07-12-2000 VC B WS-Ma~~9~1 ,~ ~~ Office of the Vi!iage tifana~er ~~ DE~+~i1S ~~'. KELLY i561) 3-t'-,DSO . F.~X (561) 8-i3-;=-~-t E-~1.-AIL: •vii~njJl7cceticom.ner Date: July l~, ?OOC To: y~layor & Village Council ~-• From: Dennis ~L". Kelly. Village ~lanavr~~ RE: `'illage Council Budget ~~~orksho~~~~~pT'"a~~~~~f Julr~ 12, 2000 ~'I E l~~I O R A ~T D U .i~'~ The Village of tiORTH PAL:~i BEA~'FI Lurh Palm r3each, Florida i3-i!!R The Village Council met in workshop session on `~~'ednesdav. July l~, ?000, at -:00 p.m. to review the proposed Country Club budget for F~' 2000-?OOland began reviewing the General Fund budget for FY 2000- ~001 starting tivith Law Enforcement. .~!! Council members ~~-ere present: staff present were: V'i!ia~e ~~lanager Dennis Kelly, Finance Directcr Shaukat Khan, Ass;stan*. Village L(ana~~er Dou, Smith. Coin =- Club Administrator Ron Albert. Head Golf Prc John Scott, Golf Course ;Maintenance Superintendent Jon_ ~lorsut, ar,d Pool Manager Dick Cavanah. Representing Public Safety were Public Safety Director~l'o(ic Chief Ear( "Duke'' Johnson, Captain Geor,e ~~"amen, Ser~ean*. Jack tiV'atrous and Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong. Also in attendance were members of the Country Club Advisory Board: Chairman Pau! Lambrakis. Vice Chairrnan Bob Below, member Jim Bender. The Council entered into budget workshop disc~assiens startin, with revenues of the Country Club an~J.:;ladc changes per the attached workshop changes shut faacred). - There being n?l t'r*ner buslne~5 t0 CC[ile bt rCC: ~ C 1 ~~i n~i';. * C ~iJCd aQ~JLlrnei: aC It):I)i~ p.r!i ~iaf"T WIC!1 Cile ),.dt~' ;=,n:l`~reement Bud,*et on ~IJni'a ~ _„_,' ' , =~ _, S: ~~Or ksilop Sess;On aI :QO p m - . Attachment cc: Country C'!u'^v :,,dvisory Board Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager Kathleen Kelly, Village Clerk v Earl "Duke" Johnson, Public Safety Dire.aor Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator Joan Scott. Head Golf Pro John ytorsu*., Gclf Course Main±enar.ee Superintendent "~,,,~ < < VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-12-00) Dept. Account No. Name Remarks From: To: GOLF COURSE L2100-05232 Golf Cart Rental Reference attached cart fee revenue rate chart for 2000-2001 titled "total cart fee revenues". $709,500.00 $797,72G.00 DEB1~~ SFf:VICE L8565-49152 Payment -Bank Loan (Club Renovation) f:efinance the current 5-year loan to a 10-year loan GOLF SHOP L8046 Salary/Organization Council was presented with a detailed chart (see attached golf operations recommended changes chart dated 7/12/00). Council decided to continue reviewing said chart and bring tfre information back for further discussion at a later date. Revenue/Golf Fees Council discussed option of a special golf fee for players starting after 4:00 p. m. The suggested amount was $15.00 after 4:00 p.rn. Staff was directed to research green fee receipts incurred after 4:00 p. m. to determine the history of usage after 4:00 p.m Golf Pro Position Council