07-17-2002 VC B WS-Ma
~ P ~~,
Office of the Village Manager
(561) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344
E-MAIL: vilinpb(cr~evcom.net
The Village of
50l U.S. Highway #I
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
TO: Mayor and Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Man
SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop -Wednesday, July 17, 2002
DATE: July 18, 2002
The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 7:00 PIV1
to continue reviewing the proposed Recreation budget for FY 2002-2003. All Members
of Council were present except Joseph Tringali due to illness. Recreation staff present
were: Mark Hodgkins Recreation Director; staff present were Village Manager Dennis
W. Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan and Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith.
The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes:
see attachment.
The Council ended their discussion with the Reserve budget. Being no further business
to come before the Council they stood adjourned at 10:00 PM; they will start reviewing
Revenues on Thursday, July 18, 2002 in Workshop Session starting at 7:00 PM.
cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director
Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager
Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director
David Talley, Country Club Director
John Morsut, Golf Course Superintendent
Account No. De t. Name Remarks From: To:
A8028 Recreation On page 165 under the Goals strike the words, "to continue
to" such that it reads, "provide a wide array of activities ..." .
On page 165 under Objectives strike the words, "to continue
to" such that it reads, "uphold the small town family oriented .
..' .
A8028-11400 Recreation Overtime Pay Staff to develop an overtime pay estimate for specified $0.00 TBD
A8028-66422 Recreation Playground & Outside On page 174 (Capital Outlay Detail) account number 66422 $29,180.00 $37,180.00
Equipment change the quantity of playground safety surface from #1 to
#2 and add $4,000 to the account such that the total equals
$8,000; under the same account number add sun shade
structure with a quantity of 2 at $2,000 each such that the
total approved amount is $4,000.
A8028 Recreation On page 170 of the Personnel Worksheet change the
number of weekly hours for the new position part time from
fifteen hours to twenty-five hours.
A8028-66490 Recreation Machinery & Equipment Change the title of the AC unit from Anchorage-Osborne to
Community Center and change the AC uriit - St. Clare by
scratching St. Clare such that it refers only to the Community
A8229 Special Events On page 176 under the Objectives strike the word, "extra"
and replace it with the word, "additional" such that the
objective reads, "create an additional special event". Also on
page 176 under Major Changes strike the term, "None at this
time", and add, "Ribbon cutting -Village Hall and Veterans
Day celebration".
A8229-34932 Special Events Public Events Add ribbon cutting Village Hall $3,000 and Veterans Day - $46,500.00 $50,000.00
A8229-66430 Special Events Furniture & Fixtures On page 178 (Capital Outlay Detail) correct the mispetled
word for chairs under folding chairs.
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Account No. De t. Name Remarks From: To:
A4902 Village Manager On page 20 under the Personnel Summary change the full
time line item under the VM Review 2003 column from 2 to 1
and change the total from that column from 5 to 4. Under
Major Changes strike the new position.
A4902-11210 Village Manager Regular Pay
A4902-33491 Village Manager Contractual Services Eliminate technical support for the IS Department.
A4902-34010 Village Manager Travel Staff directed to conduct analysis of Village Manager's
Departments travel, Village Manager, Finance Directors
Travel identifying days out of the office and making
recommendations on how to reduce the number of days;
remove the Village Manager from the Winter Institute
schedule for February of 2003 and remove the Village
Manager from the Seth Raynior Society Annual conference
in Rode Island.
A4902-35430 Village Manager Conference & Seminars Eliminate conference registration for FCCMA Winter Institute
and Seith Raynor Society Annual conference.
A4902-34811 Village Manager Employee Relations
A4902-35410 Village Manager Books, Publs., & Subsc. Change Miscellaneous Publications to Safety
Publications/Materials and increase the amount by $1,000.
- A4902-66415 Village Manager
L8045-34010 Golf Course
L8045-35430 Golf Course
$65,553.00 $33,553.00
$4,000.00 $0.00
$11,735.00 $10,335.00
$27,095.00 $25,045.00
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Travel Eliminate the Country Club Director's expense for traveling to $2,510.00
the Seith Raynor Society Annual conference in Rode Island.
Conference & Seminars Eliminate the Country Club Director's expense for travel and $1,375.00
conference to the Seith Raynor Society Annual conference.
Account No. De t. Name Remarks From: To:
A5003 Finance On page 31 change the Major Changes by deleting the one
bullet item from Major Changes.
A5003-34710 Finance Printing & Binding
A5003-66415 Finance Computer
Under the 2003 request column change $3,500 to $3,000.
Retain the laser jet printer for $1,000 and explore other $13,250.00
options for the off-site server and include the personal
computer in the overall computer analysis for the entire
A5105-33112 Village Attorney Special Legal Services
A concern was expressed by Councilman O'Meilia regarding
employees in Public Services and elsewhere throughout the
Village are not wearing their various safety equipment such
as hard hats, gloves, vests, shoes, etc. and directed staff to
start enforcing greater safety equipment usage by
A8535 Debt Service Staff directed to set-up a two year loan program of $70,000
per year for computer hardware/software.
A8535 Debt Service New Loan Payment $250,000.00 TBD
A5540-49918 General Fund Safety & Suggestion Awards Change the title of Safety & Attendance Awards to Safety & $0 $10,000
Reserve Suggestion Awards with intent of providing funds as
incentive payments to employees for increasing safety and
providing suggestions through an employee incentive
General Fund & Staff directed to change the cost of living allowance (COLA
Country Club Fund from 1.5% to 1.6% and apply the number throughout the
appropriate line items in the budget.
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