07-23-2001 VC B WS-M corrected Office of the Village Manager DENNIS W. KELLY (561) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344 E-MAIL: villnpbna.evcom.net The Village of NORTH PALM BEACH 501 U.S. Highway ~I North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 DATE: July 25, 2001 ~ TO: Mayor & Village Council ; ; FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana~ SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Worksho~~linutes of July 23, 2001 Correction Please note the following correction on the Village Council Budget Workshop minutes of July 23, 2001. Paragraph three (3) the Village Clerk is responsible for advertising the millage rate and also the Public Hearings to be held in September, not the Finance Director. Thank you. DWK:jwc cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager Chief Earl "Duke" Johnson, Public Safety Department Tom Hogarth, Public Services Department Kathleen Kelly, Village Clerk MEMORANDUM Attachment # 1 General Comments: Preceding budget discussion on specific budget items: • Discussion ensued regarding lighting study from Gee & Jenson. Staff to invite consulting engineer that conducted the study to come to the August 23, 2001 regular Council meeting to explain the study and answer questions by the Council. • Productivity incentives -staff to check minutes from last years budget to determine productivity incentives for employees and provide an interpretation of that issue. • Staff to examine and make a proposal to the Council regarding vanity credit cards. • Public Safety -Code Enforcement: Re-emphasize involvement by Public Safety Department and Code Enforcement activities primarily at night and on weekends. Public Services Code Enforcement Officers and Director are to meet with Public Safety Department to accomplish training and priorities of issues for Code Enforcement. (Examples were "For Sale" signs in swales and "Open House" signs without permits). • Generate minutes from the General Employees Pension Beard reflecting discussion regarding defined benefits verses defined contributions and send xerox copy to Council. • Staff directed to develop a proposed recommendation regarding telephones for emergency use on the golf course. • Change the life time insurance cap from one million to two million dollars of coverage. • Revenues -how much of Prosperity Harbor development are on the tax roles? Ho~v much of the Millings Marina development are on the tax roles? Staff to obtain response from property appraiser and report back to the Village Council. • Propane Gas Franchise -staff to develop aprogram/policy for collecting and enforcing propane gas franchises from smaller companies. Public Safety Department and Code Enforcement to work together to monitor propane gas companies coming into the Village that do not pay to validate that they are franchised by the Village. • Marina decals -obtain explanation as to current policy. • Bike Registration - re-emphasize current policy and advertise in the newsletter promoting bike registrations. `~.,~ Attachment #2 ~•-- General Comments: Millage Rate • Reduce millage rate from 5.7500 mils to 5.600 mils • A surplus to be determined by the Finance Director after finalizing all the budget numbers and establishing a surplus percentage of the overall budget. • Staff to find S 1,000. in this years budget to repair the roof on the shed at the tennis courts. '~~.. C ~ VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-23-01) Dept. Account No. Name Remarks From To General Fund A5540-49913 Reserve-Group Health $250,000 $200,000 Reserve A5540-49915 Reserve-Raises and Benefits Change reflects increase from 2% to 3.3% cost of living $0 $56,000 increase for all employees. The $56,000. represents the unions portion of the increase and the non-union portion of the increase is already spread throughout the budget. The same changes apply to the Country Club Fund as well A5540-49925 Performance Raise Union to be spread from 0 to 4% and non-union to be spread $180,000 $138,000 from 0 to 5%. Find attached 2001 Performance Evaluations scoring system table one and table two titled Example