07-09-2001 VC B WS-MR.
~~° ME
Office of the Village Manager
(561) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344
E-MAIL: villnpb(a~evcom.net
The Village of
SOl U.S. Highway #1
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
DATE: July 10, 2001
TO: Mayor & Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana
SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Worksho of July 9, 2001
The Village Council met in workshop session on Monday, July 9, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. to
review the proposed Country Club budget for FY 01-02. All Council members were
present with the exception of Councilman Tringali. Country Club Advisory Board
members present were: Chairman Paul Lambrakis, Vice Chairman Bob Below, members
Sandy Finck, Joe O'Hagan, and Jim Bender. Club staff present were Country Club
Administrator Ron Albert, Golf Pro John Scott, Pool Manager Dick Cavanah, Tennis Pro
Marcel Agnolin, and Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut; staff present
were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, and Assistant
Village Manager Doug Smith.
The Council entered into budget workshop discussions and made the following changes
(see attachment):
The Council ended their discussion with Country Club Administration at 10:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at
10:00 p.m.; they will start with the Clubhouse/Grounds budget on Tuesday, July 10, 2001
in workshop session at 7:00 p.m.
cc: Country Club Advisory Board
Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager
Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator
John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent
John Scott, Golf Pro
Marcel Agnolin, Tennis Pro
Dick Cavanah, Pool Manager
~ Dept. Account No. Name Remarks From To
Country Club General Discussion
1. Staff to look into developing improvements to the golf
course: review the Gary Wiren report, develop cost estimates
for designs, obtain plans for golf course renovations separate
from driving range improvements (include separate cost for
both projects).
2. Staff to develop a five, ten, fifteen year equipment
acquisition program.
3. Council to discuss establishing a CPI for non-union
personnel based on the current CPI for the month of April
2001 meanwhile, staff will continue with the 2% built into the
budget for budget purposes until such time as the Council
makes a change to the base wage increase.
4. Staff to develop a program to seek donations to pay for the
tee signs as memorials on the golf course.
Golf Course
L8045-11110 Executive Salaries Bring Golf Course Superintendent salary back in line with $74,946 $58,085
other salaries in relation to across the board increases.
Salaries will all be subject to salary review during the next
fiscal year.
L8045-34110 Telephone Updated estimate $2,500 $2,000
L8045-34680 R & M Streets Roads and Updated estimate for additional cart path work $750 $1,000
L8045-35222 Trees and Sod Updated estimates for additional in-house work on tees, $5,000 $15,000
regrassing of right-of-way strip along U.S. 1 at the tennis
courts, and the proposed new barrier along U.S. 1 at the
tennis courts.
L8045-66210 Construction and major Reinstate new rest room for $45,000.00 $11,700 $56,700
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De t. Account No. Name Remarks From: To:
Golf Shop/Carts/
Driving Range
L8046- 11210 Regular Pay Adjust salary back to 2% increase $108,074 $104,773
L8046-34110 Telephone Updated estimate $8,000 $9,000
General Discussion The changes discussed regarding the driving range are to be
included as part of a concept plan with the golf course
L8050-34620 R & M Building & Grounds Include wind screens as a new purchase. $100 $4,810
L8050-35228 Sand, Clay, Shell & Topsoil Updated estimates $2,500 $3,000
L8050-66000 Capital Move this item from Capital to R & M Building & Grounds $3,000 $0
General Discussion 1. Develop repair cost for replacing gazebo shelter in the
tennis area.
2. Staff will look into cost for replacing the entire tennis
building for next fiscal year.
L8051-34110 Telephone Updated estimate $2,500 $3,000
L8051-35260 Chemicals Updated estimate $12,000 $14,000
Food & Beverage
L8053-34110 Telephone Include funding for maintenance cost and for connection to $0 $2,000
Bell South Central Office.
L8053- 34932 Public Events To fund family events/outings once a month at the Country $500 $4,000
Club Restaurant.
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De t. Account No. Name Remarks From: To:
Administration Staff to bring back a cost estimate for a monthly Country Club
Newsletter to be sent out with the monthly billing. Council to
establish a policy for Country ClubNillage employees to have
the privilege of using the facilities free of charge (said policy to
be addressed as an agenda item at a Council meeting and not
during the budget workshops).
L8056-11110 Executive Salaries Salaries to reflect 2% base wage increase $44,989 $42,829
Staff to submit justification back-up for the administrative cost
L8056-33220 Administration Village transfer.
Place greater emphasizes on advertising for off season
L8056-34910 Advertising starting around May 2002 $15,000 $25,000
L8056-34970 Bad Debt Expenses Updated estimate $2,500 $800
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