10-28-1999 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1999 Present: ROLL CALL Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor Joseph A. Tringali, Vice Mayor Gail H. Vastola, President Pro Tem David B. Norris, Councilman Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk Mayor Eissey called the meeting to order at 10:15 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Eissey announced his intention to run again for the Village Council in March 2000. Vice Mayor Tringali added that it is his intention to run again also. President Pro Tem Vastola stated that she would not be running for Village Councilman again. CODE AMENDMENT -BOAT MOORING REGULATIONS IN LAKE WORTH Approximately ten residents of Lakeside Drive, both for and against the amendment, addressed the Council regarding the proposed change to Section 5-85(12) of the Village Code, which regulates boat mooring in Lake Worth. Due to the approaching curfew, a Special Workshop was scheduled for this issue at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 10, 1999, prior to the next Regular Session. ADJOURNMENT Having reached the curfew of 11:00 p.m., the meeting adjourned. thleen F. Kelly, C Village Clerk