07-25-2000 VC B WS-M
`~„~ Office of the Village Manager
(56l) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344
E-MAIL: yillnob cnr evcom net
Date: July 26, 2000
To: Mayor & Village Council
From: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager
RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 25, 2000
The Village of
~O1 U.S. Highway#I
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
The Village Council met in workshop session on Tuesday, July 25, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. to review the proposed
General Fund Budget for FY 2000-2001 and began their review with the Finance Department. All Council
members were present; staff present were: Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan,
and Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith.
The Council entered into budget workshop discussions starting with the Finance Department and made
changes per the attached workshop changes sheet.
There being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at 10:00 p.m.; they will
discuss Revenues on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 in workshop session starting at 7:00 p.m. During that session
they will set the tentative millage rate for FY 2000-2001. In addition, they are scheduled to meet on Monday,
July 31, 2000 to complete the Country Club Budget.
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager
Kathleen Kelly, Village Clerk
Tom Hogarth, Public Services Director
. ,
Dept. Account No. Name pemar ~~ From
FINANCE A5003- Pertormance Data Page 38, in the line titled "Budgeted Millions" under the $14,400,000.00
DEPARTMENT column titled "Projected 2000-2001" the $14.4 million is to
be determined in order to include the Country Club Budget.
A5003- Performance Data In the second line titled "Full-Time Employees" under the
column titled "Projected 1999-2000" change the number of
employees from 168 to 165.
A5003- Personnel Staff directed to initiate process through Village's Labor
Attorney to petition the Public Employees Relation
Commission #o change the status of the Accountant II and
the two (2) Public Safety Lieutenants from Union to
Non-Union status. In addition, the Council is to examine and
update the Job Description for the Accountant II.
Personnel Following lengthy discussion Council consensus was to
Pay for Pertormance maintain the four (4) evaluation categories of
v Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations,
and Below Expectations. The following percentages apply
to both union and non-union evaluation categories:
3% equals Outstanding
2% equals Exceeds Expectations
1% equals Meets Expectations
0% equals Below Expectations
In addition, Council directed staff to obtain a legal opinion
from the Village's Labor Attorney as to whether or not the
Village Council has the authority to pro-rate the distribution
of performance raises within whichever categories they
decide or must they evenly divide the distribution within the
four (4) categories described. Furthermore, the consensus
was that there would be a second evaluation for those
employees that were scored Below Expectations to be
conducted toward the end of September 2000.
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~~ .Account No. Name
RESERVE A5540-49925 Performance Raise
COUNTRY CLUB L8070-49925 Performance Raise
From: ~ To:
$139,000.00 $65,000.00
$16,400.00 $10,000.00
A4801-35420 Membership and Dues Increase the Palm Beach County Municipal League from $7,880.00 $9,080.00
$5,880.00 to $6,480.00; and include IPARC annual dues and
membership from $0.00 to $600.00.
A6416-11210 Regular Pay New PSO to be budgeted for 9 months instead of 12 months TBD TBD
'" Walking Fee Staff will research and confirm whether or not an increase
was approved for the walking fee and report back to the
-.r Council on Monday, July 31, 2000 as they address the
' ' ' Country Club Budget.
A0100-00110 Ad Valorem Taxes Staff directed to calculate Ad Valorem Tax based on 5.60
millage rate.
A0618-01100 Village Occupational Increase Village Occupational Licenses by 5%.
A0618-01120 Building Permits Increase Building Permit fees by an average of 15%; staff
directed to increase the various categories such that the
overall increase would equate to 15% as opposed to each
individual category being increased by 15%.
$185,000.00 $194,250.00
$300,000.00 $345,000.00
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Account No, Name Remarks
REVENUES A0618-03400 Fees -Refuse Collection Change the word "collection" to "disposal". Increase
(continued) disposal fee by 10%.
A0618-03910 Marina Increase fees by 10% .
A0618-03920 Marina Decals Increase Marina Decal fees from $13.00 to $25.00.
A0911-04600 Ambulance Fees
From: ~, To:
$80,000.00 $88,000.00
$68, 000.00 $74, 800.00
$4,500.00 $8,750.00
$135,500.00 $155,000.00
Staff directed to research various fees and do comparative
analysis with other jurisdictions as to what their fee levels are
for like services.
A4200--09300 Bank Loan $1.4 million for dredging of the canals and $1.2 million for $3,500,000.00 $2,600,000.00
Village Hall Renovation.
INTER- A1200-02190 911 System Enhancement Based on letter from Palm Beach County 911 Program the $19,914.00 $83,000.00
GOVERNMENTAL Program Village's share increases by approximately $60,000.00.
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