directed staff to review old minutes to determine reason as to why Tuller was transitioned from a contract employee to a regular Village employee. ADMINISTRATION Marketing Expense Staff directed by Council to develop a dollar amount for marketing the Country Club. COUNTRY Cl_UB Comprehensive Review Staff directed to re-examine various options and bring a valanced budget back to the Council not limited by fee increases, lay-offs and/or personnel replacements. $180, 000.00 $80,000.00 Page 1 of 2 Account No. Name PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT A5711-11210 Regular Pay A5711-11410 Holiday Overtime A5711-11420 Training Overtime Remarks Reinstate certification budget in the amount of $15,000.00 from Line A5711-11520 (increment pay) to regular pay. Reflect a more accurate accounting of holiday overtime requirements. f2eflect an increased need in training overtime From: ~ , To: $1,294,606.00 $1,309,606.00 $35,OOO.Ci0 $45,000.00 $25,000.00 $30,000.00 Page 2 of 2 CART FEE REVENUES 2000-2001 Estimated Total Cart Fee Revenues = $797,726 Resident Fufl Cart Resident Full Cart 18 hole Rate Total 9 "01e Rats Total 8500 $14.00 8119, COO. G0 3890 38.OC 831,12Q OG Non Resident Full Cart Non Resident Full Cart 18 hole Rate Total 9 hole Rate Tota I 794 517.00 $13,498.00 26d 310.00 32,640.CC Resident 1/2 Cart Resident 112 Cart 18 hole Rate Total + 9 hole Rate Total 25263 $14,00 8353,682.OC 5284 $8.00 $42,272.00 Non Resident 1J2 Cart Non Resident 112 ar* 18 hole Rate Total ~ ~ 9 re!= Rate Totai 1276 $17.C0 321,692.00 I 502y 310.00 35, 020.00 Summer Special Rounds Rate Total w 8855 819.82 $135,866.10 81.18 tax Chari Card Rounds Rate Total 334c $21.70 372, 564.80 $1.30 tax CART FEE REVENUES 2000-2001 Es#ima#ed Total Cart Fee Revenues = ~~pg,408 Resident Full Cart Resident Fui- Cart 18 hole Rate Tctai O1e Rate Tota (n~~/^~ i qrW $13.00 $ ? 10, 500.00 ~ 389C 56.75 $26,257,50 Non Resident Fult art Non Resident Full Cart 18 hole Rate Total 9~to1g Rate Total 794 $? 6.00 S 12, 704.00 ~ 264 S8.75 32, 310.00 Resident 1J2 Cart Resid--- ent ~/?_ art 18 hole Rate Total 9 '~C1g Rata Totai 25263 $13,00 $328,419.00 52&t 56.75 $35,687.30 Non Resident 112 Cart ~ Von Resident 1r2 Cart 18 hole Ras Totai .,o;? j - Rate Total 1276 ' $16.00 $20,416.00 I 5C2 ` $8.75 $4,392.50 Summer ecial Rounds Rate Totai 6855 $18.87 $129,353,85 an Card Rounds Rate Total 334'1 $20.75 $69,388.00 ~~ ~olr uper~tions Reconlfr~ended Chanr~c~s Curre-1t Orc a ' _t nlzation ----_ _- GOLF 5 F I O P - -- _-- -- ---- - -r-..-- _ ----.--------- Position Head Pro Assistant Pro Assistant Pro CC Attt~ndant I Ct; Allcinturl I CC; Attt>ndant I CC Attendant I TOTAL-- ---- - GOLF CARTS/RANGERS POSIJIUn CC Altendant I Cart Mechanic (38 weeks) CC Attendant I CC Attendant I CC Attendant I CC Attendant I CC Attendant I ~14 weeks~- TOTAL Weekly h_iours Salaried Salaried Salaried 2a 2a 28 28 FY 2000-01 --- FY 2000-01 - Weekly Hourly Annual Estimated Total Salary Hours -- Sala rY _ Sala _ ry Benefits + Benefits '}0 10.35 21,520 6,O2G-- - _ ~_` 27 ~4 ~ 2fi 11.99 12,754 1,913 , . 