06-13-2002 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2002 Present: unr r rAr r Edward M. Eissey, Mayor Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman David B. Norris, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk Mayor Eissey called the meeting to order at 10:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present. All members of staff were present. COUNCIL COMMENTS Staff was asked to provide a status report on various projects, such as the Osborne Park Building, Plat 4 Drainage, U. S. 1 sidewalk, S. W. Neighborhood water program, and the Lighthouse Drive Bridge, which is on hold, but the approach on the west side should be leveled. Mr. Kelly replied that the Village has been waiting on Lindahl, Browning to provide one last piece of information and it was received during the past week. Mr. Kelly said that the agreement with them has been reviewed by the Village Attorney and is good to go now. Lindahl, Browning also has the specifications for the Conroy Drive water project. Steve Yohe reported that there is no structural damage to the Lighthouse Bridge. A report from FDOT will be forthcoming stating that the damage is aesthetic in nature, not structural. Mr. Yohe reported that no progress is being made regarding the Osborne Park building. The last update showed a proposal from Mr. Beebe, but no action has been taken on it. Mr. Kelly will get with Mr. Yohe regarding this. The design for the sidewalk on U. S. 1 will be completed this week. Mr. Kelly stated that the plan for dead-ending some of the streets in the S. W. Neighborhood has been put on the back-burner until afull-time Public Services Director comes on board. PROPOSAL FOR SPECIAL COUNSEL SERVICES -TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC SERVICES UTILITY TAX, FRANCHISE FEES AND RELATED ISSUES Discussion was held concerning the proposal for Special Counsel Services on Telecommunications, Public Services Utility Tax, Franchise Fees and related issues. During discussion, it was stated by Village Attorney George Baldwin that he had checked all the Minutes of Workshop Session Held June 13, 2002 references as directed. By consensus, the Council suggested that staff consult with Liebowitz & Associates regarding a draft agreement and bring it back to the Workshop agenda of June 27, - 2002. Attorney George Baldwin was directed to review the contract. AUDITING SERVICES Discussion was held concerning proposals for auditing services for the Village of North Palm Beach. Staff submitted a shortlist of 5 proposals, which the Council will rank at the next Regular Session of June 27, 2002. REVISED EMPLOYEE HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN -SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION Continued discussion took place concerning a revised draft Summary Plan Description of the Employee Health Benefits Plan, as prepared by Employers Mutual Inc. (EMI). Staff was directed to check the status of the Dimension Agreement. The revised Summary Plan Description was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002. CODE AMENDMENT -CABLE TELEVISION RATE REGULATION Discussion was held concerning deleting Section 17-1 of the Village Code, Cable Television Rate Regulation. This will be brought back to the Workshop of June 27, 2002, with backup to include the reply of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to the Village's 1998 resolution objecting to Adelphia Cable rate increase. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT -COUNTRY CLUB BEAUTIFICATION Discussion was held concerning authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to sign a Financial Assistance Agreement with Palm Beach County for landscaping improvements adjacent to the North Palm Beach Country Club; reimbursement by Palm Beach County not to exceed $10,000. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002. BUDGET AMENDMENT -STATE EMS MATCHING GRANT The Council discussed a request to appropriate $13,411 for training and equipment for emergency personnel to deal with terrorism issues, of which $10,058.25 will be paid by the State of Florida. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002. BUDGET TRANSFER -OVERTIME PAY -PUBLIC SAFETY Discussion took place concerning a budget transfer of $70,000 from A5711-11210 (Regular Pay) to A5711-11400 (Overtime Pay) to cover deficit due to personnel losses and anticipated expenditures through the end of Fiscal Year 2001-02. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002. BUDGET TRANSFER -OVERTIME PAY -PUBLIC SAFETY-EMS 2 Minutes of Workshop Session Held June 13, 2002 Discussion was held concerning a budget transfer of $25,600 from Capital, Operating and Contingency accounts as detailed in RCA dated 4/18/02 to A6416-11400 (Overtime Pay) to offset unexpected expenditures in overtime accounts. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002, with direction to staff that no funds should be taken from the Contingency account. SWIMMING POOL -CODE AMENDMENT Discussion was held concerning amending the Code of the Village to add language pertaining to swimming pools. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002. CODE AMENDMENT -RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Discussion was held concerning amending Sec. 2-173 of the Code of Ordinances to include Sec. 18-35 of Ch. 18, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, under the Code Enforcement Board. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002. AUDITING SERVICES -PROPOSALS Discussion was held concerning proposals for auditing services for the Village of North Palm Beach. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of June 27, 2002 for ranking by the Village Council. BUDGET TRANSFER -USA CANOE/KAYAK (USACK) TRAINING FACILITY Comments from the public were heard regarding a request to authorize and fund a trip to Gainesville, Georgia to meet with USACK officers regarding permanent relocation of USACK training facility to North Palm Beach and conduct site visit of the facility; $1,100 from A5540- 49911 (Council Contingency) to A4801-34010 (Travel); and $620 from A5540-49900 (Village Manager Contingency) to A4902-34010 (Recreation-Travel) and A8028-34010 (Manager- Travel). This will be brought back to the next Workshop agenda of June 27, 2002 for contimied discussion. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 1 I :00 p.m. ~ ~~ Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC Village Clerk 3