JULY 26, 2007
Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor
William Manuel, Vice Mayor
Daryl Aubrey, Councilman
T.R. Hernacki, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Leonazd Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Absent: David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
Mayor Eissey called the Workshop Session to order at 8:55 p.m All members of Council were
present, except David Norris, who was out oftown. All members ofstaffwere present.
Brief discussion was held concerning options for addressing the pazking of commercial vehicles
. in residential neighborhoods. Vice Mayor Manuel requested that Council send this item to the
Planning Commission for review and recommendation. Village Attorney Len Rubin advised that
this is an appeazance issue and the Planning Commission administers the Appeazance Plan.
Council consensus was to refer this issue to the Planning Commission in its capacity as the
Appeazance Board. This item will be placed on an upcoming Workshop Agenda after the
Planning Commission makes its recommendation.
Discussion took place on Council direction to Village Boazds. A suggestion was made that the
Village Clerk or other staff member attend meetings of the Boazds to review and discuss the
Advisory Board and Committees policies and procedures established by Ordinance 2007-13,
rather than have each Board attend a Village Council Workshop Session.
Discussion ensued on providing guidance to the Boards concerning continued discussion on
topics that the Council may not be interested in pursuing. It was suggested that the Council
representative present at the meeting should bring such as issue forward to the Council for
consensus on direction to the Board.
Discussion ensued on the Boards establishing rules and regulations for the conduct of meetings
as specified in Ordinance 2007-13. It was suggested that any rules and regulations so adopted be
submitted to the Village Clerk's office. It was further noted that the ordinance provides for
• Council review of Boazd membership in the event of absence from 25% of meetings within a 12-
month period; however, the Waterways Boazd meets six times per year, which would trigger
review upon absence from two meetings.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held June 14, 2007 Page 2 of 2
Brief discussion took place regarding Boazd and Committee Chairs attending Council meetings
• periodically. Additionally, it was suggested that the Council representative at monthly Board
meetings could report to the Council on the meeting they attended, if there is something
exceptional that needs to be addressed.
Discussion took place concerning interpretation and enforcement of Village codes. Mr. Knight
advised that correcting interpretation issues could be addressed by Council bringing it to staff s
attention for the appropriate Board to review, with subsequent discussion by Council at a
Workshop Session. Mr. Knight noted that if provisions in the Code are felt to be outdated, the
Code may be amended by collective decision ofthe Council Mr. Rubin briefly reviewed quasi-
judicial proceedings, in which an established policy is applied to a set of specific facts, and
advised that the fmal ruling of the decision-making body must be based on the facts and merits
brought up during the hearing on the case.
It was requested that not only the Council representative who is attending an Advisory Boazd
meeting, but also the full Council, be provided with any agenda backup for the meeting.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
• Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk