07-10-2002 VC B WS-M
Office of the Village Manager
(~61) 841-3380 . FAX (561) 848-3344
E-MAIL: villnpbCa~evcom.net
The Village of
501 U.S. Highway #1
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
TO: Mayor and Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag
SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop - ednesday, July 10, 2002
DATE: July 11, 2002 ~ ,
The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 7:00 PIV1
to continue reviewing the proposed Public Services budget for FY 2002-2003. All
Council tilembers were present. Public Services staff present were: Public Services
Director Kristine Frazell, Interim Public Services Director Steve Yohe and Public
Services Superintendent Hal Beard; staff present were Village Manager Dennis W. Kelly,
Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith and Information
Technology Director Greg Moore. Also in attendance were Public Safety Director Earl
Duke Johnson, Captain George Warren, Captain Gordon Wiborg, Fire Chief J.D.
Armstrong, EMS Lt. Jack Watrous and Dispatcher Scott White (Council spent the whole
evening addressing Public Service Department issues and did not start the Public Safety
The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes:
see attachment.
The Council ended their discussion with General Services -Village Hall budget and
discussed in detail the recommendations for upgrading the computer hardware/software
to incorporate the XP Pro software. Being no further business to come before the
Council they stood adjourned at 10:00 PM; they will start reviewing the Public Safety
Department budget on Monday, July 15, 2002 in Workshop Session starting at 7:00 PM.
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager
.Kristine Frazell, Public Services Director
Steve Yohe, Interim Public Services Director
Hal Beard, Public Services Superintendent
~ Account No. ~ Dept. ~ Name ~ Remarks From: To:
A6018 Public Services Books, Publs., & Subsc. Determine the necessity for obtaining two sets of National
Administration Fire Code Books -one set for Public Services and one set
for Public Safety. Remove the Public Services item from
their budget on page 111. $800.00 $460.00
Public Services Street Maintenance On page 130 under Objectives the fifth bullet down strike the
letter, "o" from the abbreviation M.O.U.T.E.D. such that it
reads, "M.U.T.E.D.".
A7321-34682 Public Services R&M Street Paving Continue Street Paving Program started last year. Consider
East Alley resurfacing for 2003-2004 Budget.
A7321-34681 Public Services R&M Street Resurfacing Repair the bump in the hump in the back of the bridge on
Lighthouse Drive
A7321-33190 Public Services Professional Services Delete $5000.00 from Miscellaneous and $5000.00 for
Bridge Repair
A7321-35222 Public Services Trees & Sod Uniform tree planting program
A7321 Public Services Street Maintenance
A7321 Public Services Street Maintenance
A5522-34660 Public Services R&M PA and
Communication Systems
Council directed staff to install concrete post street signs as
their street sign of preference in the neighborhoods that do
not presently have them.
Staff directed to use funds from the 2001-2002 budget to
wire the generator in the Public Services Building.
A8023-35222 Public Services Park Maintenance -Trees & Re-sod the ballfield at St. Clare and the West field at
Sod Osborne Park.
$100,000.00 $200,000.00
$0.00 $5,000.00
$26,000.00 $16,000.00
$7,500.00 $12,500.00
$500.00 $600.00
$5,000.00 $10,000.00
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Account No. De t. Name Remarks From: To:
A8023-66490 Public Services Machinery & Equipment Reinstate replacement sprayer. $17,500.00 $20,400.00
A8023 Public Services Park Maintenance Staff directed to paint outfield wall at Osborne Park both
inside and outside of wall (dark green is color of preference)
A8023 Public Services Park Maintenance Staff to upgrade the Memorial Monument outside the
centert-field fence at Osborne Park.
A8023-35214 Public Services Building Maintenance Transfer the item titled "Replace two doors at St. Clare $11,000.00 $10,400.00
Concession" from Park Maintenance to the Recreation
A7321 Public Services Street Maintenance Staff to develop a 50/50 cost sharing program for tree
A5206 Public Services On page 55 at the bottom of the page there is a summary of
Capital Projects recommended. Under the second bullet add
the words, "and design" at the end of the sentence such that
it reads, "Acquisition of property for North Sub-station and
design." Delete the third bullet titled, "Anchorage Park
Debris Removal" for $250,000. Delete the fourth bullet titled
"Anchorage Park Parking Lot" in the amount of $150,000.
A5509-66000 General Capital Eliminate the plate maker per staff recommendation to $7,500.00 $0.00
Services: Village purchase the plate maker in the 2001-2002 budget (this
- - Hall year).
Information IT Director to develop atwo-year purchase plan for the XP
Systems Pro Hardware/Software and staff is to calculate what has
already been included in the budget discussions as of this
date and deduct those costs from the overall anticpated two-
year financing plan.
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