07-10-2001 VC B WS-M,~ a sd~ ' p M° M E Office of the Village Manager DEN;~;IS W. KELLY (561) 841-3380 . FAX (561) 848-3344 E-MAIL: villnpbrevcom.net MORANDUM The Village of NORTH PALM BEACH SOI U.S.Highway~l North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 DATE: July 11, 2001 TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manage SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 10, 2001 The Village Council met in workshop session on Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. to review the proposed Country Club budget for FY 01-02 and the Recreation and Special Events budget of the General Fund budget for FY 01-02. All Council members were present with the exception of Councilman Tringali who is recovering from surgery. Country Club Advisory Board members present were: Chairman Paul Lambrakis, Vice Chairman Bob Below, members Patty Unruh, Joe O'Hagan, and Jim Bender; also present were Don Grill, Chairman Recreation Advisory Board, and Mark Hodgkins Recreation Director. Club staff present were Country Club Administrator Ron Albert, Golf Pro John Scott, Pool Manager Dick Cavanah, Tennis Pro Marcel Agnolin, and Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut; staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, and Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith. The Council entered into budget workshop discussions and made the following changes (see attachment): The Council ended their discussion with Special Events from the General Fund at approximately 10:00 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at 10:00 p.m.; they will not meet on Wednesday, July 11, 2001 and will reconvene on Monday, July 16, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. to begin discussions on the General Fund Budget. DWK:jwc Attachment cc: Country Club Advisory Board Recreation Advisory Board Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Scott, Golf Pro Marcel Agnolin, Tennis Pro Dick Cavanah, Pool Manager VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-10-01) Dept. Account No. Name Remarks Country Club Administration L8056-33220 Administration-Village Updated estimate Clubhouse/ Grounds Country Club Reserve Golf Course Maintenance L8056-34710 Printing & Binding Updated estimate -Country Club Staff to initiate a monthly newsletter in the billing. L8059-35214 Building Maintenance Updated estimate Supplies L8059-66490 Machinery & Equipment Include air-conditioning unit for the pool merchandise shop L8070-49910 Country Club Finance Director to balance budget on this line item with any Contingency surplus available after budget has been completed L8045-33190 Professional Services Staff to obtain proposals for conceptual plans for redesigning portions of the golf course and the driving range General Discussion Staff to obtain cost estimate from Florida Power and Light for burying power lines under fairways 1 and 5; estimates to include cost for burying lines under both fairways and cost for burying lines under just fairway 5 From: To: $35,000 $70,000 $1,400 $1,700 $2,000 $1,500 $0 $2,500 $52,853 $50,000 $0 $15,000 Page 1 of 4 Dept. Account No. Name General Discussion Country Club Revenues Remarks 1. Change the long term disability contribution rate from .44% to .65%; staff to examine 100% contributory coverage for all employees (determine cost savings in relation to Workers Compensation) Fee Schedule Change the cost of a large bucket of balls from $7.00 to $8.00 General Discussion Change the resident/non-resident social fee from $21.00 to $100.00; change the corporate rate for social membership from $166.00 to $250.00 and create a junior social rate in the amount of $21.00 per year. From: N/A To: N/A L2100-05231 Golf Greens Fees $300,000 $330,000 L2100-05232 Golf Cart Rental 1. Discussion ensued for the record to reduce the walking $921 457 fee after 3:00 p.m. with Council's decision to not change the , $952,000 current policy. 2. Provide an explanation in the monthly newsletter regarding the $17.00 special after 3:00 p.m. L3200-07500 Driving Range Proceeds $150,000 $160,000 L2100-06683 Social-Junior $0 $1,500 L2100-06621 Club Resident $300,000 $309,000 L2100-06622 Club-Non-Resident Council to discuss membership benefits as an agenda item $430 000 during next available workshop session. , $444,000 Tennis Revenues L2150-03261 Guest Fees $25,000 $27,000 L2150-03262 Court Rental $6,000 $7,000 Page 2 of 4 I Dept. Account No. Name Tennis Revenues L2150-03641 Membership-Resident L2150-03642 Membership-Non- Resident Golf Shop Revenues L2246-02302 Bag Room Remarks From: To: $27,000 $30,000 $50,000 $55,000 Food & Beverage Revenues General Discussion Council directed staff to negotiate a contract amendment with JEDL, Inc. to remove the $10.00 minimum and the 10% member discount from the contract; if JEDL, Inc. is not agreeable to removing the $10.00 minimum and the 10% discount from the contract then staff is to implement the contract effective October 1, 2001. Miscellaneous Revenues $11,000 $12,000 L3100-08200 Interest earned -SBA $25,000 $20,000 Village Council concluded their discussion on the Country Club budget and proceeded to discuss the General Fund Budget starting with the Recreation Department. Page 3 of 4 Dept. Account No. Name Remarks From: To: GENERAL FUND BUDGET Recreation Department A8028-34010 Travel Council reduced the mileage reimbursement from 3,000 to 600 $3 $1 600 $1000.00 due to Recreation Director receiving a new vehicle. , , A8028-35214 Building Maintenance Supplies $10,000 $14,500 A8028-35218 Auto Parts Supplies Cost for maintaining new vehicle $500 $1,000 A8028-35280 Gas, Oil & Lubricants Cost for maintaining Directors new vehicle $700 $1,200 A8028-66210 Construction of major Changeable copy sign for the Community Center on renovation Prosperity Farms Road $0 $10,000 A8028-66410 Automotive Recreation Director to tease a small sport utility vehicle similar to a Ford Explorer Sport or Chevrolet Blazer $0 $5,000 A8028-66422 Playground and Outside Council deleted the volleyballs systems (outdoor) from Equipment $2,500.00 to 0; Council reinstated volleyball systems (indoor) $32,600 $40,100 - two systems from 0 to $4000.00 and reinstated portable bleachers one from 0 to $6000.00 Special Events A8229-66490 Machinery and Equipment Replacing bleacher sections $0 $5,000 1. Request was made to paint the concrete fence on the outside portion of Osborne Park; 2. Council to discuss at future agenda a policy regarding General Discussion donations. Page 4 of 4