04-26-2001 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, APRIL 26, 2001 Present: Absent: ROLL CALL: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor Donald G. Noel, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Joseph A. Tringali, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk David B. Norris, Mayor The meeting was called to order at 9:55 p.m. All members of the Council were present. All members of staff were present except Mayor Norris, who was out of town. LEASE AGREEMENT -KAYAK STORAGE Discussion was held concerning entering into an agreement with the North Palm Beach Yacht Club for the purpose of storing kayaks and boats at the Anchorage Park storage building. The Council directed that language be added to the draft agreement to cover the use of utilities. The Council also discussed establishing a policy for such agreements which would determine how much liability is involved and how much insurance would be needed (Examples: Eddie D contract; ball retrieval contract; Pro's contracts). Staff was asked to provide recommendation on the amount of insurance. Village Attorney George Baldwin was directed to change language to read: Yacht Club shall carry commercial general liability insurance in a combined single limit of $1, 000, 000. This item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of May 10, 2001. Staff was directed to develop a policy for all outside groups who use Village facilities. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE The Council continued discussion concerning a proposed ordinance providing for an Emergency Management Plan in the Village of North Palm Beach. Revisions are needed to eliminate the conflicts between the Mayor and the Public Safety Director in the Charter and Code of Ordinances . This item will be brought back to the Workshop of May 10, 2001. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RESOLUTIONS -ENACTMENT MEASURES The proposed emergency management resolutions required to enact emergency measures in the event of natural disaster or civil disorders will be brought back to the workshop of May 10, 2001, along with the Emergency Management ordinance. Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, April 26, 2001 ti.., LOAN PROPOSALS -VILLAGE HALL PROJECT The Council discussed loan proposals received for the financing of various projects, including the renovation of the Village Hall and the dredging of Village waterways. By consensus, the Council selected the proposal of Bank of America, with a variable rate of 3.74%, and forwarded it to the Regular Session of May 10, 2001. ADELPHIA CABLE AUDIT Discussion was held concerning settlement of Adelphia Cable Company's outstanding franchise fee liability and direction to staff regarding deposit of the check in the amount of $23,651. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of May 10, 2001, and staff was authorized to send a letter to the FCC regarding the conduct of Adelphia Cable during the audit process. BUDGET AMENDMENT -OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT. Discussion took place concerning a proposed budget amendment in the amount of $2,500 for outside contractor services to provide relief in the Information Systems Dept.; from A5540- 49900 (Council Contingency) to A4902-33113 (Contract Labor). Staff was directed to find another source from which to transfer the money. This was forwarded to the Regular Session of May 10, 2001. 911 CALL-TAKERS -REIMBURSEMENT FOR DISPATCHER SALARIES Discussion was held concerning using Palm Beach County's 911 call-taker reimbursement funds to raise current dispatcher salaries, retroactive to October 2000. Staff was directed to obtain a disclaimer from the union, and to look at the Records Clerks and Secretaries, in comparison. Staff also was directed to get together with the Finance Director to go over the Council's questions regarding making this retroactive. This will be brought back to the next workshop on May 10, 2001. JOB DESCRIPTION AMENDMENT -DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL Discussion was held concerning amending the Deputy Building Official's job description by deleting the requirement of Certified Building Code Administrator. Public Services Director Tom Hogarth explained that the requirement is not necessary for the Deputy Building Official's position, and the requirement is already fulfilled by the Director. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of May 10, 2001. SWALE TREE REGULATIONS Discussion was held concerning revising the code to establish more detailed Swale tree regulations and enforcement. The consensus of Council was to appoint an ad hoc committee to 2 Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, Apri126, 2001 review the tree swale regulations and make a recommendation to Council. A resolution ~- establishing the committee will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of May 10, 2001. BUDGET TRANSFER -SECRETARY POSITION IN VILLAGE MANAGER' S OFFICE Discussion was held concerning a budget transfer in the amount of $3,035 from General Services accounts A5509-33113 (Contract Labor) and A5509-34710 (Printing and Binding) to various Village Manager salaries and benefits accounts to cover negotiated salary of Executive Secretary. The negotiated salary was not approved, and no action was taken on this item. INVESTMENT POLICY Without time to fully discuss this item, it will be brought back to the next workshop session on May 10, 2001. EMERGENCY PURCHASES & BUDGET TRANSFERS Due to an approaching curfew, this item will be brought back to the next workshop session on May 10, 2001. ADJOURNMENT Having reached the 11 p.m., curfew, the meeting adjourned. L- K thleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village C rk 3