14,667 28 9.34 13,605 2,041 15 64Fi 28 9.34 13,605 2,041 , 15 64fi 28 9.34 13,605 2,041 , 15 646 25 9.34 12,147 1,82? , 1 969 3 28 9.34 3.663 .49 , 4,112 -- FY 2000-U1 _-- FY 2000-U1 ~- -~ - ~ -___.____-. Hourly Annual Estimated Total Salary Sala Sala Benefits + Benefits Salaried 30,484 6,536 - - 39 020 Salaried 29,287 6,200 , 37 447 Salaried '3,757 (i,t;~>2 , 30,409 9 t~3 13,81! :',U87 1'i 959 9.21 13,430 '',015 , 15 44Ei __-- ~:~=3 - --- ~ 3,877 .._ - 2,(Jf32 , ~ c . 1.i,J59 -------- ----_ _ 170 237 DRIVING RANGE Posltion Assistant Pro CC Attendant I CC Atterui~rnt I CC Attendant I CC Attendant I CC Attendant I 10 weeks ---1--- TOTAL Weekly Hours _ Salaried 24 14 28 FY 2000-01 F'Y 2000-01 Hourly Annual Sala Sala Salaried 21,452 9.34 11,661 9.a1 11,661 9.34 1 1,661 9.34 11,661 9.34 5,233 _.._ - - __ ---- 107 i31 Estimated Total Salary Benefits -- + Benefits 6,007 ----~~7,459- 1,749 13,411 1,74 9 13,41 1 1,749 13,411 1,149 13,411 785 6,018 ...87,118 GRAND TOTAL CURRENT' SALARIES K BENEFITS 'i1i4,68(i 7~1.>roo Recommended Organization COMBINE ALL DIVISIONS INTO UNE GOLF GOLF SHOP -- -- - -- OPERATIONS `-`"----- DIVISION FY 2000-01~FY 2000-01 ---~------- - - --~- "-- Position Weekly Hourly Annual Estimated Hour Total Salary - - Cashier' s -Sala _ Sala Benefits -------- 40 2--- - + Benefits 9.2 19 1fi:} 5,371 (,:rshrer' C;C A11c:ndanl PT 2a ~ :~: lr 13'.1. J 2,0 t'} 2ti 1 G,4~i3 CC Attendant PT 8.1)(I 11,fi4H 1,741 28 < <- 13,3J., CC Attendant P7 8.0(I 11,648 1,747 28 13,39`i _ TOTAL ti 00 1 1 698 t 7_4 7_ ------__-_-- _-____- -_ < < _ 1 a_3J > - _ ---- ----- --- 80.184 GOLF CARTS/RANGERS FY 2000-U1 FY 2000-01 ----- - - ------------ Weekly Posltion Hou Hourly Annual Estimated Total Salary rs --- ------- CC Allendant I 40 _ Salary Sala ~ Benefits --- -- - + BeneNts -... Cart Mechanic 28 10.35 10 00 21,5'20 6,01.6 ,7,~q~~ -_ (52 weeks) . 10,640 1,506 11,'36 CC Attendant PT 28 CC Attendant PT 28 8AU 11,648 1,747 13,395 CC Attendant PT 25 8.00 11,648 1,747 13,395 CC Atlendant PT 28 8.00 8 00 10,400 1,560 c 11,J60 . 1 1,648 1,747 1x,395 TOTAL -_ ---. __ .-_. -- _-- -------- ----- -- ------- ----- -----~ 1, 92 7 ----- DRIVING RA_N_G_E -- - ------- -- _ FY 2000-01 FY 2000-01 ii-- --`----- - Weekly Posltion Hour Hourly Annual E stimated Total Salary _ s --- - CC Attendant I Sala ___ rY.__--- . Sala _ ___- B - ~-- - enefits + Benefits 40 CC Attendant P f 24 9.34 19,427 ------ 5,440 ------_- -- _ 24,867 -- CC AllencJant Pl 24 8.00 8 00 9,984 1,498 11,-J82 CC AllencJant P7 24 . 8 00 9,984 c c 1,498 11,482 CC Attendant PT 24 . 8 00 J,J84 1,498 1 1,462 CC Attendant PT 28 . 8 00 9,084 1,498 11,482 20 weeks . 4,480 fi72 x,152 TOTAL ------- - ----- ---- ---- ----------- -____ __ 75,94.5 GRAN[) TO iAL RECOMMEN DED SAL A121ES 13, BENEFI i S 14H,056 REDUCTION IN SALARI ES & BENE I=ITS WITH RECOMMENDED ORGA NI7_ATIUN ~ 116,630 'NUIE~ Cashier Iwsitions are recornnrended t o he moved k CC ~- > Ar1n!i nistratiur,