Office of the Village Manager The Village of
(561) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344 501 U.S. Highway to
E-MAIL: villnp~evcom.net North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
TO: Mayor and Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manab
SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop -Monday, July 15, 2002
DATE: July 16, 2002
The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Monday, July 15, 2002 at 7:00 PM to
continue reviewing the proposed Public Safety budget for FY 2002-2003. All Council
Members were present. Public Safety staff present were: Public Safety Director Earl
"Duke" Johnson, Captain Gordon Wiborg, Captain George Warren, E~1S Lt. Jack
Watrous, and Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong. Staff present were Village Manager Dennis W.
Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith and
Information Technology Director Greg Moore.
The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes:
see attachment.
The Council ended their discussion with the Law Enforcement Division of the Public
Safety Department budget.. Being no further business to come before the Council they
stood adjourned at 10:00 PM; they will start reviewing the Fire Division budget of the
Public Safety Department on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 in Workshop Session starting at
7:00 PM.
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager
Chief Earl "Duke" Johnson, Public Safety Director
Captain George Warren, Public Safety Department
Captain Gordon Wiborg, Public Safety Department
J. D. Armstrong, Fire Chief Public Safety Department
Lt. Jack Watrous, EMS Public Safety Department
Account No. De t. Name Remarks From: To:
A5711 Public Safety On page 64, Organization Chart of the Public Safety
Department under the Law Enforcement Division where it
identifies a Medic Lieutenant, strike the word Medic and
replace it with EMS such that the organizational block reads,
"EMS Lieutenant".
A5711 Public Safety On page 65 change the full-time personnel under the VM
Review column 2003 full-time personnel summary from 45 to
40. The part-time line under the VM Review column is
changed from 14 to 12. The total column is changed from 73
to 61 under the VM Review column.
A5711-11210 Public Safety Regular Pay On page 72 (Personnel Backup) change the Info System
Manager title to Information System Specialist (ISS). In
addition, incorporate the base salary of $49,243.00 for that
individual under the 2002-2003 annual salary column. The
Finance Director wiil make all the appropriate adjustments for
the fringe benefits.
Public Safety Job Code 0122 (Vacant-Float) delete the $34,440.00 under $1,469,854.00
the annual salary 2002-2003 column. Do the same with Job
Code 0143 for the same amount.
A5711-33421 Public Safety Laundry and Dry Cleaning
A5711-34010 Public Safety Travel
A5711-34110 Public Safety Telephone $1,500.00 $4,869.00
A5711-34650 Public Safety R & M Machinery & $15,000.00 $19,716.00
A5711-34670 Public Safety R & M Computer $6,000.00 $7,000.00
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~ Account No. ~ Dept. ~ Name ~ Remarks
From: To:
A5711-35242 Public Safety Safety Supplies $15,200.00 $20,000.00
A5711-35440 Public Safety Training & Education $12,000.00 $26,000.00
A5711-66000 Public Safety Capital Add four tazers with holster and cartridge in the amount of $6,280.00 $10,280.00
$1,000.00 each for a total of $4,000.00.
A571 1-6641 0 Public Safety Automotive Add three additional patrol vehicles at a per unit price of $59,400.00 $140,400.00
A5711-66415 Public Safety Computer Hardware & Remove replacement CPU's/Monitors in the amount of $88,864.00 $78,864.00
Software $10,500.00 representing five units at $2,100.00 a piece.
A5711 Public Safety It was the consensus of Village Council to direct the Public
Safety Department to fill the two vacancies that currently
exist within their manning chart and once they are 100%
filled then come to the Village Council requesting two
additional PSO positions.
A5711 Public Safety Staff directed to consolidate the computer transition issue
into a comprehensive report for the entire Village including
Public Safety and all the other General Fund Departments
and develop a comprehensive recommendation regarding
conversion to the XP Pro Software and the acquisition of
peripheral devices to accompany the software. The analysis
is to be done by an in-house team of the Information
Systems Director Greg Moore, Public Safety Captain Gordon
Wiborg and Dispatcher Scott White.
A5711 Public Safety Staff directed to set-up a presentation by Ma-Com regarding
the 800MHZ system. In addition, staff is to clarify the
inventory differences of 130 radios versus 174 radios and
justify the differentiation between a $500,000 cost and
$800,000 cost.
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Account No. De t. Name Remarks From: To:
A5711 Public Safety Staff was directed to develop a column in the budget under
the Public Safety Department reflecting a code or some type
of representation for the different certifications held by each
individual. The column is to be similar to the Group Health .
coverage and the code column related to Group Health
A571 1-6641 5 Public Safety Correct reference to the revenue account number under the
description column from K1500-02190 to A1200-02190.
A5711-66420 Public Safety Under the description column change the revenue account
number from K1500-02190 to A1200-02190.
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