05-10-2001 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, MAY 10, 2001 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor Donald G. Noel, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Joseph A. Tringali, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 8:59 p.m. All members of the Council were present. All members of staff were present. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Edward D'Ambra addressed the Council with a request for a deferral of payments for taxes paid by the Village on his behalf. Mr. D'Ambra cited a poor cash flow during the summer months, and asked for deferral of the balance (approximately $4800) until November 1, 2001. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda for May 24, 2001. Staff was directed to see if there is a way to speed up the cash flow for the restaurant operation. RECREATION MASTER PLAN FOR ANCHORAGE PARK Patrick Cunningham of Michael Redd & Associates was present to discuss the Anchorage Park Conceptual Master Plan. The Council asked Mr. Cunningham to prepare an estimate for redrawing the plan to incorporate the changes recommended by the Recreation Advisory Board. This will be brought back to the workshop of May 24, 2001. PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS -AMENDMENT Discussion was held concerning amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village to revise the Pay for Performance Program and approving the current scale for evaluation scores. The Council clarified its intent for the categories used in employee evaluations, i.e. "Below Expectations" indicates below average, "Meets Expectations" is average, "Exceeds Expectations is above average, and "Outstanding" is excellent Further, no extra increase beyond the Cost-of- Living increase is intended for the categories "Meets Expectations" and "Below Expectations". The amount of the Cost-of-Living increase is to be determined by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on April 1st. After the employee surveys are collected, the results will be brought back to the Council and determination will be made at that time if the current scale for evaluation scores ~,, should be used again. Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, May 10, 2001 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE -POSTPONED This was postponed until the next workshop on May 24, 2001. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RESOLUTIONS -ENACTMENT MEASURES This was postponed until the next workshop on May 24, 2001. 911 CALL-TAKERS -REIMBURSEMENT FOR DISPATCHER SALARIES Discussion was held concerning using Palm Beach County's 911 call-taker reimbursement funds to raise current dispatcher salaries, retroactive to October 2000. The Council was assured by Sgt. Mutz that the increases would be retroactive for the first time only, since payment has been delayed since last October in order to get more accurate figures. This item was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda for May 24, 2001. BID AWARD -LEVELING OF DRIVING RANGE TEE - NPBCC GOLF COURSE Discussion took place concerning accepting the bid of Detailed Sports Turf, Inc., Hobe Sound, Florida, in the amount of $12,880 for budgeted improvements at the Country Club Driving Range; funds to be expended from L8046-66210 (Construction & Major Renovation). This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of May 24, 2001. BUDGET TRANSFER -OVERTIME PAY -PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT. Discussion was held concerning a budget transfer request in the amount of $12,000 from A5711- 11210 (Regular Pay) to A5711-11400 (Overtime Pay) to cover line item deficit in the Public Safety Department. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of May 24, 2001. PURCHASING RULES AND REGULATIONS - EMERGENCY PURCHASES AND EMERGENCY BUDGET TRANSFERS The consensus of Council was to change the limit of the Village Manager's authority to $10,000 instead of $20,000 for emergency purchases and emergency transfers. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of May 24, 2001. Further, the Council stated that it will be their intention to change requirement for going out to bid to $10,000. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT -CUMBERLAND CASUALTY Discussion consisted of sending this settlement agreement and release of claims in the amount of $35,591.97 in exchange for release of Cumberland Casualty and Surety Company to the Regular Session agenda of May 24, 2001. COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATOR JOB DESCRIPTION 2 Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, May 10, 2001 Approaching curfew prevented discussion on this item, and it will return to the next Workshop agenda on May 24, 2001. INVESTMENT POLICY Approaching curfew prevent discussion on this item, and it will return to the next Workshop agenda on May 24, 2001. ADJOURNMENT Having reached the 11 p.m. curfew, the meeting adjourned. ~~~ ~ Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Cl o.~