JULY 31, 2007
Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor
William Manuel, Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pm Tem
Darryl Aubrey, Councilman
T.R. Hemacki, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Eissey called the Budget Workshop Session to order at 7:00 p.m All members of Council
were present. All members of staffwere present, except the Village Attorney.
Village Manager Jimmy Knight distributed a memo dated 7/31/07 concerning the Public Safety
North Substation. Mr. Knight discussed changes in fire/rescue during the last 1 1/2 years due to
• compliance with County mandated Level of Service standazds. Mr. Knight reviewed service
coverage provided through the Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County and Palm Beach
Gazdens for mutual assistance/automatic aid and dispatch services. Mr. Knight reported on the
number and response times for fire/rescue calls, both north and south of the Pazker Bridge.
Mr. Knight gave an example of the impact of medical protocols on fire/rescue service response
and discussed staffing requirements. Mr. Knight recommended not abandoning the North
Substation, but putting it on hold until the needs of the Village change. Council discussion
ensued concerning the advantages of constructing the North Substation, and subjects such as the
number of stations responding to calls in North Palm Beach, the potential for increased
development north of Pazker Bridge, current construction costs, future annexations, fire/rescue
service fees, and funding.
Mr. Knight noted that the Public Safety Department and the Public Works Department comprise
61 % of the budget.
Mr. Knight reviewed Public Safety personnel changes. Discussion ensued on the elimination of
an Emergency Dispatcher 1 position and addition of a Crime Analyst position.
Mr. Knight advised that the Police budget includes expenditures for insurance, utilities, and other
costs associated with the Public Safety Facility. Mr. Knight noted that the total Public Safety
• budget for 2008 is less than the current yeaz's budget in almost every line item
Public Safety Director Steve Canfield explained "special pay" which relates to certification pay
and special detail pay.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held July 31, 2007 Page 2 of 2
Brief discussion took place concerning alternate sources of revenue, such as implementing a
fu•e/rescue service fee. Chief Canfield briefly discussed the ambulance transport fee billing
Discussion was held on the Public Safety capital plan. Discussion ensued on the possibility of
adding additional security cameras.
Mr. Knight discussed outsourcing school crossing guazd positions in order to alleviate staffing
problems, which result in having to use police officers as crossing guards.
Mr. Knight reported a personnel change in the Facility and Vehicle Division, and noted a
corresponding increase in the Facility Services budget.
Mr. Knight noted a decrease in the Public Works Administration budget of 7%, and a decrease of
6.1 % in the Sanitation budget.
Discussion ensued on a sanitation service fee. Council discussed the need to educate and inform
Village residents on this issue. By wnsensus, the Council authorized Mr. Knight to investigate
implementing a sanitation service fee and to place this item on an upcoming Workshop agenda
for further discussion.
• Mr. Knight reviewed the Streets and Grounds budget and noted that although it is up 18%, this is
due to a request by the auditors that certain iterns previously accounted for in operating costs -
repairs & maintenance be moved to capital -construction & major renovation.
Discussion was held on outsourcing maintenance of the roadway medians and the grounds at
Village Hall and other facilities. Mr. Knight estimated cost savings of approximately $350,000
in the Grounds Maintenance Division if this work was outsourced.
Mr. Knight noted some reduction in the appropriation for street overlay in the proposed budget.
Mr. Knight reviewed the Vehicle Maintenance Division and noted an increase of $72,342 due to
moving all auto parts line items to the budget for this division.
Mr. Knight reviewed the Public Works Capital Plan. Discussion ensued on the supply line from
the Earman River.
The next Budget Workshop meeting was tentatively set for August 8, 2007.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m
• o~~ ~ /~~~ ~~~
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk