mail: villnpbQevcom.net
Date: July 27, 1999
To: Mayor & Village Council
From: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag r
RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of Monday, July 26,1999
The Village of
501 U.S. Highway 1
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
The Village Council met in workshop session on Monday, July 26, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. to review the Public
Services budget for FY 99-00. All Council members were present; staff present were Village Manager Dennis
Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith, Public Services Director Tom
Hogarth, Public Services Superintendent Bill Reinert and Recreation Director Mark Hodgkins; also present was
Pool Manager Vendor Dick Cavanah.
The Council entered into budget workshop discussions starting with follow-up issues regarding Pool,
Recreation, Utility Franchise Audits, and Village Council Salaries. In addition, changes were made per the
attached workshop changes sheet (attached).
The Council completed their workshop session at approximately 10:00 p.m. and completed Public Services
Department up to Street Maintenance, stopping at the Capital Outlay portion of the Street Maintenance budget
on page 120. There being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at
approximately 10:00 p.m.; they will start with the General Fund, Public Services Department, Street
Maintenance division, with the Capital Outlay portion of the budget onTuesday, July 27, 1999 in workshop
session at 7:00 p.m.
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager
Tom Hogarth, Public Services Director
Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director
Dick Cavanah, Pool Manager
Dept. Account No.
From: To:
JUNIOR: Change the age grouping back to 0-3 years and the fee is $1.00.
JUNIOR: 4-17 years, $3.00.
RECREATION A8028-t 1300 Part-time Pay
Additional part-time help needed due to the increase in average summer
$64,776.00 $95,000.00
VILLAGE COUNCIL A4801-11110 Executive Salaries This represents a $3,600 increase in anticipation of increasing the $24,000.00 $27,600.00
Village Council salaries from $4,800 per year to $6,000 per year and the
Mayor's salary from $4,800 to $7,200 per year effective March 2000. Per
Council direction, this item is to be placed on the next available agenda
in order to satisfy the requirements of the Village Charter and Code for
increasing Council salaries.
A4801-33210 Accounting & Auditing
Add $8,000 to conduct a utility franchise audit.
$20,000.00 $28,000.00
Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith updated Council on his research regarding employee relations and will come forward with a report with a recommended
policy for Council action.
PUBLIC SERVICES A6018 On page 95, under the Street Maintenance organization chart, strike
ADMINISTRATION supervisor (1) and under the Code Enforcement Officer organization
chart, add (1 P7).
On page 96, under the Objectives, strike the word continue and replace
it with the word provide such that the first bullet will read, "provide strong
enforcement of Village Codes... "
A6018-34015 Auto Allowance Staff to come back to Council with justification and policy for the use of No Changes
Village vehicle and auto allowance.
A6018-35420 Membership & Dues Add American Public Works Association annual membership for the $975.00 $1,225.00
National Organization in the amount of $250.
l P' ~1 of 3
Dept. Account No.
Name Remarks From: To:
Training and Education Add one building inspector to attend an Emergency Operations Center $2,500.00 $3,500.00
following an actual disaster for purposes of contingency training in the
amount of $1,000.
Furniture 8 Fixtures Reinstate the replacement of front office furniture and carpet at the $0.00 $5,000.00
Public Services Administrative Office in the amount of $5,000.
FACILITIES A5519 On page 106 under the Personnel Summary, in the part-time line under
MAINTENANCE the column titled Budget 1998/99, strike through the 1 and replace it with
a 0. Strike through 7 full-time and replace it with 8.
A5519-11530 Christmas Gifts
Delete $25 for part-time since there is no part-time help in Facilities $425.00 $400.00
SANITATION A7020-11410 Holiday Overtime On page 95 of the budget backup, change the three holida s to be
y $7,000.00 $12,000.00
worked to five holidays by adding December 23 and December 30 as
additional holiday overtime days in the amount of $5,000.
A7020 On page 115 under the Personnel worksheet, under Job Code 0122,
Collector, the annual salary under the 99-2000 is to be changed from
$20,929 to $20,528.
A7020-66410 The below paragraph describes the dollar amount than ed under the
9 $89,200.00 $103,700.00
unit total cost less trade value and final cost.
The one packer truck described under A7020-66410, the unit cost is
changed from $72,000 to $76,000. The total cost column is changed
from $72,000 to $76,000. The less trade column is $4,000. The final cost
is $72,000.
A7020-66410 Replacing the three-wheel dumpster, the number approved is changed
from one to lwo, the unit cost has changed from $14,500 to $15,000. The
total cost is changed from $29,000 to $30,000 and the less trade value is
entered as $1,000. The final cost is $29,000.
STREET A7321 On page 118 under Major Changes in 1999-2000, under the first bullet
MAINTENANCE after the words "...and new medians strike the period and add at A1A
Alternate. "
1 ~e2of3
Dept, Account No. Name Remarks
From: To:
A7321-34681 and A7321-34682 Staff is to revisit the priorities of streets to be resurfaced and streets to
be paved and bring additional recommendations back to the Council.
A7321-35224 Traffic Control Signs On page 103 of the back-up budget, strike replace street LD. signs in
the amount of $6, 000 and replace it with lighting of ship's wheel signage
around the Village in the amount of $6, 000.
The Village Council ended their discussion on the budget with Street Maintenance to reconvene on the Capital Outlay under Account No. A7321-66000. Prior to
adjournment, the Village Manager briefed the Council on the Public Safety Director Designate's Earl Johnson's request to not discuss the Public Safety
Organization Analysis until after his arrival August 16, 1999. In addition, the Manager requested $1,500 be budgeted under the Public Safety Director's budget
for travel to the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference for FY 99-00.
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