of Formula Based Distribution of Performance Pay Increases. These were by consensus's adopted by the Council and are made a part of these minutes by attachment. General Fund A0400-00100 Utility Tax -Electric $810,000 $860,000 Revenues A0400-00200 Utility Tax - $450,000 $480,000 Telecommunications A0618-01100 Village Occupational License $195,000 $203,000 A0618-03910 Marina $72,000 $76,000 A0618-03920 Marina Decals $5,000 $6,000 A0911-04100 Court Fines $95,000 $145,000 A0911-04600 Ambulance Fees $160,000 $180,000 Page 1 of 2 Account No. Name Remarks ~~.,.,,• r.,• A1200-02190 911 System Enhancement $46,428 $75,000 Page 2 of 2 !-able 1 ?001 Performance Evaluation Scoring System For 2001, the overall performance evaluation scores will be calculated as follows: • An employee's percentage score will be calculated based on the supervisor's evaluation. • The percentage will then be compared to the table below to determine the overall evaluation score (i.e., a score of 75% yields an overall score of Exceeds Expectations). ~ Scale for Evaluation Scores Outstanding 84% to 100% Exceeds Expectations 67% to 83% Meets Expectations X50% to 66% Below ExpectationsBelow 50% ?001 Proposed Performance Pay Increases If the proposed new• system is implemented, employees evaluated in the 2001 performance evaluation cycle will receive performance pay increases as follows: • .~ formula based system will be used for distributing perforniance salary increases. • Performance pay increases will be distributed based on the employee's percentage score (such as 75%) rather than the employee's overall evaluation score (such as Exceeds Expectations). Example - :3n employee who receives a 7~% score may receive a 2% performance pay increase, and a employee who receives a 77% may receive a 2.16% performance pay increase, even though both received overall evaluation ratings of Exceeds Expectations. • Only employees with a score of 100% on the evaluation would receive the top performance pay increase • The Village Council will determine the actual formula for distributing the performance pay increases during the budget process. • An example distribution of performance pay increases is provided below for illustration purposes only; the Village Council will determine the actual system and the percentage increases during the budget process. Example of Formula Based Performance Pay Increases Performance Rating Score Range Pay Increase Outstanding 84% to 100% 2.72% to 4.0% Exceeds Expectations 67% to 83% 1.36% to 2.64% Meets Expectations 50% to 66% 0% to 1.28% Below Expectations Below 50% 0% Table 2: Example of Formula-Based Distribution of Performance-Pay Increases Please Note: ~- The following information in an example for illustration purposes only. The Actual Distribution of Performance Pay Increases will be determined during the FY 2001-2002 Budget Process. Performance Rating Score Range Pay Increase Outstanding 84% to 100% 2.72% to 4.0% Exceeds Expectations 67% to 83% 1.36% to 2.64% tileets Expectations `0% to 66% 0% to 1.28% Below Expectations Below 50% 0% In the above example, a formula would be used to determine the employee's increase based on the percentage score on the performance evaluation. This example uses 4% for the maximum performance pay increase. If the above example were implemented, the performance pay increases would be distributed as follows: Percentage Performance Percentage Performance Score Pay Increase Score Pay Increase 50.00% 0.00% 75.00% 2.00% 51.00% 0.08% 76.00% 2.08% 52.00% 0.16% ~ 77.00% 2.16% 53.00% 0.24% ~ 78.00% 2.24% 54.00% 0.32% 79.00% 2 32% 55.00% 0.40% ~ 80.00% . 2.40% 56.00% 0.48% S1.C0% 2.48% 57.00% 0.56% _ 82.00% o 2.So" /o 58.00% 0.64% 83.00% 2.64% 59.00% 0.72% 84.00% 2.72% 60.00% 0.80% 85.00% 2.80% 61.00% 0.88% 86.00% 2.88% 62.00% 0.96% 87.00% 2.96% 03.00% 1.04% 88.00% 3.04% 64.00% 1.12% ~ 89.00% 3.12% 65.00% 1.20% 90.00% 3 20% 66.00% 1.28% 91.00% . 3.28% 67.00% 1.36% 92.00% 3.36% 68.00% 1.44% 93.00% 3.44% 69.00% 1.52% 94.00% 3.52% 70.00% 1.60% 95.00% 3.60% 71.00% 1.68% 96.00% 3.68% 72.00% 1.76% 97.00% 3.76% 73.00% 1.84% 98.00% 3.84% 74.00% 1.92% 99.00% 3.92% 100.00% 4.00%