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Office of the Village Manager _ The Village of
(561) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344 50l U.S. Highway #1
E-MAIL: yillnpbnevCOm.net North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
TO: Mayor and Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Man
SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop -Tuesday, July 16, 2002
DATE: July 17, 2002
The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 7:00 PM to
continue reviewing the proposed Public Safety budget for FY 2002-2003. All Council
Members were present. Public Safety staff present were: Public Safety Director Earl
"Duke" Johnson, Captain Gordon Wiborg, Captain George Warren, EMS Lt. Jack
Watrous, and Fire Chief J. D. Armstrong. Staff present were Village Manager Dennis W.
Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith, Village
Clerk Kitty Kelly and Library Director Nancy Moore.
The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes:
see attachment.
The Council ended their discussion with the Village Clerk's budget. Being no further
business to come before the Council they stood adjourned at 10:00 PM; they will start
reviewing the Recreation Department budget on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 in Workshop
Session starting at 7:00 PM.
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager
Chief Earl "Duke" Johnson, Public Safety Director
Captain George Warren, Public Safety Department
Captain Gordon Wiborg, Public Safety Department
J. D. Armstrong, Fire Chief Public Safety Department
Lt. Jack Watrous, EMS Public Safety Department
Nancy Moore, Library Director
Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk
Account No. Dept. Name Remarks From: To:
A5812 Public Safety Fire Fire Prevention On page 83 under the Personnel Summary add a fourth line
identifying the number of certified firefighters immediately
following the line identifying certified police officers.
A5812-11400 Public Safety Fire Overtime Pay
A5812-11420 Public Safety Fire Training/Overtime
A5812-11510 Public Safety Fire Special Pay
A5812-35145 Public Safety Fire Audio Visual
Communications Supplies
A5812-35218 Public Safety Fire Auto Parts Supplies
A5812-35294 Public Safety Fire Uniforms & Shoes
A5812-35299 Public Safety Fire Uniforms Volunteers
A5812-35440 Public Safety Fire Training & Education
$35,000.00 $46,000.00
$10,000.00 $30,000.00
$5,000.00 $18,000.00
$3,500.00 $700.00
$3,000.00 $4,500.00
$9,000.00 $21,000.00
$7,000.00 $9,800.00
A5812-66415 Public Safety Fire Computer Retain the CD Rom training package for hazardous $2,100'.00
Hardware/Software material/terrorism and retain the CD Rom basic training
package for interactive fire ground simulation.
A5812-66440 Public Safety Fire Audio Visual Re-instate the thermo imaging camera to be purchased out $0.00
Communications Systems right and not financed.
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Account No. Dept. Name Remarks From: To:
A0911-04310 (R Public Safety Fire Special Pay Reimbursement $0.00 $2,640.00
A6416-11400 Public Safety EMS Overtime Pay
A6416-34110 Public Safety EMS Telephone
A6416-35240 Public Safety EMS Medical and Safety Supplies
A6416-35295 Public Safety EMS Flashlights & Batteries
Under the 2003 request column change $63,588 to $72,317 $72,317.00 $70,000.00
to correct a typo. Also under the 2003 VM review column
change the $63,588 to $72,317 to correct a typo.
• $2,000.00 $7,314.00
$18,000.00 $24,000.00
A6416-66415 Public Safety EMS Computer Retain the Florida Aggregated reports software in the amount $6,200.00
Hardware/Software of $2,000.
A6416-66490 Public Safety EMS Machinery & Equipment Re-instate the oxygen fill pump and containment at a unit $0.00
• price of $4,190 for one unit and re-instate the transport
infusion pumps at a unit price of $2,390 for two to equal
A6416-35245 Public Safety EMS Disaster Supplies Staff directed to look into applying for grants for disaster
supplies. •
A6416 Public Safety EMS On page 97A under Job Code 6416-0102 change the title
from Lieutenant/Medic to EMS Lieutenant.
A5510-66210 General Services- Construction & Major Funds designated for monument sign to the Public Safety $0.00
Public Safety Renovation Building.
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Account No. Dept. Name Remarks From: To:
A8535 Debt Service On page 181 under the New Loan column eliminate the
thermo imaging device in the amount of $20,000 (budgeted
elsewhere to be purchased instead of financed). Under the
New Loan place a hold on the 800MHZ radio system for next
year (do not finance or budget for this for 2002-2003).
Eliminate the Namac Special Response Team cost of
$70,000 to be redesignated as an Operation and
Maintenance cost under Law Enforcement as a start up cost.
Staff directed to set-up financing for the fire engine in the
amount $300,000 for a seven year period. In addition, staff is
to include $12,000 for financing of a pick-up truck from Park
A5711-TBD Public Safety Special Response Team $0.00 $70,000.00
(SRT)-Start up cost
A7927 Library On page 153 under the Objectives delete Objective #1,
change numbers 2 and 3 to numbers 1 and 2.
A7927 Library On page 154 add a new line item titled, "Computer Usage"
under the performance data.
A7927-34650 Library R & M Machinery & Correct a typo from $1,210.00 to $1,200.00.
A7927-66415 Library Computer
Hardware/Software $4,000.00 $0.00
A7927-34340 Library Solid Waste Disposal Question was raised as to why the $600.00 had not been
spent for this FY 2001-2002. Staff directed to contact Public
Services to follow up on the expenditure.
A4801-33210 Village Council Accounting & Auditing Delete the $4,000 for an internal auditor.
$29,000.00 $25,000.00
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Account No. Dept. Name Remarks From: To:
A4801-33211 Village Council Internal Auditor New line item establishing an internal audit contract position.
Staff directed to survey communities in the area as to
whether or not they have an internal audit function and
identify the size of the community. $0.00 $20,000.00
A4801-34010 Village Council Travel Delete the $500 designated for the one Councilman travel
cost to the Palm Beach County League of Cities meetings.
$5,198.00 $4,698.00
A4801 Village Council On page 18 each Council Member is to notify the Village
Clerk as to which conferences they will be able to attend and
then the entire Travel Conference and Training budget will be
revised in accordance with their responses.
A4801-33160 Village Council Donations Councilman Charles O'Meilia will contact the Florida League
of Cities to determine if any model donation or contribution
policies exist for municipalities.
A4904 Village Clerk On page 41 correct the Organization Chart where is
describes the Administrative Assistant and change the title to
Administrative Secretary.
A4904 Village Clerk On page 42 under Major Changes change the title of Office
Assistant to Administrative Secretary.
A4904 Village Clerk On page 45 of the Personnel Detail change the title of Office
Assistant to Administrative Secretary and provide a job code
A4904 Village Clerk On page 46 change the title of the new position of Office
Assistant to Administrative Secretary (note a job code
number exist on page 46 but not on page 45).
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