07-02-2002 VC B WS-M~~ MEMORANDUM ~p~0 Office of the Village Manager - The Village of DEi ~ S W. KELLY NORTH PALM BEACH (Sbl) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344 501 U.S. Highway #1 E-MAIL: manager@village-npb.org North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 TO: Mayor and Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop -Tuesday, 7/2/02 DATE: July 3, 2002 The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 7:00 PM to continue reviewing the proposed Country Club budget for FY 2002-2003. All Council Members were present. Country Club Advisory Board members present were: Chairman Paul Lambrakis, Jim Bender, Joe O'Hagan, Jerry Pierman and Sandy Finck. Country Club staff present were: Country Club Director David Talley, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut, Head Golf Pro John Scott, Tennis Pro Marcel Agnolin and Pool Manager Dick Cavanah; staff present were Village Manager Dennis W. Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan and Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith. The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes: see attachment. The Council ended their discussion with Country Club revenues at 10:00 PM. Being no further business to come before the Council they stood adjourned at 10:00 PM; they will start with a final review of the Country Club budget and proceed into the General Fund budget starting with the Public Services Department on Tuesday, July 9, 2002 in Workshop Session starting at 7:00 PM. cc: Country Club Advisory Board Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager David Talley, Country Club Director John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Scott, Golf Pro Dick Cavanah, Pool Manager Marcela Agnolin, Tennis Pro VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-3-02) De t. Account No. Name Remarks From: To: Tennis L8050 On page 210 Staff is to correct the 2001-2002 seven months column and 2002 anticipated column of the Performance Data. L8050 Personnel Detail On page 213 classify the four-five persons (seasonal) as Country Club Attendant I and under the hourly rate column for 2001-2002 change $8.00 to $8.26; under the hourly rate column for 2002-2003 change $9.135 to $8.39 and $8.000 to $8.39. L8050-11210 Regular Pay Staff is to correct the 2002 anticipated column of $18,720.00 by submitting a Request for Council Action at the next . available Council meeting to reduce that amount based on the fact that there has been no full time person actually filling that slot and transferring funds to Account #L8050-11300 Part Time Pay. L8050-34620 R & M Building & Grounds Staff to check the tapes from the Country Club Advisory L8050-34640 R & M Irrigation System Board meeting to determine the rational for changing these L8050-34650 R & M Machinery & three accounts. Equipment Pool L8051 On page 218 under Objectives change the eighth bullet by striking the words, "improve and" such that the eighth bullet would read, "enforce dress code." In addition, review Tennis, Golf Shop, and other areas of the Country Club budget to make sure the words, "improve and" under enforcing the dress code are deleted from all the different pages. L8051 On page 219 insert the word "Actual" over the 2002 column of the Performance Data. Debt Service L8565 On page 246 under the notes 1988-1989 change the $96,000.00/year amount to First Union to $90,000.00 Page 1 of 3 De t. Account No. Name Remarks From: To: Golf Course Council revisited Golf Course Maintenance to receive update Maintenance on the 5, 10, 15, 20 year Capital Equipment Program and decided the following; Update the 5, 10, 15, 20 year plan for Golf Course Maintenance equipment. Determine leasing program for the remainder of FY 2001-2002 and all of 2002- 2003. Lower the definition of capital threshold amount from $10,000.00 to $5,000.00 for Golf Course Maintenance. Club House Grounds L8059 Council opted not to go with the maintenance agreement with (Cassidy Air Conditioning) a private contractor. Council directed staff to obtain an hourly rate from Public Services Department for their air-conditioning person to perform regular maintenance on the air-conditioning at the Country Club. This item is to be brought back on Tuesday, July 9, 2002 for additional discussion by the Council. Revenue On the unnumbered page preceding page 187 under the title Revenues, following increase all Cart Fees $1.00 increase to $2.00 increase. Following increase Summer Special -April 15 -November 15, change the $2.00 to $30.00 to ready from $28.00 to $30.00. On page 187 under the 2001 budges revised column change 2001 to 2002. On page 191 under Golf Course greens fee non-resident insert 15 following November and insert 15 following April. Cart rental member/resident nine holes from $11.00 per person to $10.00 per person. Cart rental non-member/non- resident nine holes from $13.00 per person to $12.00 per person. Under Golf Course greens fee guest of a member after November insert 15 on both instances and following April insert the number 15 in both instances. On page 191 -Pool under Summer Membership delete May 1 -September 30 and replace with Memorial Day -Labor Day. Under Winter Membership change November 1 to October 1. Page 2 of 3 De t. Account No. Name Remarks From: To: Revenue On page 191 under Social Membership changes: resident/non-resident under the 2002-2003 column from $21.00 to $100.00. Under the Corporate Social membership 2002-2003 column from $166.00 to $250.00. Tire Junior membership from $0.00 to $21.00. Golf Shop Council directed staff to reinstate expenses and revenues regarding the contract pro cost and to close out the budget reflecting the balance by reinstating the salaries and merchandise expenses and revenues for Golf Shop sales, bag room, lessons and golf ball retrieval. Page 3 of 3