2007-081 Prosperity Farms Road Beautification Project Change Order• RESOLUTION 2007-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING PALM BEACH COUNTY'S REQUEST FOR A CHANGE ORDER TO THE CONTRACT WITH DELRAY GARDEN CENTER, INC. TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in February 2004, the Village entered into a Financial Assistance Agreement with Palm Beach County ("County"), whereby the County agreed to reimburse the Village for landscaping and other improvements along Prosperity Farms Road from Northlake Boulevard to Bums Road ("Project"); and WHEREAS, as a result of the competitive bidding process, the Village contracted with Florida Blacktop, Inc. to complete the Project, but was forced to terminate the contract due to Florida Blacktop's failure to perform in accordance with the terms ofthe contract and WHEREAS, the Village solicited proposals for the completion of the Project, and, at the County's request, the Village accepted the proposal of, and contracted with, Delray Garden Center, Inc. ("Delray Gazden") to perform the work necessary to complete the Project; and • WHEREAS, the County, through Commissioner Karen Marcus, has requested that the Village execute a change order to the contract with Delray Garden to provide additional landscaping improvements without further competitive bidding so as to enhance and expedite the completion ofthe Project; and WHEREAS, the Florida Statutes generally exempt contrails for completion of public projects where a contractor has been terminated from competitive bidding, and the County, through Commissioner Mazcus, has requested that the Village waive any of its own internal purchasing requirements that might otherwise require such bidding; and WHEREAS, the Village and the County recently executed a Second AmendmenC to the Financial Assistance Agreement in a total amount not to exceed $1,305,000.00, thereby providing sufficient funds to reimburse the Village for the total cost of the Project, including the additional landscaping set forth in the change order requested by the County; and WHEREAS, the Village's purchasing procedures require that all change orders to existing contracts in excess of$10,000.00 be approved by the Village Council; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that it is in the best interests of the public health safety and welfaze to grant the County's request to execute the change order with Delray Gazden • Center and to waive any conflicting Village purchasing procedures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals aze ratified as true and incorporated herein by reference. • Section 2. At the request of Palm Beach County, the Village Council of the Village of North Pahn Beach, Florida, hereby approves the execution of a change order to the contract with Delray Gazden Center, Inc. to provide for the installation of additional landscaping improvements for the Prosperity Farms Road Beautification Project. A copy of the change order is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. All resolutions, or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF AUGUST, 2007. ~,•/ ./ (Village Seal) Q~L/D/~ ~/! MA OR • ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK' C J EXHIBIT "A" CHANGE • ORDER AIA DOCUMENT G707 ARCNITlCT ° CONTRACTOR ° PIlLO ° oTxeR ° PROJECT: Prosperity Farms Road Beautification (name, address) TO (Contractor) Delray Garden Ceuter CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: ~ J /l u CONTRACT DATE: You are d/rected to make the to//ow/ng changes fo th/a Contract: Install additional landscape material as listed below: QUANTITY ITEM 6 Ligustrum Tree 54 Sabal Pelm 3 Live Oek 82$ Dwert eougaiavllls 336 Gold Mound Duranta 714 Dwarf Firebush 372 Cocoplum 673 AfriceR Irisis 81 Greeo Island 17 Crepe Myrtle 20 Adonidie Palm I70 Purple Queen 1 Traffic Control 1 Mulch B 1 Drawing DESCRIPTION Ligustrum Tree ]0' : 10' Curved Sabal Pelm 12' -18' CT Quartos VlrgiRla 16' - 18' Dwart Bougelnville Shrub Gold Mound Duronte 3G Hamelia Peteos 3C Red Tip Cocoplum 3G Dletes vegeta lC Greto Island Ficus 3G Crepe Myrtle 14' Adonidla Merdlli -Double 8' -9' CI' Purple Queeu IG Traffic Coutrol Staff Bulk of Mulch Architect Fee -Majestic View RATE $700.00 $400.00 51,100.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $6.Oo $12.00 $700.00 5700.00 56.00 $1,000.00 $1,206.00 $5,000.00 002 August 9, 3007 TOTAL $4,200.00 521,600.00 53,300.00 59,900.00 $4,032.00 $8,568.00 $4,464.00 54,038.00 $972.00 $11,900.00 $16,800.00 $1,020.00 $1,000.00 $1,206.00 ss,ooo.oo Total $98,000.00 The original Contract Sum was ...........................................................................$ $73,754.00 Net change by previous Change Orders .................................................................5 $0.00 The Contract Sum prior to the Change Order was ...................................................$ $73,754.00 The Contract Sum will be increased (decreased)(unchanged)by this Change Order..........$ $93,920.00 The new Contract Sum including the Change Order will be ........................................$ $167,674.00 The Contract Time will be (increased)(decreased)(unchanged) by ( 0) Days The Date of Completion as of the date o(this Change Order therefore is• ~ ® 9/30/2007 ~~ OT"iGGtGlt Q~j/~0_~ NAME DATE • NAME DATE AIA DOCUMLNT 6101 CWNGL ORDRR • APRIL I9A ADDD30N • AIA AMLRICAN INLTITUT[OP ARCmTRCI5,ID3 NRN'YDRR AVC. WASBINCTON, D.C. 10x36